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        顯宗 4年 永寧殿 修改 論議의 전개

        정기철 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.9

        YoungNeongJeon was rebuilt at the time of the King GoangHae's reign, but the rebuilt form had some difficulties to serve the function of shrine. Despite that the most problems had resulted from the architectural form, especially from the limited scale of IkSil's space, the discussion on the reconstructing this narrow space had not become an issue until the Fourth year of the King HyeonJong's reign. After having no vacant space in YoungNeongJeon, three reconstructing schemes had been presented to the royal court of the King HyeonJong. The king supported the scheme that might thoroughly rebuild in the form of JeongSil, while the most ministers objected to this king's decision. They regarded it as the decision that caused the abandonment of the rule inherited from the ancestral. But ignoring their opinions, the king strongly desired to realise this scheme. In this situation, the scholar LeeDanSang raised a strong objection against it. After his critique was supported by the most ministers, the discussion on the reconstruction had decided to postpone. LeeDanSang's argument that radically changed the situation might be characterized by the convincing reinterpretation on the identity of YoungNeongJeon.

      • 萬東廟의 創建전말과 건축형식

        정기철 선문대학교 1998 공과대학논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        黃山書院 祠宇에서 시작된 17세기 士林들의 廟寢制 수용과 영건은 돈巖書院 凝道堂, 象賢書院, 莘巷書院, 淸州鄕校 明倫堂, 魯岡書院 講堂을 거처 萬東廟에서 하나의 의미있는 종결점을 형성하였다. 노강서원 강당에서 불거진 묘침제 영건상의 문제는 만동묘에서 天子를 향사한다는 외부적 조건으로 인해 간단하게 해소되었다. 본 연구에서는 이상의 건축사적 의의를 지니는 만동묘를 복원함으로써 17세기 묘침제 수용의 굴절과정을 간접적으로 해명해 보고자 하였다. 그 결과 만동묘는 주자학의 殿屋制에 입각하여 우진각 형식과 左右房制로 건축된 묘침제 祠宇임을 밝혀졌다. ManDongMyo was an important architecture that had solved some critical problem about the recontruction of MyoChim. The leading group of 17th century, SaRim accepted the architectural norm reinterpreted by ZhuZi's ritual theory and tried to apply it's norm into SeoWon. Here some perplexing problem had arisen. It deeply related whether the SaRim-SaDaeBu was able to build the symmetric form of MyoChim or not. In this point, ManDongMyo proposed the one potential and meaningful solution. This research focused on the building history and its restoration of architectural form. The architectural meaning of ManDongMyo was analysized in this process.

      • 尹宣擧의 正寢과 魯岡書院의 廟寢制 영건

        정기철 선문대학교 2000 공학계열 논총 Vol.3 No.-

        Depending on the academic views of the social ruling class, SaRim, the architectural acceptance of the norm of MyoChim had developed into the different aspects. The noteworthy ones among these divergent directions would be the architectural construction of YunSunGer's residence and NoGangSeoWon. Because the norm of MyoChim had origin in the Ancient. China, the literal applying into realities could not but be limited within the scope of particular period and region. The first attempt. to apply the norm of MyoChim into the realities of ChoSeon had no concern with whether the norm would be relevant to the real or not. In this situation, YunSunGer as the leading scholar at that time had tried to reinterpret the norm emphasizing the need and functionality of this real life. He had rearranged the plan of MyoChim to stay and reside in without any inconvenience. The resulting architectural plan had almost. equalled with the old traditional plan. The same principle had applied to the construction of NoGangSeoWon. After all, this reinterpretation may be concluded to relate with the academic and political view.

      • 단지양 근위축증(Monomelic Amyorophy) 3례 : 증례 보고 Case Report

        김기찬,정호중,정상욱,정흥채,조근열 고신대학교 의학부 1999 高神大學校 醫學部 論文集 Vol.14 No.1-2

        Monomelic amyotrophy is a rare form of motor neuron disease which is insidious onset in the second and fourth decades, male preponderance, sporadic occurrence, wasting and weakness confined to one limb, and absence of involvement of the cranial nerves, cerebrum, brain, stem, and sensory system. Symptoms and signs often progress for several years before spontaneously arresting. Neurologic findings and electrophysiologic studies are only useful for the diagnosis of monomelic amyotrophy and other laboratory testing are frequently normal or nonspecific. We reported three cases of typical monomelic amyotrophy with review of the articles.

      • 淸州鄕校 明倫堂 重建時 평면형식 추정

        정기철 선문대학교 1999 공과대학논문집 Vol.1 No.2

        17세기 중엽에 중수된 청주향교 명륜당은 돈암서원 응도당에서 적용된 묘침제가 관악인 향교에까지 확산된 하나의 사례로써 서원건축과 향교건축의 영향관계라는 중요한 건축사적 의의를 지니는 향교 강당이다. 본 연구에서는 많은 변형을 보이는 청주향교 명륜당을 대상으로 문헌조사와 유물조사를 병행하여 창건 당시의 건축원형을 복원하고자 시도하였다. 그 결과 청주향교 명륜당 역시 묘침제가 그대로 적용된 사례였음이 밝혀졌고, 17세기 중엽 이후 서원건축이 향교건축에 심대한 영향을 주었음을 보여주는 하나의 중요한 실례임이 밝혀졌다. After the middle of 17th century, the reconstruction of MyoChim had spread over the application to HyangGyo. This excimule was found at MyongRyunDang of ChungJuHyangLiyo. Based on the norm of MyoChim, MyongRyunDang had rebuilt perfectly at that time of moving to the present place. This research focused on the architectural restoration of MyongRyunDang experienced many changes afterwards. As a result, it was clarified that MyongRyunDang was a thorough architectural representation of Myochim, and that MyoChim was an important architectural norm to the SaRirn in the 17th century.

      • 외상으로 인한 후복막 유건종 제거술 후 신경인성 통증의 재활치료

        김기찬,정호중 고신대학교의과대학 2007 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.22 No.2

        Desmoid tumors are infrequent and histologically benign fibrous neoplasms originating from the musculoaponeurotic structures throughout the body. These tumors are found in areas of previous traumatic or surgical scarring. The compartment syndrome is considered a true emergency condition. The internal pressure rises so high that local circulation is cut off and the affected muscle dies. The local increased pressure can also damage associated nerves resulting in a loss of both power and sensation. Lumbosacral plexopathy is characterized by intense pain in one or both legs, associated with motor and sensory deficits. Proper medications including topiramate with physical therapy and psychological modalities are critical to successful outcome of the management for neuropathic pain. We experienced a case of rehabilitation for lumbosacral plexopathy and compartment syndrome following excision of retroperitoneal desmoid tumor due to trauma in 9 year-old child.

      • 遯巖書院 凝道堂 건축원형 복원

        정기철 선문대학교 1998 공과대학논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        17세기 중엽에 창건된, 돈巖書院은 호서지역 士林의 대표적 서원이다. 특히 강당인凝道堂은 호서사림의 巨儒 尤菴 宋時烈이 禮制 상의 건축계획원리를 수용하여 건립한 것으로 그 건축사적 의의가 크다. 현재 응도당의 건축구성은 창건 당시와는 다른 모습을 보이고 있다. 본 연구에서는 당시 건립주체들의 문헌기록과 현재의 유물을 기준으로 하여 응도당의 창건당시 건축원형을 추적 복원하였다. 연구결과 돈암서원 응도당은 주자대전의 廟寢制의 중 ‘厦屋制’를 엄격하게 준행하여 그 원칙 그대로 건축되었음이 밝혀졌다. OungDoDang is the evident proof of showing what is the principle of architectural planning the SaRim, the leading group of 17th century, accepted. Based on the principle of ZhuZi's ritual theory, OungDoDang was built. This principle is so-called MyoChim. Since OungDoDang had an symbolic importance, it deeply influenced on the construction of later SeoWon. This research focused on the architectural restoration of OungDoDang experienced many changes afterwards, Through restoration, it was clarified that OungDoDang was a thoroueh architectural reconstruction of Myochim.

      • KCI등재

        현대 패션디자인에 표현된 신체이미지의 상징성

        권기영,조필교 복식문화학회 2000 服飾文化硏究 Vol.8 No.5

        This study is intended to understand an implication system and significance in the current community which body image symbolizes by correlating it with fashion that is on the rise as a principal issue in various fields. For this study, the symbolism of the body image was contemplated in terms of philosophy and art, and then on the basis of it, the symbolism of the body image shown in modem fashion design was analyzed through fashion works. The research results are as follows, 1.The manifestation of sex can be taken as the symbolism of the body image which is expressed in modern fashion design. Recently sexual chaos and vagueness such as homosexuality and bisexuality are expressed through a dress and its ornaments. Though displaying sexual characteristics of male and female as they are exposing a sign or a diagram, decorating a part of body or representing sex in garments, uncertain sex identity in modern society is manifested in dress and its ornaments. It is to deny absoluteness regarding sex and emphasize diversity indwelt in human beings, and after all it shows to pursue the human essence. 2.Another symbolism of the body image is body expression as the human race and an ethnic group. The concern on colored and minority races of the third world who have been suppressed under absurd and discriminating situations and the restoration of their status appeared in modern fashion too. Moreover, their cultures and issues came to alter the aesthetic standard of body made from a view of the Western white supremacist. Hereupon, fashion trends like ethnic fashion, Orientalism and African look etc. appear according to this tendency, which represents race and national identity and in addition, which signifies to present transcendental human conception embracing alienated human conception. 3.The symbolism of the body image expressed in a body, and a dress and its ornaments as nature can be considered in terms of the concern on environmental contamination and the respect of echo system. Getting away from reigning over, developing and stamping down nature at their will, the human beings pursue unity with nature, which is described in fashion. They are stressing that natural materials and objects such as animal, plant and soil etc. should activity be introduced into fashion and humans are a communal fate group and should reframe their status in nature at last. 4. The body image shown in a body, a dress and its ornaments as technology is transformed and recreated by modern scientific techniques and medical science to show post human conception namely, forthcoming future human conception as a cyborg which loses individual identity. This presents a perfect future human conception with high level of preternatural power but after all, leaves us a task to seek the meaning of human existence in alienation caused by the loss of human identity and existence. In this manner, the moderns crave for perceiving the identity of a natural human being in the current thoughts tendency of the modern times such as postmodernism, post structuralism, deconstructionism, feminism and so on, which build discussions affecting the art and fashion worlds. The categories, like sexual characteristics indwelt in a human body, racial classifications, the natural environment surrounding human beings and development of science, bring out the importance of the internal and external meaning in today's fashion which a human body contains, and present new human conception in the coming future society.

      • 자발성 뇌출혈 환자의 일상생활동작 수행에 영향을 미치는 인자

        정호중,진기은,박희석 고신대학교 의학부 1996 高神大學校 醫學部 論文集 Vol.11 No.1-2

        The Modified Barthel Index (MBI) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) have been used widely as evaluating tools for Activities of Daily Living (ADL) of the disabled. To obtain the guideline for the evaluation and planning of rehabilitative management, we performed this study by comparative analysis of MBI and FIM about the factors affecting ADL of the spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage patients. The mean scores of MBI and FIM were 46.0 and 68.9 at the beginning of rehabilitation therapy, and 75.4 and 94.4 at discharge, respectively. Thus the average scores of improvement of MBI and FIM were 29.5and 25.5, respectively, each of which was statistically significant (p<0.05). The mean FIM score at discharge of the patient group with initial MBI score above 50 was significant higher than that of the group with initial MBI score equal to or below 50 (109.6 versus 85.9, p<0.05). According to the amount of initial intracerebral hemorrhage. MBI and FIM scores at discharge were found significantly different by 20cc (p<0.05). In conclusion. MBI and FIM scores are found to be useful to evaluate the factors affecting ADL in patients with spontaneous ICH.

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