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        형식동사의 빈어선택에 관한 분석 : 韓中 설문조사를 중심으로

        金善雅 중국어문학회 2003 中國語文學誌 Vol.14 No.-

        現代漢語中的形式動詞之所以'粘賓動詞', 因此其對賓語的選擇具有相當重要的意義. 本文就這介問題, 采用問卷調査方式進行硏究, 將以韓國人和中國人爲對象所進行的調査結果, 予以互相比較. 從中發現韓國人選擇形式動詞的賓語時容易犯錯的傾向, 幷對此加以分析.

      • 韩国学生汉语动词偏误分析

        金善雅 용인대학교 자연과학연구소 2011 自然科學硏究所論文誌 Vol.16 No.1

        本文主要从汉语动词本身的偏误,汉语动词与其他词类的误用,因不能正确辨析语义和语体色彩 造成的语用偏误以及受韩国语里特殊动词的影响而造成的偏误着眼,把学生平时练习、作业中出现的 部分比较普遍的动词偏误做了整理。 외국어의 적법한 활용에 있어 동사는 필수적이고도 결정적인 역할을 한다. 이는 중국어 도 예외가 아니다. 현대 중국어 동사 교학은 대외한어교학의 중심 요소이다. 중국어를 제2 외국어로 학습하는 한국학생들은 같은 한자문화권이라는 역사와 발음의 유사성으로 인해 다른 어느 국가의 학생들보다 유리한 위치에 있다. 그러나 형태변화가 없는 중국어와 형태 변화가 활발한 한국어의 유형적 차이 때문에 많은 한국 학생들이 중국어 학습에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 특히 한 문장에서 중심 역할을 하는 동사의 사용에 있어서도 적지 않은 오류를 보이고 있다. 이에 본고는 오류분석이론을 이용하여 한국 유학생들이 틀리기 쉬운 동사 사용상의 오 류에 대한 분석과 귀납을 하였다. 이러한 귀납을 거쳐 도출된 본고의 결론으로 한국 학생 들에게 최적화된 중국어 동사 교육의 주요 내용과 방향을 설정할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        韓中飜譯에서의 '化'

        金善雅 중국어문학회 2002 中國語文學誌 Vol.12 No.-

        本文就'化'尾動詞的特點進行分析。 首先, '化'尾動詞按照其動詞性功能的差異可分四類卽X化1, X化2, X化3及X化4。 타們形成一個動名連續統, 由左向右呈現出動詞性功能逐漸弱化。 這個現象體現'化'尾動詞的功能從原有的動詞性向名士性游移。 由此, 爲究其'化'尾動詞的動詞性功能差異的原因, 在'化'尾動詞本身內在限制和外在功能方面, 還加以分析。

      • KCI등재


        金善雅(Kim Seon-ah) 중국어문학연구회 2009 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.59

        This article compares the grammatical meaning and structure of the directional complements in Chinese to the equivalants in Korean. The differences and similarities are identified in order to make the teaching of Chinese more efficient to the Korean speaking students. And then based on a survey of the related data, this article investigates the use of compound directional complements. With reference to the present situation of teaching compound directional complements, this paper puts several suggestions for improving our teaching.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 교육을 위한 신HSK 한자 일치도 유형분석

        金善娥(Kim, Sun-a),辛承姬(Shin, Seung-hee) 중국어문학연구회 2015 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.93

        This study aimed to investigate phonetic compound characters and their phonetics appearing in 5000 words of The Outline of New HSK (新HSK??大?, 2010), and then to categorize them according to phonetic consistency. There have been many proposals to better teach phonetic compound characters to learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL). However, previous attempts mainly focused on “regularity” between phonetic components and phonetic compound characters. “Consistency” of phonetic components has not been much explored in the field of CFL. It has been reported that the awareness of consistency plays a major role in character processing and reading development of native Chinese children and adults, and that it grows as Chinese proficiency and literacy increase. Thus, an emphasis on consistency is also expected to help CFL learners. The findings of this study showed that pronunciation patterns of Chinese script, one of the deepest writing systems in the world, can actually be extracted based on consistency. The results of this study can help Chinese educators and textbook publishers to design more effective methods and materials to teach characters for CFL learners.

      • KCI등재

        상형자 학습에 미치는 그림의 효과연구

        金善娥(Kim, Sun-a),申修瑛(Shin, Soo-young),毛晨晨(Mao Chenchen),辛承姬(Shin, Seung-hee) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.99

        It has been reported that there are phases in children’s reading development, and that children depend on salient visual features in or around target words to read in the first phase. The current study investigated whether pictures as visual stimuli help learning pictographic characters by young beginning readers of Chinese who are supposed to be in the first reading stage. A total of 40 children at an age of five on average participated in an experiment of learning pictographs and a Chinese character test, which were conducted in a city of Southern China. Fifteen participants were native (L1) Chinese who read Pinyin but recognized a limited number of characters. The other 25 children were non-native learners of Chinese as a second language (L2), who had learned spoken Chinese for less than two months almost without any knowledge of Chinese characters. Participating children learned 12 pictographs, six of which were presented with pictures (i.e., picture condition) and the other six without pictures (i.e., no-picture condition) in three trials. The results showed that both L1 and L2 learners found the advantages of pictures in learning the meanings and the pronunciations of the pictographs, but the pictures were more beneficial to learning the pronunciations than the meanings. The findings verify the effects of pictures in learning pictographs, especially for their pronunciation. In addition, L1 Chinese children displayed more balanced outcomes in learning meanings and pronunciations. On the contrary, L2 learners indicated higher performance in learning meaning than in pronunciation regardless of the pictures, which suggests that the pronunciations of pictographs need to be emphasized more, and thus, pictures should be utilized more in teaching novice L2 learners pictographic characters.

      • KCI등재

        교수자 설문을 통해 본 한국의 유ㆍ초등 중국어 학습자를 위한 활동 활용현황

        金善娥(Kim, Sun-a),辛承姬(Shin, Seung-hee) 중국어문학연구회 2014 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.88

        Recently in Korea, the number of child learners of Chinese as a foreign language is growing, as more kindergartens and elementary schools include Chinese language courses in their regular or extra curricula. Due to the cognitive, emotional and psychological characteristics of children, classroom activities for child learners should be more motivating, diverse, clear, and active than those for adult learners. This study aimed to examine what classroom activities are currently used and needed to better teach child learners of Chinese as a foreign language in Korea. A survey was conducted to answer three research questions. First, how do teachers perceive the significance of classroom activities and use them to teach Chinese to children? Second, do classroom activities include all eight areas of Multiple Intelligences? Third, what kind of classroom activities do teachers think are effective and needed for child learners of Chinese? The results of the survey not only provide implications for motivating and effective classroom activities for children, but also illustrate the current situation of teaching Chinese to kindergarteners and elementary school students in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한국 어린이를 대상으로 한 중국어 교수에 있어 한자 읽기 교육의 문제 - 중국 어린이의 한자 읽기 연구 결과가 보여주는 시사점을 중심으로 -

        신수영,金善娥 한국한자한문교육학회 2017 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.42 No.-

        한국 어린이들이 중국어를 배우면서 접하는 한자의 학습에 대해 아직까지 국내에서는 경험에 근 거한 교수법과 방법론 위주로 논의가 이루어지며, 무엇을, 언제, 어떻게 도입해야 하는가에 대한 논 의는 충분히 이루어지지 않고 있다. 즉 학습자의 연령 요소와 그에 따른 인지 발달과 관련된 고려가 부족한 편이다. 본고는 이에 중국 어린이의 한자 읽기에 대한 실증적 연구들을 검토함으로써 한국 어린이의 한자 교육에 어떤 시사점이 있는지 살펴보고자 하였다. 선행연구에 따르면, 알파벳 등 표 음문자를 사용하는 어린이가 발달적 읽기 장애가 있는 경우, 이들의 기억력 장애는 시각적-공간적 자극 처리 능력보다는 음운 인식 능력과 관계된 것으로 알려져 있다. 또한 중국 어린이를 대상으로 한 많은 연구들이 중국어 읽기 능력의 습득에서 작업 기억의 중요성을 조사하여, 중국어 한자 읽기 에서 음운 인식과 시각적 자극에 대한 처리의 기능을 다각도로 관찰, 조사하고 있다. 그러나 아직까 지는 어느 한쪽을 지지하는 유력하고 일관된 결과를 보이지 않는다. 다만 중국 어린이 학습자가 언 어적 환경과 인지 발달 단계에 따라 한자 읽기 습득에 있어 음운과 시각적 정보, 두 유형의 인지적 처리 기술이 서로 다른 처리 기제를 가질 수 있으며 두 가지 모두 한자 변별과 밀접한 관련이 있음 을 시사한다. 따라서 한국 어린이를 대상으로 하는 외국어로서의 중국어 교육 및 학습에서도 한자 읽기의 교수와 학습은 학습자의 인지 발달 단계를 고려하여 적절한 교수요목과 교수방식을 선택해 야 하며, 이에 대한 실증적인 연구가 필요하다. In Korea, discussions of character teaching for young learners of Chinese as a foreign language, such as what characters, when, and how to teach them, have been lacking. Specifically, children’s age and cognitive development have not been fully considered in teaching Chinese characters to Korean children. Hence, this study aims to derive implications for Korean children’s character learning from empirical studies of how native Chinese children learn to read. Previous studies on children’s reading disorders in alphabetic writing systems have suggested that children’s reading difficulties can be attributed to phonological awareness rather than visuo-spatial processing abilities. Research on Chinese children’s reading development has investigated the importance of working memory in Chinese reading and explored the contributions of phonological and visual processing to Chinese reading. However, there is no consensus on which modality, phonological or visuo-spatial processing, plays a more significant role in reading Chinese characters among Chinese children. Studies imply that both types of processing are important in character recognition, but linguistic contexts and cognitive development stages in which Chinese children are placed differentiate the contribution of each mode of processing. Therefore, in teaching Chinese characters to Korean child learners of Chinese as a foreign language, characters and teaching methods should be selected based on the cognitive development phases of learners, and more empirical studies on this issue need to be conducted.

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