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      • KCI등재

        러시아 감자동향 및 국산 품종의 현지생육과 수량특성

        임주성,박영은,조지홍,장동칠,최장규,박현진,서진희,이규빈,이종남,김경호,정진철 한국국제농업개발학회 2020 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.32 No.2

        Russian Federation (RF) is the third largest potato producer in the world. For the last 26 years, total potato area has been decreased by 61.0% in RF and now amounts for 1,314 thousand ha in 2018. Total production has been decreased by 41.6% and was 22,395 thousand tons (TTs) in 2018. The yields per ha have increased 5.7 tons from 11.4 tons in 1992 to 17.1 tons in 2018. Import volumes of fresh potato and frozen potato have been steadily increased. Fresh potato’s imports increased 136 TTs for the last 25 years from 425 TTs in 1992 to 561 TTs in 2017. Frozen imports increased by 118 TTs and in 2017 were 118.4 TTs. In export, fresh potato shows dramatic rise recently and in 2017 was around 200 TTs. Exports of frozen potato were very small, 1.5 TTs in 2017. Over 400 varieties in potato have been registered in RF. Among them, 51.1% has been developed in RF including other CIS countries and the others were introduced from foreign countries. Annual consumption of potato per capita is around 110 kg and processing consumption is about 400 TTs. Every year, RF consumes more than 6,500 TTs of seed potato, while the imports of high quality seed potato are only 4~9 TTs. Most of 9 Korean cultivars grown at local fields of RF matured earlier than local cultivars, while showed lower yields and were more sensitive to the late blight. Among Korean cultivars, ‘Arirang-1ho’ and ‘Jopung’ with an early-maturity and high yields were judged as promising cultivars in RF. Due to the lack of realistic seed potato supply systems in RF, there has been an increasing demand on high quality seed potatoes. These circumstances might be beneficial for Korean seed potato companies to enter the RF’s potato market. 1. 러시아는 세계 3위 감자 생산 대국이며 감자는 밀과 함께 러시아의 중요한 식량작물로서 2018년 현재 약 1,314천ha에서 재배되고 있다. 2. 러시아의 감자 총생산량은 2018년 22,395천 톤 내외이며ha당 생산량은 1992년 11.4 톤에서 2018년 17.1 톤으로 5.7 톤 증가했다. 3. 신선감자와 냉동감자의 수입이 꾸준히 늘고 있으며 신선감자 수입은 지난 25 년동안 1992년 425천 톤에서 2017년561천 톤으로 136천 톤 증가했고 냉동감자 수입은 118.0천 톤증가하여 2017년 118.4천 톤이었다. 4. 신선감자 수출량은 최근 급증하여 2017년 현재 200천 톤내외인 반면 냉동감자 수출량은 2017년 1.5천 톤으로 매우 미미하였다. 5. 감자 품종의 경우 400종 이상이 등록되어 있으며 이들중 약 51.1%는 자체(CIS 국가 포함) 육성 품종이고 나머지는네덜란드, 영국 등 해외 도입종이다. 6. 러시아 국민 1인당 연간 감자 소비량은 110 kg 내외로지난 25년간 큰 변화가 없는 반면 가공용 감자 소비는 꾸준히감소하여 2017년 400천 톤 규모였다. 7. 매년 6,500천 톤의 씨감자가 사용되고 있는 반면 자체수급체계가 미비하고 고품질 씨감자의 수입도 4~9천 톤에 불과하여 씨감자 문제가 갈수록 심화되고 있다. 8. 우리나라 감자 9종의 현지 시험재배 결과, 현지품종 대비파종후 성숙은 빠른 반면 괴경수량이 적고 괴경의 평균 무게가 가벼우며, 역병저항성이 약한 편이었다. 다만 국산품종 중‘아리랑1호’, ‘조풍’은 조숙 및 다수성을 나타내어 현지 진출이유망할 것으로 판단되었다. 9. 구 소련 해체와 함께 고도의 씨감자 기술 및 체계가 붕괴된 러시아는 현재까지 씨감자 수급체계 및 기술이 낙후되어있고 고품질 씨감자에 대한 수요도가 높아 한국 씨감자 업체의 러시아 감자시장 진출 전망은 밝은 편이다.

      • KCI등재

        Cellulase 계열 효소를 이용한 감자의 전분 추출 효율 증진

        서동호 ( Dong Ho Seo ),김미선 ( Mi Seon Kim ),최현욱 ( Hyun Wook Choi ),성정민 ( Jung Min Sung ),최윤상 ( Yun Sang Choi ),박천석 ( Cheon Seok Park ),백무열 ( Moo Yeol Baik ),김현석 ( Hyun Seok Kim ) 한국산업식품공학회 2016 산업 식품공학 Vol.20 No.1

        The objective of this study was to increase starch extraction efficiency from domestic potato by five kinds of foodgrade cellulases (mixture of β-glucanases, pectinase, cellulase, hemicelullase, and β-glucosdiase). Cellulase-treated potato had a maximum of 40% higher starch extraction yield than non-enzyme treated potato. It turned out that the shape and structure of cellulose-treated and nonenzyme-treated potatoes were the same. The average particle size of cellulose-treated potato starch was smaller than non-enzyme treated potato. Interestingly, the small starch granular (<10 μm particle) was shown in extracted starch from cellulose-treated potato. Rapid viscosity analysis showed that starch from cellulase treated potato had lower pasting temperature than starch from nonenzyme-treated potato. The range of the gelatinization temperature (49-62oC) of starches from cellulose-treated potato was broader than that of starches from nonenzyme-treated potato. Therefore, the results of this study confirm that cellulase plays an important role in the extraction of starch from the potato and physicochemical characteristics of potato starch.

      • 중국 東北3省지역의 농업여건과 薯類作物 생산 현황

        金崇烈,金正幹 북방농업연구소 2016 北方農業硏究 Vol.39 No.1

        Approximate situation of potato industry was investigated for three northeastern provinces(Heilongjian, Jilin and Liaoning) in China. Chinese agricultural statistics for potato crops include potato and sweet potato. The acreage and production for only potato appears to cover approximately 60%. According to agricultural statistics of Jilin province, the acreage for only potato is estimated to be 91%(67,000ha) of total potato crops acreage of 74,000ha. In the ratio of only potato acreage compared to total potato one, Heilongjian province is the highest and the lowest result was observed in Liaoning province. The acreage, production and yield of potato have consistent increased since 1990 in China. The acreage of potato increased from 2,829 thousands hectare in 1990 to 5,647 thousands hectare in 2014. Yield per hectare increase from 2,264kg in 1990 to 3,405kg in 2014. In conclusion, total potato production increased rapidly from 6,404 thousands metric tons to 19,227 thousands metric tons. Potato crops acreage and production of three northeastern provinces were 3.7% (328 thousands hectare) and 6.5%(2,171 tons) of acreage and production of China respectively. This result was higher than overall average of China, that is 3.3% for Heilongjian, 1.7% for Jilin and 1.5% for Liaoning. The main cities for production of potato crops in northeastern provinces of China is Qiqihar for Heilongjian, Changchun for Jilin and Tieling for Liaoning.


        Christine Joy B. Manalo,Julieta A. Delos Reyes,Abigail T. Lat,Jennifer C. Padrid,Tyrone Jasper I. Reodica 한국무역학회 2019 한국무역학회 국제학술대회 Vol.2019 No.08

        Due to rising incomes, growing urban population, diversification of diets and lifestyle, there has been an increasing demand for potato from fast food chains and snack and convenience food industries. Meanwhile, potato production is climate- and area-specific, but demand is nationwide and even worldwide. The burgeoning population is steadily increasing the number of mouths to feed such that efforts to address food security continues to fall short of target. Food items as important as white potato should be demand-responsive so that its price will be more stable benefitting the less fortunate members of society. It therefore becomes necessary to determine how responsive is the country’s potato industry to the many goings-on inside and even outside of the country. This study is an effort to address this question by first analyzing the trends in potato production and area planted as well as the volume of imports and those that were smuggled into the country. The findings highlight the fact that the potato industry of the Philippines is still dependent on imports with increased import dependency ratio from 5% in 2014 to 14% in 2015 until 2017. In terms of prices, generally increasing but fluctuating trends in farmgate, wholesale, and retail prices of potato were noted. Wage rate and volume of smuggled potatoes were found significantly but negatively affecting both volume supplied and area planted to potatoes while technology was a significant positive determinant. It concluded that importation of potato is helping the fast food chains, snack and convenience food industries since most of the imported potatoes are processed ones. This fact however, has a negative impact to our local farmers especially when illegal trade is present and the trend in importation is increasing. For more than two decades, illegal trade of potatoes has been in existence and volumes are also alarming. The entry of U.S table-stock potatoes also compete with the local production which started in 2014 (Potato Pro, 2013). The following are therefore recommended: a) for the national government to consistently address the rampant illegal trade of agricultural commodities by strictly enforcing the Anti-Agricultural Smuggling Act (Republic Act 10845) b) encouraging formation of cooperatives among the growers in the top producing regions potato seed production and technology development; and c) potato farmers in Mindanao should be encouraged to utilize their potential farm area to maximize potato production.

      • KCI등재

        Potato Detection and Segmentation Based on Mask R-CNN

        이현승,신범수 한국농업기계학회 2020 바이오시스템공학 Vol.45 No.4

        Purpose Potatoes are similar in color and size to soil and its clods. They are mostly irregular in the shape as well. Therefore, it is not easy to distinguish potatoes from the soil surface background only with machine vision. This study applied Mask R-CNN, one of the object recognition technologies using deep learning to detect potatoes. The size of object in pixel was obtained on individual potato, and they will be used to predict the yield of potatoes. Methods In order to collect the images needed for deep learning, potato images at the time of harvesting were obtained from potato farms. Annotation was entered for each irregular potato shape, where approximately 4500 potatoes were used. Resnet-101 was selected as the backbone of Mask R-CNN with a feature pyramid network. Transfer training was applied to shorten training time and limit the number of images needed to train the model. The classification performance evaluation was conducted to verify the trained model. The size of potato in pixel was obtained from the output image through the potato detection model by the segmentation algorithm using MATLAB. Results The total number of training for the potato detection model was 12,000, and the training loss of Mask R-CNN was less than 0.1%. The potato detection results from 69 randomly selected test images showed that the average detection precision was 90.8%, recall 93.0%, and F1 score 91.9%. Conclusions Potato detection model with Mask R-CNN can detect irregularly shaped potatoes on similar color soil surface. The size of the detected potato region can be extracted as well.

      • Field Adaptation Test of Mechanization Technology System for Whole Process in Potato Production (II)

        ( Ilsu Choi ),( Youngkeun Kim ),( Yong Choi ),( Hyeonjong Jun ),( Taegyoung Kang ),( Sanghee Lee ),( Jingu Kim ),( Seounghwa Yu ),( Changsik Hyun ),( Jihong Jo ) 한국농업기계학회 2018 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        Recently, consumption of processed potatoes is increasing due to Westernization of diet in korea. However, imports of that have been increasing steadily due to a lack of rural labor and a reduction of cultivation area. It is necessary that we develop mechanization technology system for whole process in potato cultivation, in order to raise the self-sufficiency rate and solve the problem of rural labor. For saving potato production labor, the present study was conducted to establish a mechanization technology system of whole process from plowing to harvest in potato production and to analyze its effect. The working process of potato cultivation were made up of ‘field preparation → ridging → planting → vinyl mulching → stem removing → harvesting'. And then field tests that using agricultural machinery in the whole working process, were carried out. In the case of the conventional section, the field preparation was carried out using the rotavator, fertilizer spreader and the ridging was done using a ridger then planting potato by man power. The field preparation of mechanized section was carried out in the same way as the conventional section. But ridging, planting and vinyl mulching working were carried out using a automatic potato planting machine(prototype) that cuts potato and then plants cut potato at the same time. The automatic potato planter is a composite working Implement in which ridging, planting, and vinyl mulching are performed at the same time. So the mechanized section did not use ridging machine and vinyl mulching machine. It was used in conventional cultivation methods to administrate of cultivation mechanized and conventional section under the same conditions. In the case of Stem removing working before harvesting, the conventional section was carried out using man power. But the working of mechanized section was carried out using a stem crusher(prototype) of potato. Harvesting working was carried out by gathering type potato harvester in the mechanized section. But in the conventional section, harvesting working was carried out using root-harvester and then collecting potato by man power. The effect of whole process mechanization was analyzed through the analysis of the required work time and cost of conventional and mechanized section. And the analyzed result was that Production of potatoes by the whole mechanized process has saved 54% labor and 23% of the cost compared to conventional cultivation process.

      • KCI등재

        우즈베키스탄 감자산업 및 국산 감자품종의 적응성 평가

        임주성,박영은,조지홍,장동칠,최장규,박현진,서진희,이규빈,천충기,이종남 한국국제농업개발학회 2019 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.31 No.4

        The potato cultivation area in Uzbekistan was increased by over 60% from 52,590 ha in 2006 to 84,142 ha in 2016. During the same periods, the amount of potato production was increased by over three folds and the average yield per ha was increased 80%, respectively. This result is attributed to the increase in the import and supply of European virus-free seed potato by macro seed companies. The potato import volume was increased rapidly from 6,912 tons in 2006 to 18,446 tons in 2013, while the export volume decreased from 112 tons in 2006 to 64 tons in 2013. Around 30,000 tons of virus-free seed potato (elite or super elite level) per year are supplied by government (under 1%), by macro import companies (over 90%), and by small import company (including commercial seed potato production farmers, 9%). The low self-sufficiency rate and the steady increasing price in the seed potato are expected to be a severe problem to farmers as well as government. In the southern plains, potato is grown in spring and autumn, while it is only grown in summer at highland. The main challenges during potato cultivation are damaged by early blight, colorado potato beetle, and potato tuber moth. The yield loss rate during storage is very high due to corruption and damages by insects. Meanwhile, most tubers of 13 Korean cultivars grown at Samarkant of Uzbekistan were damaged by physiological disorders due to environmental stress such as high temperature or salinity. These results suggest that potato cultivars with resistance against high temperature and salinity stress is one of the important prerequisites for ODA or export of Korean potatoes. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the yield loss through the technical support on post-harvest management along with an improvement of storage facilities within the major potato production regions. 1. 우즈베키스탄의 감자 재배면적은 2006년 52,590ha에서2016년 84,142ha로 최근 10년 사이 60% 늘었으며, 생산량은2006년 1,021천 톤에서 2016년 2,925천 톤으로서 3배 이상증가하였다. 2. 단위면적당 수량(/ha)은 2006년 19.4톤에서 2016년 34.8 톤으로 15.4톤 증가하였으며, 이는 유럽산 상위단계(elite 및super elite급) 씨감자의 수입이 늘었기 때문이다. 3. 감자 수입은 2006년 6,912톤에서 2013년 18,446톤으로7년 사이 11,000톤 이상 증가한 반면, 수출은 2006년 112톤에서 2013년 64톤 내외로 크게 감소하였다. 4. 톤당 수입가격은 591.6불로서 수출가격인 339.3불보다1.7배 고가이며, 이는 고품질 상위단계 씨감자의 수입에 반하여, 저가의 일반식용 감자가 수출되기 때문이다. 5. 우즈베키스탄에 공식 등록 감자 품종수는 73종(2013년기준)으로서 네덜란드산 45종, 독일산 11종, 폴란드산 2종, 러시아산 1종, 및 자체 육성 14종이 있으나, ‘산테’, ‘피카소’ 등유럽산 수입 품종들이 우점하고 있다. 6. 감자 주된 생산작형으로는 남부 평난지의 봄 가을 2기작과, 고랭지에서의 여름 단작이 있다. 7. 우리나라 감자 13품종의 현지 생육특성 평가 결과, 현지품종 대비 경장이 짧고 주당 괴경수와 괴경수량은 적었던 반면 괴경의 평균 무게는 무거웠다. 국산 품종에서 고온 고염등 환경스트레스에 의한 생리장해 발생이 많아 향후 현지 진출을 위한 품종 선발 시 내서성 등의 검토가 중요할 것으로판단된다. 8. 상위단계 씨감자 가격이 고가임에 따라 농가의 자가 채종이 늘면서 씨감자의 퇴화가 심하여, 고품질 씨감자에 대한농가 및 우즈베키스탄 정부의 ODA 수요는 꾸준히 증가할 것으로 전망된다. 9. 또한 우즈베키스탄 감자분야의 실질적 발전을 위해서는수확 전·후 관리기술 및 주요 거점지역 중심 저장시설 개선을통한 저장 중 높은 감모율의 경감이 우선되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        딥러닝을 활용한 감자 수확량 모니터링 시스템 설계

        장성혁,이상희,최용,김태형,신소영 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.5

        Globally, potato is one of the major crops and contributes greatly to the farmers' income. Also, the importance of precision agriculture has been growing in recent years. Notably, yield monitoring is an important precision agricultural technology of increasing interest that can be used in variable fertilization, supply/demand control, etc. However, yield monitoring research is not conducted actively in South Korea compared to other countries, such as the United States and Japan. Hence, this research developed a potato yield monitoring system to count the potatoes harvested by a potato harvester. In particular, this system used machine vision and a deep learning algorithm. First, the YOLOv5 object detection model identified the potatoes and other substances, such as stone, soil, and potato plant stem, on the potato harvester's conveyor. Further, each harvested potato identified by the YOLOv5 object detection model was assigned a unique ID by the DeepSORT deep learning algorithm to trace the harvested potatoes. Finally, these harvested potatoes were counted when they arrived at a certain point on the potato harvester's conveyor. A performance test on this potato yield monitoring system's YOLOv5 object detection model showed that this model had a precision, recall, mAP, and F1 score of 0.9997, 0.9994, 0.9872, and 0.9996, respectively. Hence, this research demonstrated machine vision and deep learning in a potato yield monitoring system. However, further research on the potato yield monitoring system developed by this research is necessary to create potato yield maps based on potato weight estimation and GPS. 감자는 세계 4대 식량자원 중 하나로서 국내 농가 소득에 크게 기여하고 있다. 최근 정밀농업의 중요성이 대두됨에 따라 수확량 모니터링 기술에 대한 관심 또한 증가하고 있다. 수확량 정보는 정밀 농업에 있어 변량 시비, 수급 조절 등에 활용될 수 있는 중요한 기술이지만 미국, 일본 등 해외에 비해 국내 연구가 활발하게 이뤄지고 있지 않은 실정이다. 본 연구는 기계시각을 활용하여 감자의 수확량을 측정하기 위한 기초 연구로써 딥러닝 알고리즘을 적용하여 감자 기계수확 중 감자의 개수를 셀 수 있는 시스템을 개발하고자 수행되었다. 수확기 내 이송부는 감자 외에도 돌, 흙 등의 이물질이 빠른 속도로 이송되기 때문에 빠른 속도를 보이는 YOLOv5 알고리즘을 사용하여 각 개체를 판별하였다. 이송되는 감자는 모두 형태가 유사하기 때문에 정확한 추적을 하기 위해 DeepSORT 알고리즘을 사용하여 각 감자에 고유 ID를 부여하였다. 이후 감자가 특정 지점에 도달하였을 때 감자의 개수를 카운팅 하도록 알고리즘을 구성하였다. YOLOv5 학습 모델을 평가한 결과 300회 학습하였을 때 정밀도(precision), 재현율(recall), mAP(mean Average Precision), F1 Score는 각각 0.9997, 0.9994, 0.9872, 0.9996로 나타나 높은 성능을 보였다. 본 연구에서는 감자 수확량 모니터링 시스템에 있어 딥러닝 알고리즘의 적용 가능성을 확인할 수 있었으며, 향후 영상을 이용한 감자의 무게 예측, GPS 센서의 추가 구성을 통해 위치별 감자 수확량 정보를 활용할 수 있도록 추가 연구가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        고구마 첨가가 우육 햄버거 패티의 품질에 미치는 영향

        김혜영 한국지역사회생활과학회 2018 한국지역사회생활과학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        To develop hamburger patties with sweet potato as a functional food, hamburger patties were prepared with various concentrations of sweet potato (10, 20, 30, 40, 50%, w/w). The moisture contents with sweet potato were significantly higher that of the control group. The crude protein and crude fat content of the control group showed the highest level compared to the groups with sweet potato. Only the 50% sweet potato group showed a higher level of crude ash than the control group. The cooking loss rate and reduction rate in diameter in the groups with sweet potato was significantly lower than that of the control group. The L value (lightness) of the groups with sweet potato was lower than that of the control group. On the other hand, the a value (redness) and b value (yellowness) of the sweet potato groups were significantly higher than those of the control group. The hardness was increased by adding sweet potato. The gumminess and chewiness were also significantly higher in the sweet potato groups than the control group. The preference of appearance and juiciness in the sweet potato groups were higher than those of the control group. On the other hand, the preference of flavor was similar in all groups. The overall acceptability of the control group was similar to the sweet potato groups except for the group with 50% sweet potato. As a result, sweet potato can improve the appearance and texture and 20-30% sweet potato would be suitable for making hamburger patties.

      • KCI등재

        고구마를 이용한 고추장의 숙성 중 이화학적 특성 변화

        박수아,김동한 한국식품저장유통학회 2016 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        Kochujang was prepared by replacement of rice (25%, control) with pumpkin or purple sweet potato by 0. 5, 10, and 15% (total addition ratio of rice and sweet potato=25% of sample). Effects of the addition of sweet potato on physiochemical properties of fermented Kochujang were investigated. Viable cells of yeast decreased in the sweet potato-added Kochujang at the later stage of fermentation, while there was no significant difference in the number of bacteria among the test groups. As the addition ratio sweet potato increased, α-amylase activity increased while protease activity decreased. Hunter L, a, and b values of Kochujang prepared with purple sweet potato were lower than those with pumpkin sweet potato. Changes in ΔE value was greater in Kochujang prepared with pumpkin sweet potato than that with purple sweet potato. Oxidation-reduction potential and water activity were higher in sweet potato-Kochujang than control, but reducing sugar content was higher in control. Alcohol and amino-type nitrogen contents were higher in Kochujang prepared with pumpkin sweet potato than that with purple sweet potato, but it was not significant. Overall sensory acceptability was highest in Kochujang prepared with 10% of purple sweet potato while that with 15% pumpkin sweet potato was the least preferred.

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