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        정현(鄭玄)의 참위이해(讖緯理解)와 그 사회·정치적 함의 - 감생제설과 우주생성론을 중심으로 -

        박동인 ( Park Dong In ) (사)율곡연구원(구 사단법인 율곡학회) 2021 율곡학연구 Vol.44 No.-

        본 연구는 동한말(東漢末)에 살았던 정현(鄭玄)의 참위이해와 그 사회·정치적 의미를 찾아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 필자의 애초의 문제의식은 한대의 금·고문경학을 종합한 대유학자 정현이 ‘무엇 때문에 굳이 참위설로 경전을 주석하고, 또 참위서에 주석을 달았는가’하는 것이었다. 정현의 참위주(讖緯注)와 참위이용이 정현 유학을 도리어 퇴색시키는 요인으로 작용하는 것처럼 보였기 때문이다. 그러나 연구결과 정현이 참위로 경전을 주석하고, 참위서에 주석을 달 수 밖에 없었던 사회·정치적 이유를 발견했다. 우선 정현 당시는 서한(西漢) 이래로 경전을 가지고 국가 중대사를 결정하고 실행하는 유교국가였지만, 경전의 내용만으로는 다변화하는 사회·정치적 수요에 능동적으로 대응할 수 없었기 때문이었다. 그리고 참위로 신(新)을 건국한 왕망(王莽)과 동한을 건국한 광무제(光武帝)가 참위를 지극히 존숭한 이래로 왕공대인으로부터 서민에 이르기까지 동한대의 수많은 사람들이 참위를 도리어 경(經)보다 더 우위에 두었기 때문이다. 백성들이 참위를 도리어 내학(內學)으로 존숭했기 때문에 참위설이 백성들을 설득하는데 더 유용했기 때문이다. 게다가 동한은 중·후기로 가면서 거듭 어린황제가 등극하면서 외척과 환관들이 득세하고, 이들의 전횡으로 민생은 도탄에 빠져 있었다. 정현이 보기에 이러한 상황에서 외척과 환관의 전횡으로부터 황제의 절대권을 옹호하고, 또 유한정권의 정당성을 보장해 줄 수 있는 가장 유용한 수단이 참위설이었다. 정현이 필자가 본문에서 다룬 감생제설과 오행상생설 및 도기이원론적 우주론에 관심을 기울인 이유가 여기에 있었다. 참위서에는 수명군주나 성인 및 수명군주의 스승들에 대한 특이한 탄생설화들이 매우 많은데, 복희·황제·요임금·탕임금 등에 대한 탄생설화가 그것이다. 물론 참위서에서 이들 수명군주의 특이한 탄생설화를 강조한 것은 한고조 유방이 한나라를 건국한 정당성과 유한정권의 백성통치의 정당성을 간접적으로 보장해주기 위함이었다. 공자의 탄생을 신화화한 이유도 그가 한나라를 위해 제도를 입안했다고 보았기 때문이다. 정현은 참위서의 이러한 감생제설을 자신이 경전을 주석하는데 그대로 활용했다. 그 대표적인 것이 『모시』「상송·현조」편이다. 정현은 「상송·현조」편을 주석하면서 『모전(毛傳)』과는 다르게 참위설에 근거하여 탕의 시조 설(契)의 난생설화를 수용하였다. 그리고 참위설처럼 탕을 흑제에 감응하여 태어난 수명군주로 인정했다. 그래야 동한말의 정국에서 절실히 요청한 오행상생설을 옹호하는 논리가 되기 때문이었다. 한편 정현은 『역위건착도』 상·하를 통해 『역위건착도』의 도기이원론도 수용했다. 『역위건착도』는 도가와 『주역』의 우주론을 융합하여 형이상의 태역과 형이하의 태초(氣)·태시(形)·태소(質)를 구분했다. 그럼으로써 선진이래로 도기이원론적 우주생성론이 가진 봉건등급질서 옹호의 원리를 답습했다. 당시 도기이원론적 우주생성론은 우주발생의 첫 자리인 ‘도’를 신비화시켜 사회·정치적으로 그 위치에 해당하는 황제의 절대권을 확보해주는데 활용되었다. 『역위건착도』는 바로 이러한 원리를 그대로 적용하여 ‘태역’의 자리를 그 나머지 자리와 구분함으로써 황제절대권을 옹호해주고 있다. 정현이 『역위건착도』를 주석하면서 그 원래의 의도대로 도기이원론을 수용한 이유도 이 때문이다. 그러나 정현은 단지 여기에만 그치지 않고 『역위건착도』보다 훨씬 치밀하게 우주생성의 논리적 과정을 재구성했다. 『역위건착도』가 양의 수인 일(一)·칠(七)·구(九)만 언급하고 있는데 비해 정현은 그것에서 한걸음 더 나아가서 음의 수인 이(二)·육(六)·팔(八)까지 유추하고 있기 때문이다. 그리고 기(氣)는 태초 상태뿐만 아니라 태시(形)와 태소(質)의 단계에도 그 저류에 항상 작동하고 있음을 밝힘으로써 모든 사물존재가 음과 양의 두 기에 의해 존재하는 것임을 밝혀내었기 때문이다. 이렇게 보면 정현의 『역위건착도』 주석은 정치적 목적과 철학적 목적을 동시에 달성한 것이라 평가할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to find out the understanding of Chen-Wei of ZhengXuan who lived in the end of East-Han dynasty and its socio-political mplications. My initial problem was that ZhengXuan, a great Confucian scholar who synthesized Han dynasty's New-Text and Old-Text Scholarships, "why did he comment on scriptures with Chan-Wei-Shuo and the Chan-Wei-Books?“ This is because ZhengXuan's Chen-Wei comments and the understanding of Chen-Wei use seemed to be a factor in fading the Confucian of ZhengXuan. However, as a result of the study, it was discovered that ZhengXuan had a socio-political reason for annotating the scriptures with Chen-Wei and annotating the Chen-Wei books. First of all, ZhengXuan lived in a Confucian country where scriptures were used to determine national significance since the West-Han dynasty. However, it was because the contents of the scriptures alone could not actively respond to the diversifying social and political demands. And since WangMang, who founded the Xin dynasty as Chen-Wei, and GuangWuDi, who founded the East-Han dynasty, highly respected Chen-Wei, many people in the East-Han dynasty era, from the royal princes to the common people, have turned to Chen-Wei. Because it took precedence over the scriptures. This is because Chen-Wei-Shuo was more useful in persuading the people because the people respected Chen-Wei as Nei-Xue. In addition, as the young emperor repeatedly ascended the East-Handy era, relatives on their maternal side and eunuchs prevailed, and the people's livelihood was devastated by their tyranny. In ZhengXuan's view, Chan-Wei-Shuo was the most useful means to defend the absolute right of the emperor from the tyranny of the relatives on their maternal side and the eunuchs and to guarantee the legitimacy of Liu-Han dynasty's regime in this situation. This is the reason why ZhengXuan was interested in Gan-Sheng-Di-Shuo, Wu-Xing-Xiang-Shuo, and the cosmologies of Dao-Qi-Er-Yuan-Lun, which I dealt with in this text. In the Chen-Wei books, there are many unusual birth stories about the Shou-Ming monarch, the saint, and the teachers of the Shou-Ming monarch, and these are the birth stories of King FuXi, HuangDi, Yao, and Tang. Of course, the Chen-Wei books emphasized the unique birth story of these Shou-Ming monarchs to indirectly guarantee the legitimacy of Han-Gao-Zu Liu Bang's founding of Han dynasty and the legitimacy of the Liu-Han regime's people's rule. The reason the birth of KongZi was mythized is because he saw that he devised the system for the Han dynasty. ZhengXuan used this Gan-Sheng-Di-Shuo from the Chen-Wei books as it was for his commentary on the scriptures. A representative example of this is the section of Mao-Shi「Shang-Song·Xuan-Niao」. While commenting on 「Shang-Song·Xuan-Niao」, ZhengXuan accepted the story of the birth of Xia(契), the progenitor of King Tang, based on Chan-Wei-Shuo, unlike Mao-Shuan. And, like Chan-Wei-Shuo, he recognized King Tang as a Shou-Ming monarch born in response to Hei-Di. This was because it became the logic to defend Wu-Xing-Xiang-Shuo, which was desperately requested by the government at the end of the East Han dynasty. Meanwhile, ZhengXuan also accepted Dao-Qi-Er-Yuan of Yi-Wei-Gan-Zao-Du through Yi-Wei-Gan-Zao-Du Shang and Xia. Yi-Wei-Gan-Zao-Du fuses the cosmology of Taoism and Zhou-Yi to distinguish Tao-Yi from metaphysics and Tai-Chu(Qi), Tai-Shi(Xing), and Tai-Su(Zhi) from metaphysics. At that time, the Dao-Qi-Er-Yuan-Lun’s theory of cosmogenesis was used to mystify ‘Dao’, the first place of cosmic generation, to secure the absolute authority of the emperor corresponding to that position socially and politically. Yi-Wei-Gan-Zao-Du applies this principle as it is, and by separating the seat of 'Tai-Yi' from the rest, it defends the absolute right of the emperor. This is the reason why ZhengXuan accepted Dao-Qi-Er-Yuan-Lun as originally intended in commenting on Yi-Wei-Gan-Zao-Du. However, ZhengXuan did not stop there and reconstructed the logical process of universe creation much more precisely than Yi-Wei-Gan-Zao-Du. Whereas Yi-Wei-Gan-Zao-Du mentions only the numbers one, seven, and nine, which are Yang's numbers, ZhengXuan goes one step further, two(二), six(六) and eight (八) which are Yin’s numbers, are inferred. And by revealing that Qi(氣) is always operating in the undercurrent not only in the Tai-Chu state, but also in the stages of Tai-Shi(Xing) and Tai-Su(Zhi), all beings are created by the two Qi of Yin and Yang. Because it was discovered that they exist. In this way, Zhengxuan's Yi-Wei-Gan-Zao-Du’s commentary can be evaluated as achieving both political and philosophical objectives.

      • KCI등재

        『여씨춘추』의 道氣二元論적 宇宙論과 그 정치철학적 의미

        박동인(Dong In Park) 철학연구회 2011 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.94

        The goal of this article is to study the cosmology of the dualism of Dao-Qi(道氣二元論) in Lu-Shi-Chun-Qiu(『呂氏春秋』) from a politico-philosophical perspective. And in this I also will search for reasons why didn`t adopt these the cosmology of the dualism of Dao-Qi to Qin-Shi-Huang(秦始皇). A fact, Lu-Shi-Chun-Qiu recognized faults of the cosmology of Qi-Hua(氣化宇宙論) of Guan-Zi` four- chapters(『管子』4篇) and Jie-Guan-Zi(『?冠子』). For that reason Lu-Shi-Chun-Qiu was changed to the dualism of Dao-Qi(道氣二元論). Nevertheless it didn`t adopt to Qin-Shi-Huang. According to the results of my research in these theme, I knew that Lu-Shi-Chun-Qiu, as divide the difference of being of Dao(道) and Qi(氣), divided the difference of class of the power of an emperor and a subject which correspond to it. It was for secure the power of an emperor`s the discriminative differentiation and specialness and sanctity. This can see plainly to label the one(一) as like Dao(道). Lu-Shi-Chun-Qiu make the one(一) as monarch(君主), and it was called him ``who govern the whole world`` and ``who join the whole world in one``. But as long as the premise of Lao-Zhuang`s the theory of Dao, it don`t be a place which assure an emperor`s absolute authority. Because the peculiarities of Dao is unintentional and purposeless. Then it don`t disclose it`s liking and disliking. Also if the power of a monarch and an emperor was naturally given through the influence of social contradiction, this also can`t be the theory which protect an emperor`s absolute authority. If another social contradiction come up, the power of an emperor who is still in power also will can be disqualified. Even if it is the dualism of Dao-Qi like Lu-Shi-Chun-Qiu, the power of an emperor who is still in power also pass current, but at the same time, the power of a subject and feudal lords also pass current. Also going one step forward, actualities be that as it may, the future`s a class of feudal society is not more and more guarantee which will be like the present. Thus these a logical argument of Lu-Shi-Chun-Qiu still are dangerous for an emperor who is still in power, also it can see to provide a reason which disseise the power of an emperor. Therefore Qin-Shi-Huang flatly refused to accept it. Anyway an emperor who is still in power take a profound interest in that ``how can secure an emperor`s absolute authority in what kind of situation and condition``. Just the thing which meet the these demand is Dong-Zhong-Shu(董仲舒)`s theory of heaven(天論) and the theory on the formation of cosmos from the Original-Qi(元氣宇宙生成論) who the man of the moment of Han-Wudi(漢武帝).

      • KCI등재

        『관자』4편과 『할관자』의 기화우주론(氣化宇宙論)

        박동인(Dong In Park) 철학연구회 2009 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.86

        The goal of this article is to study the cosmology of Qi-Hua of Guan-Zi` four-chapters and Jie-Guan-Zi. And in this I also will search for reasons why continuously didn`t develop these the cosmology of qi-hua after this, and why was changed to the dualism of Dao-Qi(道氣二元論) in Lu-Shi-Chun-Qiu(『呂氏春秋』) and Huai-Nan-Zi(『淮南子』). In fact, After Lao-zi(『老子』)` Dao(道) and Yu-Zhou-Sheng-Cheng-Lun(宇宙生成論) was formed, Zhuang-Zi(『莊子』), Huang-Di-Si-Jing(『黃帝四經』), Guan-Zi` four-chapters, and Jie-Guan-Zi etc` Taoist school(道家) and Huang-Lao school(黃老學派) progressed them the expansion of meaning and the work of embodiment which is apply to society and politics. But Zhuang-Zi and Huang-Di-Si-Jing expanded the meaning focus on Lao-zi` Dao. On the other hand, Unlike these, Guan-Zi` four-chapters and Jie-Guan-Zi understanded as substitute Qi` concept for the Dao. Of course, Yet Dao and Qi(Jing-Qi精氣·Yuan-Qi元氣)` concept were in disorder, but a trial like this have a meaning in some respects which search for an answer about a question like next, that is, `how made being(有) from nothing(無)?`, or `how made physical matter of form out of metaphysical substance of formless?` Guan-Zi` four-chapters and Jie-Guan-Zi give well expression their effort for this. They filled in faults of Yu-Zhou-Sheng-Cheng-Lun before this time as explain between the world of the substance and a world of a phenomenon as a singular concept(Qi). But Their work discontinued. In Lu-Shi-Chun-Qiu and Huai-Nan-Zi, It converted as the dualism of Dao-Qi. The cause is four. The first, It could not answer a question like next, that is, `How a material Qi can created all things in the universe?` The second, As questions which were related to Wu-Xing-Xiang-Sheng-Shuo(五行相勝說) and Xiang-Sheng-Shuo(相生說) of Zou-Yan, If we explain between the world of nature and the world of human as a same mechanism, A human` willed efforts are meaningless, or decrease. Because Human only follow the law of nature. The Qi` mechanism of Guan-Zi` four-chapters and Jie-Guan-Zi is the same. The third, Meet a tendency of unify a country of at that time, Although Guan-Zi` four-chapters and Jie-Guan-Zi absorbed advantages of Fa-Jia(法家), Ru-Jia(儒家), Mo-Jia(墨家), and Bing-Jia(兵家), but they neglect human affairs` importance. Because they yet accepted the theory of Wu-Wei(無爲說) as a their political theory. On account of their a view-point like this, The theory of Qi` value which they insisted on also was perhaps reduced. The forth, On account of the monism of Qi(氣一元論) pursue equality of a social grade, It unfitted that at that time the class system, that is, the king(an emperor=a monarch)-a subject-the nation which demanded a classical difference. Specially It didn`t meet the demands of the time which ended conditions of the war situation through imperial one-man dictatorship. Therefore after this, there appears the dualism of Dao-Qi which search for the absolute power of emperor in Dao, Also show up Dong-Zhong-Shu(董仲舒)` theory which search for it in the heaven.

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