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        한국형 리더십 과정 개발과 적용 및 성과에 관한 실증적 연구 : ‘지혜인 리더십 과정’을 중심으로

        문형남,손기원 숙명여자대학교숙명리더십개발원 2007 숙명리더십연구 Vol.6 No.-

        21C 글로벌 경영환경에서 국가경쟁력 제고를 위한 인적자원 개발의 중요성이 커지고 있으며, 서구적 경영 패러다임의 한계를 극복할 한국형 리더십 과정의 필요성이 증대되고 있다. 본 연구는 한국형 리더십 과정의 개발과 적용 및 성과 측정에 관한 최초의 연구라는 점에 의의가 크다. 한국이라는 지역이 갖는 문화적 특수성과 경영 패러다임이 급속하게 변하는 상황을 고려할 때 한국형 리더십 과정의 개발이 시급히 요구된다. 경영 패러다임의 변화가 지식경영에서 지혜경영으로 변화하는 변곡점에 있다고 볼 때, 각 조직 구성원에게 보다 효과적으로 수용되는 ‘한국형 리더십’은 ‘지혜인 리더십’이라 할 수 있다. 지혜인(Wise Man)은 높은 수준의 자기수양을 함으로써 자기중심성을 극복하고 도덕성과 통찰력을 갖춘 자를 말한다. 우리 민족은 심신수양을 근간으로 한 지혜의 민족이며, 그 중 한국 고유의 리더십은 조선시대 정신적 리더였던 군자에게서 찾을 수 있는데, 그 철학적 기반은 유학에서 찾을 수 있다. 유학은 안으로 자기의 인격을 완성하고 밖으로 그 완성된 인격으로 세상 사람들을 돕는 수기(修己: self-leadership)와 치인(治人: leadership)의 실천적 학문이다. 그런 점에서 유학의 핵심 개념인 성(性), 도(道), 경(敬), 인(仁), 중(中), 통(通) 등의 개념을 현대적 리더십으로 구체화하고, 덕(德)의 리더십을 회복함으로써 조직 구성원과 고객을 행복하게 하는 안민(安民)의 리더십이 곧 ‘지혜인 리더십’인 것이다. 한편 서양에서도 성경에 지혜라는 단어가 400여회 나오는 점 등을 볼 때 동양 사상과 서양 사상이 지혜를 근간으로 한다는 면에서 일맥상통하는 점을 발견할 수 있었으며, 세계화의 가능성도 엿볼 수 있다. ‘지혜인 리더십 과정’은 지혜경영 연구소에서 개발하여 삼성전자 등에서 196명의 정규과정(24시간 이상) 수료자와 경기중소기업CEO과정 등에서 95명의 단축과정(7~8시간) 수료자를 포함하여 총 291명의 수료자를 배출했다. 손기원은 2004년 7월부터 2006년 12월까지 2년 6개월의 기간을 투입하여 과정을 개발하고 2007년부터 과정을 본격적으로 운영했으며, 문형남은 과정에 피교육생으로 직접 참여하고 성과를 측정했다. ‘지혜인 리더십 과정'의 성과를 측정하기 위해 독자적으로 고안한 피드백 프로그램을 적용하였다. 과정을 시작하는 시점과 과정이 끝나는 시점에 24개의 똑같은 문항의 설문으로 자기평가를 하게 함으로써 과정의 성과를 측정했다. 그 결과 과정 시작시 평균 69.6점(100점 만점으로 환산)에서 과정 종료시 평균 81.3점(100점 만점으로 환산)으로 16.9% 향상된 것으로 나타났다. 노사관계 패러다임이 분배투쟁 위주에서 인적자원개발로 전환되고 있고, 인적자원개발 수요가 확대일로에 있는 상황에서 이제 우리는 개발된 과정에 대한 과학적 분석과 평가, 과정 개발 전문가와 진행자(FT) 등 전문인력 양성, 한국형 리더십 프로그램의 세계화 및 각급 학교 정규 교육에의 적용 등을 통해 한국형 리더십 프로그램을 발전시켜 나가야 할 것이다. 그것은 서구적 경영 패러다임의 한계를 극복하고 인적자원개발의 새로운 지평을 열어가는 계기가 될 것으로 기대된다. Importance of 'development of human resources' for 'raise of national competitive power' in 21C global management environment has become more larger, and necessity of Korean style leadership program which can overcome limit of western management paradigm has become more bigger. This study is very meaningful because this is first study about development and application of Korean style leadership program. Development of Korean style leadership program is needed urgently, when we consider of 'cultural particularity of Korea' and 'the situation of fast change in management paradigm'. Considering we are in the turning point, change of management paradigm from knowledge management to wisdom management, Korean style leadership, which is accepted more effectively by members of organizations in Korea, can be 'wise man leadership'. 'Wise Man' is a person who has ethicality and insight, and overcomes self-centeredness by culturing superbly'. Korean inherent leadership can be found in 'man of virtue' who was mental leader in Joseon Dynasty, that philosophical base can be found in Confucianism. Confucianism, which is mainstream of oriental thought, is practical study about self-leadership(修己) and leadership(治人) which asserts a completion of inner self-personality and exterior aid of other people in world by complete personality. Therefore, we can think that whole oriental thoughts have a management-philosophical characteristic of individual self-management leadership and organiaztion-management leadership. In that point, It is important that we recover leadership of Deok(德: virtue) and embody concepts as Seong(性: natural mind), Do(道: morality), Kyung(敬: concentration), In(仁: humanity), Choong(中: moderation), Tong(通 : interchange), which are just like oriental thought's core concept, as modern leadership. As a result of that, leadership of calming people(安民), which makes organization's members and customers happy, is ‘Wise Man Leadership’. ‘Wise Man Leadership Course’ is developed in wisdom-management institute, and it produces total 291 recipients, including 196 recipients of regular course (more than 24hours) in Samsung Electronics etc. and 96 recipients of shortened course(7~8 hours) in CEO course of small and medium enterprises in Gyeonggi region. Shon Kiwon developed and ran this program, and Hyung Nam Moon participated in this program and measured outcome as an educates. We applied feedback program, which is designed solitarily, to measure outcome of ‘Wise Man Leadership Course’. We measure outcome of the course by self-estimating with same 24 questions at the beginning of the course and at the end of the course. As a result of that, it shows the result that average of 69.6 (of 100 point) at the beginning of the course has become as average 81.3(of 100 point) at the end of the course and it means rise of 14.1 point which is 16.9%. Now we should develop Korean style leadership program through scientific analysis and valuation of developed course, training of professional manpower just like course development experts and masters(FT), globalization of Korean style leadership program and applying regular school curiculum. It is expected as an opportunity which will overcome limit of western management paradigm and pioneer new area of 'development of human resources'.

      • KCI등재

        小規模集團의 話法分析方法에 대한 提案 : 2002월드컵蹴球 太極戰士 팀을 中心으로 Focusing on Korean Football Team of 2002 World Cup

        노형남 한국화법학회 2003 화법연구 Vol.5 No.-

        이 연구에서는 소규모 조직의 화법 유형을 분석하되 언어공동체 구성원의 혈액형이 지닌 직접 구성성분과 강제적인 과업 분담에 따른 일상업무와는 달리 자연스럽게 구성원이 선호하는 여가활동에서 형성되는 소규모 조직 구성원 상호 간의 심리적 거리감이라는 간접구성성분이 끼치는 영향에 대하여 살펴보았다. 또한, 태극전사들의 實名을 거론하는 것은 해당 인물들의 명예에 손상을 입히려는 의도가 절대로 아니며 학술적인 순수한 목적에서 오로지 소규모 조직 구성원 각자의 명목척도에 준별성을 부여하기 위한 것임을 밝혔다. 복잡성 과학의 공진화 이론을 접목시키되 내부 조직과 소조직 구성원 개개인이 형성하는 맥락을 실험적 측정법이라는 분석 기법을 통해 얻어진 심리적 특성의 개체군을 실험적으로 분석하는 방법을 제안하였다. 이 연구는 향후 소규모 조직 구성원의 화법을 연구할 때 출생한 四柱八字, 周易에 의한 띠(十二支), 출신가정의 缺損與否, 부모형제의 俱存關係등을 변수로 설정하여 연구하는 것에도 좋은 착안점을 제공하여 줄 것으로 기대된다. Hyung-nam Noh. 2003. A Suggestion for Analysis Methodology about Speech Communication of Small Groups -Focusing on Korean Football Team of 2002 World Cup-. The Korean Association of Speech Communication. 5. This paper focuses on a suggestion for analysis methodology about speech communication of small groups, focusing on Korean football team of 2002 World Cup, on the basis of sociogram and the coevolution theory of the complexity. To evit ignoratio elenchi arguments are absolutely restricted to Korean football team of 2002 World Cup for the sake of descriptive simplicity and explicit convenience in virtue of monotonous variables, citing ad hoc theories to make generalization of speech communication of small groups on the assumption of that the existence of hypothetical immediate constituents, i. e. blood types among individuals of a community and mere concept of psychological distance amongst individuals, would be a clue to prove the speech communication of all the Koreans in the socializing process.

      • KCI등재후보

        Effects of Phenytoin and Diazepam on the Seizure Activity in the Cortical Dysplasia Animal Models

        Kim, Si-Hyung,Choi, In-Sun,Cho, Jin-Hwa,Park, Eun-Ju,Jang, Il-Sung,Choi, Byung-Ju,Kim, Hyun-Jung,Kim, Young-Jin,Nam, Soon-Hyeun The Korean Academy of Oral Biology 2006 International Journal of Oral Biology Vol.31 No.2

        Dysplasia-associated seizure disorders are markedly resistant to pharmacological intervention. Relatively little research has been conducted studying the effects of antiepileptic drugs(AEDs) on seizure activity in a rat model of dysplasia. We have used rats exposed to methylazoxymethanol acetate(MAM) in utero, an animal model featuring nodular heterotopia, to investigate the effects of AEDs in the dysplastic brain. Pilocarpine was used to induce acute seizure in MAM-exposed and age-matched vehicle-injucted control animals. Field potential recordings were used to monitor amplitude and numbers population spikes, and paired pulse inhibition in response to stimulation of commissural pathway. Two commonly used AEDs were tested: diazepam 5, 2.5mg/kg;phenytoin 40, 60mg/kg. Diazepam(DZP) and phenytoin(PHT) reduced the amplitude of population spike in control and MAM-exposed rats. However, the amplitude of population spike was nearly eliminated in control rats as compared to the MAM-exposed rats. Pharmaco-resistance was tested by measuring seizure latencies in awake rats after pilocarpine administration(320mg/kg, i.p.) with and without pretreatment with AEDs. Pre-treatment with PHT 60 mg prolonged seizure latency in control rats, but not in MAM-exposed animals. The main findings of this study are that acute seizures initiated in MAM-exposed rats are relatively resistant to standard AEDs assessed in vivo. These data suggest that animal model with cortical dysplasia can be used to screen the effects of potential AEDs.

      • 산수과 연산지도 내용 및 그 지도 계통(Ⅰ)

        남형채 大邱敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1983 과학·수학교육연구 Vol.8 No.-

        The arithmetic operation in primary school is not only extensive but indispensible in our everyday life. For the purpose of improving the operation ability, the four rules of arithmetic is systematized step by step from the first-year: to the sixth-year grade. Since most teachers are chiefly concerned with a particular grade of which they are in charge, children are being taught apart from systematic teaching. As a result, we are sure to produce a number of children who are slow in learning and in that case it is almost impossible to remedy them. The study contains the whole operation area in arithmetic which gives us clear information as a whole and is summarized as a proper material that might be covered according to the semestes and the school year. The aim of the study is that the contents of the study is to be used in teaching arithmetic in primary school systematically and step by step, first of all the content of the study is to be out from 1st grade to 3rd grade.

      • 5차 교육과정에 의한 국민학교 산수과 운영에 관한 고찰

        남형채 大邱敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1990 과학·수학교육연구 Vol.14 No.-

        Since the year 1990, the arithmetic textbooks in primary schools are wholly being practiced according to the fifth curriculum. The study is to define in detail the necessity, the fundamental object, and the characteristics of the fifth curricular amendment as well as to show the reference materials for the in-service teachers who are engaged in practicing the new curriculm. For example, the fifth curriculum puts emphasis on the emotional aspects of children besides their bodily and mental functions, for the purpose of developing the ability for solving problems. In addition, here are some problems raised as a result of the application of the new curriculum for a year.

      • 수학 수업에서 학생의 자기평가(self-assessment)방법

        남형채,류성림 대구교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2000 과학·수학교육연구 Vol.23 No.1

        수행평가는 학생들이 자신의 수행에 대한 평가에 능동적으로 참여할 기회를 주고, 정답이나 오답뿐 아니라 그 이상의 해석을 가능하게 하는 평가이다 특히 수행평가의 한 방법으로서 자기평가는 학습과 이해에서 자신의 진보를 능동적으로 모니터하고, 자신의 수학적 지식, 과정, 태도를 검증하는 과정이다. 자기평가를 통해, 학생들은 자신의 수행을 평가함으로써 수업 과정에 참여하게 된다. 본고에서는 교사들이 수학 수업에서 자기평가를 활용할 수 있는 방법에 대해 논의한다. 학생들로부터 평가자료를 모으는 방법에는 자기보고서, 점검목록, 수학 저널, 동료평가 등이 있다. 자기평가가 수학 수업의 일부분이 되면 학생들은 다음 세 가지 영역에서 진전이 있을 것이다: 독립적인 학습자가 되기, 자신의 학습에 대한 통찰을 갖기, 학습 과정에 대해 더욱 자발적이고 흥미를 갖기, 자기평가 방법이 성공하려면, 교사는 학생들에게 자신감을 갖도록 하고, 다른 학생에게 자신의 능력이 드러나는 두려움을 극복함으로써 공동으로 협력하게 도와주는 것이다. Performance assessment gives students the opportunity to become active participants in the evaluation of their own work, an evaluation that is interpreted as more than right or wrong answers. In particular, as a part of performance assessment, self-assessment is the process of actively monitoring one's own progress in learning and understanding and of examining one's own mathematical knowledge, processes, and attitudes. Through self-assessment, students take part in the instruction process by evaluating their own performances. This article discuss how teachers can foster student self-assessment opportunities in mathematics. Methods for collecting assessment data from students are the follows: student report, inventory, mathematics journal, peer assessment, etc. When self-assessment becomes part of mathematics program, students will grow in three important areas : in becoming an independent learner, in gaining insight into their own learning, and in showing more initiative and interest in the learning process. To make the self-assessment method a success, teachers should let students have confidence and earn their cooperation by let them overcoming fear to be known the their ability to other students.

      • 산수과 연산지도 내용 및 그 지도계통(Ⅱ)

        남형채 大邱敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1984 과학·수학교육연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The arithmetic operation in primary school is not only extensive but indispensible in our everyday Life. For the purpose of improving the operation ability, the four rules of arithmetic is systematized step by step from the first-year: to the sixth-year grade. Since most teachers are chiefly concerned with a particular grade of which they are in charge, children are being taught apart from systematic teaching. As a result, we are sure to produce a number of children who are slow in learning and in that case it is almost impossible to remedy them. The study contains the whole operation area in arithmetic which gives us clear information as a whole and is summarized as a proper material that might be covered as a whole and is summarized as a proper material that might be covered according to the semestes and the school year. The aim of the study is that the contents of the study is to be used in teaching arithmetic in primary school systematically and step by step, first of all the content of the study is to be carried out from fourth grade to sixth grade.

      • Ventriculosubgaleal shunt의 임상적 경험

        남궁원철,박상근,김태홍,신형식,황용순,김상진 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.2

        Object : Ventriculosubgaleal(VSG) shunt is considered to be useful and safe ventricluar diversion method for the patient for whom ventriculoperitoneal(VP) shunt cannot be carried out because of significant particulate debirs within the CSF, recent surgeries, or infections that were considered substantial enough to impair shunt function or to increase the risk of infection. To clarify the efficacy of VSG shunt for temporary ventricular decompression we analyzed our clinical trial cases. Patients and Methods : VSG shunt was carried out in 8 patient with acute hydrocephalus between February 2000 and June 2000. The causes of acute hydrocephalus were as follows: spontaneous intracerebral hemorrahage and intraventricular hemorrhage in four patients, spontaheous subarachnoid hemorrahge in three patients, tuberculous meningitis in one patient. With these 8 cases we compared pre-operative and post-operative clinical conditions and ventricular size in the brain CT scan. Results : Even though the ventricular size was not changed statistically there was significant clinical improvement between preoperative Glasgow coma scale(GCS)(7.25) and postoperative GCS(9.25). Six patients died as a result of causes unrelated to the VSG shunt. There were no VSG shunt infection. A permanent ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery was needed in two patients. Conclusion : The VSG shunt is a simple and safe method of treatment for acute hydrocephalus instead of extraventricular drainage in the patients who cannot be underwent a permanent shunt immediately due to some reasons. Even though VSG shunt were free from infection, our preliminary clinical trials suggests that its efficacy seems to be doubtful. Further studies with lots of cases would be needed for its clinical application.

      • 기업내용공시제도에 관한 고찰 : the Timely Disclosure 적시공시를 중심으로

        형남훈,정종덕 東西大學校 1999 동서논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The corporate disclosure system has its object of protecting investors. It is system which guides investors to make their decision reasonably, by disclosing the corporate information promptly, correctly, and complectly. The system is devided into the periodic reporting and the timely disclosure according to contents and period of disclosure. The object of the study is to examine the problems of the timely disclosure system and then to suggest its reform measures. The study is to investigate the existing disclosure system, expecially the timely disclosure system centering on its offence cases, considering that the puport of disclosure philosophy is the very purpose of securities maket, that is, equal opportunity for using information and security of fair dealings. The timely disclosure system is generally defind as the system which leads listed corportations to disclose material corporate information quickly, exactly, and fairly, so that it secures to fix prices for listed securitied, and investors enable to pass a resonable judgement on investigation reasonably and on his pwn responsibility, by disclosing corporate material information. Secondly, to prevent unfair dealing such as insider dealing in advance, by giving investors and insiders equal chance for using the corporate material information. In conclusion, as the subject of disclosure listed corporation should take the social responsibility for protection of investors, by disclosing not only promptly, correctly, and fairly but positively and spontaneously on the basic of enterprise ethic and the purpose of securities & exchange law. So it will be proved that the fair dealing system fixed and securities markets develop healthly.

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