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        미적 주체의 탄생으로서의 니체의 죽음론 연구 : 쇼펜하우어와의 대결을 중심으로

        오윤정 ( Oh¸ Yoonjung ) 한국미학회 2020 美學 Vol.86 No.4

        본 글은 죽음의 문제를 둘러싸고 니체가 자신의 철학적 스승인 쇼펜하우어와 벌이는 사상적 대결을 조명하고자 한다. 쇼펜하우어는 이성적 주체가 삶과 죽음에 대한 진리를 인식하기에 한계가 있음을 파악하고 예술이라는 감성의 영역에서 이성주체의 한계를 넘어서는 길을 모색한다. 그는 예술 속에서의 찰나적인 ‘주체의 죽음’이 인간주체는 근본적으로 결핍되어 있고 또한 이를 죽음 뒤에 보상해줄 신적 실재도 없다는 진리를 직관하는 경험이라 파악하며, 이로부터 주체의 자기부정을 삶의 실천으로 권한다. 이에 맞서 니체는 예술의 ‘주체의 죽음’은 직관인식이라는 확장된 이성의 활동이 아니라 이성의식 저변에 약동하는 의지를 충만함으로 느끼는 체험이요, 이로부터 자기를 새로이 창조하는 ‘미적 주체-되기’를 촉진하는 체험임을 드러낸다. 미적 주체의 탄생을 통한 주체의 죽음 체험이 예술이다. 이로부터 니체는 죽음에 즉해 자기를 결핍으로 의식하는 근대적 주체를 넘어서 죽음이라는 한계마저 잊고 충만한 의지로부터 자기긍정을 행하는 삶의 실천으로 이르는 길을 열어보인다. 본 글에서는 이렇게 니체가 예술에 대한 쇼펜하우어의 사유에서 근대적 주체의 극복을 위한 맹아를 발견하여 자신의 사상에서 온전하게 개화시키는 여정을 구체적으로 추적하게 될 것이다. This paper highlights Nietzsche’s confrontation to his philosophical mentor, Schopenhauer, over a question of death. Schopenhauer finds that the rational subject has limitations in recognizing truth about life and death, and seeks ways beyond the limits in the aesthetic realm of art. He insists that the momentary ‘death of the subject’ in art is an intuitive experience of the truth that the human subject is fundamentally limited and has no divine entity to compensate for it after its death. Thus, he recommends self-negation of the subject as a practice of life, depriving it of hope after its death. Against this idea, Nietzsche suggests that the ‘death of the subject’ in art is not an extended activity of reason, that is intuitive recognition, but an experience that feels overflowing will under rational consciousness. Furthermore, he insists that art is the experience of promoting the “aesthetic subject-becoming” which creates itself from that overflowing feeling. Art is an experience of ‘death of the subject’ through ‘birth of the aesthetic subject.’ From this, Nietzsche opens the way to go beyond the modern subject, which is unhappily conscious of itself as a deficient dead-being, into the aesthetic subject which feels itself as a full birth-being, forgetting even its own death. This paper will trace Nietzsche’s journey, in which he finds a clue for overcoming ‘the modern subject’ in Schopenhauer’s thoughts of art and then, fully develops it in his own thoughts.

      • The use of saliva specimens for detection of influenza A and B viruses by rapid influenza diagnostic tests

        Yoon, Jung,Yun, Seung Gyu,Nam, Jeonghun,Choi, Sung-Hyuk,Lim, Chae Seung Elsevier 2017 Journal of virological methods Vol.243 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P><B>Background and objectives</B></P> <P>Diagnostic tests for influenza infection commonly use nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) even though these are invasive to obtain. As an alternative specimen, we evaluated the diagnostic usefulness of saliva samples with rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs).</P> <P><B>Study design</B></P> <P>Both NPS and saliva samples were collected from 385 influenza suspected patients and analyzed using Sofia Influenza A+B Fluorescence Immunoassay (Quidel Corporation, San Diego, CA, USA), ichroma TRIAS Influenza A+B (Boditech, Chuncheon, Korea), SD Bioline Influenza Ag (Standard Diagnostic, Yonggin, Korea), BinaxNOW Influenza A/B antigen kit (Alere Inc., Waltham, MA, USA), and real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR).</P> <P><B>Results</B></P> <P>Of the 385 patients, 31.2% (120/385) were positive for influenza A, and 7.5% (29/385) were positive for influenza B virus with saliva or NPS by RT-PCR. The diagnostic sensitivity was slightly higher in NPS than in saliva samples for both influenza A and B by all of the four RIDTs. The diagnostic sensitivities of Sofia and ichroma TRIAS were significantly superior to those of the other conventional influenza RIDTs with both types of sample. The sensitivities of Sofia and ichroma TRIAS with saliva specimens were comparable to the sensitivities of the other two conventional RIDTs with NPS specimens. The simultaneous use of saliva and NPS samples exhibited improved sensitivity from 10.0% to 13.3% for influenza A and from 10.3% to 17.2% for influenza B compared to using NPS alone.</P> <P><B>Conclusions</B></P> <P>This study demonstrates that saliva is a useful specimen for influenza detection, and that the combination of saliva and NPS could improve the sensitivities of influenza RIDTs.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The diagnostic sensitivity was higher in NPS than saliva by all of the four RIDTs. </LI> <LI> Combining saliva and NPS could improve the sensitivities of influenza RIDTs. </LI> <LI> The incremental sensitivity of saliva for influenza A and B was 10.0%–17.2%. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • A Study of Leisure Activity Places for the Elderly

        Yoon Jung 한국노인복지학회 2012 International Journal of Welfare for the Aged Vol.27 No.-

        In this study, we examine basic status of leisure place of the elderly, where majority of the older adults spend as much daytime as they do at home. About 8 precent of the subjects prefer maintenance of the respect hall, and other ranked items were financial support, program activation, and other life issues of the hall members such as shopping with them and going for hospital treatment. Regarding helping institutions, local community offices such as Dong office, district office(Ku), and other institutions were roughly 10 percent or slightly high. Main results regarding equipment of the senior hall, 97.5% were equipped with heating system and 95% had refrigerator, indicating highest possibilities of good conditions in general. But on the other hand, it is imperative that very small portion of the hall were not even with the basic equipment such as minimal heating and food keeping system. Overall in this study, it is urgent that eventhough mostly the elderly leisure places are well equipped, still we need to resolve minor portion for the minimum maintenance standard.


        Heat transfer characteristics of redan structure in large-scale test facility STELLA-2

        Yoon, Jung,Lee, Jewhan,Kim, Hyungmo,Lee, Yong-Bum,Eoh, Jaehyuk Korean Nuclear Society 2021 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.53 No.4

        The construction of STELLA-2 facility is on-going to demonstrate the safety system of PGSFR and to provide comprehensive understanding of transient behavior under DBEs. Considering that most events are single-phase natural circulation flow with slow transient, STELLA-2 was designed with reduced-height of 1/5 length scale. The ratio of volume to surface area in the vessel can relatively increase resulting in excessive heat transfer. Therefore, a steady-state thermal-hydraulic analysis was performed and the effect of design change to reduce the heat transfer through redan was investigated. The heat transfer through single wall redan in STELLA-2 was 3% of the core power, comparable to 1% of the core power in PGSFR. By applying the insulated redan, about 70% of decrease effect was observed. The effect on transient behavior was also evaluated. The conclusion of this study was directly applied to the STELLA-2 design and the modified version is under construction.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Teaching Global Citizenship in Social Studies : A Case Study of an Exemplary U.S. High School Teacher

        Yoonjung Choi 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2015 교과교육학연구 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구는 미국 고등학교 사회과 교사의 세계시민교육 모범사례를 소개하고 한국 사회과 수업에서 활용 가능한 세계시민교육 교육과정 및 교수학습방법론에 대한 실천적 시사점을 제언하고자 한다. 정의와 협력, 그리고 민주적 가치를 지향하는 세계시민 교육모델에 근거한 본 연구는, 질적연구방법을 통해 한 학기 동안 교사 Julia의 수업을 관찰하고 교사와의 심층 면접을 통해 학교 현장에서 실천 가능한 세계시민교육의 모델을 탐구하였다. 분석 결과는 Julia는 다음과 같은 다섯 가지의 접근법을 통해 세계시민교육을 실천하고 있었다: (1) 해석과 분석으로서의 세계사와 문화와(Global History and Culture as Interpretationand Analysis), (2) 지역에서 세계로(FromLocal to Global), (3) 다문화에 대한 이해와 관용, 그리고 존중(Diversity, tolerance, and respect), (4) 시사문제에 대한 지속적 관심(Stay Tuned for Current Events), (5) 시각자료의 텍스트적 활용(Visual Texts). 이와 같은 교육과정 및 교수학습방법론적 접근법은 세계시민교육을 표면적인, 따라서 달성하기 어려운, 사회과 교육의 목표로 치부하는 것이 아닌, 일선 교육 현장에서 학습활동을 통해 성취 가능한 실질적인 교육 내용으로 다루고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 특히 Julia의 수업 사례는 기존의 학교교육과정 및 한국 사교육 시장의 지배적인 담론을 형성해온 신자유주의와 국가주의적 세계시민성을 넘어서 보다 협력적인 공동체로서의 세계 및 세계시민성을 강조한다는 차원에서 주요한 함의를 찾을 수 있다. 나아가 본 연구는 Julia의 수업과 같은 모범사례 연구를 실증적 사례로 다룸으로써 그동안 이론적 담론과 교육과정에 대한 제언 위주였던 국내 세계시민교육 연구의 저변을 확대하고 세계시민교육을 위한 다양한 실천적 논의에 함의를 제공하고자 한다. This study explored how global citizenship as an overarching aim of social studies can be realized and meaningfully delivered to students in a high school social studies classroom. Using a case study of an exemplary social studies teacher, Julia, this study focused on her curricular meaning making and pedagogical decision making as ways to promote global citizenship in a 9th grade social studies classroom in the United States. The findings of this study demonstrate that Julia's curricular decisions and pedagogical practices largely advocated world justice and governance and cosmopolitan notions of global citizenship, and emphasized a cooperative nature and dialogic understanding of the world. Specific pedagogical approaches Julia used are as follows: (1) global history and culture as interpretation and analysis, (2) from local to global, (3) cultural diversity, tolerance, and respect, (4) stay tuned for current events, and (5) visual texts. in-class activity, primary sources, student work sample, and homework/assignment guidelines are presented as examples of her actual teaching practices. This study, based upon a real-world classroom observation and interview data, seeks to provide implications for global citizenship education in Korea that goes beyond the narrowly defined nationalist and overly competitive neoliberal discourses and pursues more cooperative and justice-oriented visions of the world, and to contribute to the generation of more classroom-based empirical studies that would move the field forward.

      • KCI등재

        Priority Setting in Damage Control Surgery for Multiple Abdominal Trauma Following Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta

        ( Yoonjung Heo ),( Seok Won Lee ),( Dong Hun Kim ) 대한외상학회 2020 大韓外傷學會誌 Vol.33 No.3

        Damage control surgery (DCS) is an abbreviated laparotomy procedure that focuses on controlling bleeding to limit the surgical insult. It has become the primary treatment modality for patients with exsanguinating truncal trauma. Herein, we present the case of a 47-year-old woman with liver, kidney, and superior mesenteric vein (SMV) injuries caused by a motor vehicle collision. The patient underwent DCS following resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA). In this case report, we discuss the importance of priority setting in DCS for the treatment of multisystem damage of several abdominal organs, particularly when the patient has incurred a combination of major vascular injuries. We also discuss the implications of damage control of the SMV, perihepatic packing, and right-sided medial visceral rotation. Further understanding of DCS, along with REBOA as a novel resuscitation strategy, can facilitate the conversion of uniformly lethal abdominal injuries into rescuable injuries.

      • An Account of Dative-Double Object Alternation in terms of Selectional Properties and Its Educational Implication

        Yoonjung Lee 영미어문학회 2018 영미어문학연구 Vol.33 No.1

        Larson (1988) claimed that the double object construction can be derived from the oblique dative structure via Dative Shift. However, the dative and double object alternation is not always possible. Verbs like donate can appear in the oblique dative construction but do not have a corresponding double object counterpart whereas verbs like spare allow double objects but do not have a corresponding oblique dative construction. To explain this Larson proposed an account in terms of thematic properties of the verbs, recoverability of thematic information associated with prepositions, and unavailability of a preposition which can co-occur with the verbs. However, this account is problematic because thematic properties of verbs and prepositions can be controversial. To avoid this problem I propose an alternative account based on selectional properties of verbs.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis of Korean EFL Learners’ Revision and Writing Quality in CMC Environment

        Yoonjung Cha(차윤정) 한국외국어교육학회 2006 Foreign languages education Vol.13 No.4

          The purpose of this current study aims to examine how much Korean EFL students incorporate their given peer responses into their final versions of writing in two different types of CMC environment, chatting and bulletin board, and whether there was any improvement in participants’ writing quality in the final drafts. 38 Korean EFL participants wrote first drafts, received peers’ responses through either chatting or bulletin board, individually revised their drafts based on their peer responses and wrote their final drafts. The overall results revealed that regardless of using either chatting or bulletin board, the participants incorporated higher portion of their given responses into the revised drafts. Although no significant differences were obtained with respect to two different modes, chatting and bulletin board, in terms of writing improvement in participants’ final drafts, there were significant differences found within chatting and bulletin board classes with both holistic and analytic measurement. Therefore, the present study suggests the importance of utilizing both CMC tools in writing environment for EFL students and applying them at appropriate steps in the writing process.

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