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      • KCI등재

        세종대(世宗代) ‘수차(水車)’ 도입 논의를 통해 본 15세기 중화 문물의 수용 문제

        김진곤 한국역사연구회 2022 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.123

        Examined in this article is the discussion that took place in the Joseongovernment during the reign of King Sejong, over the issue of importingwaterwheels(水車) into Korea to assist agricultural production in the 15thcentury Joseon society. The goal of such examination is to observe the Joseonpeople’s perception of - and attitude toward - Chinese culture and technologyin this very period. Previous studies’ general belief was that the 15th century Joseon people, intheir efforts to reinvent their own culture and institutions, preferred ancientChinese institutions (and even the institutions of its contemporary Chinesecounterpart Ming, which they called “Institutions of the Time” [Shiwangjije, 時王之制]) to the institutions of Joseon’s own predecessor Goryeo. However, ifwe observe various cases of potential cultural embracing or adoption in the15th century, we can see that not every Chinese cultural influences werewelcomed or even favorably perceived. The discussion and debate that tookplace during King Sejong’s reign over the issue of whether or not Joseonshould adopt the Chinese waterwheels is one of those examples. Waterwheels were used in agricultural production, as it hugely contributed toadequate irrigation. Even before Sejong’s reign, their adoption was seriouslyconsidered several times. A Goryeo official named Baek Mun-bo who servedKing Gongmin in the late Goryeo days had earlier suggested that waterwheelsin usage across the Jiāng Huái(江淮) region of China should be introduced tothe Korean peninsula. And later, after the Joseon dynasty was founded anofficial named Wu Hi-yeol created waterwheels to be employed throughout thecountry during King Taejong’s reign, but his efforts unfortunately failed as well. Various failures to adopt these waterwheels in Joseon could be attributed tothe fact that the weather on the Korean peninsula was different from that ofeither China or Japan. Before the time of King Sejong, mostly Chinesewaterwheels were considered for adoption, while since the Sejong days theidea of importing ‘Japanese’ waterwheels(‘Wae-Sucha, 倭水車’) were newlypursued by people like Park Seo-saeng. Park had earlier visited Japan as aTongshin-sa emissary, and came to realize that the waterwheels used in Japanwere not only superior to but also more efficient than Chinese waterwheels, sohe proposed to Sejong their installations in Joseon. As he was already deeplyinterested in the issue, Sejong agreed that Japanese waterwheels could be theanswer to the problems the Chinese waterwheels had been posing. Thisexample shows us that not all Chinese culture and technology was positivelypursued by the Joseon people. Any country’s culture, if it was deemed to befitting the Joseon situation or as practical enough to be employed, werefavorably pursued.

      • KCI등재

        中國 民間 古典文學의 記錄 傳統과 公演 傳統 ― 水滸 이야기의 생성ㆍ전래ㆍ정착ㆍ공연화 과정을 중심으로

        김진곤 한국중국소설학회 1999 中國小說論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        這篇論文着重討論水滸故事集團的演變過程, 這演變過程裏包含着宋史, 皇宋十朝綱要, 三朝北盟會編, 續資治通鑑等一些史書, 元代水滸雜劇, 小說水滸傳, 明代水滸傳奇, 淸代水滸講唱等. 卽使是個屬於同一梗槪的水滸故事, 也成爲多種多樣的作品. 加上這樣式上也有記錄爲中心和表演爲中心的差別. 不同樣式的水滸作品之間, 可以感覺到不同的美感和特質. 首先考察歷史上實際存在過的宋江起義的歷史記載, 而發現到歷史記載裏的水滸故事只不過是缺乏生動感的槪要式記錄. 達到宣和遺事那些說話階段才漸漸地變化成有生動感有個性的文學故事. 元代産生以一人一事爲中心結構的水滸雜劇. 水滸雜劇的臺詞生動活潑, 刻畵人物生動逼眞. 李逵爲中心人物的水滸雜劇占得不小. 元末明初産生水滸傳. 水滸傳竝不是單純集合散沙一般的故事集團的, 而是作家傾注精心的構思創造出來的文學作品. 多彩多姿的版本, 水平極高的評點, 特別講究的出版狀態也是顯出文人創造性匠心的. 明代水滸傳奇是根據水滸傳的內容, 抽出比較有意思比較聞名的故事表演的舞臺藝術. 但是經過了一段時間以後水滸傳奇變化成案頭用讀本, 自然而然地擁有起來文人文化的特色. 淸代水滸講唱把全體水滸傳的內容分成一段一段的短篇故事, 然後改成合適于講唱公演的口演文學作品. 詞彙也考慮公演狀況而選擇, 排列. 所以水滸講唱的內容比較鮮明, 詞彙也比較淺近. 可以說受到中國一般老百姓的欣賞. 經過這些簡單的考察, 我們可以說, 創造有生命力的文學作品的關鍵不在於素材本身, 而在於作家즘樣搭配這些素材, 즘樣按排事件, 즘樣刻畵人物, 즘樣表達作品的內在主題這一點上. 卽使同一素材也經過不同樣式, 不同加工, 變化成具有不同美感的不同作品. 加上타們之間的品格也不一樣. 在水滸故事演變過程上, 小說水滸傳眞是個只有具有審美能力的人才可以發覺到其眞面目的文人文化的精華.

      • KCI등재후보

        아파트 벽체 온도 측정을 통한 중간층 대비 1층의 열손실 실태에 관한 연구

        김진곤,이병호 대한건축학회지회연합회 2007 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        Korea imports 97% of energy from foreign countries and energy consumption in buildings accounts for about 25% in total energy consumption. In the resident types, apartment house accounts for about 60%. Therefore, energy saving in the apartment house is essential. It was investigated that the amount of gas used in the fist story was over 29% than those of middle stories; it presents that the quantity of gas consumed in heating energy has much difference even in the same apartment. Hence, we investigated about what the cause brought through thermography camera and provided for basic material for the efficient energy management and insulation design plan from that investigation. In the result, the temperature of heating floor in the first story was higher than those of middle stories and the surface temperature in walls was lower than those of middle stories; it indicates that insulation means about heating floor and walls in the first story should be provided.

      • KCI등재후보

        노동조합의 자치와 그 존속요건에 대한 헌법적 해석- 교원노조에 대한 법외노조통보를 중심으로 -

        김진곤 사단법인 한국국가법학회 2019 국가법연구 Vol.15 No.1

        오늘날 노동은 4차 산업혁명이라는 시대적 물결 아래 전환기를 맞고 있다. 우리나라 노동 관련 법제와 실무는 이러한 변혁과 별개로 고전적 노동의 관계에 대한 수용과 실천도 제대로 뿌리내리지 못한 실정이다. 이처럼 고전적 노동관계에 대한 구조적 안착은 많은 시간과 노력을 필요로 한다. 근로자의 단결체는 현행법상 ‘노동조합’이라는 명칭 아래 노동에 대한 법적 관계를 형성하고 있다. 헌법상 노동3권은 근로자의 자주성에 기초하여 자율적 규범정립을 출발점으로 한다. 이로부터 근로자는 국가, 사용자 또는 사용자단체로부터 독립하여 단결체를 형성, 유지 및 발전시켜나갈 수 있다. 그런 점에서 노동조합은 스스로 조합원 구성과 그 조직체의 운영을 위한 규약을 정립할 수 있고, 그것은 법적 근거에 따라 강제성이 부여된다. 근래 교원노조에 대한 행정청의 법외노조통보는 노동조합의 존립과 관련하여 사회적으로 상당한 논란을 불러일으켰다. 이와 같은 법외노조통보제도는 노동조합의 법적 지위에 근본적 의문을 제기하는 것이며, 행정관청의 주도로 노동조합의 존립을 좌우하는 것으로서 여러 헌법적 문제를 야기하고 있다. 이 제도는 규약자치, 위험에 대한 과대포장, 행정청의 과도한 개입 및 근로자의 재판청구권 약화 등이라는 문제점을 갖고 있다. 이 글은 헌법에서 보장된 노동3권의 보호영역 중에서 노동조합의 자치와 그 존속에 대한 쟁점을 중심으로 현행 법외노조통보제도의 위헌성 여부를 논증하였다. 그 결과 법외노조통보제도는 사적자치의 영역에 국가가 과도하게 개입한 조치라고 평가하였다. Today, labor is facing a turning point under the tide of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Aside from this transformation, in Korea, legal system and practice of labour have not been properly rooted in accepting and practicing the relationship of traditional labour relations. The structural restructuring of classical labour relations requires much time and effort. Under the present law, the union of workers constitutes a legal relationship under the name “labour union”. Under the Constitution, three rights of labour are based on the independence of workers and the establishment of autonomous norms. From this, workers can form, maintain, and develop a united body independent of the state, the employers or the employers’ group. In this regard, the labour union can establish on its own convention and rules for the composition of its members and the operation of its organization. These are enforced on legal grounds. Recently, the administration noticed that teachers' union(Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union) is an illegal union. And this sparked social controversy over the existence of labour unions. Such an notification system of an administration raises a fundamental question of the legal status of labour unions. The government's initiative to determine the existence of labour unions has caused many constitutional problems. The system may pose problems for the autonomy of labour union. The system also has problems such as over-pavement of risks, excessive intervention by the administration and weakening workers' right to trial. This article demonstrates the constitutionality of the administrations’ notification system, focusing on the issues of union autonomy and its existence among the protection areas of the three labor rights guaranteed in the Constitution. In consequence, the notice of an illegal union to teachers' union is evaluated as too much intervention in private autonomy by state.

      • KCI등재

        역사 기술과 역사소설의 관계 탐색을 위한 서설 : 『三國志演義』의 경우

        김진곤 한국중국소설학회 2003 中國小說論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        有些硏究人員以爲中國小說的誕生過程正好是擺脫歷史的束縛而走向虛構的過程. 他們說歷史要寫實際事件, 小說要寫作家所想像出來的事件. 按照他們的說法歷史小說是上當於歷史和小說的中間, 虛實相半, 歷史小說家基於歷史記載的實際事件, 可以參考利用民間傳說, 發揮自己想像力量. 他們一直主張歷史記錄實際事件, 歷史小說寫經過作家的想像和藝術化的藝術虛構. 但是, 歷史家也在許多資料當中選擇自己要寫的內容, 把那些內容通過歷史敍述所需要的結構化而敍述的. 記錄在歷史不等於事實或眞實, 只不過是歷史敍述的事件. 歷史追求事實, 歷史小說追求虛構和想像的那種說法再不能成立的. 那마, 歷史和歷史小說的差異到底在나兒? 題材和結構上的差別니, 描寫的重點和看法的不同니, 對於通俗的看法上的不同니, 讀者的性向和階層上的不同니? 也許這些種種因素都緊緊聯在一起影響着歷史和歷史小說的分岐. 但是, 我們更進一步地分析出來在這些種種因素裏存在着主要和次要的分別, 如果存在的話, 甚마是主要, 甚마是次要. 筆者要準備回答這些問題, 而這回答要等下次的論文.

      • KCI등재

        이야기는 어떻게 유전되는가: 〈대철추전〉, 〈검협〉, 〈여협〉의 기록과 전달 과정 고찰

        金震坤 한국중국소설학회 2016 中國小說論叢 Vol.49 No.-

        Story of Big Iron Hammer大鐵椎傳, Knight-errant Swordsman劍俠, Knight-errant Swordswoman女俠 are the stories of a person with the outstanding martial arts. These stories were written in classical Chinese. These stories deal with only one case of a martial arts hero or heroine. The figures are not drawn to depict a variety of life events experienced. The three works are listed in the collection conveys an anthology of writing and miscellaneous records. Story of Big Iron Hammer was first recorded in Anthology of Weishuzi魏叔子文集, Knight-errant Swordsman and Knight-errant Swordswoman were first recorded in Casual Talks by the North Side of the Pond池北偶談. In this step, it is difficult to find the unity and a close linkage between the other works of Anthology of Weishuzi and Story of Big Iron Hammer, between the other works of Casual Talks by the North Side of the Pond and Knight-errant Swordsman or Knight-errant Swordswoman. Zhang Chao張潮 gathered the stories of the experiences of person with a bizarre talent or amusing incident and then compiled the book of New Collection of Yuchu 虞初新志. He clearly established the criteria of compilation and selected the stories among the books he could use. He collected these three stories in his the book of New Collection of Yuchu. These three stories have become possible newly interpretated or understood by the unity established by Zhang Chao in New Collection of Yuchu. These three stories were read more widely through the New Collection of Yuchu than before. This also the first step of the birth of Martial Arts Novel in China. Story of Big Iron Hammer, Knight-errant Swordsman, Knight-errant Swordswoman were not delivered to the readers respectively. They were conveyed in any one piece in the biji collection or the anthology that also bear the special planning. Readers had a tendency to choose the biji collection or the anthology first and then choose a story to read un them. We should pay attention to how and by whom these stories were delivered to the readers. These stories were circulated not in the form of individual story but in the form of a part of the collection or anthology.

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