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      • KCI등재후보

        조선시대 차 전승의 세시풍속

        정서경(Jeong Seo-Kyeong) 한국차학회 2011 한국차학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Tea seasonal customs in the literatures and the tea poems have a very wide folk phenomenon of the tea culture. They also include the knowledge of private life related to the private life, the close tea culture, and the customs which were popular only among noblemen with the tea poem compilers. The tea culture with the times and seasons has shown the subjects of the tea culture and people enjoying that in those days, and also a source problem and relationships with China. The meaning of these seasonal customs has appeared in the tea-men who enjoyed the tea and the tea culture. It also shows the period of the time which picked the tea leaves and the culture of seasonal customs that made the various tea names and drank the tea. Refer to the chart of the seasonal customs with the tea seats. The tea seasonal customs through the analysis have expressed the circular tea customs of the four seasons, the cham against evils, the good fortune and as the folk remedies. They have also shown the tea customs with the enjoyment of the seasonal tea fragrance and the color, the tea seat customs with the nature, and the poems of choosing good period for tea tasting. There are some records such as making the tea with cinnamon trees and ranking the tea quality of the areas. The various customs from making the tea to tasting the tea are in the literature and they show the root of the folk transmission.

      • KCI등재

        雪舟 宋運會의 茶詩에 나타난 보성의 茶風俗 硏究

        정서경 남도민속학회 2010 남도민속연구 Vol.20 No.-

        The custom of Boseong has been changed and developed with territorial sympathy according to the natural condition, the historical factor, and the sociality of this area. Therefore, in the traditional custom, there are not only the emotion and the mind of the Boseong residents but also there are the valuable life wisdom, life means, and the order. Boseong has scenic beauty and there are a lot of scenic spots and places of history and the sightseeing places because of the mild temperature. There have been lots of tea trees from old times in Jeonnam, so the ancestors of this area have lived with the tea, and there are many stories about tea lives and the traces. However, the most tea trees were planted sometime in 1950s, so they are called the cultivation tea, and they are not free from it. Boseong was the major tea drinking area in the Goryeo Dynasty, and Ungjeomdaso(Unchimyon) and Galpyungdaso(Hoeichonmyon) served the tea even when they were parts of a Jangheung government office. According to the record of Sejong15(1433) in the true record of the Joseon Dynasty geography book, it was said that there were the five grains, money, bulrush, mushroom, tea, apricot, etc. After the Goryeo Dynasty, the revived tea culture of the 18~19 century remained in existence while Korea was under Japanese colonial rule for 36years, and it was downsized to a Buddhist temple area of southern regions. I catch a glimpse of overall flowing and an aspect of Boseong tea culture under the late 19th century, the characteristic of time and field of the tea custom and tea mind which was showed in it through the tea poems in 『Seoljuyugo』 left by Seolju Song, Un-hoe who lived as a tea man and wrote all his life in Boseong where it has lately made the name the capital of Green tea Boseong. Also I hope that this becomes the study which can understand the trend of the tea life enjoyed with tea culture of Namdo with Boseong as the center which works for the brand of Korean green tea production market. It intends to establish the source through the organized research and materials of Korean tea custom history, because there weren’t enough materials to support the historicity and the origin of Boseong tea. It also reflects the emotions enjoyed the tea culture and daily tea life with Boseong as the center. 보성의 민속은 이 지역의 자연적 여건과 역사적 요인, 그리고 사회성에 의해서 지연의 공감대를 가지고 형성되어 변형․발전되어 왔다. 그러므로 전승 되어온 민속에는 보성인의 감정과 정신이 깃들어 있을 뿐 아니라 생활의 소중한 지혜와 삶의 방법과 그 질서가 제시되어 있다. 보성군은 山紫水明하고 기후가 온화하여 명승고적과 유람지가 많다. 예부터 자라고 있는 차나무가 많은 만큼 전남의 선조들은 茶와 더불어 살아왔던 터였음으로 차생활에 얽힌 기록과 그 흔적도 많다. 하지만 1950년대를 중심으로 차나무가 심어져 재배차라는 굴레를 벗어나지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 예부터 보성은 고려시대의 대표적 飮茶 지역으로 熊岾茶所(웅치면)와 乫坪茶所(회천면)는 장흥도호부에 속한 때도 차를 貢茶하던 곳으로, 조선왕조실록 지리지의 세종 15년(1433)의 기록에서는 오곡, 봉, 왕골, 표고, 茶, 매화 등등이 난다고 발견할 수 있다. 고려시대 이후 부흥했던 18~19세기의 차문화는 일본의 식민지배 36년 동안 남부지역의 사찰지역으로 공간이 축소되면서 명맥을 유지하였다. 그러나 한국 차의 보고라 할 수 있는 보성 차에 대한 그 역사성과 근원을 뒷받침 할 사료가 부족하여 역사적 고증이 필요한 때, 최근 녹차 수도 보성이라고 타이틀을 내걸은 보성이라는 공간적 배경에서 평생을 글을 쓰면서 차인으로 산 雪舟 宋運會 선생이 남긴 『雪舟遺稿』가 국역으로 발간되었다. 이 글은 한국의 차문화 역사를 체계적인 조사와 자료를 통하여 그 근간을 확립하고자 하는 의지에 의한 것으로, 『雪舟遺稿』에 실린 漢詩 중에서 차를 마시며 남긴 茶詩를 통해 근대 19세기 이후라는 시간적 배경하의 보성의 차문화의 전반적 흐름과 양상, 차풍속의 시기별, 분야별 특징, 그리고 그 안에서 보이는 차정신을 一瞥하고자 한다. 보성 지방을 중심으로 한 차문화와 일상의 차생활을 즐긴 정서가 여과 없이 투영되어 있는 『雪舟遺稿』를 통해 보성 지방을 중심으로 한 남도의 차풍속과 더불어 향유되어 온 차생활의 추이를 이해할 수 있는 연구 자료가 되기를 희망한다.

      • KCI등재

        민속사회의 음차양상과 민간기반의 차문화 전승

        정서경(Jung, Seo Kyung) 실천민속학회 2013 실천민속학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        현재까지의 차문화 전승 맥락이나 연구의 현황을 살펴보면, 차문화는 고급문화의 일환으로 상류계급의 신분을 가진 특수계층들이 향유하는 문화라는 인식이 일반적이다. 이는 고려시대의 의례적 차문화가 권위주의를 반영하고, 왕실의 의례적 차문화가 두드러지게 전승되는 양상에서 고착화되었다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 한국의 차문화는 고대에는 생활 속에 약용차문화로, 고려시대에는 격조 있는 의례차문화로, 조선시대에는 선비들의 풍류차문화로, 근대에는 대중적 기호차문화로 발전해 왔다. 이러한 발전 단계의 기저에는 민중이라는 그리고 약용이라는 민속사회의 음차양상과 민간기반의 차문화 전승이 크게 작용하고 있음을 발견하게 된다. 일반적으로 향촌사회의 습속이라고 해석되고 있는 세시풍속은 촌락관습의 대종을 이루는 생활 관행이며, 기층문화의 여러 가지 문화요소들이 내재된 민속 문화 체계이다. 차의 음용 역시 이러한 자연의 조건과 지역의 기후, 향유자의 취향에 따라 다양한 형태의 문화소로 나타나고 있다. 그것은 한마디로 자연에 대한 순응이고 기후에 대한 삶의 조화이다. 그러한 기록을 남긴 고전과 민속자료 속에는 다양한 세시풍속의 차문화 전승을 말해 준다. 차문화는 민간과 왕실, 관료사회에서 전승되고 교류하는 과정에서 상호 영향 하에서 변형?생성되고 있다. 차를 즐긴 우리 민중들은 봄?여름?가을?겨울 그리고 매달 차를 만들거나 마시는 문화적 규범을 멋스럽게 가꾸어 왔다. 뿐만 아니라 차의 양생과 치유의 기능은 몸과 마음이라고 하는 육체적?정신적 치유와 회복까지를 포괄한다. 그러나 다양한 계층의 차문화 향유로 이어지는 민중적 전승 맥락을 이해하지 못하고 차문화는 고급문화라는 잘못된 인식으로 인하여 민중의 차문화가 점차 사라져가는 풍조가 생겨나고 있다. 전통사회의 차문화가 대중화 되지 못하고 과거의 편린으로 잠식되어 가는 것은 이러한 전승 양상을 이해하지 못하는 인식의 오류라고 판단된다. 음차의 향유는 마치 식자층에서만 이루어지는 문화양상인 것처럼 비춰지는 것이 현대 사회의 차문화가 더 이상 대중화 되지 못하고 있는 단서를 제공한다. 차문화가 가지고 있는 대중성에 담긴 차문화의 복합문화적 성격을 이해하지 않으면 일반적 차문화의 전승은 결코 이루어질 수 없다. 민중의 차문화, 민간기반의 전승을 드러내고 그 맥락을 이어갈 때 현대 사회에 차문화 대중화라는 큰 과제를 풀 수 있을 것이다. Looking at current research context or cultural traditions of the tea until, that tea culture is a part of the upper class enjoyed by the special class is a common perception. This was in the lock-in from the aspect that Goryeo Dynasty’s ritual tea culture reflected authoritarianism and royal ritual tea culture was passed down prominently. However Korea’s tea culture has developed, medicinal tea culture in everyday life in ancient times, elegant courtesy tea culture in Goryeo dynasty, tasteful tea culture of scholar in Chosun Dynasty, and popular taste tea culture in modern. The basis of these stages of development, you will find a private-based culture traditions of folk and medicinal folk social aspects effect greatly. Seasonal customs typically interpreted as convention of country districts is life style practice forming village customs majority and system of folk culture including a lot culture element of korea basic culture. These natural conditions of climate of the region and the enjoyment of the taste of tea drinking also work to elements of various forms. It is compliance for natural and harmony of life for climate in a word. Such left classical and folk materials tell us tradition of tea culture of seasonal customs. Tea culture is being generated and transshaped in the course of exchange and transmission between private and royal under the mutual influence. Our people enjoyed tea maintained the cultural norma making or drinking the tea in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and monthly. Moreover the function of the curing and healing of the tea include restoration of mind and body, physical and mental. But do not understand the context of the folk tradition, leading to the various layers of the enjoyment of tea culture, because of the wrong perception of high culture, the trend the people’s tea culture is gradually disappearing is emerging. Because of errors that do not understand the aspects of this traditions, traditional society’s tea culture is eroding to glimpse of the past and not to bo popularized. Enjoyment of the tea is viewed as the cultural aspects of Literati only provides a clue that tea culture of modern society has no longer popularized. If you do not understand the popularity of tea culture including a nature of complex culture, generally tradition of tea culture will never reach. When reaveal people’s tea culture and tradition of civilian-based and continue its context, tea culture can be popularized in modern society.

      • KCI등재

        설주(雪舟) 송운회(宋運會)의 차시(茶詩)에 나타난 보성의 차풍속(茶風俗) 연구(硏究)

        정서경 ( Seok Yeong Jung ) 남도민속학회 2010 남도민속연구 Vol.20 No.-

        보성의 민속은 이 지역의 자연적 여건과 역사적 요인, 그리고 사회성에 의해서 지연의 공감대를 가지고 형성되어 변형·발전되어 왔다. 그러므로 전승 되어온 민속에는 보성인의 감정과 정신이 깃들어 있을 뿐 아니라 생활의 소중한 지혜와 삶의 방법과 그 질서가 제시되어 있다. 보성군은 山紫水明하고 기후가 온화하여 명승고적과 유람지가 많다. 예부터 자라고 있는 차나무가 많은 만큼 전남의 선조들은 茶와 더불어 살아왔던 터였음으로 차생활에 얽힌 기록과 그 흔적도 많다. 하지만 1950년대를 중심으로 차나무가 심어져 재배차라는 굴레를 벗어나지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 예부터 보성은 고려시대의 대표적 飮茶 지역으로 熊岾茶所(웅치면)와 乫坪茶所(회천면)는 장흥도호부에 속한 때도 차를 貢茶하던 곳으로, 조선왕조실록 지리지의 세종 15년(1433)의 기록에서는 오곡, 봉, 왕골, 표고, 茶, 매화 등등이 난다고 발견할 수 있다. 고려시대 이후 부흥했던 18~19세기의 차문화는 일본의 식민지배 36년 동안 남부지역의 사찰지역으로 공간이 축소되면서 명맥을 유지하였다. 그러나 한국 차의 보고라 할 수 있는 보성 차에 대한 그 역사성과 근원을 뒷받침 할 사료가 부족하여 역사적 고증이 필요한 때, 최근 녹차 수도 보성이라고 타이틀을 내걸은 보성이라는 공간적 배경에서 평생을 글을 쓰면서 차인으로 산 雪舟 宋運會 선생이 남긴 『雪舟遺稿』가 국역으로 발간되었다. 이 글은 한국의 차문화 역사를 체계적인 조사와 자료를 통하여 그 근간을 확립하고자 하는 의지에 의한 것으로, 『雪舟遺稿』에 실린 漢詩 중에서 차를 마시며 남긴 茶詩를 통해 근대 19세기 이후라는 시간적 배경하의 보성의 차문화의 전반적 흐름과 양상, 차풍속의 시기별, 분야별 특징, 그리고 그 안에서 보이는 차정신을 一瞥하고자 한다. 보성 지방을 중심으로 한 차문화와 일상의 차생활을 즐긴 정서가 여과 없이 투영되어 있는 『雪舟遺稿』를 통해 보성 지방을 중심으로 한 남도의 차풍속과 더불어 향유되어 온 차생활의 추이를 이해할 수 있는 연구 자료가 되기를 희망한다. The custom of Boseong has been changed and developed with territorial sympathy according to the natural condition, the historical factor, and the sociality of this area. Therefore, in the traditional custom, there are not only the emotion and the mind of the Boseong residents but also there are the valuable life wisdom, life means, and the order. Boseong has scenic beauty and there are a lot of scenic spots and places of history and the sightseeing places because of the mild temperature. There have been lots of tea trees from old times in Jeonnam, so the ancestors of this area have lived with the tea, and there are many stories about tea lives and the traces. However, the most tea trees were planted sometime in 1950s, so they are called the cultivation tea, and they are not free from it. Boseong was the major tea drinking area in the Goryeo Dynasty, and Ungjeomdaso(Unchimyon) and Galpyungdaso(Hoeichonmyon) served the tea even when they were parts of a Jangheung government office. According to the record of Sejong15(1433) in the true record of the Joseon Dynasty geography book, it was said that there were the five grains, money, bulrush, mushroom, tea, apricot, etc. After the Goryeo Dynasty, the revived tea culture of the 18~19 century remained in existence while Korea was under Japanese colonial rule for 36years, and it was downsized to a Buddhist temple area of southern regions. I catch a glimpse of overall flowing and an aspect of Boseong tea culture under the late 19th century, the characteristic of time and field of the tea custom and tea mind which was showed in it through the tea poems in 『Seoljuyugo』 left by Seolju Song, Un-hoe who lived as a tea man and wrote all his life in Boseong where it has lately made the name the capital of Green tea Boseong. Also I hope that this becomes the study which can understand the trend of the tea life enjoyed with tea culture of Namdo with Boseong as the center which works for the brand of Korean green tea production market. It intends to establish the source through the organized research and materials of Korean tea custom history, because there weren’t enough materials to support the historicity and the origin of Boseong tea. It also reflects the emotions enjoyed the tea culture and daily tea life with Boseong as the center.

      • KCI등재후보

        전통차전문점 방문객의 차품질 지각에 영향을 미치는 속성

        김경희,박성선 한국차학회 2008 한국차학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence the perception of quality of tea of the customers of korean traditional tea cafeteria. The data of 183 questionaries were gathered from customers who have purchased or drank the tea by visiting korean traditional tea cafeteria. The collected parameters were processed with SPSS 15.0. The validity of the 24 features was evaluated via factor analysis. Six total factors were identified which consist pursuit of enjoyment, atmosphere & view, easy to approach, service, information, and popularity. Especially, two factors have an effect on customer's perception, service and information, based on the quality of tea. The most influential factor was the information about the tea. Customers feel more satisfied, when they get good service and information about the tea.

      • KCI등재

        전통차전문점 방문객의 차품질 지각에 영향을 미치는 속성

        김경희(Kyung-Hee Kim)ㆍ박성선(Sung-Sun Park) 한국차학회 2008 한국차학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence the perception of quality of tea of the customers of korean traditional tea cafeteria. The data of 183 questionaries were gathered from customers who have purchased or drank the tea by visiting korean traditional tea cafeteria. The collected parameters were processed with SPSS 15.0. The validity of the 20 features was evaluated via factor analysis. Six total factors were identified which consist pursuit of enjoyment, atmosphere & view, easy to approach, service, information, and popularity. Especially, two factors have an effect on customer's perception, service and information, based on the quality of tea. The most influential factor was the information about the tea. Customers feel more satisfied when they get good service and information about the tea.

      • KCI등재

        차(茶)소비자의 차문화 인지도와 교육요구도의 차이 분석

        김경희(Kyung-Hee Kim),한영숙(Young-Sook Han) 한국차학회 2010 한국차학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        The aim of this study was to analyze the differences between perception and educational need of tea customers regarding tea culture. A self-administered questionnaire was administered to tea customers in a metropolitan area. A total of243 copies of questionnaires were used as data. The data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 Regarding obstacles to regular tea drinking, 41.5% of respondents indicated a lack of knowledge of tea. A gap analysis was conducted between customer perceptions and educational needs regard ing tea culture, and the results showed statistically meaningful differences in eleven section s‘ Therefore, effective education of tea culture can not only improve customer knowledge of tea, but also increase tea intake

      • KCI등재

        보이차의 지각된 품질이 고객만족, 고객충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        안국산,박영근,서미옥 한국전략마케팅학회 2008 마케팅논집 Vol.16 No.3

        본 연구는 최근 소비자들의 고품질 차에 대한 관심이 높아지고, 중국을 다녀온 여행객들이 중국의 명차인 보이차를 구매해 오는 빈도가 많아지고 있어 비교적 고가인 보이차 구매고객의 구매결정 요인을 분석함으로서 보이차 생산 및 유통업체의 안정적인 성장을 위한 마케팅전략 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 분석결과에 따르면, 보이차의 지각된 품질이 고객만족에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 보이차는 채엽시기, 재배조건, 제조과정 등 토질과 기후 등 생산과 관련한 기술적인 품질과 효능, 브랜드 등과 같은 기능적인 품질 모두 고객만족에 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있었다. 보이차를 구매하는 고객의 대부분이 건강을 위해 음용하는 다량사용자였으며, 기능적 품질요인 중에서 맛과 효능을 가장 중요시하였다. 또한 보이차에 대한 고객만족이 고객충성도에 강한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 보이차는 발효차이므로 발효과정이 다양한 만큼 고객의 신뢰를 얻기가 어려운 측면이 있으므로 고객충성도를 높이기 위해서는 브랜드력을 강화할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. Tea market compares with coffee, soda and other beverage markets, its scale is relatively smaller; but with the increasing caring about consumer's health, the drink consumption of tea there upon increases, and will continue increasing in the future. Now, according to international tendency of market of Pu-erh tea, market of Pu-erh tea did not have open Europe in the past, but because the fact that Pu-erh tea is beneficial to the health is scientifically identified, they focus on young people, Pu-erh tea begins to spread, and form the situation that the market expands and in America, also have the situation that expands. The domestic market is also the same; the consumption of tea is in the state of spreading. However, the research to Pu-erh tea’s consumers only stays on the level of foundation, now present the importance of the study that makes a concrete analysis of to tea consumers' characteristic. This paper mainly probes into the relationship between people's cognitive quality achievement of Pu-erh tea and customer's value, the customer satisfies, customer's loyalty; The cognitive quality achievement is made up by technical quality, functional quality, the paper analysis what kind of influence does it make on the customer's value, the customer satisfies, and the customer’s loyalty.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 명대 음다(飮茶)공간 연구 - 다화(茶畵)를 중심으로 -

        린린 한국차학회 2015 한국차학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        In a broad sense, tea paintings can be regarded as a general definition of a kind of drawing whose themes are related to tea. From this point of view, paintings that describe tea and tea-related items and events as the main content can be considered a form of tea literature and art. In the historical development of tea culture, tea paintings, as a valuable source of information about the tea culture phenomenon and a real object of study, have gradually attracted increasing attention. On the other hand, there are many deficiencies for sorting and researching tea paintings. Therefore, this paper analyzes the Ming dynasty tea space by tracing the historical footprints of Chinese tea painting history in general and of the Ming dynasty in particular. By studying Ming dynasty tea paintings, this paper analyzes its tea drinking culture, tea sets and the surrounding environment, and researches the tea spaces. By analyzing the tea space in the Ming dynasty using tea paintings, Ming dynasty Chinese tea culture, which leapt forwards in quality and quantity, can be understood. This paper examines more deeply the tea cultural exchanges among Korea, China and Japan, as well as comparative studies of historical tea spaces. Based on this study, combined with the modern Chinese background, the Chinese tea space and tea culture ideology in terms of tea space and tea culture will be studied further in the future.

      • KCI등재

        중국 명대 음다(飮茶)공간 연구 : 다화(茶畵)를 중심으로

        林琳(Lin Lin) 한국차학회 2015 한국차학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        In a broad sense, tea paintings can be regarded as a general definition of a kind of drawing whose themes are related to tea. From this point of view, paintings that describe tea and tea-related items and events as the main content can be considered a form of tea literature and art. In the historical development of tea culture, tea paintings, as a valuable source of information about the tea culture phenomenon and a real object of study, have gradually attracted increasing attention. On the other hand, there are many deficiencies for sorting and researching tea paintings. Therefore, this paper analyzes the Ming dynasty tea space by tracing the historical footprints of Chinese tea painting history in general and of the Ming dynasty in particular. By studying Ming dynasty tea paintings, this paper analyzes its tea drinking culture, tea sets and the surrounding environment, and researches the tea spaces. By analyzing the tea space in the Ming dynasty using tea paintings, Ming dynasty Chinese tea culture, which leapt forwards in quality and quantity, can be understood. This paper examines more deeply the tea cultural exchanges among Korea, China and Japan, as well as comparative studies of historical tea spaces. Based on this study, combined with the modern Chinese background, the Chinese tea space and tea culture ideology in terms of tea space and tea culture will be studied further in the future.

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