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Single Star Identification and Attitude Determination in Tracking Mode
Masood-Ur-Rehman,Fang Jiancheng,Faycal Saffih,Quan Wei 제어로봇시스템학회 2008 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.10
The autonomous star trackers are among the most attractive attitude sensors, as they are capable to provide three-axis attitude information with high accuracy. Autonomous star tracker’ basic software algorithms include Star image centroiding, Star Pattern Recognition (SPR) and attitude determination. In the last few decades many SPR algorithms have been presented, almost all of them need at least two or three stars in star image, for successful SPR. Similarly almost all of the existing attitude determination algorithms need at least two identified stars in the star image. In the worst case if there is only one star in the image then SPR and hence the attitude determination becomes a problem. Just star magnitude alone can not be used to identify one star reliably due to poor magnitude measurement accuracy. However the scheme of automatic pattern recognition based on predictive centroiding in tracking mode, can be used to identify a single star. The position information of this identified single star can be used to form one or more empirical image stars from the reference catalog stars, for attitude determination. In this paper the problem of single star identification and attitude determination is addressed. Simulation results show that the proposed method to calculate the attitude has good accuracy, and it depends on the star tracker calibration and centroiding accuracies. This scheme is particularly useful in case where single star is identified and no other scheme can be used.
NGC147 and NGC185, paired satellites of the Andromeda galaxy, possess the same order of mass and analogous structures, but they show different star formation and different amounts of interstellar gas and dust. Therefore, we present the first reconstruction of the star formation history of NGC147 and NGC185. Asymptotic Giant Branch stars are highly evolved stars that are brightest in K-band. This maximum K-band magnitude is related to the birth mass of stars. As a result, we have found a 9.9 Gyr old single star formation epoch for NGC185 followed by relatively continuous star formation. NGC147, however, has passed through two star formation episodes; one is as old as ~6 Gyr and the other is as recent as ~850 Myr. Asymptotic Giant Branch stars are also important dust factories; by fitting Spectral Energy Distributions to observed near and mid infrared data for each star, we were able to measure the dust production rates of individual stars; on order of $10^{-5}M_{\odot}yr^{-1}$. Hence, we estimate the total mass entering the interstellar medium to be $1.06{\times}10^{-4}M_{\odot}yr^{-1}$ and $2.89{\times}10^{-4}M_{\odot}yr^{-1}$ for NGC147 and NGC185.
김시무(Kim See Moo) 한국영화학회 2007 영화연구 Vol.0 No.32
Film performers tend to fall into three categories: stars, supporting players, and extra. Stars are usually the best known actors who play the leading roles in a film. Supporting players have secondary and supporting roles in a production. Supporting players also called character actors. The star is a very important person(VIP) in commercial films. Stars continue to play a stabilizing role in the contemporary film industry, providing filmmakers with built-in audiences who regularly watch films in their favorite actors and actresses appear. Then, what is the star persona? According to Stephen Prince, the star persona is the collective screen personality that emerges over the course of a star's career from the motion pictures in which he or she appears. The star persona is a collective creation generated by many films and is greater than any single performance in an individual film. In this context, to become a star is to have a star persona. According to John Belton, every star houses several different personalities, though they all tend to coexist graciously with one another rather than battle for control. At the base of the star persona lies an actual person, whose physical attributes and psychological makeup provide the foundation for the construction of the personality of the performer who appears on screen. Stars tend to fall into one of two categories. They are either personality stars or character stars. Of course, we shouldn't confuse character stars with character actors. For example, John Wayne, Barbra Streisand, and Julia Roberts are all performers who have constructed an enduring screen personality that is greater than represented by their appearance in any given film. In the case of Korean stars, Han Sukgyu, Choi Minsoo, and Jeon Jihyun belong to this categories. By contrast, the character star tends to play a greater range of roles, frequently changing visual and behavioral characteristics from role to role. Examples of character stars are Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, and Meryl Streep who change accents, nationalities, and body language from one role to the next. In the case of Korean stars, Song Kangho, Choi Minsik, and Jeon Doyoun belong to this categories. Jeon shows an excellent performance in the film Secret Sunshine directed by Lee Changdong. In this thesis, I deal with an interrelationship between a star persona and spectators. My premise is that if a performer who belongs to personality star could play the role that fits for his own personality, then he or she can please audiences. On the contrary, if a character actor without star persona play the leading role in a film, an attraction of the character will be reduced. Therefore, audiences will lose half their interest in his or her film. From the viewpoint of spectators, the natural and harmonious fusion of a performer' personality and his character is a key point for appreciating films.
A New Pivot Algorithm for Star Identification
나자경,이유,김용하 한국우주과학회 2014 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.31 No.3
In this study, a star identification algorithm which utilizes pivot patterns instead of apparent magnitude information wasdeveloped. The new star identification algorithm consists of two steps of recognition process. In the first step, the brighteststar in a sensor image is identified using the orientation of brightness between two stars as recognition information. Inthe second step, cell indexes are used as new recognition information to identify dimmer stars, which are derived fromthe brightest star already identified. If we use the cell index information, we can search over limited portion of the starcatalogue database, which enables the faster identification of dimmer stars. The new pivot algorithm does not requirecalibrations on the apparent magnitude of a star but it shows robust characteristics on the errors of apparent magnitude compared to conventional pivot algorithms which require the apparent magnitude information. In this study, a star identification algorithm which utilizes pivot patterns instead of apparent magnitude information wasdeveloped. The new star identification algorithm consists of two steps of recognition process. In the first step, the brighteststar in a sensor image is identified using the orientation of brightness between two stars as recognition information. Inthe second step, cell indexes are used as new recognition information to identify dimmer stars, which are derived fromthe brightest star already identified. If we use the cell index information, we can search over limited portion of the starcatalogue database, which enables the faster identification of dimmer stars. The new pivot algorithm does not requirecalibrations on the apparent magnitude of a star but it shows robust characteristics on the errors of apparent magnitudecompared to conventional pivot algorithms which require the apparent magnitude information.
김우성 영산대학교 2011 영산논총 Vol.20,21 No.-
Star marketing refers to marketing using a popular star to achieve the aims of an organization or a brand. Star marketing relies heavily on the effects of the star model. The dimensions of a model can be classified into two categories, source credibility and source attractiveness. The seven mechanisms of star marketing proposed here are Elaboration Likelihood Model, classical conditioning, forming advertisement attitude through affective response, psychological balance theory, self-image theory and matchup theory, guarantee effect, and transfer effect. Star marketing includes six types: advertisement utilizing a star, an event utilizing a star, sponsorship of a star, naming marketing utilizing a star, design marketing utilizing a star, and marketing through a star' s direct participation in a business. Star marketing should be planned, executed, and evaluated, based on total brand management.
Nemec, J. M.,Smolec, R.,Benkő,, J. M.,Moskalik, P.,Kolenberg, K.,Szabó,, R.,Kurtz, D. W.,Bryson, S.,Guggenberger, E.,Chadid, M.,Jeon, Y.‐,B.,Kunder, A.,Layden, A. C.,Kinemuchi, K.,Kis Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Vol.417 No.2
<P><B>ABSTRACT</B></P><P>Nineteen of the ∼40 RR Lyr stars in the <I>Kepler</I> field have been identified as candidate non‐Blazhko (or unmodulated) stars. In this paper we present the results of Fourier decomposition of the time‐series photometry of these stars acquired during the first 417 d of operation (Q0–Q5) of the <I>Kepler</I> telescope. Fourier parameters based on ∼18 400 long‐cadence observations per star (and ∼150 000 short‐cadence observations for FN Lyr and for AW Dra) are derived. None of the stars shows the recently discovered ‘period‐doubling’ effect seen in Blazhko variables; however, KIC 7021124 has been found to pulsate simultaneously in the fundamental and second overtone modes with a period ratio <I>P</I><SUB>2</SUB>/<I>P</I><SUB>0</SUB>∼ 0.593 05 and is similar to the double‐mode star V350 Lyr. Period change rates are derived from O − C diagrams spanning, in some cases, over 100 years; these are compared with high‐precision periods derived from the <I>Kepler</I> data alone. Extant Fourier correlations by Kovács, Jurcsik et al. (with minor transformations from the <I>V</I> to the <I>Kp</I> passband) have been used to derive underlying physical characteristics for all the stars. This procedure seems to be validated through comparisons of the <I>Kepler</I> variables with Galactic and Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) RR Lyr stars. The most metal‐poor star in the sample is NR Lyr, with [Fe/H] =−2.3 dex; and the four most metal‐rich stars have [Fe/H] ranging from −0.6 to +0.1 dex. Pulsational luminosities and masses are found to be systematically smaller than <I>L</I> and <IMG src='/wiley-blackwell_img/equation/MNR_19317_mu1.gif' alt ='inline image'/> values derived from stellar evolution models, and are favoured over the evolutionary values when periods are computed with the Warsaw linear hydrodynamics code. Finally, the Fourier parameters are compared with theoretical values derived using the Warsaw non‐linear convective pulsation code.</P>
전영범,박윤호,이상민,JEON, YOUNG-BEOM,PARK, YOON-HO,LEE, SANG-MIN 한국천문학회 2016 天文學論叢 Vol.31 No.3
Through time-series BV CCD photometry of the open cluster NGC 225 region, we have detected 30 variable stars including 22 new ones. They are five ${\delta}$ Scuti-type variable stars, a slowly pulsating B star, six eclipsing binary stars and 18 semi-long periodic or slow irregular variables, respectively. We have performed multiple-frequency analysis to determine pulsation frequencies of the ${\delta}$ Scuti-type stars and a slowly pulsating B star, using the discrete Fourier transform and linear least-square fitting methods. We also have derived the periods and amplitudes of 6 eclipsing binaries and a long-period variable star from the phase fitting method, and presented the light curves of all variable stars. A slowly pulsating B star is a member of NGC 225, but ${\delta}$ Scuti-type stars are not members from the positions in the color-magnitude diagram and the radial distancies from the center of the cluster. From Dias et al. (2014, A&A, 564, 79), only three variable stars including the slowly pulsating B star are members of clusters: two are in NGC 225 and one is in Stock 24. But a variable star in Stock 24 is not a member of the cluster because of its position of color-magnitude diagarm.
론스타의 스타타워빌딩 거래를 통해 살펴본 글로벌 투자펀드의 세무전략
정운오(Woon Oh Jung),전규안(Kyu An Jeon) 한국경영학회 2011 Korea Business Review Vol.14 No.3
본 사례는 사모투자펀드인 론스타가 국내의 스타타워빌딩을 취득하고 양도하면서 등록세 중과세와 양도차익에 대한 과세를 어떻게 회피하였는가를 보여주는 사례이다. 론스타는 (1) 국내에 회사를 직접 신설하는 대신 설립된 지 5년이 지난 휴면법인인 (주)씨엔제이트레이딩을 인수하여 스타타워빌딩을 취득하고, (2) 스타타워빌딩을 자신이 직접 취득하지 않고, (주)스타타워가 취득하게 한 후, 동(同) 회사의 주식 100%를 벨기에 소재 페이퍼컴퍼니인 스타홀딩스를 통해 취득하는 간접적인 방법을 선택하는 조세전략을 취하였다. 본 사례는 다음과 같은 의의를 갖는다. 첫째, 본 사례는 론스타가 소득의 형태를 변경하고(구체적으로는 부동산양도소득을 주식양도소득으로), 소득의 귀속처를 변경하는(구체적으로는 미국의 론스타에서 벨기에의 스타홀딩스로) 세무전략을 구사하였음을 보여줌으로써 글로벌 기업들이 경제적 거래로부터 최대한의 세후이익을 거두기 위해 사전적으로 얼마나 치밀한 세무전략을 시행하는지를 보여준다. 이는 우리나라 기업들도 글로벌 시장에서 경쟁하기 위해서는 치밀한 세무전략을 구사해야 함을 일깨워주는 것이기도 하다. 둘째, 글로벌 해외기업들이 우리나라에서 론스타와 유사한 세무전략을 통해 조세회피 하는 것을 막기 위해 과세당국이 어떻게 대응해야 하는지에 대해서도 좋은 시사점을 제공한다. This case study demonstrates how Lone Star, a U.S. global private equity fund avoided heavy taxes in relation to the acquisition and the subsequent sale of an office building named Star Tower located in Seoul, Korea. Lone Star had established a paper company called Star Holdings in Belgium, and let the holding company acquire 100% equity of a Korean domestic firm named C&J Trading, Ltd. who had not been in operation for the past 5 years. Afterwards Star Holdings changed the name of the Korean firm to Star Tower, Ltd., and purchased the office building through this firm. Lone Star employed the following two tax-planning strategies: First, by acquiring the office building through the dormant local firm rather than forming a new one in Korea and letting it purchase the building, Lone Star was able to avoid paying heavy registration taxes associated with the acquisition of the asset and the issuance of additional equity by Star Tower, Ltd. Secondly, by allowing the Belgium holding company to purchase the 100% equity of Star Tower, Ltd. who was now the owner of the office building, Lone Star managed to convert the capital gains(CG) from trading real estate to those from trading equity shares. This was to take advantage of the tax treaty effective between Korea and Belgium. According to the tax treaty, the CG from real estate is taxed in the country where the real estate is located (i.e., Korea in this case), while the CG from equity shares is taxed in the country where the seller of the shares domiciles (i.e., Belgium in this case). Owing to this strategic tax planning, Lone Star saved approximately 25.3 billion KRW of registration tax that would otherwise have been imposed, and also managed to avoid paying roughly 102 billion KRW of taxes relating to the CG from trading the Star Tower building. The Korean tax authority subsequently challenged Lone Star: While the Korean tax court determined that the registration taxes Lone Star avoided could not be imposed (and therefore the case was closed), a court decision has recently been made that the CG taxes could be levied by the Korean tax authority. This case study proposes the following important implications: First, it demonstrates that Lone Star converted income from one type to another (from real estate CG to CG from equity trading, in particular) and also that it shifted income from one pocket to another (from Lone Star in the U.S. to Star Holdings in Belgium, in particular). Thus, this case eloquently tells how much sophisticated tax-planning strategy is employed by a global private equity fund like Lone Star to maximize the after-tax return on investment. This reminds Korean multinational companies that they should also design and execute sophisticated tax planning in order to compete effectively in the global market. Second, this case also provides some ideas to the Korean tax authority how it should cope with global funds like Lone Star who are ready to do virtually anything to minimize their global tax burden.
전영범,박윤호,이상민 한국천문학회 2017 天文學論叢 Vol.32 No.3
Through the short-period variability survey program, we obtained time-series BV CCD images for 1.5 1.0 region around the young open cluster NGC 457. As a result, we have detected 61 variable stars including 31 new ones after checking light curves of all stars by eyes. The 61 variable stars were included 14 Scuti variable stars, a Cephei variable star, 10 variable Be and slowly pulsating B stars, 13 eclipsing binary stars, 21 semi-long periodic or slow irregular variables and an RR Lyrae variable star, respectively. Many variable B-type stars were known through a well-de ned zero-age main sequence to the Cepheid region of NGC 457. Most of the variable B-type stars found this paper were known variable stars. But, 11 out of 14 Scuti variable stars were newly discovered. The new variable stars except for Scuti stars were 4 variable B-type stars, 5 eclipsing binaries and 11 semi-long periodic or slow irregular variables. We have performed frequency analysis for all Scuti stars, a Cepheid star and an RR Lyrae star.
안상현,김동빈,이용삼,송두종,Ahn, Sang-Hyeon,Kim, Dong-Bin,Lee, Yong-Sam,Song, Doo-Jong 한국천문학회 2010 天文學論叢 Vol.25 No.4
The Cowherd Star and the Weaving Maid Star have been famous stars in East Asian countries. Nowadays Altair is defined to be the Cowherd Star in public materials including science books, mass media, public outreach programs, and movies played in public planetariums and science museums. However, in astronomical books and star-charts in history, the Cowherd Big Star (牽牛大星) has been known to be Dabih or $\beta$ Cap in the constellation Capricorn, and the asterism Cowherd consists of six stars including Dabih. Since the same title is given to the different objects simultaneously, considerable misunderstanding and confusion among the public have occurred. In this paper we consider this problem in two aspects. One aspect is which star has been defined to be the Cowherd Star in ancient literatures; the other is which stars were regarded as the Cowherd or the Cowherd Star in the historical records of occultation or conjunction in History of Koryo, Annals of the Choson Dynasty, and Daily Records of Royal Secretariat of the Choson Dynasty. As a result, we see that Altair has been regarded as the Cowherd Star in folklore and literature, but Dabih has been defined to be the Cowherd Big Star in astronomical works. An explanation proposed by previous researchers on the reason why such double meanings have been appeared is introduced. In the explanation, the fact that the Altair was defined as the Cowherd Star in ancient times had not been handed over properly, and the name of Cowherd was later put to the Dabih and its surrounding five stars to form one of 28 lunar lodges. Based upon these facts, we suggest the following ideas: (1) Altair should be introduced to be the Cowherd Star in public-friendly programs, and Dabih should be noticed to be the Cowherd Big Star in the field of history of astronomy. Dabih should be added as the astronomical Cowherd Big Star in academic books such as a dictionary of astronomical terminology. (2) The Korean pronunciation for Altair should be al-tear instead of al-tairu in accordance with the definition in the astronomical terminology dictionary compiled by the Korean Astronomical Society.