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      • KCI등재

        주제공원의 동선 개선 제안

        박효철(Park, Hyo-Chul),한혜선(Han, Hye-Sun) 한국실내디자인학회 2014 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.23 No.5

        The EXPO Ocean Park in Yeosu has taken on the apsect of a theme park and has specialized facilities. But the outdoor circulation system that has been used by Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea still remained. These conditions can occur unused circulation and a long walk between facilities. The Purpose of this study is to suggest the improvement of circulation system that uses walking and outdoor space at the Expo Ocean Park in Yeosu. The following researches are drawn based upon the purpose. First, Definition and existing academic literature of theme park is considered. Second, the type, utilization condition, and circulation of outdoor facilities of Expo Ocean Park are investigated through the field survey and analysis. The field survey is conducted on the Expo Ocean Park in Yeosu for five times from October, 2013 to March, 2014. The data is collected through the photographed outdoor park and interviewing the staff of 2012 Yeosu World Expo Foundation. Third, the case study on outdoor circulation of waterside park and park with amusement facilities that are similar to Expo Ocean Park are examined. The result of this study is expected to seek sustainable management of Expo Ocean Park for maximizing local resident and visitors" satisfaction and improving effective park image. Since the field survey was conducted before the park is reopened and The Expo Ocean Park is on the improve through the this study at present, the verification of improvement scheme based on Post-Occupancy Evaluation(POE) is needed for future study.

      • KCI등재

        한국 전통건축 단청 배색의 지각 특성

        박효철(Park, HyoChul) 한국색채학회 2016 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.30 No.4

        This research aims for a perceptual analysis of Korean traditional architecture dancheong color scheme by considering morphological characteristics and perceptual distance. In order to do so, the research measured and analyzed colors for palace, buddhist and confucianism architectures in terms of close-distance and middle-distance landscape. The result of close-distance color scheme"s color perception characteristics were 1) Color scheme"s hierarchy that shows constructed structure"s dignity (splendidness) was decided not by the number of colors used, but by the degree of repetition in color scheme compound-combination of multiple bit. 2) The number of colors used in color scheme, and the number of bit-combined color schemes were ordered by buddhist, palace and confucianism architecture. This can be interpreted to be expression of frugal confucianism spirit and hierarchy order. 3) Dancheong pattern"s 1 bit is high value, and 2 bit has low value, which makes the pattern to look three dimensional. 4) Saek buchim color scheme between sub-components, meok or bunseon color scheme between patterns clearly distinguish the border between sub-components and patterns. 5) Meok jikwi of mok in front of the important sub-component meoricho and meok dang-gi-gi in rear mok distinguishes the border for meoricho, which has high value and advances forward to emphasize the tip of the sub-component. Color perception characteristics for middle-distance landscape color scheme were 1) The wall part emphasizes the vertical component-pillars. Changbang and pyeongbang on the wall part are similar to gongpo part in terms of major colors used and color scheme frequency and area ratio, which makes them seem to be one area. 3) Color scheme image of sangnok hadan(上綠下丹) is created by GY(G) in gongpo and R(YR) hues in walls, and soeseo and bo buri, soeseo and dugong baet badak are contrasted to gongpo part"s dominant color in terms of hue and value, creating a well organized structure"s orderly beauty. 4) Yeonmokburi in parallel line of maksaegiwa and buyeonburi create curved lines for eaves, in a thick arrow shape, bringing lightening effect for low-valued roof.

      • 공유오피스의 개념 및 색채 환경 비교 - 서비스드 오피스 VS 코워킹 스페이스를 중심으로 -

        박효철(Park, Hyo-Chul),한혜선(Han, Hye-Sun) 더나은도시디자인포럼 2021 도시디자인저널 Vol.- No.3

        The purpose of this study is to arrange the concept of serviced office and coworking space in shared office and to analyse the comparison of interior color environment for providing basic data on the shared office color plan. For the study, The serviced office and coworking space in three districts of Seoul has been chosen. That is limited to the space where there is web site, magazine and any other online sources. The following researches are drawn based upon the purpose. First, based on existing academic literature, market change and characteristics of shared office is considered and concept of two business models of shared office is arranged. Second, the distribution of its hue and tone is analysed after collecting the color sample of interior. Third, the comparison of color status between serviced office and coworking space are analysed by color image scale positioning. The results of analyzing interior color, generally the hues of YR, PB with White, Very Pale, light grayish, grayish tone appeared mostly. additionally, several hues and tones appeared. The hues of R, RP, Y, YR, G, GY, B, PB with high Value, middle-high chroma is distributed in the serviced office interior. It means that the serviced office shows color changing though, typical color harmony of general office still keep it today. The hues of YR, B with Low-high Value, Low-high chroma is widely distributed in the coworking space. It means that coworking space shows comfy image of color and tone as shown in the serviced office. However, low value. high chroma, and variation of color that is not infrequently used in general office. The result of color image analysis indicated that the color images of shared office are ‘mild’, ‘natural’, ‘gentle’, ‘elegant’ image generally, and cheerful. ‘modern’ and graceful image slightly. Totally, the results indicated calm and soft image rather than active and hard image. Common color images of serviced office are ‘mild’, ‘gentle’ image and color images of coworking space are ‘mild’, ‘elegant’ image mostly. But graceful, ‘modern’, and cheerful, image which is not showed in serviced office indicated for coworking space. This color images correspond with the interior image concepts of two business models. The color image of each functional spaceis needed for next research.

      • KCI등재

        궁궐건축의 대비배색과 조형의 관계

        박효철(Park, HyoChul) 한국색채학회 2017 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.31 No.3

        This study aims to analyze the effects of color contrast with adjacent colors on architectural formation according to time and various perspectives of palace architecture. The subjects of analysis include Geunjeongjeon, Sajeongjeon and Gangryeongjeon of Gyeongbok Palace. While approaching them from the farthest point, the dominant colors of the motif and members of the framework were measured to determine the presence of any noticeable contrasting color scheme, and the relationship between the color contrast and the architectural form was then analyzed. The following results were ascertained from the study: First, the color contrast of the palace embodies the formative language of an infinite dimension according to time and space. More specifically, although the palace produces a simple monochrome architecture image from a distance, it is transformed in to a much more colorful one from a closer distance. Second, it takes the form of a holistic structure from a distance, but when seen from closer it takes the form of motif and member of framework. Third, it establishes the effect of a three-dimensional structure from a distance, but forms that of the motif and member of framework upon closer inspection. Fourth, the shape of the supporting roof, the three-dimensional effect of the gongpo, and the emphasis on the main structural members compensate for the visual anxiety of elevation which is unfavorable in terms of color weight. Fifth, although it uses a small number of colors, the orderly symmetrical repetitive color scheme contributes to the expression of hierarchy (degree of splendor). Sixth, it can be interpreted as a metaphorical expression for long-term sustainability without damages from water, fire, cold and foreign invasions.

      • KCI등재

        경복궁 근정전의 형태와 색채가 구축하는 다차원적 조형언어

        박효철(Park, Hyo Chul) 한국색채학회 2018 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.32 No.3

        This study aims to analyze a multidimensional formative language constructed through the change of the angle of solar radiation, distance and direction perceived in the Geunjeongjeon of Gyeongbok Palace. To this end, a comparative analysis was conducted regarding the frontal, oblique(45°) and lateral planes of the palatial building observed from a distant view to a close-up view at about 10:00, 14:00 and 17:00 on the same day. The results are as follows. First, the process of approaching from the distant view to the close-up view, that is, the difference of distance can lead to the perception on the following changes of the formative language. ①The vertical formative image is changed to a horizontal image. ②The roof-centered formative sculpture is transformed into the gongpo and wall-centered one. ③The achromatic image is changed to a chromatic image. ④The grade of ranks is raised by graceful colors, rather than by the size and shape, including the roof. ⑤The simple formative image of structure and color is changed to a colorful image by the orderly repetition of the structure and color ⑥As the dynamic formative tendency gradually increases, the weight felt on the roof becomes lighter. ⑦The object of adjacent colors that contrast with one another is changed, the shape is formed in the order of the palatial building, members and patterns. Second, different formative languages can be perceived in the aspects of frontal, oblique and lateral planes that perceive the Geunjeongjeon. Although the frontal and lateral planes show no differences in the structures of the gongpo and wall and the grade of ranks represented by Dancheong(traditional decorative coloring), the shape and color formative image are different in the lateral plane as there is a gable roof, and the column spacing is narrow. On the other hand, the oblique angle that can perceive the frontal and lateral planes simultaneously can perceive the size and shape of the palatial building in three dimensions, is asymmetrical and form a formative language different from that of the frontal and lateral ones since it cannot distinguish between concave roofing tiles and convex roofing tiles. Third, the change of solar altitude affects the shadow length of the convex roofing tiles, and therefore the pattern and brightness of the roof tiles become different. However, there is little change in color on the upper part of the gongpo and wall due to the long eaves. Nonetheless, we can feel the change of the orderly soft formative language of brightness and saturation for colors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현대 농어촌과 전통한옥마을의 색채경관 비교

        박효철(HyoChul Park) 한국색채학회 2014 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.28 No.2

        전통한옥마을에 비해 현대 농촌 색채경관은 시각적으로 두드러지는 경향이 있으며, 이 현상은 전국적으로 일반화된 현황이다. 이에 이 연구는 이들의 색채경관을 비교분석하여 오늘날 농어촌색채경관의 문제점을 파악하고, 바람직한 정책방향을 제안하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 전통한옥마을 2곳과 현대농어촌 4곳을 사례로 선정하고, 마을의 주요지점 색채를 비교분석하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 1. 전통 초가가 형성하는 마을 색채경관은 색상, 명도, 채도분포가 단순한 가운데, 명도와 채도는 자연환경색채와 같거나 낮아서 자연에 맞서지 않고 순응하는 배색특성을 보인다. 아울러 전통초가가 형성하는 색채경관은 지각위치에 따라 다양한 배색경관을 지각할 수 있다. 2. 전통 기와집이 형성하는 마을 색채경관도 색상, 명도, 채도분포가 단순하며, 명도와 채도는 자연환경색채와 같거나 낮아서 자연환경에 순응하는 배색을 형성한다. 3. 현재 우리 농어촌에는 전통 기와집을 비롯해 담, 우물, 창고 등 보전할 전통경관이 많이 있다. 자연과 잘 조화되는 우리전통경관을 보전하는 차원에서 작물위주의 경관보존직불제를 이들의 범위로 확대 시행해야 한다. 4. 개량한옥이 형성하는 마을의 색채경관은 자연환경이나 전통한옥보다 색상분포가 복잡하고, 자연과 삼속성 모든 면에서 대비되어 지붕이 지나치게 두드러져 지각된다. 따라서 자연환경과 조화와 지역특성을 고려한 개량한옥 지붕색채개선 관련사업의 확대 시행이 필요하다. 5. 양옥이 마을의 지역성을 반영하거나, 한국 농어촌다운 경관을 형성한다고 긍정적으로 평가하기는 어렵다. 따라서 한국의 농어촌 미래 경관방향을 설정하고, 이에 따라 적극적인 색채경관 디자인개발이 필요하다. Color landscape of modern rural is more visually noticeable in comparison with traditional Korean villages, and this phenomenon is common all over the country. In this study, the problems of today"s rural color landscape are comprehended by comparing and analyzing traditional Korean villages, and an ideal direction of policy is proposed. To achieve this, two traditional Korean villages and four modern rural areas have been selected for comparative analysis in terms of the appointed colors of the areas. The results are summarized below. (1) The village color landscapes formed by traditional straw-roofed houses have simple color, contrast, and brightness distributions. The contrast and brightness are lower than or similar to the colors of the natural environment, which display a color scheme that adapts rather than goes against nature. In addition, the color landscapes formed by traditional straw-roofed houses can be perceived as landscapes with diverse color schemes depending on the view location. (2) The village color landscapes formed by traditional tile-roofed houses have simple color, contrast, and brightness distributions. The contrast and brightness are lower than or similar to the colors of the natural environment, which display a color scheme that adapts to the natural environment. (3) Currently, there are many traditional landscapes that must be preserved in rural areas. These include fences, wells, storages, and traditional tile-roofed houses. To preserve our traditional landscapes and their beautiful harmony with nature, the Direct Payment Program for Rural Landscape Preservation of surrounding crops must be expanded to apply to these landscapes as well. (4) The color landscape of villages formed by improved Hanok displays a more complex color distribution than that displayed by natural environments or the traditional Hanok. It is also perceived as having excessively emphasized roofs when compared to nature and all the three elements. Accordingly, there is a need to expand projects to improve roof colors of the enhanced Hanok considering their harmony with the natural environment and the regional properties. (5) It is difficult to positively evaluate Western-style houses in terms of reflecting the regionality of the village or forming a Korean-rural-area-like landscape. Accordingly, there is a need to set the future landscape direction of South Korea’s rural areas, and to develop suitable color landscape designs.

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