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      • KCI등재

        사회적 경제와 지역의 내발적 발전

        김영철(Kim Young-Chul) 한국지역사회학회 2011 지역사회연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Social economy becomes a main academic topic in Korean society. In Korea, the term of ‘social’ started to attract the public’s notice after the government adopted the policy of social enterprise. Now, social enterprises are an important tool of economic policy to promote employment of unprivileged people and social enterprises are thought to be included in a broader concept of social economy. Still, it is unclear in Korea how social economy is understood, but people agree that social economy lies outside of both ‘market’ and ‘the government’, which explains why the paper relates social economy and local economy. In Korea, local economy has been the most serious victim of the economic system, mainly driven by both market-oriented economy and government-led development. This paper tries to find important implications for endogenous local development in the realm of social economy. The followings are main findings. First, mobilization of social capital should be treated more importantly than that of physical and financial capital in local economy policy. Second, multiple stakeholders should be guaranteed to participate in local economic policy from a planning stage through a implementation stage. Third, social enterprises should be a main policy tool to enhance social economy at a local level.

      • KCI등재

        북유럽 사회모델 혁신과 사회적경제: 스웨덴과 핀란드 청년 고용정책을 중심으로

        장선화 한국유럽학회 2022 유럽연구 Vol.40 No.3

        This study focuses on the potential and role of the social economy as an area that can suggest new possibilities for employment policy can be presented through cases of innovation in the Nordic social model, and examine the current status and issues. In Nordic countries, The third sector and social economy were characterized by embedded social economy and social enterprises of the private sector in the full employment-centered social model created under the frame of a universal welfare state. The social economy domain was limited to consumer cooperatives, labor cooperatives, regionally integrated social enterprises for the vulnerable or the disabled, or labor shelters for the disadvantaged who have difficulties entering the labor market. However, in the case of Sweden and Finland, after joining the European Union (EU), the concept of social enterprise was introduced with the support of the European Social Fund in the early 1990s, and research and cases on WISE increased. The focus on alternatives to promote economic growth and employment has begun to shift from the state-led public sector to the third sector. Unlike in the past, the role of the government concerning social services is limited to that of contracting partners of various service providers competing in the growing welfare service market. The implications of the case of employment policy in the social economy that emerged in the social model innovation process in Sweden and Finland are as follows. AtAt first first, the third sector presents potential possibilities to overcome limitations of job creation and social roles traditionally conducted by the state and the market. It is the discovery of the possibility that it is necessary to consider a convergence job creation model that combines social values by actively utilizing social economy organizations rooted in civil society. Second, there is a need to establish a governance system to build a social economy ecosystem. In Europe, the EU project for sustainable growth and regional development, the central government’s strategy to revitalize social enterprises, and a consultation structure between local governments and actors in the social economy sector were essential. Third, local social economy organizations and actors can share information by establishing a network of a base where young people want to find employment or start a social enterprise by establishing a network of bases where young people want to find jobs or start a social enterprise, local social economy organizations and actors can share information. Through this, job centers and related organizations can expect practical effects for job creation by providing customized employment and start-up opportunities in connection with social and economic intermediate organizations, and providing appropriate services to improve the obstacles to employment and start-up of the unemployed. 이 연구는 북유럽 사회모델 혁신사례를 통해 청년 고용정책의 새로운 가능성을 제시할 수 있는 영역으로서 사회적경제의 가능성과 역할에 주목하고 그 현황과 사례를 살펴본다. 북유럽의 제3섹터와 사회적경제 영역은 보편적 복지국가의 주도하에 창출된 완전고용 중심의 사회모델에 민간 영역의 사회적경제 및 사회적기업이 포괄되어있는 것이 특징적이었다. 사회적경제 영역은 소비협동조합이나 노동협동조합, 노동시장 진입이 어려운 취약계층이나 장애인을 대상으로 한 지역 통합적 사회적기업 혹은 노동쉼터 등에 한정되어 있었다. 하지만 북유럽 국가들의 경우 유럽연합(EU) 가입 이후 1990년대 초 유럽사회기금(ESF)의 지원을 계기로 사회적기업 개념이 도입되고 노동통합적사회적기업(WISEs)에 대한 연구와 사례가 증가하면서 경제성장과 고용 촉진을 위한 대안의 초점이 국가 주도의 공공부문에서 제3섹터로 이동하기 시작했다. 과거와 달리 사회서비스가 준민영화가 진행된 북유럽 국가들에서 정부의 역할은 수요자와 경쟁적인 복지서비스 공급자들을 중계하는 역할을 담당하는 것으로 한정된다. 북유럽 사회모델 혁신과정에서 청년을 비롯한 노동시장 취약계층에 초점을 두고 중앙 및 지방차원에서 다차원적 사회적경제 분야 고용정책이 활성화되었으나, 스웨덴은 별도의 법 제정 없이 중앙 및 지방정부가 취·창업 지원 및 중계를 담당하고 소셜벤처가 활성화된 데 비해 핀란드는 사회적기업법(2003년) 제정을 통해 사회적기업 생태계 형성의 전기를 마련하였다. 스웨덴과 핀란드 사회적경제 분야 청년고용정책 사례가 주는 함의는 첫째, 전통적으로 국가와 시장이 담당하던 고용 창출과 사회적 역할의 한계를 제3섹터가 부분적으로 혹은 융합적으로 해결할 수 있다는 가능성의 발견이다. 사회적경제 영역을 통해 사회적 가치가 결합된 융합적 고용 창출 모형을 고려할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 사회적경제 생태계 구축을 위한 거버넌스 체계구축의 필요성이다. 유럽에서는 지속가능한 성장과 지역발전을 위한 EU 프로젝트와 중앙정부의 사회적기업 활성화 추진 전략, 지방정부와 사회적경제 영역 주체들 간의 협의 구조 등이 필수적이었다. 셋째, 사회적기업 취·창업희망자, 지역의 사회적경제 조직 및 주체들이 정보를 공유할 수 있는 거점망의 구축이다. 이를 통해 고용센터 및 관련 기관 등은 사회적경제 중간 조직과 연계 하에 맞춤형 취·창업 기회를 제공하고, 실업자들의 취·창업 장애 요인을 개선하는데 적절한 서비스를 제공함으로써 고용 창출을 위한 실질적 효과를 기대할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 경제의 미래와 정부의 역할 - 포르투갈과 한국의 비교법제적 접근을 중심으로 -

        조희문 ( Jo Hee-moon ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2021 외법논집 Vol.45 No.3

        동 논문은, 포르투갈과 한국의 수교 60주년을 기념하여, 양국의 사회적 경제를 비교하여 사회적 경제의 도입과 정부의 역할을 법적 관점에서 분석한 것이다. 양국은 사회적 경제를 도입하고 발전시킬 수 있는 사회적 특징이 있다. 역사적으로 가족, 이웃, 지역사회의 협동과 종교적 자선활동이 강한 공통 점이 있다. 그러나 사회적 경제의 도입과 법제 방식은 양국간에 큰 차이가 있다. 포르투갈은 1976년 헌법에서 사회주의(socialism)를 지향하는 사회복지국가를 명시했고, 이후 지금까지 중도좌파 정부가 집권하여, 사회적 경제를 발전시켰고, 2013년에 사회적 경제 기본법을 제정했다. 헌법에 공공경제, 민간경제와 사회적 경제로 3원화된 경제체제를 명시함으로써, 사회적 가치를 추구하는 사회적 경제는 다양한 방식으로 정부의 지원을 받을 수 있고, 민간경제와 협력이 가능해졌다. 이것은 포르투갈 사회가 지향하는 사회적 경제에 대해 시민사회가 충분히 공감대를 형성했기 때문이다. 보텀업 방식으로 발전해 온 포르투갈식 사회적 경제는 다양한 사회적 욕구를 분출하는 방식이며, 사회적 빈곤층에 대한 일자리 창출은 사회적 가치의 한 부분일 뿐이다. 반면, 한국형 사회적 경제는 다른 경로를 밟았다. 1987년 민주헌법은 사회적 경제를 인정하지 않았다. 사회적 경제는 1997년 IMF외환위기로 대량의 실업자가 발생하자, 일자리 창출의 방식으로 제도권에 들어왔다. 2006년에 사회적 기업, 2010년에 마을 기업, 2012년 협동조합 및 자활기업 등 국가의 사회보장 정책의 일환으로 사회적 경제 단체들이 인정 되었다. 2014년 사회적 경제 기본법이 발의되었으나 실패했고, 문재인정부도 헌법개정 및 사회적 경제 기본법을 추진했으나 모두 실패했다. 사회적 경제는 사회적 다양성보다는 소외층의 일자리 창출 도구로 인식되었고, 정부의 예산지원을 통해 톱다운 방식으로 발전되었다. 사회적 경제가 올바르게 작동 되려면 한국사회가 원하는 사회적 경제시장의 모형을 명확히 하고 시민사회를 설득해야 한다. 사회적 경제가 존재의미를 가지려면 단순히 일자리 창출이나 공공영역이나 민간영역의 문제해결보다는 사회적 경제영역의 독자적인 사회적 가치를 찾아야 한다. 시민사회가 그 필요성에 대한 공감대와 큰 반향 이 있어야 올바른 정책과 법제가 생산될 수 있을 것이다. In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Portugal and Korea, this paper compares the social economy of two countries, and analyzes the introduction of the social economy and the role of the government from a legal point of view. The two countries have common social characteristics that can introduce and develop a social economy. Historically the two countries have in common that they have strong solidarity with their families, neighbors and local communities with the presence of strong religious philanthropy. However there is a big difference between the two countries in the process of introducing the social economy and the method of legislation. Portugal stipulated a social welfare state oriented toward socialism in its constitution in 1976, and since then, the center-left has been in power, steadily developing the social economy, and enacting the Social Economy Basic Law in 2013. As a ternary economic system composed of public economy, private economy and social economy was specified in the Constitution, a social economy that pursues social values can receive government support in various ways and cooperate with the private economy. This is because civil society has sufficiently formed a consensus on the social economy that Portuguese society is aiming for. The Portuguese-style social economy is a way of venting various social needs, and job creation is one part of the social value pursued by the social economy. On the other hand, the Korean-style social economy has taken a different path. The 1987 Democratic Constitution did not recognize the social economy. The social economy was introduced as part of government policy as a way to create jobs after a large number of unemployment occurred due to the 1997 Asian financial crisis. As part of the national social security policy, social economy organizations were recognized: social enterprises in 2006, village enterprises in 2010, cooperatives and self-support enterprises in 2012. Finally, in 2014, the Basic Social Economy Law was proposed by the ruling Grand National Party, but failed. In Korea, the social economy was recognized as a job creation tool for the underprivileged rather than a method of venting various social needs, so it was developed through active budget support from the government. In order for the social economy to function properly, the purpose and model of the social economy market that Korean society wants should be clearly defined, and the necessity of the social economy should be widely known and persuaded to civil society. For the social economy to have the meaning of its existence, it is necessary to find its own unique value of the social economy, rather than simply a means of creating jobs or solving social and economic problems that occur in the public or private sectors. To this end, proper policies and legislation can be produced only when civil society forms a consensus on the necessity of a social economy through the process of explaining and discussing the social economy to the public and has a great repercussion.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 ‘사회적 경제’ 개념 정립을 위한 시론

        신명호 한국사회과학연구회 2009 동향과 전망 Vol.- No.75

        The aim of this article is to articulate the concept of ‘social economy’ in the context of Korean society. Many previous studies introduced European theories on social economy, but none of them ever tried to re-conceptualize the concept of social economy, considering Korea’s specific historical processes. The most critical element in the concept of social economy is whether an organization has developed on the principle of reciprocity and solidarity in response to market capitalism. In that regard, it doesn’t seem to make sense to classify some kinds of cooperatives of Korea into the sphere of social economy, though they have the title of cooperative in formal terms. Like social enterprises, organizations which belong to social economy must have their own social goals, but unlike social enterprises, social economy is the concept that not only includes economic organizations engaged in production but also those engaged in consumption, exchange, and distribution. The typical examples which belong to social economy of Korea are social enterprises, self-reliance production communities, sheltered workshops for the disabled, consumption cooperatives, parental creches, fund-raising charities, microcredit agencies, local exchange and trading systems, etc.. 이제까지 유럽의 사회적 경제 혹은 사회적 기업에 관한 이론을 소개하고, 서구의 개념틀을 그대로 적용해서 범주화를 시도했던 글들은 있었지만, 한국의 사회적 경제 개념을 어떤 내용적 기준들로 구성할 것인가를 다룬 선행연구는 없었다. 따라서 이 논문은 한국의 사회적 경제 개념의 내포를 구성하고, 그에 따른 범주화(외연)를 시도하고 있다. 사회적 경제의 일차적 기준은 사회적 기업의 경우와 마찬가지로, 구성원 또는 공공의 이익을 중시하는 사회적 목적을 가지고 있는가의 여부이고, 자본이 아닌 사람 중심의 의사결정 구조와 자율성이 그 다음 요소들이다. 그러나 사회적 경제는 사회적 기업과 달리, 생산 뿐 아니라 소비, 교환, 분배 등 일체의 경제활동 영역에 관여하는 조직들을 총칭하는 개념이며, 사회적 기업처럼 시장에서의 상업활동을 반드시 필요로 하지는 않는다는 차이점을 갖는다. 그리하여 장애인의 공동작업장 같은 공공지원형 일자리도 사회적 경제에 포함될 수 있다. ‘경제의 정치적 성격에 대한 문제를 제기하지 않고서는 사회적 경제가 어떤 정당성도 가질 수 없다’는 사실을 상기한다면, 한국적 맥락의 정의에서도 ‘시장자본주의의 폐해에 대한 대응으로서 호혜와 연대의 원리 속에서 발생했는가 아닌가’는 중요한 기준이 되어야 한다. 그런 점에서 형식만을 근거로 한 명목론적 분류법은 경계할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사회적 기업의 변천에 관한 연구: 역사적 제도주의를 중심으로

        주태규 ( Ju Tae Kyu ) 한국행정사학회 2021 韓國行政史學誌 Vol.53 No.-

        한국은 역사적으로 정부에서 빈곤을 해결하고 국가 발전에 이바지할 수 있는 일자리를 창출하는데 전력을 기울여왔으나 한국 사람들은 한꺼번에 다양한 사회문제를 맞이했다. 이를 해결하려고 수많은 대안을 찾는 도중에 사회적 경제가 사회 전반에 알려져서 정부는 이를 제도화했다. 사회적 경제는 자본주의 경제에서 나타난 사회문제를 해결하는 방법으로 공익성에 기반을 두고 활동하는 조직이나 운동이며 사회적 기업은 공동체 이익을 추구하면서도 각종 자원을 생산, 교환, 분배하는 영리 조직이다. 사회적 기업은 제도나 환경의 영향을 받을 수밖에 없는데 이를 역사적 제도주의 관점에서 파악하고자 했다. 본 논문에서 제도는 개인이나 조직에 공식적, 비공식적으로 영향을 주는 행위를 말하며 한국 사회적 기업의 변천을 살펴보고 시사점과 방향을 제시하는데 목적이 있었다. 분석 결과, 복지와 고용 분야에서 과거부터 사회 문제를 해결하려는 서로 다른 시도가 복합적으로 얽혀 있는 가운데 사회적 기업이 대안으로 탄생한 것이다. 첫째, 규범적 관점은 전쟁 이후 피난민 집단 구호와 빈민을 벗어나려는 생산 공동체 운동 등이 오래 지속되었으나 외환위기에 대량 실업으로 이어지면서 적극적으로 정부가 일자리를 창출해야 한다는 공감대가 형성되었다. 그렇지만 정부만으로는 일자리 창출이 어렵고 지원 위주라는 비판에 따라 공공성과 수익성을 추구하는 새로운 모델인 사회적 기업이 등장했다. 둘째, 법률적 관점으로는 단기적 문제 해결을 중심으로 하는 법률이 시간이 흐르면서 한계에 부딪쳤다. 이에 자활과 사회적 일자리 분화로 이어지면서 정책이 세분화, 유형화되면서 수많은 사업과 프로그램이 생겼다. 그렇지만 사회적 기업이 일정 부분 근로 영역을 흡수했고 사회적 기업 관련 법률로 제도화되었다. 셋째, 실용적 관점에서 상부상조를 비롯해 정부 주도로 실용성이 강화되었다. 이는 일하는 복지도 마찬가지며 외환위기의 대량실업을 극복하고자 일자리의 양적 창출에 초점을 두었다. 시간이 흐르면서 사회적 기업이 정부 지원을 받으면서도 어느 정도 자율성을 가지고 자체 수익 활동을 같이 벌이면서 경쟁과 혁신을 벌이고 있다. 다만, 사회적 기업이 존재하면서도 여전히 수많은 고용 복지 분야의 법률, 제도, 정책 등이 공존한다는 점을 잊어서는 안 된다. 앞으로 사회적 기업은 고령화에 대비한 시장 영역을 계속 확보하고 은퇴자가 활동할 수 있는 고용 안전망의 역할을 맡아야 한다. 사회적 기업이 자생력을 확보하려면 역설적으로 정부의 지원이 어느 정도 시점까지 더 필요할 수 있다. Although the Korean government has historically focused its efforts on alleviating poverty and creating jobs that can contribute to national development, they have faced various social problems at once. In the midst of finding numerous alternatives to solve this problem, the social economy became known throughout society, so the government institutionalized it. The social economy is an organization or movement that operates based on the public interest as a way to solve the social problems presented in the capitalist economy, and a social enterprise is a for-profit organization that produces, exchanges, and distributes various resources while pursuing community interests. Social enterprises are inevitably affected by institutions and environments, and I tried to understand this from a historical institutionalist perspective. In this paper, institutions refer to acts that influence individuals or organizations formally or informally, and the purpose of this paper is to examine the changes in Korean social enterprises and to suggest implications and directions. As a result of the analysis, social enterprises were born as an alternative to the complex entanglement of different attempts to solve social problems in the fields of welfare and employment from the past. First, as for the normative point of view, after the war, group relief for refugees and the productive community movement to escape the poor continued for a long time, but as the financial crisis led to mass unemployment, a consensus was formed that the government should actively create jobs. However, in response to criticism that the government alone is difficult to create jobs and focuses on support, a new model of social enterprise that pursues publicity and profitability has emerged. Second, from a legal point of view, the law centered on solving short-term problems encountered limitations over time. This led to self-sufficiency and differentiation of social jobs, and as policies were subdivided and categorized, numerous businesses and programs were created. However, social enterprises have absorbed some of the work area and have been institutionalized into laws related to social enterprises. Third, from a practical point of view, practicality was strengthened by the government, including mutual aid. This is the same for working welfare, and to overcome the mass unemployment caused by the foreign exchange crisis, the focus was on the quantitative creation of jobs. Over time, social enterprises have been competing and innovating with some degree of autonomy and self-profit activities, while receiving government support. However, it should not be forgotten that, despite the existence of social enterprises, laws, systems, and policies in many fields of employment and welfare still coexist. In the future, social enterprises must continue to secure a market area in preparation for an aging population and play the role of an employment safety net for retirees to work. Paradoxically, government support may be needed up to a certain point for social enterprises to become self-sustaining.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 사회적 기업 활성화를 위한 법제도 및 정책적 개선방안

        권한용(Kwon, Han-Yong),배광효(Bae, Kwang-Hyo) 한양법학회 2014 漢陽法學 Vol.25 No.4

        Recently, the role of social enterprises has received special attention for developing both national and local societies as well as solving the unemployment issue in Korea because they are expected to not only create new jobs but also provide social services of diverse purposes. Understandably, social enterprises, like other general private enterprises, mainly pursue profit maximization and wealth creation. However, their business goals and targets are not limited to simple profit maximization. In particular, social enterprises based on sustainable business activities have been recognized to fulfill valuable social roles as follows: i) to create employment opportunities especially for the economically and socially alienated persons, ii) to provide local residents outside the economic mainstream with opportunities to participate in the markets as customers, iii) to improve economic and social infrastructure in local communities, which can result in network formation and capital development in them, iv) to provide social and public services for various purposes, etc. According to the characteristics and functions mentioned above, social enterprises have become a noticeable alternative to overcome the crisis in social welfare and solve social alienation issues. Therefore, it is necessary for the government to establish medium-and long-term policies and plans to promote and support social enterprises under the stage of growth in Korea. Through this study, the authors would like to propose the following policy plans to the Korean government in order to achieve the policy goal of promoting social enterprises. i) Establishment, reorganization, and enhancement of a policy enforcement system including modification of relevant laws and regulations which the local authorities can carry out the policy with under the auspices of the central government, ii) Establishment of financial independence and economic stability of social enterprises based on the promotion system, iii) Promotion of social enterprise-friendly environment through the improvement of recognition for social enterprises, iv) Construction of online public-relations and cooperation systems for social enterprises, and v) Establishment of educational programs to develop entrepreneurs of social enterprises and transparent management systems. Social enterprises are expected to contribute to solving various social issues in Korea, such as unemployment, social and regional inequity or unbalance, insufficiency of social services. Accordingly, the Korean government should recognize the positive effect of social enterprises, actively establish medium-and long-term policies, and preemptively arrange the relevant legal system.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체 사회적경제 정책 추진현황 및 향후 과제

        송두범(Song Doobum) 충북대학교 사회과학연구소 2011 사회적경제와 정책연구 Vol.1 No.1

        To answer the question: “Why do social economy policies need to be introduced at this point in time?” this paper examines how the social economy policies are progressing in Chungcheongnam-do, as well as pertinent problems, and presents work to be done, in order to find out the likelihood of social economy policies being introduced as sustainable local development policies. It was found that discussions on social economy are still in the initial stages, and local governments and the majority of public servants are certainly not aware of the necessity of social economy. Also, while many people know what social enterprises are – which was initiated by the central government - through enactment of laws, introduction by the media, pertinent policies being pushed, and so on, it is certain that “social economy” is still a term that they’re not used to. Social enterprises, community businesses, self-supporting communities, consumer cooperatives, local foods, medical cooperatives – though they are not labeled as social economy, the organizations and companies of social economy have been with us, so it is expected that more lively discussions on social economy will take place going forward. Accordingly, the introduction of social economy policies should be reviewed in depth as a new endogenous development strategy, going beyond the limited meaning of social  enterprises. To this end, local governments need to enhance their capacity for collecting, in a “funnel-like” way, a wide range of social economy policies being pushed by ministries. They also need to establish local development strategies for disseminating understanding of social economy as well as for realizing social economy, in addition to strengthening/solidifying the network of social economy entities. Through this process, local social economies can be constructed.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on the Success Cases of Social and Economic Enterprises: Focusing on Overseas Cases

        김문준,최재원 K기업경영연구원 2022 KBM Journal(K Business Management Journal) Vol.6 No.2

        This study is a literature study on major successful cases of social economy enterprises abroad based on the current status of concepts and characteristics of social economy enterprises. To this end, case studies were conducted in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and France based on the success stories of overseas social enterprises of the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency and KOTRA. The main enterprises for social economy enterprises are social enterprises, village enterprises, cooperatives, and self-support enterprises, which are implementing various economic activities suitable for their characteristics. Based on the 'Serve America Act', social economy enterprises in the United States are being implemented as a policy to encourage social entrepreneurship by supporting volunteer activities of professional personnel and providing tax benefits to social enterprises. Instead of direct funding for social enterprises in Canada, social economy enterprises in Canada are adopting a method of raising funds by establishing major institutions. Social economy enterprises in the UK are being operated with a policy that provides ease of establishment and operation, easy cooperative relationship with the state government, and sufficient resources. Based on this, social economy enterprises are revitalized through the public procurement priority principle. Social economy enterprises in France are being strategically operated to improve the competitiveness of social economy enterprises through three fields of financial support, management support, and solidarity between managers and four directions, the Social Economy Solidarity Enterprise Growth Act.

      • KCI등재

        기업 유형에 따른 주관적 고용의 질이 근로자의 전반적 직업만족도에 미치는 영향: 사회적경제기업을 중심으로

        정준서(Jun-Seo Jeong),최율(Yool Choi) 한국인문사회과학회 2021 현상과 인식 Vol.45 No.2

        본 연구는 고용노동부의 2015, 2019 실태조사 및 한국노동연구원의 한국노동패널 8차와 20차 자료를 활용하여 사회적경제기업과 일반기업의 주관적 고용의 질 및 근로자의 전반적 직업만족도를 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 사회적경제기업 근로자의 주관적 고용의 질이 전반적으로 일반기업보다 높게 나타났다. 또한 사회적경제기업의 세부유형 간에도 차이가 있으며 대체로 소셜벤처가 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 다음으로 기업유형에 따른 주관적 고용의 질 차이가 직업만족도에 차별적으로 미치는 효과는 다음과 같다. 사회적 경제기업은 주관적 고용의 질 가운데 직업/직무의 질을 통해 일반기업 대비 더 큰 만족을 얻는 것으로 확인되었다. 반면 일반기업은 근로조건의 질에서 더 큰 만족을 얻는 것으로 나타났다. 사회적경제기업 세부유형 간의 비교에서는 소셜벤처 근로자가 직업/직무의 질에서 더 큰 만족을 얻는 데 비해 근로조건의 질을 통해 얻은 만족은 상대적으로 낮은 것으로 확인된다. 이러한 결과는 사회적경제기업과 일반기업 간의 고용의 질 그리고 직업만족도상의 일반적인 차이를 확인해보는 경험적 연구로서의 함의를 가지며, 사회적경제기업이 가지는 독특한 질적 특성을 보여준다. Using the 2015 and 2019 factual survey of the Ministry of Employment and Labor and 8th and 20th Korean Labor & Income Panel Study, this study analyzes the difference in subjective employment quality and job satisfaction between social economy enterprises and general enterprises. Further, we examine how the subjective employment quality differently affects job satisfaction between social economy enterprises and general enterprises. The results of the analysis are as follows. The subjective employment quality of social economy enterprises was generally higher than that of general enterprises. In between social economy enterprises, social ventures were highest. Next, Social economy enterprises obtain more job satisfaction through the quality of job duties than general enterprises. On the other hand, general enterprises achieved more job satisfaction through the quality of working conditions. A comparison within social economy enterprises showed that social venture workers obtain more job satisfaction through the quality of occupation duties than others. We discussed the implication of these differences for understanding the unique qualitative characteristics of social economy enterprises.

      • 구리시 사회적경제 확산을 위한 전략

        이수행,박정지,강현철,최재용,고민구,김연,최조순,전지훈,홍성실,최소원,김종필,선수연,이정희 경기연구원 2019 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        This study aims to explore the policy direction of sustainable social economy development in Guri. In addition, this study presented the vision, basic direction, and strategy for building a sustainable social economy ecosystem in Guri. There has been a question about the necessity of support for social economy in order to strengthen the competitiveness of social economy organizations. Central ministries and local governments provide support for social economy with various policies. But various support policies are distributed and systematic policy support is not smoothly implemented in this social economy system. The ratio of social and economic organizations in Guri is only 1.3% of Gyeonggi-Do. Although the number of social economic organizations in Guri is insufficient, the expectations for revitalization of social economy are expanding. Recently, social economy companies that have successfully settled in other local communities have been expanding. Guri City is carrying out policies such as enacting ordinances and expanding sales support to revitalize the social economy. Social economy officials, person in charge of social economy of Guri suggested various comments to revitalize Guri"s social economic ecosystem Various opinions were presented through meetings, workshops. Such as establishing a virtuous cycle of revitalizing social economy in Guri, building a platform related to social economy, establishing an integrated support department, enhancing professionalism and communication, expanding sales and start-up support, and expanding education and promotion support. Four Strategic tasks were proposed for the private extension of the Guri"s social economy system. First, Creating a Foundation for Social Economy. It is important that the government set up a unit to take charge of social economy as to revitalize the social economy based on the characteristics of the Guri community. Providing the foundation for growth of social economy-related companies by promoting the participation of social economy-related companies in the region. Second, Develop and operate educational programs to foster future generations leading the vitalization of the social economy and to improve interest and understanding of the social economy. Create a social economic learning system to foster systematic human resources with local residents. Third, Establishment of social economy cooperative governance in Guri. Establish the Guri Social Economic Committee and Integrated Support Center to expand the role and function of the intermediary support organization of public-private consultations. Fourth, Convergence of Guri Social Economy and Community. Classify projects related to social economy among the projects led by Guri and support the participation of social economy-related companies in the region. Local governments lead the creation of social economy market and foster related companies. Establish a qualitative level evaluation system for social economy-related companies, and support market development for companies that have reached a certain level.

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