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      • A Discovery of Low Hydraulic Resistance Channel Along Meridians

        Wei-Bo Zhang,Yu-Ying Tian,Hong Li,Jia-He Tian,Ming-Fu Luo,Fa-Liang Xu,Guang-Jun Wang,Tao Huang,Yi-Hui Xu,Rui-Hong Wang 사단법인약침학회 2008 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.1 No.1

        A hydro-mechanic model was put forward to study the fundamental nature of acupuncture meridians. The basic state of low hydraulic resistance was tested on humans and mini pigs using three methods. The first, a modified Guyton’s method, proved that there was lower hydraulic resistance on meridians compared with nonmeridians. The second scanning method involved a single pressure transducer that can find the lowest resistance point in tissue, and the third method used two transducers and provided a more stable measurement. Using the latter method, low hydraulic resistance points were found very close to low impedance points along meridians. The transmission of artificial interstitial fluid pressure waves was measured to examine their connection to the low resistance points, with the result that a good connection between the points was confirmed. This means the points form channels along the meridians that we refer to as low hydraulic resistance channels. The channel was imaged through isotopic tracing and a migration of isotope 99mTe could be found along the channel. The layer of the channel was detected by injecting Alcian blue and the track was found beneath the skin. All of the above experiments suggest the existence of a new type of channel in living tissues that has not yet been described in modern science, but coincides quite well with the Qi channel theory of traditional Chinese medicine. A hydro-mechanic model was put forward to study the fundamental nature of acupuncture meridians. The basic state of low hydraulic resistance was tested on humans and mini pigs using three methods. The first, a modified Guyton’s method, proved that there was lower hydraulic resistance on meridians compared with nonmeridians. The second scanning method involved a single pressure transducer that can find the lowest resistance point in tissue, and the third method used two transducers and provided a more stable measurement. Using the latter method, low hydraulic resistance points were found very close to low impedance points along meridians. The transmission of artificial interstitial fluid pressure waves was measured to examine their connection to the low resistance points, with the result that a good connection between the points was confirmed. This means the points form channels along the meridians that we refer to as low hydraulic resistance channels. The channel was imaged through isotopic tracing and a migration of isotope 99mTe could be found along the channel. The layer of the channel was detected by injecting Alcian blue and the track was found beneath the skin. All of the above experiments suggest the existence of a new type of channel in living tissues that has not yet been described in modern science, but coincides quite well with the Qi channel theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

      • KCI등재

        白鹿洞书院的建立背景与中国书院的变化 -宋元明清-

        邓洪波 ( Deng Hong-bo ),赵伟 ( Zhao Wei ) 한국서원학회 2020 한국서원학보 Vol.11 No.-

        서원은 唐代 사인의 서재나 관에서 서적을 보관·정리하는 기관에서 기원한 것으로서, 새로운 인쇄술의 발달과 유불도 융합의 문화 배경 하에 중국 고대 선비들이 서적을 둘러싼 藏書, 讀書, 敎書, 講書, 修書, 著書, 刻書 등의 활동을 전개함으로써 문화연구, 창조, 누적 및 전파활동을 진행하는 문화교육조직이라고 할 수 있다. 당으로부터 五代十國시기까지 이어진 전란을 겪고 宋代에 와서 새로운 발전 기회를 맞게 되었다. 北宋서원은 교육·교학 기능이 강화되면서 관학의 대체 역할을 하게 되었으며, 그 중 대표적인 것은 “天下四大書院”이 있다. 이어서 南宋 시기에 서원은 하나의 문화교육제도로서 완전히 자리를 잡았다. 남송 초기의 혼란스러운 사회 상황은 지식인들에게 인심수습과 倫常의 재건, 새로운 가치이념을 찾아서 민심을 유지해야 한다는 시대적 요구를 제시하였다. 장식, 주희, 여조겸, 육구연의 “남송사대서원”에서의 강학은 학술의 번영을 일으키면서, 理學과 서원의 일체화의 형성에 일조하였다. 이 과정 중에 주희가 가장 중요한 역할을 하였다. 그는 남강군지사 시절 백록동서원을 중수하여 <백록동서원게시>를 제정하고 이학의 입장에 서서 학생들에게 새 교육이념을 전파하였다. 새로운 교육이념의 전파에 따라 서원의 규제가 점차 완비되고, 학문연구, 교학과 전도, 장서, 刻書, 학파종사의 제향, 전답경영 등 이른바 서원의 6대 사업도 형성되었다. 이는 서원이 다양한 기능을 갖고 있는 독립적인 문화조직이 발전되었고, 그리고 중국의 교육 사업이 관학, 서원, 그리고 사학이 병행하는 시대에 진입한다는 사실을 의미했다. 원나라 건립 후 과거제도가 재개됨에 따라 성리학이 다시 정통학설의 자리를 차지하고, 주희도 각 지방에서 널리 모시게 되는 제향인물이 되었다. 元代서원의 가장 큰 공헌은 遼金시대의 결함을 보충하고, 서원과 성리학을 북방지역에 널리 확산시키면서 남북 문화의 차이를 축소시킨데 있다. 원대 서원의 가장 두드러진 특징은 성리학과 일체화가 된 서원이 관학과 동일시되었다는 것과 건립주체의 다양성 및 교육 규정이 더욱 상세화 되었다는 점이다. 원나라 조정에서 서원의 건립을 적극 장려하면서 蒙古, 色目人도 서원을 건립하였다. 명나라 초기에 程朱學이 또다시 정통학술로 확립되었는데도 불구하고 서원은 주원장의 서원혁파 정책과 관학 지원책으로 인해 백 년간 침체기를 맞았다. 원나라 말기 전란에 의해 훼손된 백록동서원, 악록서원 등도 장기간 동안 복구되지 못하였다. 명 중엽에 들어 관학교육의 폐단이 발생함에 따라 서원의 설립이 하나의 해결책이 되었다. 주희의 백록동서원을 모범으로 서원이 재건되기 시작했다. 당시 胡居仁은 백록동서원 산장으로 부임하여, <속백록동서원학규>를 제정하여 학생들을 교육시켰다. 한편으론 王守仁, 湛若水 등이 정통 철학에 대한 비판의 입장에 서서 전국적으로 파장을 일으킨 心學 전파운동을 전개하였다. 두 사람의 제자 및 후학들은 서원을 설립하고 강회를 여는 등의 활동을 전개하였으며, 남송 이래의 중국 서원과 학술이 또다시 성황을 이루었다. 이런 와중에 주자학 근거지였던 백록동서원은 왕수인 및 그 후학들의 노력과 서원 정비를 통해 양명학의 일대 진영이 되었다. 명 말기에 서원은 지식인들이 이익을 대변하는 정치기구화 되었다. 이로 인해 가정, 만력, 천계연간 세 번의 훼철을 겪으면서 쇠락의 길을 걷게 되었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 명대에 서원 제도가 조선으로 도입되었고, 이와 동시에 백록동서원도 조선 서원의 본보기가 되었다. 청나라 초기 주자를 숭상하는 문교정책에 따라 그의 <백록동규>를 본받아서 서원을 설립하였다. 강학 활동을 통해 양명학을 배척하고, 주자학을 숭상하는 “辟王崇朱”의 풍조가 형성되었다. 청대 초기 하남지역 이학과 서원의 부흥은 바로 이런 풍조 하에 나타난 결과물이다. 옹정 연간에 각 성에 ‘省會서원’ 설립의 시작과 동시에 관의 세력이 서원설립에 강력하게 간여하여 각급 ‘官辧書院’들이 전국 각 지역에서 크고 작은 학술교육의 중심지가 되는 현상이 형성되었다. 관과 민의 공동노력에 청대서원은 도시와 향촌에 널리 보급되어 미증유의 전성기를 이루었다. 한편으로 <백록동서원게시>와 <독서분년일정>은 詔令을 통해 공포되어 각 성회서원에서 통용되었다. 다른 한 편으로 張伯行, 王澍 등 일부 관리와 사인들은 송·명 두 시대 유학자들의 학설을 바탕으로 하여 <학규류편>과 <주자백록동조목>을 제정하여 주희와 백록동서원이 지식인에 대한 영향력을 계속적으로 촉진하고 있었다. 그러나 청대서원의 과거화, 관학화 정도가 심화됨에 따라 阮元을 비롯한 건륭·가경대의 한학 중심학자들은 송학의 상투적인 틀에서 벗어나 詁經精舍와 學海堂을 세워서 經史훈고학에 전념하였으며, 이로써 청대서원은 변혁의 길을 열었다. 道光 이후의 서원은 개항으로 유입되는 서양문화에 적극적으로 대응하여 내용과 형식상의 재편을 통해 서학과 신학을 도입시켜서 신식서원을 구축하였다. 한편으론 청대 서원의 해외 수출도 계속 되면서 전 세계적으로 전파되어 백록동서원 정신을 중심으로 한 세계서원문화 체계가 형성되었다. Seowon(Shuyuan: 書院) was originated from the institute where stored and arranged books in private and governmental libraries in Tang Dynasty, and then, with development in new printing technologies and under the cultural background of convergence in Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, as ancient Chinese scholars conducted activities such as storing, reading, teaching, lecturing, managing, and carving books, it was a cultural organization for them to study, create, accumulate, and spread cultures. From Tang Dynasty to the Era of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, it had experienced a series of wars and got new chances for development in Song Dynasty. The Shuyuans in Northern Song Dynasty replaced the governmental school’s role with its enhancement in education, and for example, “tiān xià sì dà Shuyan”(天下四大書院). And then, in the Southern Song Dynasty, Shuyuan became completely a cultural educational system. The difficult social situations in the early Southern Song Dynasty suggested the time’s demands to maintain people’s hearts through consulting them, moral recovery, and searching for new values to the intellectuals. Jang Sik, Zhu Xi, Yeo Jo-gyeom, and Yuk Gu-hyeon’s teaching in the “Shuyuans in Southern Sung” invoked to flourish academics, contributing to form combination of Lihak(理學) and Shuyuan. In the process, Zhu Xi’s role was biggest. He established Bailudong-Shuyuan when he was a provincial for Namgang County, enacted the regulations and spread new educational ideas to the students. According to spreading of new educational ideas, the regulations of Shuyuan was completed, and six projects of study, teaching, library, book carving, sacrifice services for great scholars and managing farms were formed. It meant that Shuyuan was developed as an independent cultural organization with various functions, and that Chinese educational projects entered in the time of co-existence among governmental schools, Shuyuans, and private schools. In the establishment of Yuan Dynasty, civil service examination was resumed, and Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucianism became the orthodox again. And so Zhu Xi was celebrated in various regions. The greatest contribution of Shuyuans in Yuan Dyansty was to fill lacks in Liao and Jin Eras and spread widely Shuyuans and Neo-Confucianism in northern regions, decreasing gaps between southern and northern cultures. The most remarkable characteristic of Shuyuans in Yuan Dynasty was that the Shuyuans combined with Neo-Confucianism were considered as identical with governmental schools with diversity in establishing subjects and more detailed educational regulations. As Yuan government promoted to establish Shuyuans, Mongolians and Semus also participated in establishing Shuyuans. In early Ming Dynasty, though Neo-Confucianism became the orthodox, Shuyuans had been declined for a century because Zhu Yuanzhang’s policy to demolish them and to promote governmental schools. Bailudong-Shuyuan and Yuelu-Shuyuan damaged due to the wars in the late Yuan Dynasty were not restored for longtime. In the middle of Ming Dynasty, with problems in governmental education, establishing Shuyuans became a solution. With the model of Zhu Xi’s Bailudong-Shuyuan, Shuyuans were restored. At that time, Hu Ju Ren became a head of Bailudong-Shuyuan, enacted the regulations, and educated the students. Wang Shou Ren and Zhan Ruo Shui, criticizing the orthodox philosophy and conducted the study of heart(心學) movement, which became a national-wide controversy. Both the scholars’ students and next generations established Shuyuans and have lectures, and as a result, Chinese Shyuans and academics met a kind of renaissance since the era of Southern Song. In the process, the center of Neo-Confucianism, Bailudong-Shuyuan, through efforts and arrangement by Wang Shou Ren and his students, became the center for Wang Ming School. In the late Ming Dynasty, Shuyuans became a kind of political organization for representing the intellectual’s interest. Therefore, tey were declined with three times’ damages and closing in the eras of Emperors Jiajing, Wanli and Tianqi. However, the Shuyuan System in Ming Dynasty was introduced into Joseon and then, Bailudong-Shuyuan became the model for Seowons in Joseon. In the early Qing Dynasty, according to the policies of academics and teachings for worshiping Zhu Xi, Shuyuans were established. Through academic activities, there were trends of refusing Wang Ming School and worshiping Zhu Xi(“辟王崇朱”). The rise of Lihak(理學) and Shuyuan in Hanam Region in the early Qing Dynasty was the result of these trends. In Emperor Yongzheng’s time, Shuyuans were established by each provincial government and the governmental parties became to intervene to establish them, and then, various grades of governmental Shuyuans became the center of academic and education in the country. With co-efforts between the government and private sectors, Shuyuans in Qing Dynasty were widely spread in cities and rural areas, having the unprecedented boom. However, through ___ and ___ were declared through governmental orders and distributed to each provincial Shuyuans. In addition, some governmental officials such as Zhang Bo Xíng and Wang Shu and private scholars, based on the theories of both great Scholars from Song and Ming Dynasties, enacted _____ and ____ and then, Zhuxi and Bailudong-Shuyuan continued to have influences on the intellectuals. However, with deepening in civil service examinations and governmental studies in Qing Dynasty, the scholars focusing in Classic Chinese studies including Ruan Yuan in the eras of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing, beyond the typical framework of Neo-Confucianism, concentrated on the classical studies on the history of the books and Shuyuans in Qing Dynasty open the way of reform. Since Daoguang years, Shuyuans responded actively to the western cultures from opening ports, established new systems with rearranging the contents and forms and introducing western and new studies. And then, continuing to export and spread Shuyuan system in Qing Dynasty around the world, the system of the world Shuyuan Culture focusing on the spirit of Bailudong- Shuyuan was formed.

      • KCI등재

        Enhancement of Virus-induced Gene Silencing in Tomato by Low Temperature and Low Humidity

        Da-Qi Fu,Ben-Zhong Zhu,Hong-Liang Zhu,Hong-Xing Zhang,Yuan-Hong Xie,Wei-Bo Jiang,Xiao-Dan Zhao,Yun-Bo Luo 한국분자세포생물학회 2006 Molecules and cells Vol.21 No.1

        Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is an attractive reverse-genetics tool for studying gene function in plants. We showed that silencing of a phytoene desaturase (PDS) gene is maintained throughout TRV-PDSinoculated tomato plants as well as in their flowers and fruit and is enhanced by low temperature (15°C) and low humidity (30%). RT-PCR analysis of the PDS gene revealed a dramatic reduction in the level of PDS mRNA in leaves, flowers and fruits. Silencing of PDS results in the accumulation of phytoene, the desaturase substrate. In addition, the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll in the leaves of PDS-silenced plants was reduced by more than 90%. We also silenced the LeEIN2 gene by infecting seedlings, and this suppressed fruit ripenning. We conclude that this VIGS approach should facilitate large-scale functional analysis of genes involved in the development and ripening of tomato.

      • KCI등재

        Retraction Note: Overexpression of Long Non-Coding RNA HOTAIR Promotes Tumor Growth and Metastasis in Human Osteosarcoma

        Bo Wang,Yun Su,Qun Yang,Decheng Lv,Wei-Guo Zhang,Kai Tang,Hong Wang,Rui Zhang,Yang Liu 한국분자세포생물학회 2020 Molecules and cells Vol.43 No.10

        Retraction Note: Mol. Cells 2015; 38(5): 432-440 https://doi.org/10.14348/molcells.2015.2327 This article has been retracted at the request of the corresponding author of this paper with the consent of the other authors. The authors sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this retraction may have caused.

      • KCI등재

        Overexpression of afsR and Optimization of Metal Chloride to Improve Lomofungin Production in Streptomyces lomondensis S015(s)

        ( Wei Wang ),( Hua Sheng Wang ),( Hong Bo Hu ),( Hua Song Peng ),( Xue Hong Zhang ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2015 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.25 No.5

        As a global regulatory gene in Streptomyces, afsR can activate the biosynthesis of many secondary metabolites. The effect of afsR on the biosynthesis of a phenazine metabolite, lomofungin, was studied in Streptomyces lomondensis S015. There was a 2.5-fold increase of lomofungin production in the afsR-overexpressing strain of S. lomondensis S015 N1 compared with the wild-type strain. Meanwhile, the transcription levels of afsR and two important genes involved in the biosynthesis of lomofungin (i.e., phzC and phzE) were significantly upregulated in S. lomondensis S015 N1. The optimization of metal chlorides was investigated to further increase the production of lomofungin in the afsR-overexpressing strain. The addition of different metal chlorides to S. lomondensis S015 N1 cultivations showed that CaCl2, FeCl2, and MnCl2 led to an increase in lomofungin biosynthesis. The optimum concentrations of these metal chlorides were obtained using response surface methodology. CaCl2 (0.04 mM), FeCl2 (0.33 mM), and MnCl2 (0.38 mM) gave a maximum lomofungin production titer of 318.0 ± 10.7 mg/l, which was a 4.1-fold increase compared with that of S. lomondensis S015 N1 without the addition of a metal chloride. This work demonstrates that the biosynthesis of phenazine metabolites can be induced by afsR. The results also indicate that metal chlorides addition might be a simple and useful strategy for improving the production of other phenazine metabolites in Streptomyces.

      • KCI등재

        Estimation of shallow groundwater ages and circulation rates in the Henan Plain, China: CFC and deuterium excess methods

        Wei-hong Dong,Bo Kang,Shang-hai Du,Xu-fei Shi 한국지질과학협의회 2013 Geosciences Journal Vol.17 No.4

        CFC age and deuterium excess methods were applied to the estimation of groundwater circulation rates in the Quaternary shallow groundwater system of the Henan Plain. The results provide a basis for groundwater renewability evaluation. The spatial distribution of CFC age shows that the groundwater system mainly comprises modern water, less than 50 a. The groundwater of less than 30 a was in the piedmont zone of the Taihang, Funiu, and Dabie Mountains, indicating short groundwater residence times,and fast groundwater cycling, with circulation rates of 27–31 m/d. Groundwater cycling along the Yellow River was also rapid because of exchange with the Yellow River. The circulation rates were 34–54m/d. In the areas around Tongxu, Shangqiu, Taikang, Xiangcheng,in the middle of the study area, and east of Huaxian-Changyuan and Xixian, Gushi in the south, groundwater age was 30–40 a, suggesting a longer groundwater residence time. The groundwater cycle in these areas was slower than in the piedmonts, and the area along the Yellow River. The circulation rates were 15–26 m/d. In the areas of Luyi, Yongcheng, Zhumadian, Xincai and Huaibin,the groundwater age was older than 40 a, with the longest residence times and slowest circulation rates (~12 m/d). The correlation between groundwater age and deuterium excess averages for the northern, central, southern shallow groundwater systems and the <30 a, 30–40 a, >40 a groundwater age divisions was strong (R = 0.9714), showing that the groundwater residence time embodied by the deuterium excess parameter was consistent with groundwater age estimated using the CFC method.

      • KCI등재

        Astilbin alleviates sepsis-induced acute lung injury by inhibiting the expression of macrophage inhibitory factor in rats

        Hong-bo Zhang,Li-chao Sun,Li-da Zhi,Qian-kuan Wen,Zhi-wei Qi,Sheng-tao Yan,Wen Li,Guo-qiang Zhang 대한약학회 2017 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.40 No.10

        Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory responsesyndrome caused by severe infections. Astilbin is a dihydroflavonolderivative found in many medicinal and foodplants with multiple pharmacological functions. To investigatethe effects of astilbin on sepsis-induced acute lunginjury (ALI), cecal ligation and puncture was performed onrats to establish a sepsis-induced ALI model; these ratswere then treated with astilbin at different concentrations. Lung injury scores, including lung wet/dry ratio, proteinleakage, myeloperoxidase activity, and inflammatory cellinfiltration were determined to evaluate the effects ofastilbin on sepsis-induced ALI. We found that astilbintreatment significantly attenuates sepsis-induced lunginjury and improves survival rate, lung injury scores, lungwet/dry ratio, protein leakage, myeloperoxidase activity,and inflammatory cell infiltration. Astilbin treatment alsodramatically decreased the production of inflammatorycytokines and chemokines in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Further, astilbin treatment inhibited the expression andproduction of macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF), whichinhibits the inflammatory response. Collectively, these datasuggest that astilbin has a protective effect against sepsisinducedALI by inhibiting MIF-mediated inflammatoryresponses. This study provides a molecular basis for astilbinas a new medical treatment for sepsis-induced ALI.

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