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      • KCI등재

        프랑스어권 아프리카 속담을 활용한 언어·문화 통합 교수·학습 방안

        김경랑(Kyung-Rang KIM) 프랑스학회 2023 프랑스학연구 Vol.- No.102

        본 연구는 프랑스어권 아프리카 속담을 활용한 프랑스어와 아프리카 문화의 언어·문화 통합 교수·학습 방안에 관한 연구이다. 먼저 언어적 측면에서는 아프리카 속담에 포함된 프랑스어의 어휘와 문법 항목에 초점을 맞추어 학습자들의 말하기 의사소통 능력 향상에 도움을 주고자 하였다. 문화적 측면에서는 아프리카 속담에 활용된 소재와 주제를 바탕으로 일차적으로는 아프리카인들의 생활환경과 삶의 철학을 이해하고 더 나아가 한국 및 프랑스 속담 등과의 비교를 통해 문화 간 차이점과 공통점을 비교 분석해 봄으로써 상호문화 간 이해역량을 키우고자 하였다. 프랑스어로 표현된 아프리카 속담에 기반한 아프리카 문화와의 접목에 초점을 맞춘 본 연구는 프랑스어 학습자들에게 새로운 학습 자료에 의한 동기 부여의 역할을 함과 동시에 단편적이나마 아프리카인들의 사고와 생활문화를 이해하는 기회가 되며 더 나아가 프랑스어를 사용하는 아프리카권 원어민 화자들과의 의사소통 상황에서 상호 문화적 능력을 토대로 의사소통 능력을 키우는 데에도 도움을 줄 수 있으리라 기대된다. Cette étude pmte sur la méthode intégrée d'enseignement et d'apprentissage de la langue française et de la culture africaine à l'aide des proverbes africains. Pour la langue française, l'accent a été mis sur la manière d'enseigner le vocabulaire et la grammaire du français avec les proverbes africains que l'enseignant a recueillis et regroupés en catégorie. L'enseignement de la culture aborde le cadre de vie des populations africaines tels qu'il apparait dans les proverbes. Puis, en les comparant avec des proverbes d'autres pays non - africain, dans une perspective interculturelle, nous avons essayé d'y trouver des contrastes et des correspondances pour élargir notre compréhension des cultures africaines. Les proverbes africains peuvent servir à motiver les apprenants coréens du français en tant que nouveaux supports d'apprentissage et d'enseignement. Cela permettra aussi aux apprenants de mieux communiquer dans les situations de communication avec des locutems du français dans les pays africains grâce à ces compétences interculturelles.

      • KCI등재

        언어,교육 : 인터넷 신문을 활용한 프랑스어 쓰기 능력 활성화 방안 - 기사 요약 활동을 중심으로

        김경랑 ( Kyung Rang Kim ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2014 비교문화연구 Vol.37 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to improve the writing skills through activities to read and summarize the internet children newspaper article. The subjects of study are the college students of A2-B1 level in the French writing classes. Therange of study was as follows:- As the previous activity of writing, activities of teaching and learning of vocabularies to comprehend the internet children newspaper article. - learn about the rules of summary- writing the summary The children``s newspaper used in this study has the advantage that can increase the learning motivation of learners as having a topicality by itself and a levelof easy language. The summary activities can be called a comprehensive activities of teaching and learning that combine the critical reading ability that can distinguish important information and secondary one with the creative writing ablility that can reconstruct one``s own style from the selected content. In addition, the summary assists the understanding of a text and is a help to its memory. It is the strategy of reading comprehension and also is simultaneously the strategy of writing that can write with one``s own vocabulary by newly structuring the text. The results of this study will provide a vitality for the education environment and field of study of French language that have been neglected the writing ability. Moreover it will be the motivation to propose a way of a balanced French language communication to our French language learners weighted onoral communication.

      • KCI등재

        <문화, 문학> : 프랑스 여성 디아스포라 : 누벨 프랑스의 왕의 딸들

        김경랑 ( Kyung Rang Kim ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2015 비교문화연구 Vol.39 No.-

        The King``s Daughters`` is referring to the approximately 900 young French women who immigrated to New France between 1663 and 1673. This program was sponsored by Louis XIV. The program was planned to increase New France``s population both by encouraging the female immigrants to settle there and by promoting marriages, family formations and the births of children. Marguerite Bourgeoys was the first person to use the expression called as ``filles du roi`` in her writings. She was the French foundress of the Congregation of Notre Dame of Montreal in the colony of New France which is now part of Quebec. After agreeing to marry, the couple took a marriage contract directly in front of a notary and the wedding ceremony had generally been held within possible rapid time. The processes of the choice of husband and the marriage would officially be held in the church. By the year 1672, the population of New France had risen to 6,700 from 3,200 in 1663. Although the Filles du Roi represent only 8% of the total immigrants to Canada under the French regime, they account for nearly half of the women who immigrated to Canada in the colony’s 150-year history. ``King``s Daughters’ must be correctly assessed as ``Mother of Quebec`` and ``Propagator of the French language`` in the history.

      • KCI등재

        문학,문화 : 아프리카 이미지의 명(明)과 암(暗)

        김경랑 ( Kyung Rang Kim ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2012 비교문화연구 Vol.27 No.-

        In this Study, the search and analysis for the contents of the mass media, especially, such as newspaper articles, broadcast campaigns, broadcating advertisings, the Internet, etc, are accomplished under the assumption that the cause of the negative and fragmentary images about Africa holds a place in Korea`s heart resulting from Korean mass media. Africa was seen as not only the continent of famine and diseases, but also a safari and the Nature`s repository. However, these images are only the fragments of information about the African continent. So, we have to understand and recognize the origin of Africa in aspect of its learning and the mythology as well as the truth of the African as modern human origins. Moreover, we have to do our endeavor to have a good perspective about Africa as our future partner somewhat less than the wretched continent that we applaud their effort to the pursuit of stability and the development in terms of their modern cities, economy and politics and we have to aid and send relief cargoes simply.

      • KCI등재

        언어와 문화가 접목된 프랑스어-문화 교수/학습 방안 -≪생활프랑스어능력≫ 및 ≪행동문화능력≫ 함양을 목표로-

        김경랑 ( Kim Kyung-rang ) 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2005 프랑스어문교육 Vol.19 No.-

        Pour enseigner la langue et la culture en même temps, on pourrait utiliser les panneaux, les enseignes et les signalisations dans la rue. Tous ces matériaux expriment dans un langage simple, beaucoup d'informations nécessaires pour que les apprenants peuvent facilement s'adapter à la vie française. Surtout pour développer la capacité culturelle de déplacement au cas nécessaire. Le public d'enseignement, ce sont les futurs visiteurs, les hommes d'affaires, les chercheurs et les étudiants de tous les niveaux de langue cible. Grâce au caractère des panneaux qui sont faits en langage concis, les panneaux sont les bons matériaux aux gens de tous les niveaux de langue cible. Avec les apprenants débutants, les enseignants pourraient faire faire ces exercices en langue maternelle, et avec les apprenants de haut niveau en langue cible. Dans cet article, nous avons essayé de classer les compétences culturelles de déplacement des apprenants et de proposer les façons de les développer en joignant la compétence linguistique.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        프랑스어 학습자들을 위한 논증(l’arguementaion) 교수/ 학습의 필요성 및 방안

        김경랑(KIM, Kyung-Rang) 프랑스학회 2011 프랑스학연구 Vol.58 No.-

        Le DELF et le DALF sont des diplômes de langue française connus et demandés actuellement en Corée. On peut noter que le nombre de candidats a été multiplié par 7 depuis 2005 pour atteindre un maximum de 7012 en 2009. Si le nombre de candidats diminue régulièrement depuis 2007 en A1, niveau jugé trop facile, il augmente sensiblement sur les autres niveaux. Nous sommes d’ailleurs surpris par l’explosion du nombre de candidats en B2, C1 et C2. Pourtant les taux de réussite ne sont pas très bons pour ces niveaux-là. Cette étude a pour but de souligner l’importance de l’enseignement de l’argumentation et de proposer une façon pour l’enseigner en analysant surtout la cause des mauvais résultats de B2. L’enseignement/l’apprentissage de l’argumentation ne sont pas seulement importants pour réussir au DELF B2 mais aussi dans la vie quotidienne, où l’on pourrait être amené à se confronter à des situations d’argumentation. Surtout dans une société multiculturelle, où il y auraient des conflits entre les gens. En classe, pour l’enseignement de l’argumentation, d’abord il faudrait clarifier la notion de l’argumentation. Ensuite, l’enseignant doit offrir aux apprenants des outils linguistiques pour argumenter, c’est-à-dire, des mots de liaisons et des connecteurs. Il doit insister aussi sur les conjugaisons et structures du subjonctif et du conditionnel, car ces points de grammaire sont très souvent utilisés pour la structure des phrases argumentatives. Après, en présentant les étapes suivantes de l’arguementation : prendre position + justification des raisons + négocier avec son interlocuteur, l’enseignant essaie de faire des activités. Ainsi, de plus en plus, la société devient démocratique et ouverte sur un univers international et commnunicatif. L’argumentation apparaît comme une pratique sociale indispensable, et donc un objet d’étude incontournable pour les apprenants coréens du français

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