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        박충일,홍길희 진주산업대학교 1997 論文集 Vol.36 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between problem solving strategy and job performance ability of the students at Chinju National University. These two variables are recently being focused on with regard to the human resource development (HRD) in educational and industrial domains. The subjects of this study were 242 University subjects(men: 96, women: 146). As test instruments, INQ test and job performance ability test were used. INQ test score of each student was clssified by five problem solving strategies, and job performance ability test recorded ten abilities in percentile score. The results of this study were as follows: First, the university students this study were more synthesist than analyst and realist. Second, there were differences in their job performance abilities, and it was due to their different patterns of problem solving strategies. Analyst were the highest score in language domains, reasoning, scientific thinking and office processing ability. Idealist were the highest score problem solving, logical and perceptual judgemental ability. But synthesist were totally the lowest score in job performance ability. Third, regression analysis showed that there was difference among each patterns of problem solving stategy which affect job performance abilities. Forth, there was no difference between gender in the frequency of problem solving strategies. But the gender difference appeared on correlation of a few sub-dimensions of those two variables.

      • Dactinomycin 이 흰쥐 橈骨의 骨端軟骨板의 基質合成에 미치는 영향

        金光會,崔忠植,李圭植 한양대학교 의과대학 1986 한양의대 학술지 Vol.6 No.1

        Dactinomycin, one of the antibiotic anticancer drug, is isolated from the culture media of Streptomyces chrysomallus. The flat portion of this molecule intercalates into the double-helical DNA between successive G∼C base pairs, producing a inhibition of DNA replication and RNA synthesis. Therefore, it is very effective against tumor cell proliferation but as well as may demage on the proliferating normal cells. So that, the author undertook to pursue the effect of the dactinomycin on the synthesis of the mucopolysaccharide in the chondrocyte of the epiphyseal plate. The pregnant albino rats, Wistar strain, were used as an experimental animals. The albino rats were administered with 0.2 ㎍ of dactinomycin per gram body weight at 8th day of pregnancy and its neonates were sacrificed at 1st and 3rd day of neonatal life. The specimens obtained from the radius were stained with hematoxylin-eosin to observe the morphological changes of the epiphyseal plate and stained with alcian blue (pH 2.5), alcian blue (pH 2.5)-PAS for acid and neutral mucopolysaccharide, and stained with alcian blue (pH 2.5)-0.3M MgCl₂, alcian blue (pH 1.0)-PAS, alcian blue (pH 0.4), and aldehyde fuschin (pH 1.7)-alcian blue (pH 2.5) for the sulfation of the matrix. The results were as follows: 1. The narrowing reserving zone, widened proliferating zone, and reduced number of cells in each lacuna were observed in the epiphyseal plates of the experimental groups. 2. The reduction of the acid mucopolysaccharide content was detected in the epiphyseal plate of the experimental groups. 3. The increase of the sulfated and strong sulfated mucin contents were shown in the epiphyseal plate of the experimental groups. From the results, it is assumed that dactinomycin inhibits the synthesis of the mucopolysaccharide in the epiphyseal plate of the radius and also accelerates the sulfation of the mucin.

      • KCI등재

        벼잎집무늬마름病菌 越冬菌核의 密度와 活性

        CHOONG-HOE KIM,CHANG-KYU KIM 한국응용곤충학회 1987 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        포장(圃場)에서 월동(越冬)하고 있는 벼 잎집무늬마름병균(病菌) 균핵(菌核)의 밀도(密度)와 그 활성(活性)을 조사(調査)하기 위하여 1986년(年) 12월(月)에 이리(裡里), 나주(羅州), 진주(晋州), 대구(大邱)의 포장(圃場)에서 균핵(菌核)을 채집(採集)하여 발아력(發芽力)과 병원성(病原性)을 조사(調査)하였다. 균핵(菌核)의 밀도(密度)는 이리(裡里), 나주(羅州), 진주(晋州), 대구(大邱) 지역(地域)이 각각(各各) ha당 였으며 지역(地域)에 따라 그중 (평균(平均) 60%)가 발아력(發芽力)이 있었고 발아(發芽)된 균핵중(菌核中) 평균(平均) 49%가 벼품종(品種) 진흥(振興)에 병원성(病原性)이 있었다. 따라서 발아력(發芽力)과 병원성(病原性)을 동시(同時)에 가진 균핵(菌核)의 비율(比率)은 전체균핵(全體菌核)의 29%였다. 균핵(菌核)으로부터 분리(分離)한 잎집무늬마름병균(病菌)은 배지(培地)에서의 균총형태(菌叢形態)에 따라 3가지 유형(類形)으로 대별(大別)되었으나 유형(類形)이나 균핵(菌核)의 크기, 균핵형성량(菌核形成量)은 진흥(振興)에 대(對)한 병원성(病原性)과 아무런 상관(相關)이 없었다. 10%의 편차(偏差)안에서 평균균핵밀도(平均菌核密度)를 95% 신뢰(信賴)하기 위하여 필요(必要)한 단순임의(單純任意) 표본수(標本數)는 이리(裡里), 나주(羅州), 진주(晋州), 대구(大邱)에서 각각(各各) 41, 132, 232, 395개소(個所)로 산출(算出)되었다. Three post-harvest fields each in four rice growing areas, Iri, Naju, Jinju and Taegu were randomly selected and surveyed during December 1986 to examine sclerotial density of Rhizoctonia solani overwintering in the field. Surface soil of area was sampled in each field with three replications and sieved to collect sclerotia. Germiability and pathogenicity of collected sclerotia were examined in the laboratory. Number of sclerotia in Iri, Naju, Jinju, and Taegu was estimated from the sample as 2.7, 1.2, 0.7 and 0.6, respectively. Based on sample variance with simple random sampling in each area, number of sampling required for estimating average sclerotial density with the precision of 10% apart from a chance of 1 in 20 was calculated to 41, 132, 232, and 395 for Iri, Naju, Jinju and Taegu, respectively. Percentage of germination of sampled sclerotia on potato sucrose agar (PSA) ranged from 42 to 78% depending on the area, and averaged 60%. About 49% of the germinated sclerotia were pathogenic to a rice cultivar Jinheung that was used to test pathogenicity of the sclerotia. Proportion of viable sclerotia that have both germiability and pathogenicity was thus estimated to 0.29 of total sclerotia collected. R. solani cultures obtained from the sclerotia could be distinguished into three groups based on colony morphology on PSA. Size and number of sclerotia formed on PSA differed between group but were not associated with pathogenicity to Jinheung.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사과 점무늬낙엽병(斑點落葉病)예찰을 위한 한 경험적 모델

        CHOONG-HOE KIM,WON-DAE CHO,SEUNG-CHUL KIM 한국응용곤충학회 1986 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        An empirical model to predict initial disease occurrence and subsequent progress of Alternaria leaf spot was constructed based on the modified degree day temperature and frequency of rainfall in three years field experiments. Climatic factors were analized 10-day bases, beginning April 20 to the end of August, and were used as variables for model construction. Cumulative degree portion (CDP) that is over in the daily average temperature was used as a parameter to determine the relationship between temperature and initial disease occurrence. Around one hundred and sixty of CDP was needed to initiate disease incidence. This value was considered as temperature threshhold. After reaching 160 CDP, time of initial occurrence was determined by frequency of rainfall. At least four times of rainfall were necessary to be accumulated for initial occurrence of the disease after passing temperature threshhold. Disease progress after initial incidence generally followed the pattern of frequency of rainfall accumulated in those periods. Apparent infection rate (r) in the general differential equation dx/dt=xr(1-x) for individual epidemics when x is disease proportion and t is time, was a linear function of accumulation rate of rainfall frequency (Rc) and was able to be directly estimated based on the equation r=1.06Rc-0.11(). Disease severity (x) after t time could be predicted using exponential equation derived from the differential equation, when is initial disease, are constants. There was a significant linear relationship between disease progress and cumulative number of air-borne conidia of Alternaria mali. When the cumulative number of air-borne conidia was used as an independent variable to predict disease severity, accuracy of prediction was poor with .

      • KCI등재

        植物病 進展의 한 柔軟的인 統計的 生長 모델

        CHOONG-HOE KIM 한국응용곤충학회 1987 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        식물병(植物病) 진전곡선(進展曲線)을 간편하고 융통성있게 기술하는 절편(切片) 1차(次) 회귀(回歸)모델이 본(本) 연구(硏究)에서 제안(提案)되었다. 이 모델은 병진전상황(病進展狀況)을 그 진전형태(進展形態)에 따라 소수(少數)의 1차(次) 회귀식(回歸式)으로 나누고 지표변수(指標變數)를 사용(使用)하여 다시 한개로 묶어 작성(作成)된다. 포장시험(圃場試驗)에서 얻은 12개(個)의 실제병진전상황(實際病進展狀況)에 대(對)한 절편(切片) 1차(次) 회귀(回歸)모델의 통계적(統計的) 적합도(適合度)는 기존(旣存)의 두모델(Logistic모델과 Gompertz모델)에 비(比)하여 증진(增進)되었으며 이 모델이 가진 단순성(單純性), 융통성 및 모수예측(母數豫測)의 용이성(容易性)이 논의(論議)되였다. 그 결과(結果), 절편(切片) 1차(次) 회귀(回歸)모델은 식물병(植物病) 진전(進展)을 기술(記述)하는 한 통계적(統計的) 모델로써 유용(有用)하게 사용(使用)될 수 있으리라 생각된다. A piecewise linear regression model able to describe disease progress curves with simplicity and flexibility was developed in this study. The model divides whole epidemic into several pieces of simple linear regression based on changes in pattern of disease progress in the epidemic and then incorporates the pieces of linear regression into a single mathematical function using indicator variables. When twelve epidemic data obtained from the field experiments were fitted to the piecewise linear regression model, logistic model and Gompertz model to compare statistical fit, goodness of fit was greatly improved with piecewise linear regression compared to other two models. Simplicity, flexibility, accuracy and ease in parameter estimation of the piece-wise linear regression model were described with examples of real epidemic data. The result in this study suggests that piecewise linear regression model is an useful technique for modeling plant disease epidemic.

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      • KCI등재

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