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      • 교육복지사업에서 학교와 지역사회 네트워크에 관한 연구 : 서울지역 교육복지사업을 중심으로

        안병렬 서울시립대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Abstract About Networking of Schools and Local Communities in Educational Welfare Projects 「Focusing on Educational Welfare Projects in Seoul region」 Ahn, Byung Lyul Department of Social Welfare Graduate School of Urban Sciences, University of Seoul (Supervised by Professor Kim, Ju-Il) Today the welfare for juveniles and adolescents through education is very important matter in terms of its being directly connected to national advancement in the future in knowledge driven society. The demand for community educational welfare is increasing in accordance with sudden change of society. It should not be allowed of careless preparation to positively cope with the problems of educational alienation, educational maladjustment, and inequality of educational circumstance attributable to income reduction since the financial turmoil, deepening gap in labor market, increase in family dissolution, dwellers escaped from North Korea, foreign laborers, increase in international marriage of countryside, etc. Accordingly this study analyzed the realities of networking of schools and local communities on educational welfare projects of depressed area which has been conducted since 2003. Educational welfare projects are educational welfare services that provide integral support on education-culture-welfare of the kids of the low-income class and local residents by unearthing local resources with cooperation of school and local community and holding in common the resources through networking. In summary, the study focused on establishing a local community of education by enhancing educational welfare projects through cooperative networking with unearthing human resources, material resources, business resources, and informational resources that exist in local community, and analyzed these local resources by distinguishing as interactive trait, structural trait, and functional trait based on relationship and structure. The analysis was studied by the relations, reciprocity, continuity, and diversity for interactive trait; approached by interactive communication, remoteness among doers, and certainty for structural trait; and conducted by the degrees of contribution on purposes and satisfaction on results. Some suggestive points from the analysis were obtained as recognizing the necessity of professional manpower who harmoniously connect schools and local communities, as getting of partnership through trust and cooperation between them, and as being in need of establishment of a system that can hold educational welfare projects with self-generation though they are formally terminated due to their completion of project terms. On the other hand, there were some problems such as impossibility of executing various projects because of short of resources in local community, unavailability of diversification of human resources who participate in the projects, difficulty of securing its continuity because of absolute dependency on the office of education for the budget, and insufficiency of voluntary participation of local residents. Some solutions for these problems were provided as: first, surely holding in common the vision and the goal of networking in local community; second, surely enhancing cooperative networking among school to local community, organization to organization of local community, school to family, and the office of education to local governments; third, surely expanding a stable basis of networking through legalization; fourth, surely improving steadily the projects with enforcing manpower for executing the networking of local community and with expanding the budget; and fifth, surely raising satisfaction and contribution of local residents with positive campaigning and development of various programs for projects. In conclusion, it is absolutely necessary to establish trust and reliance of schools and local communities in order to realize the eventual purpose, embodiment of educational community in local community, of this project, and it needs to continuously study and develop the improvement of educational welfare for local residents through a conference for periodic operation of cases in connection with various organizations of local community. So, it needs to establish a fine system of cooperative networking which takes responsibility for the bright future of juveniles and adolescents with making and utilizing excellent local resources. 〈국 문 초 록〉 오늘날 지식기반사회에서 교육을 통한 아동·청소년 복지는 미래의 국가발전과 직결된다는 점에서 매우 중요한 일이다. 급격한 사회의 변화에 따라 지역사회 교육복지에 대한 요구가 증가하고 있다. 외환위기 이후의 소득감소, 노동시장에서의 격차 심화, 가정해체의 증가, 북한 이탈 주민, 외국인 근로자, 농촌에서의 국제결혼 증가 등으로 인한 교육소외·교육부적응·교육여건불평등의 문제에 적극적으로 대처하기 위한 준비를 소홀히 해서는 안 될 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 2003년부터 진행중인 빈곤지역의 교육복지사업에 대해 학교와 지역사회간 네트워크 현황을 분석하였다. 교육복지사업은 학교와 지역사회가 협력하여 지역자원을 발굴하고 네트워크를 통해 자원을 공유하여 저소득층 아이들과 지역주민들의 교육-문화-복지를 통합적으로 지원하는 교육복지서비스인 것이다. 연구의 결과를 요약해 보면 지역사회에 존재하고 있는 인적자원, 물적자원, 사업자원, 정보자원을 발굴하여 네트워크 협력을 통해 교육복지사업의 활성화로 지역교육공동체를 만드는데 있으며 이러한 지역자원을 관계와 구조를 기본으로 상호작용적 특성, 구조적 특성, 기능적 특성으로 구분하여 분석하였다. 분석내용은 상호작용적 특성은 관계내용, 호혜성, 지속성, 다양성으로 연구했고, 구조적 특성은 소통방향성, 행위자간 거리, 확정정도로 접근했으며, 기능적 특성은 목적기여도, 성과만족도로 분석하였다. 분석한 결과 시사점으로 학교와 지역사회를 원활하게 연결시키는 전문적인 인력의 필요성을 인식한 점, 상호간에 신뢰와 협력을 통한 파트너십이 생긴 점, 사업기간이 만료되어 형식적으로 종료되더라도 자생력을 갖고 교육복지사업을 지속시킬 수 있는 시스템 구축이 필요하다는 점을 얻었다. 반면에 문제점으로 지역사회 자원부족으로 다양한 사업을 추진하지 못하는 것, 사업에 참여하는 인적자원들이 다원화되지 못한 것, 사업예산을 절대적으로 교육청에 의존하고 있어 지속성 담보가 어려운 것, 지역주민들의 자발적 참여가 부족한 것이 있었다. 이러한 문제점의 해결방안으로 첫째, 지역사회네트워크의 비전과 목표를 공유할 것, 둘째, 학교와 지역사회, 지역사회 기관과 기관, 학교와 가정, 교육청과 지방자치단체간의 네트워크 협력을 강화할 것, 셋째, 법제화를 통한 네트워크의 안정적 기반을 확충할 것, 넷째, 지역사회네트워크 추진 인력의 강화와 예산 확충으로 사업을 안정적으로 발전시킬 것, 다섯째, 사업에 대한 적극적 홍보와 다양한 프로그램 개발로 지역주민들의 만족도와 기여도를 높이는 것 등을 해결방안으로 제시하였다. 결론적으로 지역사회 교육공동체 구현이라는 본 사업의 궁극적 목적 실현을 위해 학교와 지역사회간 믿음과 신뢰의 구축이 절대적으로 필요하며, 다양한 지역사회 기관과 연계한 정기적인 사례관리 협의회를 통해 지역주민들의 교육복지 개선을 지속적으로 연구·발전시켜야 할 것이다. 그래서 우수한 지역자원을 만들고 활용하여 아동·청소년들의 밝은 미래를 책임질 수 있는 세밀한 지역사회 네트워크 협력체제를 구축해야 할 것이다.

      • 航空貨物運送代理店의 經營改善 方案에 관한 硏究

        안병렬 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        With the development of high-tech industries, including new materials like ceramics, computers, and other electronic goods, international trade goods are becoming diminutive and high-priced when comparing with the former trade goods. So owners we increasing the use of air cargo so that their goods can be reached their customer rapidly, correctly, and safely. The role and service of air cargo transportation agent we becoming diversification and complication as air cargo is increared and the market size of air cargo enlarged like this. Therefore, the study has put the purpose on securing an ascendancy from a keen competition with foreign transportation enterprises by examining the status and problems of Korean air cargo agents and studying the operating devices to be able to meet the increase of demand of air cargo by improving and enforcing the constitutino of air cargo agent. For this purpose, the study has been developed total 5 chafers. In the chapter Ⅰ, the purpose, the method, and the extend of the study have been mentioned. In the chapter Ⅱ, the role of air cargo transportation agent has been treated. In the chapter Ⅲ, the status and problems on management of Korean air cargo transportation agent have been checked. In the chapter Ⅳ, the improvement devices for the management af air cargo transportation agent have been presented. In the chapter Ⅴ, the result of the study has been mentioned. According to the result of the study, the problems of domestic air cargo agent are as follows. First problem is on small capital and petty business. Second systemetic and active marketing conception is not positioned. So they have much dimculties to cope with a keen market competition and carrier's the policy of a price decrease. Third, the computerization of Air Cargo for a rapid service and the efficiency of management are not arranged. Forth, a various transportation service that owners can use reaseonably is not developed. In order to solve these structural problems that the Korean air cargo transportation business and promote international campetitiveness, the following measures were seriously discussed. First the security of a large scale capital for a large size of agent and of the special institution for the specialization should be achieved. Second, with the change of the recognition of air cargo market, agents should establishing marketing strategy to be able to cope with the diversity of the propensity of consume. Third, a complete computerization should be intrduced in dealing with air cargo in order to increase the administrative efficiency in the business and to secure good quality services for customers. Forth, a various service system for customer should be developed. Lastly, it is being estimated that air cargo transportation will grow as an important transportation system to lead transportation industry trom comming 2,000's. Air cargo transportation agent in persent, however, requires government's aid because it's impossible that they secure a large scale capital and develop system in short times.

      • 僻地農漁村地域과 都市地域中學生의 體位, 食習慣 및 食品嗜好에 關한 調査

        안병열 忠南大學校 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 247326

        This survey was carried out to find out the differences of physical conditions, home environments, dietary habits and food preferences between middle school students living in remote agrarian and fishing village and city regions. Three hundred students from "K" and "B" middle schools in Seosan region and from "D" middle school in Daejeon city respectively were surveyed and statistically analyzed. As a result of survey, 1. The height of Daejeon city’s students was significantly taller than Seosan's and the weight of Daejeon's students was significantly heavier than that of Seosan's. 2. The major vocations of their parents who lived in Seosan region were farming and fishery, while the ones of their parents in Daejeon city come commerce, public official, and office worker in that order, and the number of brothers and sisters of Seosan's students was significantly more than that of Daejeon's. 3. The meat intake frequency of Seosan's students was significantly lower than that of Daejeon's, and the number of doing without having breakfast in Seosan's students was significantly more than that of Daejeon's. 4. The number of having midnight meal in Seosan's students was significantly less than that of Daejeon's. 5. The meal time of Seosan's students was significantly irregular than that of Daejeon's. 6. The differences on the kind of subsidiary foods of common meal or of box lunches were not recognized by the rate of order correlation between the two regions. 7. The differences of the preference orders of between- meals and subsidiary foods between the two regions were not recognized statistically.

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