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        인도네시아 상사중재법에 관한 소고

        김선정 한국경영법률학회 2018 經營法律 Vol.29 No.1

        Indonesia as important developing country to world economy is in the urgent need to improve its arbitration law and practice. One of the reasons is because Indonesia may gain many advantages by such improvement, such as increase of its international reputation as a safe place to invest or international transaction since there is an assurance that future disputes may be promptly solved through arbitration. However, in spite of the long history that existed since the Dutch colonial period, it seems that the arbitration was not activated in general. In Indonesia, domestic and international arbitration falls under the Arbitration Law (Law No. 30 of 1999). The Arbitration Law is not based on the UNCITRAL Model Law. For this reason, under the Arbitration Law, any award handed down outside the territory of Indonesia. The main arbitration centre is the Indonesian National Arbitration Board (Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia/BANI). There are also several special arbitration bodies which handle disputes in certain areas of law and industries to accommodate the need for special arbitration. A few international arbitration bodies have a presence in Indonesia, such as ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators’ chapter. Only the Central Jakarta District Court (CJDC) handles the enforcement of international awards. Indonesia has signed bilateral investment treaties (BITs) with 64 states. Indonesia signed the International Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID Convention) on 16 February 1968. As a result, Indonesia has become a party to numerous international investment disputes. Asian countries that nurture arbitration system as an industry. Compared to these countries it seems difficult for Indonesia to become a hub of international arbitration However, being a convenient country for international arbitration in asia. But developing Indonesia as a familiar place of international arbitration of international investment and international commerce brings many benefits to Indonesia. In this regard, a reform of the arbitration law and a policy for activating the arbitration system are necessary. 인도네시아는 세계경제에 매우 중요한 개발도상국으로서 법과 실무에서 중재제도를 발전시킨다면 안전한 투자대상국이자 국제거래처로서 국제적 평판이 높아지는 등 많은 이익을 누릴 것이다. 그러나 네덜란드 식민지시대부터 존재하였던 중재제도의 오랜 역사에도 불구하고 전반적으로 중재가 활성화되지는 못한 것으로 생각된다. 인도네시아는 64개국과 국제투자협정을 체결하였고, ICSID협약의 체약국으로 수많은 국제투자분쟁사건의 당사자 국가이다. 인도네시아에서의 중재는 국내중재와 국제중재 모두 1999년 중재법이 규율한다. 중재법은 UNCITRAL 모범법을 수용하였다고 보기는 어렵다. 그렇지만 인도네시아 중재법은 국내 중재뿐만 아니라 국제중재를 위하여 충분히 활용될 수 있다. 인도네시아의 가장 중요한 중재기관은 BANI이지만 각 산업분야의 특별한 요청에 의한 중재기관이 존재하고, 국제중재기관으로 1CC 등이 있다. 외국중재판정의 승인 및 집행은 자카르타지방법원만이 관할하고 있다. 중재제도를 산업으로 육성하는 아시아의 여러 나라들과 비교할 때 인도네시아가 국제중재의 허브가 되기는 어려워 보인다. 그러나 국제중재에 편리한 국가가 되는 것은 국제투자와 국제상거래를 보다 활성화시킬 것이다. 이 점에서 중재법개정과 중재제도를 활성화하는 정책이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        To Build the World Anew: Decolonization and Cold War in Indonesia

        Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2020 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.44 No.2

        This article investigates the connection between the process of decolonization in Indonesia and the Cold War by proposing two main arguments. First, that the complex process of postcolonial nation-and-state building in Indonesia led to the establishment of “bebas-aktif” (“independent and active”) foreign policy despite the efforts of the Great Powers to take Indonesia into their sphere of influence. This position came from the need to maintain the unity of the newly established state in the context of fierce competition between ideological groups in Indonesia. These included secular nationalists, Islamic nationalists, and communists, which began with the rise of nationalist movements in the Dutch East Indies and continued after independence in 1945. The second main argument of this article is that the Cold War shaped the trajectory of Indonesia’s nation-and-state building process enormously. The Cold War calculation helped Indonesia to gain international recognition despite the Dutch ambition to keep its colonial possession. The narrative of Indonesia as a leader of Asian and African countries amidst the menacing domination of the great powers also lent credibility to the new state in the eyes of its people, as well as setting the normative limits of ideological competition inside the country. The Cold War also created disturbances in the nation-andstate building project, which manifested in several incidents that threatened the unity and even the very existence of the new nation. This culminated in the exclusion of communist groups from the national compromise required for nationand- state building This article investigates the connection between the process of decolonization in Indonesia and the Cold War by proposing two main arguments. First, that the complex process of postcolonial nation-and-state building in Indonesia led to the establishment of “bebas-aktif” (“independent and active”) foreign policy despite the efforts of the Great Powers to take Indonesia into their sphere of influence. This position came from the need to maintain the unity of the newly established state in the context of fierce competition between ideological groups in Indonesia. These included secular nationalists, Islamic nationalists, and communists, which began with the rise of nationalist movements in the Dutch East Indies and continued after independence in 1945. The second main argument of this article is that the Cold War shaped the trajectory of Indonesia’s nation-and-state building process enormously. The Cold War calculation helped Indonesia to gain international recognition despite the Dutch ambition to keep its colonial possession. The narrative of Indonesia as a leader of Asian and African countries amidst the menacing domination of the great powers also lent credibility to the new state in the eyes of its people, as well as setting the normative limits of ideological competition inside the country. The Cold War also created disturbances in the nation-andstate building project, which manifested in several incidents that threatened the unity and even the very existence of the new nation. This culminated in the exclusion of communist groups from the national compromise required for nationand- state building

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Automobile Industry in Indonesia:

        Bae, Ilhyun(배일현),Muhammad Faisal Yul Zamurdi(무하마드 파이잘 율 자무르디) 한국물류학회 2016 물류학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        본 연구는 세계 4위의 인구대국으로 2억 5천만 명의 인구를 보유한 인도네시아의 자동차 산업에 대해서 살펴본 후 한국 물류기업에 주는 시사점을 제시할 목적으로 연구되었다. 인도네시아는 18,000여 개의 섬으로 구성된 세계 최대의 섬나라인 관계로 인도네시아 이외의 기업에게 육상물류와 비교할 때 상대적으로 해상 물류가 활발할 것이라는 선입관이 있다. 그러나, 18,000여 개의 섬 중에 약 900여개의 섬에 사람이 살고 있고, 이중 가장 큰 섬은 자바, 수마트라 섬인데 이 두 개의 섬에 약 2억 명이 거주하고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 연구는 주로 인도네시아 자동차산업의 현황을 살펴본 후 범한 판토스를 중심으로 한 인도네시아에 진출 국내 물류기업으로의 시사점을 밝혀내고자 했다. 연구결과, 해상운송뿐만 아니라 육상운송의 중요성이 인도네시아에서 날로 커지고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌으며, 인도네시아 자동차산업의 규모는 향후 발전속도가 빠를 것으로 밝혀졌다. 한국 물류기업은 이러한 상황을 예의 주시하여 향후 인도네시아 진출 전략에 반영해야 한다. 특히, 인도네시아에 진출을 희망하는 한국 물류기업들은 범한 판토스같이 인도네시아에 진출한 기업의 전략을 검토 또는 협조를 통하여 시너지를 이끌어 낼 수 있는 지역으로 진출하는 것이 필요하다. 아울러, 향후 상당기간 동안 인도네시아의 급속한 경제발전이 예상되는 만큼 일본 기업이 지배하고 있는 인도네시아 자동차시장을 한국 자동차 기업들도 소홀히 해서는 안된다는 시사점도 본 연구는 제공하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to provide implications for Korean logistics companies after take a look Indonesia automobile industries. As is widely known, Indonesia has the fourth largest population in the world. Generally, world people think that Indonesia maritime traffics are more developed than its land transportation because Indonesia’s populations of 250 million as they are spread out on more than 900 islands of Indonesia’s 18,000 Islands. Most of Indonesian people mainly live in Java and Sumatra which has more than 200 million people. The results of this study are as follows. This study discover that not only maritime transportation but also land transportation is very important in Indonesia. So, Indonesia automobile industry has advanced quickly. In addition, Korean companies should reflect these situation of Indonesia when they enter Indonesia market. Especially, Korea logistics companies should check Indonesia’s geographical area of which they want to advance. They also must analyze logistics companies which already entered Indonesia like Bumhan Pantos to get synergy effect. This study also provides that Korean automobile companies should not disregard Indonesia market.

      • KCI등재

        인도네시아와 중국의 관계 정상화 요인 분석

        김석수 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2010 東南亞硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        The Purpose of this article is to evaluate the Politics of a rapprochement between Indonesia and China Relations. Indonesia’s relations with China began to improve in 1998. This paper argues that recent improvements in bilateral relations have been primarily the function of changes in Indonesia’s domestic politics and China’s policy toward Southeast Asia, which contributed to the creation of an atmosphere of trust and comfort in Jakarta’s re-engagement with China. Despite recent improvements, however, Indonesia-China relations are not without problems. Their future course will continue to be subject to the persistence of Indonesia’s ambiguity toward China, emanating from the issue of the ethnic Chinese minority and Indonesia’s perceptions of China’s intention and policy in Southeast Asia. For example, if there is a resurgence of anti-Chinese feeling, and if the ethnic question again becomes a political issue in Indonesia, then bilateral relations might also be affected. Likewise, with Indonesia still uncertain about China’s long-term policies toward Southeast Asia, any sign indicating that Beijing plans to be a dominant power in the region would certainly revive Indonesia’s sensitivity. The prospect for a better relationship is clearly there. A growing mutual favorable view forms an important basis for building future relations between Indonesia and China. If both countries can seize the current encouraging environment, a more robust bilateral relationship is certainly within their reach.

      • KCI등재

        인도네시아 자동차산업에 대한 연구: 한국 물류기업으로의 시사점을 중심으로

        배일현 ( Bae Ilhyun ),무하마드파이잘율자무르 ( Muhammad Faisal Yul Zamurdi ) 한국물류학회 2016 물류학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        본 연구는 세계 4위의 인구대국으로 2억 5천만 명의 인구를 보유한 인도네시아의 자동차 산업에 대해서 살펴본 후 한국 물류기업에 주는 시사점을 제시할 목적으로 연구되었다. 인도네시아는 18,000여 개의 섬으로 구성된 세계 최대의 섬나라인 관계로 인도네시아 이외의 기업에게 육상물류와 비교할 때 상대적으로 해상 물류가 활발할 것이라는 선입관이 있다. 그러나, 18,000여 개의 섬 중에 약 900여개의 섬에 사람이 살고 있고, 이중 가장 큰 섬은 자바, 수마트라 섬인데 이 두 개의 섬에 약 2억 명이 거주하고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 연구는 주로 인도네시아 자동차산업의 현황을 살펴본 후 범한 판토스를 중심으로 한 인도네시아에 진출 국내 물류기업으로의 시사점을 밝혀내고자 했다. 연구결과, 해상운송뿐만 아니라 육상운송의 중요성이 인도네시아에서 날로 커지고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌으며, 인도네시아 자동차산업의 규모는 향후 발전속도가 빠를 것으로 밝혀졌다. 한국 물류기업은 이러한 상황을 예의 주시하여 향후 인도네시아 진출 전략에 반영해야 한다. 특히, 인도네시아에 진출을 희망하는 한국 물류기업들은 범한 판토스같이 인도네시아에 진출한 기업의 전략을 검토 또는 협조를 통하여 시너지를 이끌어 낼 수 있는 지역으로 진출하는 것이 필요하다. 아울러, 향후 상당기간 동안 인도네시아의 급속한 경제발전이 예상되는 만큼 일본 기업이 지배하고 있는 인도네시아 자동차시장을 한국 자동차 기업들도 소홀히 해서는 안된다는 시사점도 본 연구는 제공하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to provide implications for Korean logistics companies after take a look Indonesia automobile industries. As is widely known, Indonesia has the fourth largest population in the world. Generally, world people think that Indonesia maritime traffics are more developed than its land transportation because Indonesia`s populations of 250 million as they are spread out on more than 900 islands of Indonesia`s 18,000 Islands. Most of Indonesian people mainly live in Java and Sumatra which has more than 200 million people. The results of this study are as follows. This study discover that not only maritime transportation but also land transportation is very important in Indonesia. So, Indonesia automobile industry has advanced quickly. In addition, Korean companies should reflect these situation of Indonesia when they enter Indonesia market. Especially, Korea logistics companies should check Indonesia`s geographical area of which they want to advance. They also must analyze logistics companies which already entered Indonesia like Bumhan Pantos to get synergy effect. This study also provides that Korean automobile companies should not disregard Indonesia market.


        Legal Protection of Internally Displaced Persons due to Climate Change Disaster in Indonesia

        Natalia Yeti Puspita,Yanti Fristikawati,Piter Zunimik 이준국제법연구원 2023 Journal of East Asia and International Law Vol.16 No.2

        Indonesia is a disaster-prone archipelagic country and one of the world's largest emitters. Climate change has increased the risk of disasters in Indonesia, such as rising sea levels leading to floods. This is undoubtedly a threat to the Indonesian population in coastal areas and small islands. They will be forced to become Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) if sea levels continue to rise and drown their houses. The number of IDPs in Indonesia has increased significantly in recent years. While IDPs have a legal status and are entitled to protection from the state, there is unfortunately no specific provision for IDPs due to climate disasters in Indonesia. This article examines the legal protection afforded to IDPs in Indonesia as a result of climate-related disasters; deals with the existing legal framework for IDPs; and assesses its adequacy in addressing the specific challenges faced by climate-related IDPs.

      • KCI등재

        인도네시아 산림 모라토리엄 분석: 산림 거버넌스를 중심으로

        장상경 ( Sang Kyung Jang ),배재수 ( Jae Soo Bae ) 한국동남아학회 2013 동남아시아연구 Vol.23 No.3

        In May 2010, Indonesia and Norway signed a Letter of Intent on “Cooperation on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation(REDD).” In the LoI, Norway agreed to offer Indonesia a sum of USD 1 billion with a view to encourage Indonesia to significantly contribute to the successful implementation of REDD+. On 20 May 2011, correspondingly, Indonesia announced the 2011 ‘Forest Moratorium’ (the Presidential Instruction No. 10/2011) which was valid for the following consecutive two years. By means of the 2011 ‘Forest Moratorium’, Indonesia aimed at significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, forest degradation and peatland conversion. In so doing, it also sought to improve forest governance. Meanwhile, concerned stakeholders also raised various questions about the effectiveness of the ‘Forest Moratorium’. As an extension of the 2011 ‘Forest Moratorium’, Indonesia announced the 2013 ‘Forest Moratorium’(the Presidential Instruction No. 6/2013) for another two-year period on 13 May 2013. Indonesia`s ‘Forest Moratorium’ is concerned with stakeholders at various levels, who may play a role of significant ‘agent’ in the process of implementing the ‘Forest Moratorium’. This mechanism of the ‘Forest Moratorium’ should be understood in the light of forest governance. Employing stakeholder approach, therefore, this article attempts to analyze Indonesia`s ‘Forest Moratorium’ in the light of forest governance. In this regard, it analyzes the detailed contents of the ‘Forest Moratorium’, the process of making the ‘Forest Moratorium’, current development of the Indicative Moratorium Map for suspension of new concessions on forest land, and contesting views of various stakeholders. At the same time, it also talks about how ‘weak’ forest governance had influence upon Indonesia`s ‘Forest Moratorium’. In so doing, this article consequently attempts to evaluate Indonesia`s ‘Forest Moratorium’ and also put it into perspective in terms of improving forest governance. The 2013 ‘Forest Moratorium’ fundamentally represents a radical policy that is designed to suspend new concessions on forest conversion for another two-year period and its detailed contents attempt to reflect on various stakeholders from related industries and environmental NGOs. However, there are challenging factors in the process of implementing the ‘Forest Moratorium’, that is, ‘weak`` forest governance and also a discrepancy between forest planning maps designated by central and regional governments. The announcement of the 2013 ‘Forest Moratorium’, as an extension of the 2011 ‘Forest Moratorium’, may functionally strengthen and improve Indonesia`s forest governance. However, at the same time, there is a practical limit due to the fact that it is merely a Presidential Instruction that lacks legal binding.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 대(對)인도네시아 수출입 물동량의 결정요인과 한·ASEAN FTA 효과

        김창범 ( Kim Chang-beom ),이민희 ( Lee Min-hee ) 한국해운물류학회(구 한국해운학회) 2016 해운물류연구 Vol.32 No.3

        본고는 한국의 對인도네시아 수출입 물동량의 결정요인에 대한 모형을 구성한 후 이들 변수들이 수출입 물동량에 미치는 영향의 크기와 방향을 파악하였다. 이와 동시에, 한·ASEAN FTA가 한국의 對인도네시아 해상물동량에 미치는 효과를 분석하였다. 장기균형식의 추정결과, 세계경기의 호조와 국제유가의 상승은 수출물동량을 증가시키고 국내경기와 세계상품가격의 상승은 수입물동량을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 국제유가의 경우, 수출물동량에는 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤지만 수입물동량에는 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 다음으로 오차수정모형의 추정결과, 오차수정항이 음(-)의 부호를 가지면서 통계적으로 유의하였으며 수출물동량이 조정속도가 수입물동량보다 훨씬 빠르다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 게다가, 한·ASEAN FTA 효과를 분석한 결과 FTA체결 이후 수출물동량이 수입물동량보다 더 큰 폭으로 증가하였으며, 2013년부터 2014년 기간에는 수출물동량과 수입물동량이 각각 큰 폭으로 증가폭이 둔화되고 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. Economic cooperation between Korea and Indonesia was established on the basis of the effectiveness of Korea-ASEAN FTA in 2007. The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), launched in 2015 and comprising 10 ASEAN countries, offered an opportunity to expand the cooperation in economy, trade, and logistics. Indonesia has occupied an important position in terms of trade and investments of Korea. Among the ASEAN countries, Indonesia is the 9th export market of Korea as of 2014 (USD 113.6 billion), and the investment scale of Korea in Indonesia has reached 7th place (USD1.13 billion). Particularly, as the Indonesian government is planning the construction and expansion of regional infrastructure for development in the ocean industry, it will serve as an opportunity for Korean companies in terms of investments. Among the ASEAN countries, Indonesia has accounted for 17.8% and 56.7% of the entire export volume and import volume of South Korea as of 2014, respectively. In 2014, the export volume and import volume stood at 9.72 million ton(R/T) and 51.33 million ton(R/T), respectively. However, the annual import and export volume growth is slow. In addition, in 2014, the largest export volume from the ports of Korea to Indonesia were mineral fuels (55.0%), followed by steel products (19.0%) and petrochemical products (6.6%). The largest imports were mineral fuels (90.7%), followed by agricultural products (3.7%) and paper stock/paper products (1.5%). Thus, Indonesia is very important in terms of trade and volume. Despite its importance, the empirical research on Korea’s logistics for Indonesia is insufficient. In such a context, this paper aims to identify the determinants of Korea’s import and export trade volume for Indonesia and analyze the effects of Korea-ASEAN FTA on the country’s seaborne trading volume for Indonesia. The empirical results are as follows. First, the result suggests that a 10% increase in global economy activity (GEA) and the world petroleum price (WPP) increase the export trade volume by 26.6% and 4.70% respectively. This result emphasizes the important role of GEA in increasing export trade volume to Indonesia in Korea. The relative real effective exchange rates (REER) variable has negative and significant impact on export trade volume, where a 10% increase in the REER decreases export trade volume by 15.8%. Second, the result suggests that a 10% increase in Korean economy activity (KEA) increase the import trade volume by 16.7%. The WCP variable has positive and significant impact on import trade volume, where a 10% increase in the WCP increases import trade volume by 2.56%. Whereas, the world petroleum price (WPP) variable has negative and significant impact on import trade volume, where a 10% increase in the WPP decreases import trade volume by 1.22%. Moreover, in absolute terms, the FTA analysis result indicates the export volume was larger than import volume after the FTA and the growth rate of both imports and exports significantly reduced between 2013 and 2014.

      • KCI등재

        Indonesia's Connectography Analysis Using Big Data

        황승준,황홍섭 한국로고스경영학회 2023 로고스경영연구 Vol.21 No.3

        The aim of this study is to analyze the connectography of Indonesia, developing from a Korean perspective, using big data. This analysis aims to understand the societal structure, evolving trends, and future direction of Indonesia, and further explore opportunities for mutual cooperation and developmental strategies between Korea and Indonesia. The methodology employed was based on big data, encompassing word cloud analysis, network analysis, and future signal prediction analysis. The results are as follows: Word Cloud Analysis; Indonesia's pursuit of economic growth within the Asian region revealed an emphasis on a presidential-centered politics. Network Analysis; Indonesia appears to be predominantly connected with other Asian countries, primarily in the economic domain. Keywords related to natural disasters and politics also demonstrated high connectivity. Future Signal Prediction Analysis; As Indonesia continues to emphasize its market entry as an Asian country, there's a need for strategies to build a more global connectography. While Indonesia and Korea have historically cooperated mostly in the economic sphere, future predictive signals indicated that Korean studies and the Korean Wave (Hallyu) emerged as weak signals. Therefore, there is a need to intensify mutual cooperation centered around Korean studies and Hallyu. Given the high potential for creative access nation in Indonesia, strategic missionary advancements through Hallyu content are essential. Based on the research, the following is suggested; Geographically situated around at the intersection of the dateline and the equator, Indonesia serves as a meeting point for both the Eastern and Western hemispheres and the Northern and Southern hemispheres. This has historically presented both strengths and weaknesses for the country. In the future, leveraging this locational advantage, Indonesia should aim to establish platforms capable of serving as hubs in logistics, transportation, culture, and tourism etc. Specifically, there's an urgent need to build a Hallyu platform with creative access nation capabilities, reinforcing its role in connectography as a pivotal missionary strategy point.

      • KCI등재

        A Review on Remote Sensing and GIS Applications to Monitor Natural Disasters in Indonesia

        ( Wahyu Luqmanul Hakim ),( Chang-wook Lee ) 대한원격탐사학회 2020 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.36 No.6

        Indonesia is more prone to natural disasters due to its geological condition under the three main plates, making Indonesia experience frequent seismic activity, causing earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and tsunami. Those disasters could lead to other disasters such as landslides, floods, land subsidence, and coastal inundation. Monitoring those disasters could be essential to predict and prevent damage to the environment. We reviewed the application of remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) for detecting natural disasters in the case of Indonesia, based on 43 articles. The remote sensing and GIS method will be focused on InSAR techniques, image classification, and susceptibility mapping. InSAR method has been used to monitor natural disasters affecting the deformation of the earth’s surface in Indonesia, such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and land subsidence. Monitoring landslides in Indonesia using InSAR techniques has not been found in many studies; hence it is crucial to monitor the unstable slope that leads to a landslide. Image classification techniques have been used to monitor pre-and post-natural disasters in Indonesia, such as earthquakes, tsunami, forest fires, and volcano eruptions. It has a lack of studies about the classification of flood damage in Indonesia. However, flood mapping was found in susceptibility maps, as many studies about the landslide susceptibility map in Indonesia have been conducted. However, a land subsidence susceptibility map was the one subject to be studied more to decrease land subsidence damage, considering many reported cases found about land subsidence frequently occur in several cities in Indonesia.

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