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      • 파트너십에 의한 지하철 입구 공간의 쌈지공원 설계 및 시공

        김승환,강현우,손용욱,박승범,남정칠,이기철,차민준 東亞大學校 建設技術硏究所 2009 硏究論文集 Vol.32 No.2

        A pocket park is valued in securing green space in downtown and improving urban view in the aspect of natural and environmental values, and it signifies a lot as the center of local residents’ community and harmony as well. Since subway exits and surroundings that have high portions in taking up street space due to lack of green space in downtown aren't made full use of, valuable pocket park place. Dangni Pocket Park of subway exits is a park completed with cooperative works and partnership by students, specialists, administrative organizations, businesses and civilian organizations, etc. without support of special budget. The study site was finally chosen to the space between exit No.1 of Dangni subway station, after analyzing the surrounding circumstances, availability and accessibility of the space among the several subway station exits of Saha, Dangni, and Hadan Station in Busan Metropolitan city. For the designing process, The Citizens organization for Million Amenity Park performed the planning and project proceeding, and 19 design drafts were proposed during the class of landscape architecture in Dong-a University. Design review panel members discussed to select the best draft in practical and authentical, and the related experts reviewed and revised to present the final design plan. The construction was conducted was performed under the cooperation between the civil, authorities, and industrial organizations, among which Saha District office managed for the waste treatment and maintenance matters. The graduates of landscape architecture department of Dong-a University and related industrial enterprises supplied landscape materials and related labors, were supported by 20 members of GPM, one of clubs of Dong-a University volunteered durig the most of construction progress, completing the Pocket Park of subway exits through partnership.

      • KCI등재

        감각운동이 자폐성 장애아의 상동행동에 미치는 효과

        박용천,우상수 한국특수체육학회 2003 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of study is to find out the effects of sensibility exercise of unconsciousness behavior for stereotype with autism. Four stereotype those diagnoses as autism from podiatry department participated to the test. Specially, age group is from 10 years and 4 months and 9 months with similar situation (Age, living standard, physical condition). Methodologically, the sensibility exercise program applies 3 times in 6 weeks. 4 styles program adapted such as tramp play, balance control, mat game, and kick board. Research design draws Single subject Research design as A-B-A (A is the baseline: B is the intervention; A is the baseline) the result shows that the 4 stereotype reduced as 39.12% ~ 64.30% of unconsciousness behavior during the 26 times analysis. The 4 stereotype also reduced 10.26% ~ 52.89% of unconsciousness behavior after 2 weeks of the intervention period. As a result, the sensitivity exercise is to reduce the unconsciousness behavior (hand and body shaking) for stereotypic with autism.

      • 公州地域 野外地質實習資料 開發 및 指導方案에 關한 硏究

        禹榮均,朴鍾浩,曺龍鉉 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1994 과학교육연구 Vol.25 No.1

        According to anaiyses of earth science curricula and textbooks for elemantary, middle and high school(Table 1∼8), it is clear that the effective learnings about the important factors in geologic part such as minerals, rocks, weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, geologic structure, strata, fossils, geologic survey and ore deposits, can be obtained through the field work investigation. In the Kongju area, various types of igneous, sedimentary and matanmorphic rocks are distributed, so there are plenty of the various field geologic practical materials. Therefore Kongju area is the suitable place for the developments of field geologic practical courses(Figure 1). In our present school circumstance, it is difficult that the field geologic time is especially shared. Therefore it is desirable that the field geologic practical work is concurrently acted in the chance of the annual school functions such as picnic and camping. So the field geologic practical courses developed here are the adequate place for picnics and campings.

      • BSCCO 시스템에서 초전도상의 특성

        박용필,양승호,천민우 동신대학교 2005 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        BSCCO(Bi_(2)Sr_(2)Ca_(n-1)Cu_(n)O_(x)) 초전도 상을 이온 빔 스퍼터와 단일 타겟 DC-magnetron 스퍼터를 사용하여 제작하였다. 상형성은 n=2-3, 3-4 그리고 4-5 사이에서 이루어졌다. 스퍼터링 시 분위기 가스로 산소를 주입 하였고 제작된 박막의 상의 몰 비를 XRD를 이용하여 분석하였다. 각 상의 몰 비를 이용하여 초전도박막의 특성을 변화시킬 수 있음을 알았다. 또한, 각 상을 AFM과 SEM을 사용하여 박막의 표면을 관찰하여 표면의 불순물 상태를 알 수 있었다. BSCCO(Bi_(2)Sr_(2)Ca_(n-1)Cu_(n)O_(x)) superconducting phase were fabricated by an ion beam sputtering and single target dc-magnetron sputtering. Phase intergrowth among n=2-3, 3-4 and 4-5 phases was observed. The molar fraction of each phase in the mixed crystal of the deposited films was determined by X-ray diffraction analyses and investigated as a function of O_(2) gas pressure during sputtering. We investigated the changes of the superconducting properties by molar fraction of each phase. Also, the thin film surface observation was carried out by AFM. According to the result observing the surface of the thin film with SEM, even in case that the formed phase and the composition of the thin film agree, it can be known that there are a number of the precipitates on the surface.

      • WHO 침구임상 지침서 개정을 위한 국제회의 보고

        박히준,서정철,김세현,김상우,안경애,임사비나,김용석,최도영,강성길 EAST-WEST MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE KYUNG HEE UNI 2005 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2005 No.-

        The Working Group on the revision of Clinical Research Methodology for Acupuncture met in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 24 to 26 August 2005. The main objectives of the meeting were to review the regional publication guidelines for Clinical Research on Acupuncture, to make necessary revisions in the guidelines, to make recommendations on further collaboration and activities in the field of research on acupuncture, and to discuss scientific evidence-based approaches in the clinical research on acupuncture. Fourteen members from the eight Member States, one secretariat staff from the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific and ten observers from the Republic of Korea attended the meeting. The members presented their papers to review the current status of clinical research on acupuncture. The drafts of proposed revision to the previous guidelines for clinical research methodology on acupuncture were discussed extensively. The issues covered during the discussion included: the definition of the new terms; reorganization of clinical research design; revision and update of contents (e.g., control group); introduction of Institutional Review Board (IRB) on the section of ethical approval; additional outcomes including health-related quality of life (HRQOL), qualitative measures, etc. In the course of these discussions, the working group developed the revised guidelines for clinical research on acupuncture and made recommendations for promoting the dissemination of the revised guidelines.

      • 中小企業 海外直接 生産活動의 國際化 戰略

        朴佑龍 啓明大學校 産業經營硏究所 1991 經營經濟 Vol.24 No.2

        I. La production internationale directe a l etranger est un de ces mots a la signification complexe et imprecise. Le nombre de definitions que lui attribuent les economistes, les financiers ou les ingenieurs varie considerablement. Pour notre part, pourqoui investir a l' etranger…Comment une P.M.E. peut-elle proceder a cette fin…Sur quels criteres doit-elle definir le type d' investissement choisi…Vers quel Pays peut-elle arreter sa decision…Quels facteurs faut-il prendre en consideration…Quels obstacles doit-elle eviter … Quels types de risques en consideration…Quels obstacles doit-elle eviter…Quels types de risques sont encourus et comment les apprecier…Quels sont les veritables acteurs impliques dans un projet d'investissement a l'etranger…Autant de questions que se doit de resoudre le responsable d'entreprise, alors meme que son environnement immediat devient plus instable et plus complexe…Aujourd' hui, une P.M.E. attend de l' investissement a l'etranger un supplement de puissance. Par ses decisions de lancement de nouveau d'equipement, elle espere accroitre son pouvoir technique. Par ses decisions de lancement de nouveaux produits, elle pense obtenir une plus large part du marche exterieur, donc asseoir son pouvoir commercial. Par une decision d'acquerir une participation dans le capital d'une autre firme, elle marque sa volonte d'atteindre la taille critique. L'investissement international direct des P.M.E. est donc ce qui equipe en vue d'un pouvoir, celui de rendre a autrui un service materiel avec la sanction d'un produit. Un tel objectif est sans doute assez ambitieux et ne peut, par la meme, etre atteintde facon satisfaisante que si sont identifiees, presentees et discutees les dimensions principales du probleme. Or, ces dimensions sont muliples puisqu' elles renvoient a l' economie, a la politique, a la finance, au droit, a la fiscalite, a la gestion internationale du personnel, mais egalement a la technologie, a la technique et a la recherche au developpement. En fait, souvent, dans les investissemnts internationaux directs des P.M.E. se melent aux problemes de gestion internationale des techniques pour la production a l' etranger et d' experiences differentes. Enfin, il est commun d'observer que de nombreux aspects manageriaux et techniques deviennent de moins en moins separables. Les productions a l' etranger des P.M.E. visent essentiellement a diminuer les couts de main-d' oeuvre, Elles sont rendus necessaires par le lancement d' un nouveau produit ou la lmodification d'un produit existant pour des raision techniques, finacieres et de Marketing international. Cette modification du conditionnement d'un produit existant a necessite d' importants investissements techniques d' innovation, notamment sous forme de machines capables de produire. Les productions a l' etranger de capacite visent a accroitre le potentiel de production d' une P.M.E. Ce peut etre 1' adjonction d'une nouvelle machine, l' agrandissement d'une usine ou l'ouverture d'un autre centre commercial par une chaine de distribution. Les production a l'etranger d'expansion quantitative des P.M.F. sont souvent conjugues avec les decisions de remplacement. Une machine usagee est remplacee par une neuve, a la capacite de production et au rendement superieurs. Les productions a l'etranger des P.M.E. dans les nouveaux produits visent a elargir la gamme existante, a repondre a la demande d'une clientele potentielle ou meme a creer des besoins nouveaux. II. L'expansion des P.M.E. transnationales en nombre et en puissance et le developpement des investissements directs a l'etranger sont les realites les plus significatives et le plus connues de cette tendance comme directement lie au processus d'internationalisation de la production a 1'etranger. 11 est effectivement tentant d'apprehender l' internationalisation de la production par l' analyse de ses aspects les plus perceptibles que sont les P.M.E. et les flux d'investissements internationaux directs. Cependant, cette tendance a la regression de la part des Pays sous-developpes dans la localisation des investissements directs a l'etranger ne signifie pas, pour autant, que les P.M.E. transnationales se desinteressent de cette partie du Monde. Face aux risques politiques inherents a la plupart de ces pays, les P.M.E. transnationales preferent tout simplement mettre en oeuvre des modalites plus appropriees et moins risquees pour penetrer ces economies : ventes de technologie, de lincences, participation en Joint-Venture avec des P.M.E. locales etranger, contrats de sous-Traita-nce, etc. On assist, par contre, a une modification tres sensible de la structure de repartition de la production directe a l'interieur des Pays developpes. Contrairement a l' investissement international de portefeuille qui assure seulement a son auteur la perception de dividendes ou d'interets, l'investissements directs a l'etranger P.M.E. implique, en effet, le controle total ou partiel de l'unite de production dans laquelle il est realise. Il confere ainsi a l' investisseur la possibilite d'exercer une influence directe sur les decisions de gestion de cette unite de poduction en fonction de sa propre strategie dans les Pays etranger. Ⅲ. Deja, en effet, les quelques dernieres annees de ce Siecle semblent s'orienter vers une prise de conscience de plus en plus vive des interdependances mondiales de toute nature, economiques, techniques. politiques et culturelles. L'amplification recente de ces interdependances provoque, en effet, une paralysie partielle ou totale de certaines fonctions essentielles des P.M.E. afin de mieux preparer son integration dans le marche mondial. Cette tencance a l'integration de economies nationales au marche mondial peut egalement etre mesuree par l'evolution de la part des exportations dans le produit interieur brut de chaque Pays. Cependant, plus encore qu'a la mondialisation des echnges marchands, l'interpenetration des economies nationales les unes par rapport aux autres doit son renforcement a ce qu' il est generalement convenu d'appeler l'internationalisation de la production, cette expression cherchant a rendre compte d'une certaine tendance au depassement du cadre national de developpement des activites de production a 1'etranger. Les productions internationales directes a l'etranger des P.M.E. constitue 1'un des principaux mecanismes par lesquels s' est approfondie l'interpenetration des economies nationales.

      • WWW 기반의 원격교육시스템 설계 및 구현

        박남숙,장기화,곽난희,이수현,우용태 國立 昌原大學校 精報通信硏究所 1998 精報通信論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to develope a distance education that would be a courseware for a specific object, which can be available for student to learn the necessary knowledge or function, with no restriction of time or place, using WWW and Oracle DBMS. The distance education was designed in this paper consists of bulletin board, subject information, lecturing schedule, online instructions, questions and answers, submit and confirmation of reports, evaluation of lecturing, reference sites, chatting and discussion room, and data bank. The distance education coupled by WWW and database will change the educational form from one-direction to bi-direction between a teacher and the students. This can also provide a multimedia information to the students through WWW environment with convenient user interface. Those benefits made it possible to offer animated audio-visual materials and search for the information concerned through a hypertext technique. Besides, various kinds of informations were stored at database to increase an effectiveness in managing data. Since both teacher and students, are easy to add new information using the process of instruction to the database, the amount of the stored information in the distance education can be expanded effectively.

      • 장애인 및 노약자를 위한 VoiceXML 기반 Form 적용에 관한 연구

        박미영,김민정,이용훈,승현우 서울여자대학교 컴퓨터과학연구소 2007 정보기술논문지 Vol.5 No.-

        대체 접근은 장애인 및 노약자가 표준방법과 다른 방법을 통해 컴퓨터 및 관련된 기기에 접근할 수 있는 방법을 말한다. 하지만 많은 장애인 및 노약자는 표준 컴퓨터를 사용하는 데 한계가 있으므로 다른 방법을 통해 컴퓨터를 사용할 수 있어야 한다. 이에 본 논문에서는 장애인 및 노약자의 삶의 질 향상을 위한 대체 접근 방법의 하나로, VoiceXML 기반 음성지원 Form을 적용한다. 이러한 개발을 통해 장애인 및 노약자는 금융기관 및 서비스 회사의 다양한 서비스뿐만 아니라 정부와 각 기관의 국정자료 및 다양한 전자 정부에 맞춘 각종 신청서 등을 음성으로 처리할 수 있으리라 기대된다. It is a alternative access method that elders and handicaps can access through different method in using computer system and other machinery. But many elders and handicaps have limits in using general computer system, They need to use computer system through another method. This study is apply to based on VoiceXML Voice Aid Form to upgrade life quality of Elders and handicaps. Elders and handicaps are serviced bank and service company and elders and handicaps are serviced government and a public institution in using an application form by based on voice.

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