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      • 에디토리얼 : 2016헌나1결정과 그 후

        Ewha Law Review 편집부 이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원 2017 Ewha Law Review Vol.7 No.-

        “피청구인 박근혜를 파면한다.” 실시간으로 중계된 이정미 헌법재판소장 권한대행의 주문 낭독은 추운 겨울 내내 광화문에 모여 얼어붙은 세상을 촛불로 데웠던 다수 대한민국 국민들에게는 비로소 부정이 녹아내려 “정의가 강물처럼 흐르는” 것을 목도한 경험이었다. 그 날의 사건은 대통령은 왕이 아니라 주권자 국민으로부터 권한을 위임받은 사람이며, 그러한 위임은 정당한 사유가 있을 때 파기될 수도 있음을 전 국민이 확인한 사건이었다. 또한 우리의 오래되고 낡은 관념을 깨트리고, 부정한 권력자를 자리에서 끌어내어 국민들 스스로 권위주의 전통으로부터 벗어난 해방의 날이었다. ‘비선’ 실세와 ‘문고리 삼인방’, 그리고 아버지로부터 물려받은 ‘가신’의 보필을 받던 ‘제왕적’ 대통령은 어쩌다 탄핵의 불명예를 안게 되었는가. 그의 직무집행에 있어 어떤 작위 또는 부작위는 어떤 근거로 탄핵의 사유가 되었는가. 편집부는 국민의 일원이자 탄핵심판의 도화선이 된 이화의 구성원으로서, 또 예비 법조인으로서, 제왕적 대통령의 시대가 저문 새로운 시대에는, 국민주권주의나 법치주의와 같은 민주주의의 기본질서에 대한 파괴가 더이상 일어나지 않길 바라면서 탄핵과정에서의 법적 이슈를 유심히 관찰하고 고민하였다. 이제 그 결과물을 세 꼭지로 나누어 정리해 보고자 한다. 그 첫 번째인 “대통령 탄핵심판의 정치적 한계와 시민참여”에서는 우리나라의 대통령 탄핵제도가 전개되어 온 과정을 돌아보면서 그 운용에 있어서 필연적으로 부딪칠 수밖에 없는 민주주의와 헌정주의의 충돌의 문제를 지적하고, 그 해결 방안의 하나로서 배심원제도의 도입을 제안한다. 두 번째 글인 “재난상황에서의 생명권보호의무와 대통령 탄핵 사유”에서는 대통령의 직책수행의무위반이 탄핵사유가 될 수 있는지에 대해 논하고자 하며, 특히 이번 탄핵사건에서 직책수행의무 위반과 가장 밀접하게 관련되어 있는 세월호 희생자들에 대한 생명권보호의무 위반을 중심으로 탄핵사유 요건성을 검토해 보았다. 세 번째 글인 “탄핵 정국과 「대통령기록물 관리에 관한 법률」 관련 문제”에서는 대통령 권한의 통제와 투명한 국정운영에 있어서 대통령기록의 생산과 관리의 중요성을 새롭게 조명해 보고, 탄핵 이후 대통령 기록물 관련 일련의 사건들을 통해 현행법의 흠결과 개정 필요성에 대해 논하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Theme of Union in W. B. Yeats' To the Rose upon the Rood of Time And T. S. Eliot's Little Gidding

        Ewha Chung 한국예이츠학회 1995 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.5 No.-

        19세기말의 아일랜드 시인인 William Butler Yeats와 20세기 초반 영국 시인인 Thomas Stearns Eliot는 위 두편의 시에서 union의 개념을 통해 이상과 현실 사이의 부조리를 나름대로의 철학을 적용해 해결하는 방법을 제시하고 있다. 예이츠는 조국인 아일랜드가 영국으로부터 해방되기를 갈망하면서 동시에 현실에 얽매인 세속적인 인간들의 모습에 크게 실망하여, 자신의 작품을 통해 참혹한 현실에 대응하는 독특한 아일랜드의 전설과 혼합한 신비주의를 추구하고 있다. 즉 예이츠에게 union이란 개념은 두개의 서로 배타적인 세계(아일랜드의 해방운동과 현실을 초월한 신비주의)를 하나로 융합하는 것이 아니라 균형을 갈망하면서 동시에 양 세계로부터 거리를 유지․보존하려는 것을 의미한다. 그럼으로서 예이츠는 이일랜드의 민족주의 운동과 초자연적인 진실 중 어느 한쪽도 포기하지 않으며 변화시키지도 않는다. 예이츠와는 달리 엘리어트는 단편적인(fragmentary) 일상생활과 그가 그려왔던 이상의 세계를 하나로 융합하면서 조화와 완벽을 추구한다. 엘리어트는 기독교적인 신념을 바탕으로 전체적인 개념, 즉 감각과 정신의 융합(conversion of sense and spirit)을 추구하고 있는 것이다. 예이츠와 엘리어트는 제각기 다른 시적․철학적인 방법으로 union에 관한 비전에 접근하고 있으나, 이 두 시인의 궁극적인 목적은 자신들의 시적체험을 통해 이상과 현실세계간의 부조리를 해소할 수 있는 평화와 조화를 추구하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        The Great Gatsby’s “Secret Society” and “Membership”: Nick Carraway vs. Daisy Buchanan

        Ewha Chung,Dohyun Choi 한국아메리카학회 2018 美國學論集 Vol.50 No.3

        This paper readdresses The Great Gatsby (1946) with a focus on Nick Carraway and Daisy Buchanan as both developing characters often neglected in literary criticism, which focuses largely on the figure of Jay Gatsby. Both Nick and Daisy, I argue, struggle―for different reasons―to reverse the paradigm between ‘protagonist’ and ‘conduit’ that Gayle Rubin illuminates in “The Traffic in Women” essay, but with a focus on “membership” within the “distinguished secret society” of East Egg and its values. Using the paradigm structure of ‘conduit’ in which the actual exchange of socioeconomic power exists, I analyze more than the political economy of sex that functions as the basis of Rubin’s theory. Using the exclusive society depicted in the novel, my paper outlines the destructively powerful aspect of class and privilege, which Daisy embraces and Nick refutes completely. Gatsby, therefore, is significant not as a tragic lover but as a hero who is never granted membership into his lover’s “secret society” and also for the change his death brings about in the narrator and reader.

      • KCI우수등재

        Paradoxical Rebellion Bound to Conformity: Isaac Watts`s "Hurry of the Spirits, in a Fever and Nervous Disorders"

        ( Ewha Chung ) 한국영어영문학회 2012 영어 영문학 Vol.58 No.6

        This paper focuses on eighteenth-century English pastor, poet, and hymnist, Isaac Watts (1674-1748), a significant yet neglected nonconformist dissenter, who defines a public religion and transforms poetry as a new literary political genre. During England`s post-Revolutionary religio-political turmoil, Watts`s poem, "The Hurry of the Spirits, in a Fever and Nervous Disorders" (1734), deliberately engages in a methodical refusal to settle upon a single system of images or terms for describing or referring to the speaker`s identity or situation. Watts`s, literal and metaphoric, refusal to identify with one religio-political approach to nonconformist dissent has been the very point of criticism that not only undermines the poet`s monumental work on hymns but also the lasting impact that the poet had upon England`s national consciousness. This study, therefore, questions why the poet refuses to choose one ideal path in his pursuit for religious freedom and, further, analyzes how the hymn writer defends his demotic aesthetics. This paper investigates Watts`s comprehensive and detailed formulation of what a secularized "social religion" should entail and, further, explores its beneficial role in the pursuit for society`s peace. In contrast to Milton`s apocalyptic vengeance, Watts`s nonconformist goal seeks to balance and locate authority in the individual with the ancient ideal of a "sacred order" that is represented in "The Hurry of the Spirits" through the means of poetic imagination.

      • KCI등재

        Frances Burney’s Evelina: Vindicating Caroline Evelyn and Reclaiming Evelina Belmont

        ( Ewha Chung ) 대한영어영문학회 2022 영어영문학연구 Vol.48 No.4

        This paper examines Frances Burney’s first novel, Evelina, or The History of A Young Lady’s Entrance into the World, by applying Michael McKeon’s theoretical framework, in The Origins of the English Novel, 1600-1740, which defines the English novel as a genre of instabilities narrating conflicts of class and social identity during the eighteenth century. Although McKeon’s textual analysis extends only through the 1740s and thus does not include Burney, his theoretical paradigm concerning “Questions of Truth” and “Questions of Virtue” outlines the “instabilities” of class and social identity experienced by Burney’s heroines. In Burney’s novel, the heroine, Evelina Belmont, and her mother, Caroline Evelyn, struggle to not only prove the truth of the daughter’s legal identity but also redeem an unjust verdict against the mother’s virtue committed by her husband and father of her child, Sir John Belmont. As Evelina embarks alone upon a journey away from the protection of home into the social world of London, Burney depicts how the heroine is and her mother was victimized by a society of libertines, fops, vulgar acquaintances, disgraceful family relatives, and cruel husbands and fathers. Applying McKeon, this paper attempts to delineate how Burney’s heroine and her mother challenge the licentious patriarchal culture, by introducing a new paradigm in which libertinism and social injustice are replaced with humble penitence, moral awakening, and vindication of truth and virtue.

      • Constructing and Validating an Emotional Presence Scale to Measure Online Learners' Engagement

        Kang, Myunghee,Choi, Hyungshin,Kim, Su-Yeon East West Education Research Institute, Ewha Woman 2008 East west education Vol.25 No.-

        Emotional presence has recently been noted to be an indicator of students' engagement during e-Learning process. Research on emotional presence, however, is still in an early stage and no scale has yet been developed to measure the level of emotional presence. Based on the literature review regarding emotion, emotional intelligence and emotional presence, three conceptual constructs ? feeling, expressing, and managing emotion - were theoretically identified. Sixteen self-report items with Likert type scale were initially developed to measure the three constructs. The initial scale was reconstructed and refined after the reliability and validity testing against 723 undergraduate students in two consecutive studies, 418 in the preliminary and 305 in the re-validation study. This paper reports the refined scale to measure emotional presence based on the results from two independent studies.

      • KCI우수등재

        The Epistolary Novel and Samuel Richardson`s Heroines: Female Writers and Readers of Letters

        ( Ewha Chung ) 한국영어영문학회 2010 영어 영문학 Vol.56 No.6

        The epistolary novel, as developed and refined by Samuel Richardson (1689-1761), is concerned with distinctly private experience and the morality of individuals-Richardson`s heroine writers. In contrast to nineteenth-century novels, which explore their subjects through the overview of a narrator with a singular moral outlook, the epistolary narrative allows Richardson to examine the various different ways in which individuals/heroines interpret, mold, and respond to their experiences in writing. In this paper, I argue that the authorial voice of Richardson does not control the narrative but rather is present in the prefaces, character sketches, notes and occasional interjections between letters. Although there is little doubt as to whether Richardson intended to make a particular moral point or attempted to control the effect of his novels on his readers, the heroines and their letters dominate the novels so that they put the authorial suggestions in a different light, reducing the author`s to one voice among several. Thus, Pamela`s letters are exemplary for the vigor and intelligence with which they appear to be written, rather than for the imposed morality of their ghost writer-Richardson. Although Clarissa is of a different social class from Pamela, both heroines are united in their oppression as victims of a patriarchal society. In Clarissa`s letters, the heroine`s situation and experience are seen through her own writing in dialogue with that of her confidante Anna Howe, and in contrast to the writing of her oppressors. Clarissa, then, becomes a struggle between different discourses in which their genesis and effect, and the societies and individuals from which they come are implicitly suggested in Richardson`s text. While Richardson may or may not be guilty of taking the writing of women and using it for his own ends, his epistolary novels represent a deliberate and bold attempt to shape the novel in a way conducive to his heroines and to women writers.

      • KCI우수등재

        Re-reading Emily Bronte`s Wuthering Heights: Marriage and the "Traffic in Women"

        ( Ewha Chung ) 한국영어영문학회 2016 영어 영문학 Vol.62 No.1

        This paper addresses Emily Bronte’s novel, Wuthering Heights (1848), in an attempt to redefine the three female protagonists, Catherine Ernshaw (mother), Isabella Linton (aunt), and Cathy Linton (daughter), and their individual struggles to reverse the “traffic in women” paradigm that Gayle Rubin illuminates in her essay on the political economy of gender. The novel’s ending returns to its starting point, but requires a reading that goes beyond the appearance of a “happily-ever-after” ending. Catherine, Isabella, and Cathy each attempt to reject their roles as victims within a patriarchal system and pursue their choice of roles in society through marriage. The problem of ‘who succeeds and why’ entails hardship, both physical and psychological, which in Isabella’s case ends in death, and in Catherine’s case goes well into the afterlife. Yet Cathy ultimately succeeds. Thus the question of ‘what each woman chooses and rejects in marriage and why’ leads the narrative through the nature of gender transactions and to its ultimate resolution.

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