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      • KCI등재

        EuroQol 도구로 측정한 성인 공황장애 환자의 건강관련 삶의 질 수준

        손명하,변금령,최병휘,우종민,Son, Myoung-Ha,Byun, Keum-Ryung,Choi, Byung-Hwi,Woo, Jong-Min 대한불안의학회 2012 대한불안의학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for patients with panic disorder using EQ-5D and EQ-VAS, and to examine the relationship between health-related quality of life and clinical outcomes following treatment. Methods : 29 patients with panic disorder were recruited from the Seoul Metropolitan area and 20 patients were followed up after two months of outpatient treatment. The Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS) was used to assess the severity of the panic disorder and the changes in symptoms. HRQoL was assessed with EQ-5D and EQ-VAS at baseline and at two months of treatment. Results : All enrolled panic disorder patients showed significantly impairment of HRQoL in view of the subscales of EQ-5D, EQ-VAS index scores. The severity of PDSS was correlated the HRQoL in the panic patients. After treatment, the EQ-5D, EQ-VAS index scores showed significant improvement. Conclusion : Panic disorder patients suffer from lower HRQoL as well as from symptoms of the disorder. They showed clinical improvement and a restored HRQoL with treatment. These outcomes suggest using the EQ-5D, EQ-VAS such as the HRQoL in the assessment of patients with panic disorder is essential.

      • KCI등재후보

        우울증에서의 자기관리(Self-Help)의 효과 : 독서요법과 운동을 중심으로

        손명하,우종민 대한우울조울병학회 2012 우울조울병 Vol.10 No.2

        Self-help has been suggested to be an effective treatment for sub-clinical and mild depression. The authors performed a review to find evidences and practical methods of bibliotherapy and physical exercise, which had shown more robust data than other various self-help methods. The strength of bibliotherapy is cost-effectiveness, high accessibility, and enhancement of self-efficacy. Bibliotherapy is composed of fictional bibliotherapy and cognitive behavioral bibliotherapy. Fictional bibliotherapy is originated from psychodynamic psychotherapy, but has not enough empirical research results. Recently, self-help bibliotherapy for depression using non-fictional books based on cognitive behavioral therapy techniques has been used to understand the patients’ problems and change their behavior. The effect of cognitive behavioral bibliotherapy for sub-clinical and mild depression is established by various meta-analyses. Exercise is a structured physical activity with a recommended frequency, intensity, and duration to be used for the treatment of depression. Increased body temperature, endorphin, monoamine, growth factors, and self-efficacy has been suggested to explain the antidepressant mechanism of physical exercise. Many studies reported a significant benefit from exercise for depression. In conclusion, self-help for depression is a useful tool to alleviate depression. To provide optimal use of self-help modalities, further research to develop specific clinical guidelines and recommendations are needed.

      • KCI등재

        尋根文學視閾下的“招夫養夫”婚俗文化 ― 以≪遠村≫≪天狗≫≪木幇≫爲例

        孫明霞 ( Son Myeongha ),趙雪 ( Zhao Xue ) 중국어문연구회 2022 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.111

        In the 1980s, after the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese society began to care about the roots of its people, and there was a discussion in Chinese literature circles about how to find roots. Local culture also influences the writers’literary creation as their cultural background, and their works are naturally engraved with the cultural symbols of the region, and over the years, the regional characteristics of the region have been molded. The heavenly hound, Far away village, Timber Gang as a “zhaofuyangfu” marriage customs in different parts of the works, the author in the root-searching literature to reflect on the traditional culture and modern thought, shows the modern people can not understand the tao marriage customs of marriage customs bond pattern, reminds us to re-examine the stand or fall of traditional culture and modern civilization, it cause our reflection on ethical value judgment standard. It becomes the core point for us to re-examine the Eastern and Western civilization, and tells us how to think calmly and critically in the collision of old and new ideas. This is also the significance of the marriage custom works of “zhaofuyangfu”.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 정신건강의학과 진료영역 창출을 위한 방안

        우종민,손명하,김경미,채규창 대한신경정신의학회 2014 신경정신의학 Vol.53 No.3

        The mission of psychiatric practice is rangesing from alleviating the distress and impairmentcaused by psychiatric disorders to promoting a state of well-being in order to cope with the normalstresses of life and for to improvement of social functioning. Various factors, including socialchanges in general and the change of Psychiatry is are grounded in clinical neuroscience andpublic health. The authors are to review the determinants of changes in clinical practice of psychiatryand to review plausible areas of new clinical practice in psychiatryic both from both aclinical neuroscience and a public health perspective.

      • KCI등재

        女性生命的畸变及自我救赎- 以葛水平的《喊山》和《甩鞭》为例 -

        赵雪,손명하 중국인문학회 2022 中國人文科學 Vol.- No.81

        소설 <산이 울다(喊山)>와 <채찍돌림(甩鞭)>은 작가 거수이핑(葛水平)의 대표작으로 작품의 여주인공이 가혹한 인생에 맞서 어떻게 분투하고 반항했는지를 묘사하였다. 아울러 <산이 울다>와 <채찍돌림>은 모두 타이항산 농촌을 배경으로 하여 사람과 사물을 그린 전통 향토소설이다. 작가 거수이핑은 산시(山西)성 친수이(沁水)현에 있는 척박하고 교통이 불편한 외진 지역인 십리(十里) 마을 산신와(山神凹)에서 태어났다. 이 황량하고 외딴 마을의 사람들은 우매하고 보수적이며 고단한 삶을 보내고 있다. 이는 작가가 문학 창작에 있어 상상력이 넘치는 창작 공간과 창작 소재를 제공해 주었다. 이 지역에 생활한 여성 작가로서 타이항산맥에서 생활하는 여성의 운명을 감정적으로 공감하고 여성의 운명을 더 쉽게 이해하였다. 또한 작가의 글에서 고난에 맞서는 여성의 강인함, 용기, 불굴 정신 등이 저자의 글에서 잘 드러났고 작품에서 시골 여성 군상을 통해 뚜렷한 페미니즘의 형상을 찾아볼 수 있다. 그녀들이 연약해 보이지만 강직했고, 운명에 굴복하지 않고 고난에 직면하여 투쟁했다. 본 논문은 두 텍스트의 내용을 바탕으로 주요 인물과 그녀들을 통해 나타난 페미니즘 특성을 분석하고, 등장인물들이 여성 의식을 어떻게 스스로 깨우쳤는지 알아보고자 한다. 이에 근거하여 저자가 표현하고자 하는 심층적인 의미 즉, 중국 여성의 자아 구원의 길을 탐구하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        컬럼비아 대학 자살 심각성 평가 척도의 신뢰도 및 타당도 연구 : 알코올 의존장애 환자를 중심으로

        배도희,우종민,손명하,이창수 대한신경정신의학회 2015 신경정신의학 Vol.54 No.2

        Objectives ZZThis study was designed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) in alcohol-dependent patients. MethodsZZThe participants were 31 patients with alcohol dependence disorder. All participants were tested using the Korean version of C-SSRS. To test the concurrent validity, Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, and Scale for Suicidal Ideation were applied. Reliability and validity were assessed by comparison of cronbach-α coefficients, Pearson’s correlation coefficients. ResultsZZThe Korean version of C-SSRS was proved to be a reliable and valid method for assessment of suicidal risk by verification of internal consistency and concurrent validity. ConclusionZZThese results support that the Korean version of C-SSRS is a reliable and valid tool for prediction of suicidal risk in a clinical setting.

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