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      • KCI등재

        Association between exposure to violence, job stress and depressive symptoms among gig economy workers in Korea

        Kim Min-Seok,Oh Juyeon,Sim Juho,Yun Byungyoon,Yoon Jin-Ha 대한직업환경의학회 2023 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        Background: Gig workers, also known as platform workers, are independent workers who are not employed by any particular company. The number of gig economy workers has rapidly increased worldwide in the past decade. There is a dearth of occupational health studies among gig economy workers. We aimed to investigate the association between exposure to violence and job stress in gig economy workers and depressive symptoms. Methods: A total of 955 individuals (521 gig workers and 434 general workers) participated in this study and variables were measured through self-report questionnaires. Depressive symptoms were evaluated by the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 when the score was greater than or equal to 10 points. The odds ratio with 95% confidence interval was calculated using multivariable logistic regression adjusted for age, sex, working hours, education level, exposure to violence and job stress. Results: 19% of gig economy workers reported depressive symptoms, while only 11% of general workers reported the depressive symptoms. In association to depressive symptoms among gig economy workers, the mainly result of odds ratios for depressive symptoms were as follows: 1.81 for workers type, 3.53 for humiliating treatment, 2.65 for sexual harassment, 3.55 for less than three meals per day, 3.69 for feeling too tired to do housework after leaving work. Conclusions: Gig economic workers are exposed to violence and job stress in the workplace more than general workers, and the proportion of workers reporting depressive symptoms is also high. These factors are associated to depressive symptoms. Furthermore, the gig workers associated between depressive symptoms and exposure to violence, job stress.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 플랫폼 워커의 법적 지위 - 배달기사 판례를 중심으로 -

        하태희 전북대학교 부설법학연구소 2018 法學硏究 Vol.58 No.-

        Development of digital information and communication technology has led the change of forms of employment from standard employment relationships to various forms. Especially, App labor takes the main part among the types the platform labor and it takes the bigger role in food delivery service area. Appearance of labor provider(referred as ‘platform worker’) who works based upon digital platform raises newly risen problems in labor protection. The problems of platform worker are status in labor law, application range of labor law, where the responsibility lies of labor recipient and so on. Therefore, this study is to discuss about legal status focusing on the case of delivery driver. Recent rapid growth of using delivery service through delivery app. causes the vagueness of employment relationship between delivery driver and delivery agency. This labor market blurs the distinction between dependency and independency and that vagueness of the distinction is expanding. Criterion to determine the employment status that has been kept since 1994th judical decision went through the small change after 2006th decision. In other words, as the court alleviated the subordinate labor relationship from ‘direct・detail’ to ‘considerable’, the uniqueness of delivery job is reflected. But, in the judicial decision of reviewing subject, supreme court conceded that under fact relevance deciding at the first and second trial, it is justifiable to decide that delivery driver is not defined as an employee according to the Labor Standard Act because the delivery driver offers the labor for the purpose of wage under supervision·direction of delivery service agency. It is significant that supreme court interprets delivery driver as courier and possible recipients of Industrial AccidentCompensation Insurance Act as an independent contract worker but, it does not mean that the supreme court approved delivery driver as an independent contract worker becomes a recipients of Accident Compensation Insurance Act. This position of the Supreme court elicits the criticism that the court narrowly interprets the definition of subordinate labor and the irrelevance of defining only subordinate laborer as a recipient of Labor Standards Act and Social Security Act considering the diversification of types of employment, therefore protection scope of social security law should be defined unlike the definition of laborer in Labor Standards Act. New type of employment which is based on platform, such as on demand economy or crowd work raises employee problem(legal position problem) of platform worker as an employee problem of special form of employment. Therefore, in addition to the criticism of the case that narrowly interprets the definition of subordinate labor, it is necessary to reexamine the fact that only subordinate workers are able to become recipients of the Labor Standards Act and social security Act. 디지털 정보통신기술의 발달은 산업구조를 제조업 중심에서 서비스업 중심으로 재편하고있다. 특히 서비스업 유형가운데 앱노동이 주를 이루고 있고, 음식배달서비스분야에서 앱노동의 역할이 커지고 있다. 디지털 플랫폼을 기반으로 하는 노무제공자(이하 ‘플랫폼 워커’라 한다)는 노동법적 보호의 대상으로 지정한 근로자의 지위에 명확히 일치하지 않는다. 따라서 플랫폼 워커는 노동법상 근로자에 해당하는지, 해당한다면 노동법을 어느 범위까지 적용을 받을수 있는지, 노무를 제공받는 자의 책임 소재는 누구에게 있는 지 등이 문제된다. 본 논문은 배달기사 판례를 중심으로 법적 지위에 대하여 논하고자 한다. 최근 배달 앱을 이용한 배달대행업이 성행하면서 대두되고 있는 문제는 배달대행업체와 배달기사와의 관계가 고용관계로 간주할 수 있는지 모호하다는 점이다. 이렇듯 노동시장은 종속성과 독립성의 경계가 명확하지 않으며 그 경계의 모호성이 계속 확대되고 있다. 1994년 판결 이후 지속된 근로자성 판단기준은 2006년 판결 이후 약간의 변용을 겪게 된다. 즉, 사용종속관계에 대하여 ‘구체적·직접적’에서 ‘상당한’으로 완화되면서 직업의 특수성을반영하고 있다. 하지만 검토대상판결에서 대법원은 1심과 2심에서 인정된 사실관계로 보아 배달기사는 배달대행업체의 지휘·감독 아래에서 임금을 목적으로 근로를 제공한 근로기준법상근로자에 해당하지 않는다고 판단한 것은 정당하다고 보았다. 대법원이 배달기사를 택배기사로 해석하고 특수형태근로종사자로서 산재보험법의 적용대상이 될 수 있음을 보여준 것은 의미가 있지만, 배달기사가 산재보험법의 적용 대상인 특수형태근로종사자라고 본 것은 아니다.배달기사의 법원 판결에 대해 사용종속의 개념을 협소하게 보고 있다는 해석상의 비판 이외에도 고용형태의 다변화 등을 고려할 때 종속근로자만을 노동법과 사회보장법의 적용대상으로삼는 것은 타당하지 않고, 사회보장법의 보호 범위는 근로기준법상의 근로자 개념과는 다르게정할 필요가 있다는 입법 정책적 비판이 다수 존재하고 있다. 주문형 경제나 크라우드워크 등 플랫폼을 기반으로 한 새로운 고용형태인 플랫폼 노동은 기존 특수형태근로종사자에 대한 근로자성의 문제와 마찬가지로 플랫폼 워커의 법적지위 문제를 제기한다. 플랫폼 이코노미의 확산으로 증가할 수밖에 없는 플랫폼 워커는 임금노동자와 자영업자의 경계에 서 있다. 열악한 근로조건을 개선하고 사회보장제도를 확대하는 정책 대안이필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        택배종사자의 직무스트레스 요인 특성에 관한 연구

        이세정,진상은,장성록 한국안전학회 2023 한국안전학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        Job stress factors are factors that induce biological, psychological, and behavioral responses in individuals when they encounter mental and physical stimuli in the workplace. According to occupational safety and health standards, employers are responsible for the health consequences of job stress when workers engage in activities that result in high levels of physical fatigue and mental stress. Such activities include long working hours, shift work (including night shifts), driving vehicles, and operating precision machinery. Therefore, precautionary measures should be implemented. Following the COVID-19 epidemic, the logistics industry in Korea has experienced rapid growth owing to the shift from offline to online platforms facilitated by advanced digital infrastructure. Consequently, this study conducted a survey to analyze job stress factors among delivery workers. The survey utilized a Korean job stress factor assessment tool comprising 43 items and analyzed job stress factors considering the work characteristics of the courier business field obtained from responses provided by 421 courier workers nationwide. The survey analysis revealed that the physical environment, job demands, and job autonomy exhibited higher stress indices among Korean workers. Furthermore, the younger the age, the higher the stress on job demands, whereas the higher the age, the higher the stress on relationship conflict, job instability, and workplace culture. In addition, daytime delivery work was associated with higher stress levels in job demands and job instability compared with nighttime delivery work. These findings can serve as foundational data for reducing and preventing job stress among courier workers, whose workload has increased owing to the growth of the logistics industry.

      • KCI등재

        택배 배송 작업의 공정분석을 통한 인간공학적 접근 방안

        이세정,진상은,장성록 한국안전학회 2024 한국안전학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the logistics industry in Korea has rapidly been expanding, with offline demand concentrating on online platforms owing to the development of digital infrastructure. This has increased the workload of courier drivers considerably, along with labor intensity. A delivery driver died recently from overwork due to the continuous increase in delivery volume, which raises social concerns. Delivery drivers work long hours, (over 12 hours) and are greatly affected by weather conditions, such as snow, rain, heat waves, and cold waves. In addition, they lack a fixed workplace; perform atypical work handling workpieces of various sizes, weights, and shapes; and spend a large amount of time driving as part of their work. This work involves a high level of tension and requires attention and concentration. Despite the frequency of industrial accidents in the courier industry, studies on safety and health to quantitatively analyze and systematize the work of courier workers are very scarce. Therefore, to define the work process necessary for investigating the harmful factors in delivery service and the work analysis, this study conducted interviews and on-site surveys to analyze the unit work of the delivery service by targeting delivery workers. In other words, a framework of unit work for work analysis was presented to enable research and analysis by considering the aforementioned characteristics of the courier industry. The process was broadly divided into work, transport, storage, delay, and inspection. Work was divided into loading, sorting, unloading, and door subcategories, and transportation was divided into vehicle, cart, and walking subcategories as well as 10 small processes. Moreover, 22 unit works were again drawn by conducting field surveys and interviews. The risk of unit work derived from this study was ergonomically evaluated, and the ergonomic analysis revealed that uploading and transportation were the most dangerous. The results of this study could be used as basic data for preventing industrial accidents among courier workers, whose work has increased with the logistics volume and the development of the logistics industry.

      • KCI등재

        배달 플랫폼 종사자를 위한 안전관리 개선 방안에 관한 연구

        문준호,김홍관 한국재난정보학회 2023 한국재난정보학회 논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        Purpose: In this study, to protect delivery platform workers from danger, we intend to propose a plan to improve safety management. Method: To protect delivery platform workers, safety-related legal systems and cases were found and analyzed, and statistical results derived from a survey of delivery platform workers were analyzed, and safety management improvement measures were presented. Result: In Korea, safety measures against weather deterioration were not clearly presented in the contents of the law for the safety of delivery platforms, and the survey confirmed that safety education was not fully conducted, and most of them experienced accidents by receiving calls through apps or programs during delivery. Conclusion: This study could suggest safety management improvement plans for delivery platform workers, but since detailed questionnaire items related to motorcycles were not investigated, various accident results that could occur due to motorcycles used by delivery platform workers could not be identified. 연구목적: 본 연구에서는 배달 플랫폼 종사자들을 위험으로부터 보호하기 위해 안전관리 개선 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 연구방법: 배달 플랫폼 종사자들을 보호하기 위해 국내와 국외에서 실시하고 있는 안전 관련 법제도 및 사례를 찾아 분석하였고, 배달 플랫폼 종사자들을 대상으로 설문을 진행하여 도출된 통계 결과와 국내·외 법제도 및 사례들을 분석하고 비교하여 안전관리 개선방안을 제시하였다. 연구결과: 국내에서는 배달 플랫폼 종사자의 안전을 위해 실시하고 있는 법의 내용에서 기상악화에 대한 안전대책이 명확하게 제시되지 않았고 설문조사 결과 안전교육 또한 완벽하게 이루어지지 않고 있는 것으로 확인되었으며 배달 도중 앱이나 프로그램을 통해 호출을 받아 대다수가 사고를 경험한 것으로 확인되었다. 결론: 본 연구를 통해 배달 플랫폼 종사자들을 위한 안전관리 개선 방안을 제시할 수 있었지만 이륜차와 관련된 상세한 설문 항목은 조사하지 않았기 때문에 배달 플랫폼 종사자들이 주 운송수단으로 사용하고 있는 이륜차로 인해 발생할 수 있는 다양한 사고 결과를 확인할 수 없어 이륜차를 사용하여 배달할 경우 발생할 수 있는 사고에 대한 안전관리 개선방안은 제시할 수 없었다.

      • KCI등재

        음식배달 O2O 플랫폼 노동자의 서비스태도와 서비스품 질이 고객감정반응과 고객행동의도에 미치는 영향

        차재빈,정현조,조미나 한국호텔리조트학회 2022 호텔리조트연구 Vol.21 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of service attitudes and service quality of food delivery O2O platform workers working in food delivery companies on customer emotional response and customer behavioral intentions. Research is needed to find factors that satisfy consumers in the food delivery market and factors that consumers value in the process of food delivery and to use them for effective marketing of restaurant and delivery companies. An online survey was conducted from November 1 to November 6, 2021 for customers who have used the delivery food service. Out of a total of 265 copies, 245 copies were used for analysis, excluding insincere responses. Through these research results, it is intended to derive theoretical and practical implications for the study of the importance of the service role of delivery workers and customer behavior, and to seek effective improvement directions for the delivery service of the O2O catering platform.

      • KCI등재

        종사상 지위별 음식 배달 종사자의 이륜차 산업재해 특성 분석

        문병두,이수동,정기효 한국안전학회 2022 한국안전학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        This study analyzes the characteristics of occupational accidents of food delivery via motorcycle in terms of accident probability and work-days. Depending on their employment status, food-delivery workers were divided into “employed” workers (who work for restaurants) and “special-type” workers (who work for delivery platforms). Collected data include occupational accident-information during the last two years (1,468 cases for employed workers and 4,899 cases for special-type workers) and their risk information such as age, work experience, accident location, season of the accident, and weather conditions. The study finds that special-type workers had a significantly higher accident probability for the younger age group (80.8%), while employed workers had more accidents in both 20’s or younger (34.9%) and 50’s or older (25.4%). The number of work-days-lost was higher for special-type workers with less work experience, and it decreased with increasing work experience. Moreover, the chance for accidents was higher at night time (55%) than for day time (45%) for special-type workers as well as for employed workers. The number of work-days-lost was higher in foreign workers (180.79 days) than in Korean workers (121.44 days). Accident probability (30.7%) and work-days-lost (136.2 days) was higher in winter than in other seasons. In addition, accidents-per-day was higher on snowy days (12.7 cases per day) than rainy (8.1) and windy days (7.1). In addition, it was found that deadly accidents mainly caused injuries to face, head, and chest, while non-deadly accidents affected mainly the legs and feet. This study enables the development of better policies to prevent accidents of food delivery workers. -

      • KCI등재

        새벽배달의 그림자 : 새벽배달노동자의 불안정성과 제도개선의 방향

        김태환(Kim, Tae-hwan),이승윤(Lee, Seung-Yoon),박종식(Park, Jong-Shik) 한국노동연구원 2022 노동정책연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 주문 후 익일 오전까지 배송을 원칙으로 하는 ‘새벽배달노동’의 확산에 주목하고 이들이 경험하는 불안정성과 건강위험성을 구체적으로 분석하기 위해, 새벽배달노동자를 대상으로 심층인터뷰를 진행하였다. 분석결과, 새벽배달노동자는 정규근로자, 기간제근로자, 종속적 자영업자, 긱(gig) 노동자 등의 다양한 취업형태를 보이고 있었다. 이들은 공통적으로 노동강도와 노동 환경에 기인한 신체적․정신적 어려움을 경험하고 있었으며, 취업형태별 특징적인 위험요인도 존재하였다. 임금근로자의 경우 경쟁구조로 인한 표준배송량의 지속적인 증가, 종속적 자영업자는 소득부족과 장시간 근로, 긱 노동자의 경우 소득 및 고용의 중첩된 불안정성을 특징으로 하였다. 이후 연구는 새벽 배달노동의 업무강도 및 야간노동에 대한 법제도의 한계와 부재를 논하고, 취업형태별 정합한 법제도적 개선과제를 제안했다. 임금근로자의 경우 근로기준법상 야간노동조항의 구체화, 시간차원의 보상, 노동강도 완화 조항을 제안하였다. 종속적 자영업자는 근로기준법의 적용이 어렵다는 점에서, 노동조합의 협상력 강화를 바탕으로 한 새벽노동 관련 단체협약 체결 전략을 제안했다. 마지막으로 긱 노동자의 경우, 근로자성과 사용자와의 종속성이 상대적으로 뚜렷하게 존재한다는 점에서 장기적으로 임금근로자의 범주로 포괄하는 방안을, 단기적으로는 산재보험의 적용대상으로 포괄하거나 ‘유상운송 위험담보 특약’의 의무적용 방안을 제안했다. The purpose of this study is to focus on the spread of ‘overnight delivery workers’, which is an ultra-speedy delivery system that delivers goods by the next morning right after ordering, and to analyze in detail the precariousness and health risks they experience. This study conducts case studies through in-depth interviews with workers and analyzes the working conditions, how they work and the precariousness, health risks they experience. As a result of the analysis, these delivery workers showed various types of employment such as regular workers, fixed-term workers, dependent self-employed, and gig labour, and there were differences in working hours and how they experience risks. It has been observed that companies create a competitive structure among workers and require workers to perform high-level intensity of work beyond their physical abilities. This study discusses the limitations and absence of the legal system for night work and we propose policy and institutional improvement to better protect the workers.

      • KCI등재후보

        남성 배달원의 직업적 특성이 피로에 미치는 영향 - 제6차 근로환경조사 자료를 중심으로 -

        김은정,정혜선,백은미,이종은 (사)한국직업건강간호협회 2023 직업건강연구 Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose : Along with the changes in the distribution industry from offline-oriented to online consumption, the prolonged COVID-19 has greatly increased the delivery volume. As a result, the need for health protection for delivery workers is emerging along with the increase in workload of workers. This study aims to identify the factors affecting the fatigue of male delivery workers. Method : We analyzed the data from the Sixth Korean Working Conditions Survey (2020). And the subjects were a total of 486 male delivery workers. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to investigate the factors associated with fatigue. Result : The results of the study are as follows: 47.4% of the participants worked over 52 hours a week. 38.9% of the subjects had temperature changes. and 29.0% had back pain. And 36.2% of the participants had work-related fatigue. As a result of analyzing the factors affecting fatigue, the variables found to be associated with extra long working hours per week, temperature changes during work, and more work-related back pain, muscle pain, and anxiety. Conclusion : To reduce the fatigue of male delivery workers, it is necessary to ensure that legal working hours are regulated and to reduce work-related anxiety. In addition, it will be necessary to detect and manage back pain and muscle pain early, and to minimize temperature changes during work. 오프라인 중심의 소비생활에서 온라인 소비로 유통산업이 변화되면서 코로나19 장기화와 맞물려 배달 물량이 크게 증가하였다. 이로 인해 배달원의 업무가 과중 되어 배달원에 대한 건강보호 필요성이 대두되었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 남성 배달원을 대상으로 피로에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하였다. 연구 자료는 제6차 근로환경조사를 이용하였으며, 이 중 남성 배달원 486명을 연구대상으로 하였다. 분석 항목은 일반적 특성, 직업적 특성, 피로에 관한 항목으로 구성하였으며 자료의 분석은 빈도와 백분율, 카이제곱 검정, 로지스틱 회귀분석을 사용하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대상자의 직업적 특성을 살펴보면, 주당 52시간 이상 일하는 경우가 47.4%로 나타났으며, 온도변화가 있는 경우가 38.9% 이었고, 요통이 있는 경우가 29.0% 이었다. 둘째, 대상자 중 업무와 관련된 피로가 있다고 응답한 경우는 36.2% 이었다. 셋째, 피로에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석한 결과 주당근로시간이 52시간 이상인 경우, 업무와 관련된 불안감이 있는 경우, 업무와 관련된 요통이 있는 경우, 업무와 관련된 근육통이 있는 경우, 업무환경 중 온도변화가 있는 경우 피로에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 남성 배달원의 피로를 개선하기 위해 법정 근로시간을 준수할 수 있도록 하고, 업무와 관련된 불안감을 감소시킬 수 있도록 하는 것이 필요하겠다. 또한 요통 및 근육통을 조기에 발견 및 관리하고, 작업 중 온도변화를 최소화하는 것 또한 필요하겠다.

      • The Triple Knot of Long-Term Care in the United States: Long-Term Care Financing, Delivery and Workforce Policy

        Robyn Stone 세계섬학회 2016 World Environment and Island Studies Vol.6 No.2

        The U.S. is currently in the midst of a serious debate about the future of immigration policy in the U.S. Any change has the potential to profoundly shape the circumstances of direct care workers and the demand for Long-Term Care LTC. Yet prior immigration reform debates and proposals have not considered workforce planning needs or contemplated immigration as a primary tool for managing labor markets. Historically, the U.S. has elected not to import lesser skilled workers for the purpose of employment because these workers compete directly with other vulnerable low-wage workers. Prediction of strong job growth in this sector, however, suggests a clear need to consider options that may include an immigration visa pathway to admission. Policies that limit the entry of low skilled workers may diminish the future labor pool of direct care workers in LTC. Options under exploration include 1) increasing pathways to legal status for undocumented immigrants; 2) increasing pathways for legal temporary workers with the option to offer extensions of stay or transitions to permanency; 3) pursuing an aggressive immigration strategy to permit an influx of low-wage workers to fill vacancies for direct care jobs; and 4) creating a new visa program for less-skilled, non-seasonal, non-agricultural workers. This latter option was proposed in Congress in 2013, but movement on any reforms has stalled.

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