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      • KCI등재

        최명익 소설의 '기차' 공간과 '여성'을 통한 자아탐색 : 「무성격자」, 「심문」 을 중심으로

        이미림 한국국어교육연구회 2001 국어교육 Vol.- No.105

        The purpose of this thesis is to study the meaning of train space and search for self-identity from a woman. The 1930's Korean colonial society become modernization abnormally. A hero of Choi Myung-ik novel is an incompetent, spiritless, unemployed person, he studied abroad and took up teaching but at now, wondering as colony lumpen intelligentsiya. Jeong(「No character」) gives rise to complications in a strange land symbolizing wandering, enjoyable theory and his home living peacefully, real theory. His retrospection and meditation is made up in train going his home, he shows it is very difficult for man to make harmony between the desire in reality and artistic, scholarly spirit in novels. Myungil(「mind figure」)leads a dissipated life, so recollect the past days in train going to Harbin. The space of train symbolizes colonialized mother country. The hero examines himself by way of identifying the intellect with a working woman in cafe. The intellect is awake to a barmaid as self of another person, So he starts his life all over by way of her suiciding or death. They are a self-portrait of a colonial intellectual. The late 1930's Japanese suppressed freedom of Korean people. A hero in novel offers resistance to imperialist Japan as death and liberation of sex. The Choi Myung-ik novel describes suffering of an intellectual, he discerns self-identify as a floating train and woman.

      • KCI등재

        1780년대 우키요에시와 기뵤시에 대한 일고찰

        이미림 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2019 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.50

        The Gibiyo-shi is one of the literary works which appeared in 1775 and 1806, the proportion of illustrations is high, and the remaining margins are booklets that outlines the appeal of the wisdom sutras filled with hiragana like a picture.In the book covering the amount of about 5 pages on the front cover, Masanobu and other promising Ukiyo-e artists actively participated and demonstrated their creativity freely. From the origin of Gibiyo-shi “榮花夢” to the publication of “鸚鵡邊文武二道” The development and response with the policies of the Edo shogunate and the mutual influence of the delicate and realistic style of kabuki painting It was. Particularly in 1781 participation in the production of publishers such as Utarigi became a detonator, and it was activated further.In 1787 the vibrant atmosphere that Mompei Masanobu of Matsudaira Junpo was ordered changed extremely. As a result, the churches of the common people who were able to adapt themselves to the new administration at the time of the Gubi - yo, and many writers borrowed the enemy and took up the enemy’s enemies.

      • KCI등재

        江戶時代 視覺文化와 美人大首繪

        이미림 한국미술사학회 2008 美術史學硏究 Vol.260 No.260

        The Ukiyoe(浮世絵) images of a beauty, produced in the late Edo period, earned recognition for their excellence and the radical changes they introduced. In particular, they marked a shift in style to Bijin Ookubie or Bust portrait of the beauty(美人大首繪) which is still highly regarded today. In the Bust portrait of the beauty, which was reproduced and sold in large numbers during the Edo period, the proliferation and reproduction of a woman' image and the opposite-concept phenomenon of segmenting a woman's body were effectively expressed through the medium of a mirror. Through a mirror, the image of a woman was intentionally transformed, illusion was induced, and even the deconstruction of a woman's existence was attempted. In this artistic effort, reality was reenacted, reproduced, and gradually transformed into a world (i.e. a pure simulacrum) that had nothing to do with reality. This paper examined the Bust portrait of the beauty produced by such Ukiyoe painters as Suzuki Harunobu(鈴木春信), Kitagawa Utamaro(喜多川歌麿), Utagawa Kunisada(歌川国貞), and Utagawa Kuniyoshi(歌川国芳) in the late Edo period. Kitagawa Utamaro's makeup the nape(えり粧い), produced in 1793, and Utagawa Kunisada's series of Mirror of the modern boudoir(今風化粧鏡) (produced in 1823) exhibited several particular, subtle shifts in terms of their conception. First, these works introduced the mirror as a medium of expression to the Ukiyoe images of a beauty. The mirror itself played a role in the establishment and development of the bust, specifically in the Bust portrait of the beauty. The woman appearing in the Ukiyoe paintings serves to amplify the reality and real feeling. The more realistic the picture looks, the more the space of the painting is fulfilled. Another fiction is brought to a fiction, thereby transforming the fundamental fiction of a painting into reality. Unlike Suzuki Harunobu's Bust portrait, Utagawa Kunisada's Portrait into mirror facing each other(合わせ鏡) is a work where, with the reality of a woman evaporated, the virtual image of a beauty alone led to a new change in terms of expression. Using the then widely used mirror for makeup, this work attempted to define the imaginary value of a woman rather than the actual reality of a woman. In Kunisada's Portrait into mirror facing each other Utagawa Kunisada displayed a woman's face and a beauty product dubbed Attractive Woman Perfume in an attempt to combine the relevant elements. Likewise, the work transformed an object into an image through a medium. Utagawa Kunisada's Kunisada's Portrait into mirror facing each other, using a subtle object of association, revealed the concealed “medium culture” of Edo, where women were identified with certain products. 江戶時代 後期에 제작된 浮世絵 美人畵는 화면의 레디컬(radical)한 변화에서 그 우수성이 인정된다. 그 중에서 현재도 평가가 높은 美人大首繪로의 방향전환을 손꼽을 수 있다. 江戶時代 상당수 복제되어 판매되었던 美人大首繪는 거울이라는 매체를 이용하여 여성 이미지의 증식 혹은 복제와, 그 반대인 여성 신체의 절단이라는 현상을 단적으로 표현해내었다. 거울을 통하여 의도적으로 대상인 여성을 변형시키고 착란을 유도하고 있으며 심지어 여성 존재의 해체를 불러일으키고 있다. 실재를 재현으로, 복제로 그리고 점차로 실재와는 아무런 연관관계를 갖지 않는 순수한 시뮬라크르(simulacre)세계를 제조해 내고 있는 것이다. 본 논문은 春信· 歌麿· 国貞· 英泉등 江戶時代 後期 浮世絵師 들에 의해 제작된 美人大首絵 에 주목하였다. 歌麿가 1793경에 발표한 <えり粧い>와 国貞가 1823경에 발표한《今風化粧鏡》시리즈는 몇 가지 특이하고 기묘한 발상의 전환을 보여준 작품이다. 첫 번째는 浮世絵 美人畵에 거울이라는 매체를 도입한 작품이라는 점이다. 거울 그 자체가 浮世絵의 반신상 즉 美人大首繪의 성립과 발전에 다소간의 역할을 담당하였다. 浮世絵 화면 안에 나타난 거울 속의 여성은 실재성과 현실감을 증폭시키는 기능을 한다. 그림이 실재처럼 보이면 보일 수 록 회화공간은 충족된다. 허구 안에 허구를 짜 넣음으로서 회화의 본질적인 허구성이 순식간에 실재성으로 둔갑하게 되는 것을 의식한 것이다. 두 번째는 国貞의〈合わせ鏡〉는 歌麿의 大首絵와는 달리 여성의 실체는 사라지고 미인이라는 가상 이미지만으로 구성한 새로운 표현의 변화를 보여준 작품이다. 당시 화장에서 주로 사용된 맞거울을 이용하여 실재성보다는 여성의 가상의 가치를 규정하고자 한 작품이다. 国貞는〈合わせ鏡〉에 여성의 얼굴과 美艶仙女香 이라는 화장품을 나열함으로서 상호연관 된 요소들의 집합이라는 의미를 부여하여 하고 있다. 말하자면 무엇인가 事象을 表象하여 이를 他者를 향하여 媒介하는 작품, 즉 미디어성을 나타내고 있다. 国貞〈合わせ鏡〉는 미묘한 연상체를 이용하여 여성을 소비되는 상품과 동일시라는 감춰진 에도의 미디어문화를 의미하고 있는 작품이다 .

      • KCI등재

        기도확보가 어려운 상황에서 Miller blade와 Macintosh blade를 이용한 기관내삽관의 비교 : 숙련되지 않은 인턴을 대상으로 한 마네킨 연구

        이미림,김철태,이효철 사단법인 한국응급구조학회 2018 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare laryngoscopic views and ease of use and success of intubation, via the percentage of glottic opening (POGO) scale when using the Miller blade and Macintosh blade in paraglossal approach. Methods: Forty intern doctors were randomized for laryngoscopy to be performed in a crossover manner. They performed endotracheal intubation with Miller blade and Macintosh blade in two airway scenarios: normal airway and difficult airway with edema. We observed the rate of successful intubation, time required for visualizing the glottis, time to complete endotracheal intubation, ease of intubation, and the POGO scale. Results: In the normal airway, there was no difference in intubation between the two endoscopes. In the difficult airway, the time for visualizing the glottis (7.80 versus 10.24 sec; p=.006), the time to tube passage (19.38 versus 23.03 sec; p=.038) and the time to complete endotracheal intubation (21.84 versus 28.54 sec; p=.022) with Miller blade was shorter than with Macintosh blade. The POGO scale(%) of the Miller blade was higher than that of the Macintosh blade’s (62.25 versus 56.32; p=.030). Conclusion: Compared to the Macintosh blade, Miller blade provided better visualization of the glottis and POGO scale, and faster time to completion of endotracheal intubation.

      • '여성의 방'과 가내물품으로 본 성 정체성

        이미림 한국여성문학학회 2000 여성문학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        본고는 급변하는 사회에서 여성의 현대성과 자아정체성 탐색을 ‘여성의 방’과 가내물품의 상징을 통해 살핀 글이다. 주로 사적 영역 활동을 하는 여성들의 주택에 대한 아이덴티티감을 보면 자아의 반영이자 자기표현의 수단으로 정의하고 있다. 여성들은 의사소통 단절과 남편의 무관심과 무례함으로 인한 정신질환 및 대상화된 타자로서의 소외와 고독을 표출하고 있다. 실내장식과 방 꾸미기로서의 장소애적 집착은 사랑과 신뢰과 무너진 가정에서 무의미한 일상을 극복하려는 시도이지만 ‘무덤’으로 묘사되며 ‘촛불’ ‘말린꽃’ ‘연필’ ‘담배’ ‘그림액자’ ‘빨래 건조대’ ‘책상’ 등의 가내물품은 현대여성의 위기감과 불안정함을 상징한다. 특히 ‘책상’은 자아정체성 탐색의 주요 기제로 작용한다. 그리고 자기만의 방을 찾지 못한 여성들은 술 마시기, 담배 피우기, 글쓰기 , 다른 남자와의 낭만적 사랑 및 간음, 외도 등의 일탈에 이른다. 또한 산책, 가출, 외출, 여행을 시도하는데 이러한 장소애호와 일탈행위는 현대사회에서 안전함과 동일성을 향한 욕망과 다른 한편으로는 새로움을 향한 욕망 사이의 긴장이 성립되는 후기 자본주의 사회의 소비 형태와 맞닿고 있다. Since industrialization, urbanization and modernization, with formation of consumption society, the women have experienced spatial imaginations about a room of one's own and symbol of household commodities. Women tend to define a house or a room as a means of self-reflection and self-expression. Because of husbands' indifference and impoliteness, women in home life have no external communication and become psychoneurotic. Consequently they are conscious of a solitude, pain and alienation as an objective other. The women have topophilie of interior decoration in room, due to the lack of love and faith. But the home is described by 'a grave'. The household commodities, such as a candle, a dry flower, a pencil, a cigarette, washing drying stand, a picture case, a desk, symbolize her crisis and instability. Especially women search for self-identity through a desk. Women not having 'a room of one's own' deviate from a house. They are addicted to drinking, smoking, writing, traveling, a love affair, immorality. Topohilie and deviance are connected with consumption style in a post-capitalist society. In conclusion, the former satisfies stability and oneness' desire, the latter, newness' desire.

      • KCI등재

        Application of the BMORE Plot to Analyze Simulation Output Data with Bivariate Performance Measures

        이미림,이진표,박민재,Lee, Mi Lim,Lee, Jinpyo,Park, Minjae The Korea Society for Simulation 2020 한국시뮬레이션학회 논문지 Vol.29 No.2

        Bivariate measure of risk and error(BMORE) plot is originally designed to depict bivariate output data and related statistics obtained from a stochastic simulation such as sample mean, median, outliers, and a boundary of a certain percentile of simulation data. When compared to the static numbers, the plot has a big advantage in visualization that enables scholars and practitioners to understand the potential variability and risk in the simulation data. In this study, beyond just the construction of the plot to depict the variability of a certain system, we add a chance constraint to the plot and apply it for decision making such as checking the feasibility of systems, comparing performances of the systems on statistical background, and also analyzing the sensitivity of the problem parameters. In order to demonstrate an application of the plot, we employ an inventory management problem as an example. However, the techniques and algorithms suggested in this paper can be applied to any other problems comparing systems on bivariate performance measures with simulation/experiment results. BMORE(Bivariate measure of risk and error) 도표는 본래 확률적 시뮬레이션에서의 이변량 성과 데이터와, 그와 관계된 표본 평균, 중앙값, 이상점, 특정 백분위 내의 결과 데이터의 범위 등과 같은 통계량들을 시각화하기 위해 설계되었으며, 정적인 정보들만 제공하는 것에 비해 사용자들이 시뮬레이션 결과 데이터에 담긴 가변성을 더욱 직관적으로 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 돕는다. 본 연구에서는 BMORE 도표를 단순히 한 시스템의 가변성을 시각화하기 위한 것이 아닌, 특정 확률적 제약 아래 대상 시스템들의 실행 가능성을 타진하고, 통계적 배경 아래 여러 시스템들의 성과 비교를 행하며, 매개변수들의 민감도 분석을 실시하기 위한 의사결정 도구로써 활용할 수 있음을 보이고 이를 위한 여러 방안을 제안한다. 그 활용 예시를 보이고자 본 연구에서는 간단한 재고 관리 문제를 차용하였으나, 제시된 방안들 자체는 이변량 성과 척도를 가지는 시뮬레이션/실험 데이터를 근거로하여 여러 시스템들을 비교하는 문제라면 어디든 사용될 수 있음을 밝혀둔다.

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