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      • 정보기술 도입에 따른 리더십 향상에 관한 연구

        정일경 경운대학교 산업정보대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Information Technology is causing the transformation of administration operation and administration, and is settled as a type of participation forms that reflect the interest and idea of local residents in the administration operation. Internet, nowadays, is the most representative Information-Communication method with the development of Information Technology. Our lives are composed of relationships with many social groups and human beings We lead our lives through various social interactions And we can find the most of the human relations are com posed of the relationship of leading and being led. Forthe all-round social life, what we need desperately is the leadership of a leader, which keeps the machine of human relationship running fast and helps us accomplish the goals of our groups or organization effectively. The reasons why hierarchial structure of organization and order-unity based structure showed their limits and became the object of reformation is that they resulted in th phenomenon of bottle neck of information flow. The revolution of information flow is now asking for a new theory of existence. This flow is now coming up with new things, like a gigantic Black Hole which have gulped everything. And it is now requesting an individual or a company that it would evolve at the same speed and scale with the country. This flow is needed because of society. while the evolution of flow is continuing, a new leader may suddenly appear or a competent leader may stand back for good. Now the adaptation to information flow has become a necessary condition of survival. Nowadays information flow has become a necessary condition of survival. Nowadays information flow is so rapid that the uncertainty and complexity of management are increasing. For this reasons, leaders are being asked to have high level of bottle neck of information circulation production and information circulation competency. But we couldn't avoid facing the phenomenon of bottle neck of information flow, especially in too much subdivided hierarchical structure and horizontally, and the delay of idea settlement is easily expected. To cope with time-centered competitive situation promptly, idea settlement should be made as soon as possible. So it can be said that the success or failure of an organization is up to a leader in the past or now Until now, we asw, in an enlarged pyramidical hierarchical structure, that no leader could cope with the information society flexibly. So changes into horizontal organizations, simple organizations, and network organizations are necessary for the achievement of a flexibility or an organization through leader's speedy information circulation in an organization and valuable co-operation about an essential tasks. In the past industrial society, whether it was a public or private organization, the ability of a good leader was judged by the quantity of information age, the ability of information of information age, the ability to create high added value has become the criterion of an evaluation of a leadership. It is because in an information age the invisible soft thing have become the sours of more decisive competitive power, and the intellectual wealth, and appeared as a subject of production and consumption One of the essential gained through study on leadership of an information of an information age is that what is should not be a dictator or a contrller, but he should be a sincere advisor of a subordinate or fellow worker, and that he should stimulate his potentials and that he should stimulate his to act to the best of his potentials and himself set fine example, ultimately, double the capacity of an organization the level of no need of administration. The leadership of the past put great emphasis on authority and power, management method, the success or failure of an organization dose largely depend on the individuals abilities. Successful leadership is a complex subject which can be achieved through quality, situation, official education and training, experience, and so on. This means that these factors have an great effect on the development of leadership, not separately but generelly, and the quality of a leadership can be accomplished through private experience or official education and training. In general for the contents of leadership program, teaching materials should be properly selected, goals of training should be evaluated, too. Information age is the era in which information has the most important value. Information is a kind of materials which is usefully utilized in idea settlement through information owner's value allowance With the generalization of computer, we have got complex view of values where diversity and unity are co-existent. The most important virtue of leadership in an information age of 21st century is to have future-oriented attitude In the circumstances of various values exist and great changes are so rapid, a leader can show vision to the group members with it The importance of electronic information in an information age has resulted in new arguments that we have never experienced before. And to cope with this situation effectively, leaders should achieve the objects of the organization through the members' self-motivation, prepare a systematic device to share the information in the organization, have their minds open to the flow of information, acquire good level of electronic computing knowledge to innovate himself to keep up with the impending knowledge-based society, and heighten the equity through the consideration of the alienated class. In other words, leaders should make constant efforts to innovate themselves and adapt to rapid changes.

      • 「한-칠레 FTA」農産物 交易成果 分析

        정일경 경북대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        [Abstract] South Korea is an export-driven country with a high dependence on trade. Since the year 1995 has launched the WTO, Nation who had taken a passive stance on the FTA has decided to agree on the FTA with Chile in the year 1998 in accordance with globalization strategy. After the Korea-Chile FTA(Free Trade Agreement) was concluded and entered into force, there was a lot of backlash in domestic agricultural sector. As a result, some of domestic agricultural products were excluded from concession then Chile also lowered the level of mutual opening as part of its policy for the protection of vulnerable industries. The Korea-Chile FTA(Free Trade Agreement) was entered into force, Korea government implemented a support policy for agricultural sector at the same time. Furthermore, Korea government carried out additional support policy for agricultural section after more FTA such as Korea-USA, Korea-Canada. Comparing before and after the Korea-Chile FTA, The export was weighted towards “car” while import was concentrated in “raw materials”. In a word, the trade goods are not varied. It caused by signed a low-level FTA due to policy of protect the country’s vulnerable industries. As a result, China and Japan entered into an FTA with a delay than Korea, nevertheless it shows a high market share. Therefore, Korea has a high level of dependence on foreign trade so need to be aimed the high-level FTA in the future. Also, It will make efforts to increase the rate of free goods in concluded FTA through the re-negotiation.

      • Antidepressant-like and sedative-hypnotic effects of Bupleurum falcatum extract in rodent models

        정일경 경희대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        In traditional Oriental medicine, herbal medicines include Bupleurum falcatum (BF) is an effective therapeutic intervention for neuropsychiatric disorders, including insomnia and depression. However, there have been few reported on its neuropharmacological effects at both behavioral and molecular levels. Therefore, I investigated the antidepressant-like effects of BF using the forced swimming test (FST) and sedative-hypnotic activity of BF using the pentobarbital-induced sleeping and the electroencephalography (EEG) analysis in the rat. In addition, I examined the GABAA and 5-HT2C receptor competition binding assay, thought to be a major target of antidepressant and sleep aids action. In the binding assay, BF extracts exhibited concentration-dependent binding affinity, showing that BF bound to the GABAA receptor (IC50, 1.65 mg/ml) and the 5-HT2C receptor (IC50, 1.71 mg/ml). Treatment with BF extract significantly reduced immobility time in the FST. In addition, BF extracts enhanced pentobarbital-induced sleep behavior, showed dose-dependent decrease in sleep onset time and prolonged sleep time. In addition, it showed that BF administration had effects on decreased wake time based on EEG test in rats. Taken together, I demonstrate that BF has the antidepressant-like and sedative-hypnotic effects in behavioral and molecular assay. These results demonstrate that BF may exert its effects through actions by modulating GABAA-BZD and 5-HT2C receptor. I propose that BF be effective candidates for treatments of psychiatric disorder include depression and insomnia.

      • 精神分裂症 患者의 血淸 Spermidine 酸化酵素 活性度

        鄭一慶 경북대학교 1989 국내석사

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        저자들은 1989년 2월부터 1989년 7월 사이에 경북대학교병원 정신과와 대구정신병원에 입원한 정신분열증환자 43명과 정상인 대조군 27명을 대상으로 혈청내 spermidine oxidase 활성도를 측정하여 비교하였다. 정신분열증환자 43명은 남자환자군 28명, 여자환자군 15명, 6개월이전 환자군 19명, 6개월이후 환자군 24명, 약물투여환자군 23명, 그리고 약물비투여환자군 20명이었다. 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 정신분열증환자군은 정상대조군에 비해 혈청 spermidine oxidase의 활성도가 유의하게 높았다. 2) 정신분열증환자군에서 항정신병 약물의 투여 유무에 따른 유의한 차이는 없었다. 3) 정신분열증의 유병기간에 따른 차이 및 성별에 따른 차이도 없었다. The purpose of this study was to compare the spermidine oxidase activity of schizophrenics with normal healthy individuals. The authors selected 43 schizophrenic patients according to ICD-10 criteriae and 27 healthy individuals. All patients were admitted to the psychiatric ward of Kyungpook National University Hospital and Daegu Mental Hospital from Feb, 1989 to July, 1989. The schizophrenics were 28 male, 15 female, 23 medicated, 20 nonmedicated, 19 less than 6 months sick, and 24 more than 6 months sick. The result obrained from this study were as follows: 1. The spermidine oxidase activity was significantly higher in schizophrenics than in normal control group. 2. There was no difference of spermidine oxidase activity between medcated and non-medicated schizophrenics. 3. The duration of illness wsa irrelevant to serum spermidine oxidase activity. 4. No difference of sex was revealed in spermidine oxidase activity.

      • 일본어모어화자의 담화전개방법의 세대차 : 고년층과 중년층의 담화표지의 출현경향을 중심으로

        정일경 忠南大學校 大學院 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        本研究では韓国に住んでいる東京出身の中年層を対象に説明的な場面に現れる談話標識に注目して、その出現傾向を分析することによって談話展開の方法を明らかにした。 その結果、中年層では説明開始・累加の形式である「ソレデ」、情報共有確認形式である「デショー(↗)」、自己確認形式である「ウン」、引き込みの形式「ネ」の出現頻度が高く現われた、また、組み合わせパターンには「説明開始・累加」(ソレデ)+「情報共有確認」(デショー(↗))、「情報共有表示」(ヤハリ)+「情報共有確認」(デショー(↗))、「情報共有確認」(デショー(↗))+「自己確認」(ウン)、「発話権取得・維持」(ダカラ)+「情報共有確認」(デショー(↗))、「情報共有表示」(ヤハリ)+「自己確認」(ウン)のような組み合わせパターンが多く使用されていることがわかった。 また、琴鍾愛(2005)の高年層の結果との対照を通して談話展開方法の世代の差について考察した。 その結果、両方の世代間の間に使われている談話標識の種類には共通性が認められるものの、談話標識の出現頻度と組み合わせパターンでは相違点が認められることが明らかになった。 談話標識の出現頻度では中年層は高年層より説明開始、累加の形式である「ソレデ」、情報共有表示の形式である「ヤハリ」、自己確認の形式である「ウン」の出現頻度が高く、談話標識の組み合わせパターンでは「ソレデ」+「デショー(↗)」、「ヤハリ」+「ウン」のようなパターンが多く現われた。 琴鍾愛(2005)は高年層は「ダカラ」「デショー(↗)」の出現頻度が高く、「ダカラ」を使って発話権を取得あるいは維持し、「デショー(↗)」などの情報の共有を確認しながら話を展開していくパターンが多く現われることを指摘している。本研究の結果、中年層は高年層より全体的に談話標識の出現頻度が低いが、「ソレデ」「やはり」「ウン」の出現頻度が高く、「ソレデ」+「デショー(↗)」、「ヤハリ」+「ウン」のような組み合わせパターンが多く現われることが分かった。 琴鍾愛(2005)は高年層では「ダカラ」で自分の発話権を持っていることをアピールし、「情報共有喚起」(ほら)、「情報共有確認」(デショー(↗))などで情報の共有を積極的に求め、確認して自分の話を相手に理解させようと努力する「他者説得型」の談話展開の方法を取ると結論づけている。 本研究の結果、中年層は琴鍾愛(2005)の大阪方言で明らかになった「自己納得型」と似たような傾向が見られることがわかった。すなわち、筆者が調べた中年層も、相手に対する働きかけは消極的で説明開始・累加形式の進行を単純にマークしながら自己確認形式の「ウン」などで自ら確認・整理しながら相手も納得させて話を展開させていく「自己納得型」の談話展開方法に近いということがわかった。 以上のように、情報内容を効果的に伝えるために使用する談話標識に注目し、その出現傾向から談話展開の方法の世代差について考察した。 その結果、談話展開の方法には世代による違いが認められるということが指摘できた。 今後世代を広げ、若年層と少年層の談話展開の方法についても考察して日本語の談話展開方法の世代差の全体像を明らかにする課題が残っている。

      • 앉은 상태 머리전방자세에 대한 연구모형 구축 및 턱관절 동적자세 변화와의 관련성 연구

        정일경 경희대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        많은 현대인들이 컴퓨터환경의 생활화로 인하여 얼굴을 앞으로 내민 머리-목 자세의 이상이나 불균형을 가지고 있다. 최근에는 TV나 컴퓨터뿐만 아니라 스마트 폰의 대중화로 인하여 어린 나이의 학생에서부터 청장년층에 이르기까지 다양한 연령대에서 머리-목 자세의 이상이 나타나고 있는데 이러한 추세는 점점 더 확산될 것으로 전망된다. 임상적으로 머리전방 자세를 위주로 하는 머리-목의 자세이상은 두통, 안구통, 안면통, 경항통, 견비통을 비롯하여 몸 전체의 다양한 질환의 발생과 연관되어 있다고 알려져 있다. 머리-목의 자세가 신경학적으로 몸의 다른 부위들과 서로 연결되어 있고 머리, 목 주위의 국소뿐 아니라 몸 전체에 다양한 이상변화를 유발시킬 가능성이 있다. 하지만 머리-목 부위와 다른 신체부위들 사이의 상호 연관관계에 대해 아직 체계적으로 연구된 바가 별로 없다. 이에 본 연구는 건강한 성인을 대상으로 머리-목 자세의 변화중 머리전방자세가 턱관절의 복합적 운동과 두개 안면부에 구체적으로 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 알아보고자 한다. 본 연구는 건강한 성인 25명을 대상으로 머리-목 자세를 인위적으로 전방변위 시킨 후, 자연스러운 자세때와 비교하여 턱관절의 몇 가지 동작을 측정하여 분석 하였다. 우선 자연스러운 자세(natural head position)를 취한 상태에서 턱관절의 다양한 움직임을 관찰하고, 일정시간 휴식을 취한 후, 다시 머리전방자세(forward head position)를 취한 상태에서 같은 동작의 턱관절 운동을 관찰하여 두 자세에서의 움직임을 비교 분석 하였다. 자세의 변화는 사진분석법을 이용하여 정량적 자세평가로 5개의 각도를 측정하여 분석하였으며, 턱관절 동작분석은 Jaw Motion Analysis를 이용하여 턱 관절 운동시 동작을 분석해 운동범위(mm)와 각도(degree)를 측정하였다. 머리-목 자세의 변화에 따라 턱관절의 자세와 운동조절에 의미 있는 변화가 있을 것이라고 추측, 가정하고 이상과 같은 연구방법 및 절차에 따라 연구를 진행하여 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 앉은 상태에서 머리-목의 자세변화에 대한 정량적 측정시스템을 정립하였다. 둘째, 경락음양균형평가 요소의 하나로서 자세균형 연구를 위한 앉은 상태에서 머리전방자세의 연구 모델을 구축하였다. 셋째, 머리전방 자세에서 턱관절의 개구운동시 좌측에 비해 우측 관절융기의 운동범위가 자연스러운 자세와 비교하여 유의하게 더 증가하는 차이가 나타났다(p<0.05). 이와 같은 결과는 두통, 안면통, 경항통, 견비통, 등 머리-목 주위의 관련부위 통증은 물론, 나아가 신체전반적인 경락음양균형 이상을 동반한 신경학적 질환들을 연구하고 치료하는 데에 중요한 임상적 의의가 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • Report Gene Transfer Into Tobacco Using Agrobacterium Tumefaciens : Agrobacterium을 이용하여 Report gene의 담배내로 도입 및 발현

        정일경 The Graduate School of Kyungpook National Universi 1989 국내박사

        RANK : 247615

        본 연구는 토양 미생물인 Agrobacterium 을 이용하여 식물체 내로 transformation 효율을 높이는 방법을 모색하고, 또한 방사선 동위 원소를 사용하지 않고도 분석이 용이하며, 식물의 핵내에서 안정한 형태로 유지할 수 있고, 식물세포내에서 tagging을 시킴으로서 mutant 선발을 할 수 있는 β-glucuronidase gene을 marker로 이용하여 담배내로 도입하여 발현시키고자 수행되었다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) Vector construction은 gene cloning method에 의해 수행되었다. 2) Agrobacterium host인 LBA4404와 GV3101을 이용하여 tra gene을 가진 helper plasmid pRK2013과 triparental mating method에 의해 transconjugants를 얻어 Southern blot hybridization에 의해 확인하였다. 3) 담배의 엽편으로 부터 NAA 2.5ppm과 BA O.25ppm을 사용하여 multi direct shoots를 유기하였고 , transformation 효율은 co-cultivation time이 48시간에 가장 높았다. 152개의 Kanamycin내성실험에서 선발한 shoot를 완전한 식물체로 재분화시켰다. 4) 152개의 Kanamycin 내성 shoots에서 69개의 transgenic한 담배를 얻었다. 이 transgenic한 담배는 β-glucuronidase의 기질인 MUG를 이용 365nm UV상에서 발색반응으로 일차 확인되었고 Trans genic plant는 약 3kb 정도의 β-glucuronibase gene을 prove로 Southern blot hybridization에 2차 확인되었다.

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