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        The benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical Western Atlantic: changes in our understanding in the last half century

        Wynne, Michael J. The Korean Society of Phycology 2011 ALGAE Vol.26 No.2

        Taylor's (1960) floristic treatment of the benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic and Wynne's (2011) "checklist: third revision" serve as benchmarks in a review of changes made in the past half-century period. There has been a great increase in the number of recognized taxa of red, brown and green algae at all taxonomic ranks: from 758 to 1,393 species, an increase of 84%; from 231 to 406 genera, an increase of 75%; and from 63 to 106 families, an increase of 68%. In regard to recognized infraspecific taxa, the increase was less dramatic, from 140 to 185, thus a 32% change in the 50-year period. This review addresses the question: What factors were responsible for this proliferation of taxa that are now recognized in this domain of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic? The answer is that many reasons contributed to these changes. Foremost among these causes have been the advances in gene-sequencing technologies. Revised phylogenetic relationships have led to many genera being divided into more than one genus, as well as new families and orders being delineated. Numerous examples of cryptic species have been discovered by gene-sequence and DNA-bar coding studies. This trend is depicted by case studies. Examples of genera being divided are Galaxaura, Liagora and Laurencia. Tricleocarpa and Dichotomaria have been segregated from Galaxaura. Trichogloeopsis, Ganonema, Izziella, Yamadaella, and Titanophycus have been segregated from Liagora. Chondrophycus, Osmundea, Palisada, and Yuzurura have been segregated from Laurencia. Examples are given of other genera present in this region of the western Atlantic that have been split up. Many genera have increased in terms of the number of species now assigned to them. Taylor's (1960) treatment recognized only two species in Hypoglossum, whereas Wynne's (2011) checklist contained a total of 9 species of Hypoglossum. Taylor's account included only two species of Botryocladia, but this number had grown to 15 in Wynne's checklist. Examples of new genera and species occurring in the region of the western Atlantic are given, and examples of taxa being newly reported for this domain are provided. An increase in the number of phycologists in Latin and South America, exploration of previously unexplored regions, and the increasing use of SCUBA for collecting and at greater depths have all contributed to the increase in the number of algal taxa that are now recognized as occurring in the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic.

      • KCI등재

        The benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical Western Atlantic: changes in our understanding in the last half century

        Michael J. Wynne 한국조류학회I 2011 ALGAE Vol.26 No.2

        Taylor’s (1960) floristic treatment of the benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic and Wynne’s (2011) “checklist: third revision” serve as benchmarks in a review of changes made in the past half-century period. There has been a great increase in the number of recognized taxa of red, brown and green algae at all taxonomic ranks: from 758 to 1,393 species, an increase of 84%; from 231 to 406 genera, an increase of 75%; and from 63 to 106 families,an increase of 68%. In regard to recognized infraspecific taxa, the increase was less dramatic, from 140 to 185, thus a 32% change in the 50-year period. This review addresses the question: What factors were responsible for this proliferation of taxa that are now recognized in this domain of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic? The answer is that many reasons contributed to these changes. Foremost among these causes have been the advances in gene-sequencing technologies. Revised phylogenetic relationships have led to many genera being divided into more than one genus,as well as new families and orders being delineated. Numerous examples of cryptic species have been discovered by gene-sequence and DNA-bar coding studies. This trend is depicted by case studies. Examples of genera being divided are Galaxaura, Liagora and Laurencia. Tricleocarpa and Dichotomaria have been segregated from Galaxaura. Trichogloeopsis,Ganonema, Izziella, Yamadaella, and Titanophycus have been segregated from Liagora. Chondrophycus, Osmundea,Palisada, and Yuzurura have been segregated from Laurencia. Examples are given of other genera present in this region of the western Atlantic that have been split up. Many genera have increased in terms of the number of species now assigned to them. Taylor’s (1960) treatment recognized only two species in Hypoglossum, whereas Wynne’s (2011)checklist contained a total of 9 species of Hypoglossum. Taylor’s account included only two species of Botryocladia, but this number had grown to 15 in Wynne’s checklist. Examples of new genera and species occurring in the region of the western Atlantic are given, and examples of taxa being newly reported for this domain are provided. An increase in the number of phycologists in Latin and South America, exploration of previously unexplored regions, and the increasing use of SCUBA for collecting and at greater depths have all contributed to the increase in the number of algal taxa that are now recognized as occurring in the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic.


        Re-examination of the Type of Delesseria kurilensis Ruprecht (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta)

        Wynne, Michael J. The Korean Society of Phycology 2005 ALGAE Vol.20 No.4

        Evidence is presented to demonstrate that the type of Delesseria kurilensis Ruprecht belongs to Congregatocarpus rather than Tokidadendron (both genera of the red algal family Delesseriaceae), and the new combination of Congregatocarpus kurilensis (Ruprecht) M.J. Wynne is proposed.

      • KCI등재

        Re-examination of the Type of Delesseria kurilensis Ruprecht (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta)

        Michael. J. Wynne 한국조류학회I 2005 ALGAE Vol.20 No.4

        Evidence is presented to demonstrate that the type of Delesseria kurilensis Ruprecht belongs to Congregatocarpus rather than Tokidadendron (both genera of the red algal family Delesseriaceae), and the new combination of Congregatocarpus kurilensis (Ruprecht) M.J. Wynne is proposed.


        Marine Algae and Early Explorations in the Upper North Pacific and Bering Sea

        wynne, Michael J. The Korean Society of Phycology 2009 ALGAE Vol.24 No.1

        A synthesis of early exploration and the discovery of marine algae in the upper North Pacific and Bering Sea is presented covering the period from the late 1730s to around 1900. Information is provided about these early efforts to gather natural objects, including seaweeds, and names of these algae are enumerated. The first collections of marine algae in this broad region were those made by steller and Kracheninnkov from the Kamchatka Peninsula,Russia,during the Second Kamchatkan Expedition (1735-1742) and were described by Gmelin (1768). The first known algal collections in Alaska were those made byMerck in his 1790-1791 visits to Unalaska Island during the Billings expedition (1785-1794). British-sponsored expeditions for commercial purposes and for exploration and dis-covery allowed surgeon-naturallist Archibald Menzies to garher seaweeds that Dawson Turner and others worked up back in Europe. Several of the Russian Expeditions during the first half of the 18'!' century had naturalists aboard. the first Russian circumnavigation of the globe (1803-1806), with the ships 'Nadeshda' and 'Neva,' under the com-mand of Capt. Adam von Krusenstern had naturalists Langsdorff, Tilesius, and Horner, all of whom collected sea-weeds. The naturalist Adelbert Chanmisso accompanied the Romanzof Expedition (1815-1818) on the Russian vessel 'Rurik' under the command of Otto von Kotzebue and made collections of algae in the Aleutians as well as in the Kurils and Kamchatka. The Lutke expedition of 1826-1829 consisted of thw ships. Feodor Lutke was in command of the 'Seniavin' with K.H. Mertens aboard as physician-naturalist, and the 'Moller' was under the command of staniukovich accompanied by the naturalist G. Kastalsky. The first American-sponsored scientific expedition (1838-1842) was that commanded by Charles Wilkes, and the algae that were collected were worked up by J.W. Bailey and W.H. Harvey. The Russian naturalist Ilya Voznesenskii spent the period 1839-1849 in Russian Americ (Alaska and northern California) energetically traveling and making numerous collections of natural objects as well as ethno-graphic artefact. His algae were described by F.j. Ruprecht back in St. petersbung. The Swedish scientific vessel, the'Vega' (1878-1880), was under the command of Nordenskiold. The naturalist F.R. Kjellman made algal collections from Port Clarence, Alaska, as well as from bering Island and St. Lawrence Island in the Bering sea. The Harriman Alaskan Expedition in the summer of 1899, with the ship 'George W. Elder,' was sponsored by railroad magnate E.H. Harriman of New York City and had several scientific personnel aborad, including the phycologist De Alton Saunders. Algae were collected in Alaska and Washington. During the same summer of 1899 a scientific expedition organized by the University of California and including W.L. Jepson, L.E. Hunt, A.A Lawson, and W.A. Setchell as participants also visited Alaska and made collections of alage from various locations.


        Autophagy and Digestive Disorders: Advances in Understanding and Therapeutic Approaches

        ( Wynn Thein ),( Wah Wah Po ),( Won Seok Choi ),( Uy Dong Sohn ) 한국응용약물학회 2021 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.29 No.4

        The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a series of hollow organs that is responsible for the digestion and absorption of ingested foods and the excretion of waste. Any changes in the GI tract can lead to GI disorders. GI disorders are highly prevalent in the population and account for substantial morbidity, mortality, and healthcare utilization. GI disorders can be functional, or organic with structural changes. Functional GI disorders include functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome. Organic GI disorders include inflammation of the GI tract due to chronic infection, drugs, trauma, and other causes. Recent studies have highlighted a new explanatory mechanism for GI disorders. It has been suggested that autophagy, an intracellular homeostatic mechanism, also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of GI disorders. Autophagy has three primary forms: macroautophagy, microautophagy, and chaperone-mediated autophagy. It may affect intestinal homeostasis, host defense against intestinal pathogens, regulation of the gut microbiota, and innate and adaptive immunity. Drugs targeting autophagy could, therefore, have therapeutic potential for treating GI disorders. In this review, we provide an overview of current understanding regarding the evidence for autophagy in GI diseases and updates on potential treatments, including drugs and complementary and alternative medicines.


        Morphological and molecular evidence for the recognition of Hypoglossum sabahense sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from Sabah, Malaysia

        Wynne, Michael J.,Kamiya, Mitsunobu,West, John A.,Goer, Susan Loiseaux-de,Lim, Phaik-Eem,Sade, Ahemad,Russell, Hannah,Kupper, Frithjof C. The Korean Society of Phycology 2020 ALGAE Vol.35 No.2

        Culture isolates of the genus Hypoglossum (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) were obtained and their development and morphological structure over many years were followed in the laboratory. Molecular data (rbcL, large subunit ribosomal DNA, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) were obtained from these strains and evidence presented to recognize the new species: Hypoglossum sabahense from Sabah, Malaysia. Because various aspects of morphology in culture specimens differ significantly from types based on field specimens we have to rely mainly on the molecular criteria in ascribing a new taxonomic name here. This also is complicated by the major lack of molecular phylogenetic evidence for Hypoglossum and other Delesseriaceae. The 'Germling Emergence Method' and 'serendipity' are proving valuable in discovering significant new taxa from laboratory cultures which otherwise might never be known.


        Changes of Serum Calcium Concentration, Frequency of Ruminal Contraction and Feed Intake Soon after Parturition of Dairy Cows Fed Difructose Anhydride III

        Wynn, S.,Teramura, M.,Sato, T.,Hanada, M. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2015 Animal Bioscience Vol.28 No.1

        Requirements to control the large decrease in serum calcium (Ca) due to parturition and to increase the feed intake soon after parturition have been well accepted in dairy cows. This study was aimed to investigate the feed intake affected by serum Ca concentration with difructose anhydride (DFA) III supplement in dairy cows soon after parturition. Fourteen transition Holstein cows were divided into DFA and control (CONT) groups within 1 to 5 parity variations in each group. Measurement schedule for an individual cow was from 14 d before parturition to 7 d following parturition. The cows in DFA group were supplied 0.2 kg/head/d of DFA III feed containing 40 g of pure DFA III while the cows in CONT group received no DFA III. Other feeding procedures were the same for all cows in both groups. At parturition (d 0), serum Ca concentration sharply declined in both groups (p<0.05). Time interval for recovery from decreased serum Ca to its normal range (>9.0 mg/dL) tended to be faster in DFA group (12 h) than in the CONT group (48 h), but the differences were not significant. Active ruminal contraction was observed in DFA group at following parturition of d 1 (p<0.05), d 3 (p<0.05), and d 5 (p<0.01). Dry matter (DM) intake did not differ between the groups. However, positive correlations were observed between serum Ca concentration and ruminal contraction (p<0.001), and between ruminal contraction and DM intake (p<0.001) during following parturition. According to multiple regression analysis ($R^2$ = 0.824, p<0.001), the DM intake was positively affected by serum Ca concentration and ruminal contraction. These results suggest that feed intake soon after parturition in dairy cows can be increased by improvement of serum Ca concentration and active ruminal contraction, but DFA III supplementation in this study did not improve the lower serum Ca concentration due to parturition.


        Taxonomic assessment of North American species of the genera Cumathamnion, Delesseria, Membranoptera and Pantoneura (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) using molecular data

        Wynne, Michael J.,Saunders, Gary W. The Korean Society of Phycology 2012 ALGAE Vol.27 No.3

        Evidence from molecular data supports the close taxonomic relationship of the two North Pacific species Delesseria decipiens and D. serrulata with Cumathamnion, up to now a monotypic genus known only from northern California, rather than with D. sanguinea, the type of the genus Delesseria and known only from the northeastern North Atlantic. The transfers of D. decipiens and D. serrulata into Cumathamnion are effected. Molecular data also reveal that what has passed as Membranoptera alata in the northwestern North Atlantic is distinct at the species level from northeastern North Atlantic (European) material; M. alata has a type locality in England. Multiple collections of Membranoptera and Pantoneura fabriciana on the North American coast of the North Atlantic prove to be identical for the three markers that have been sequenced, and the name Membranoptera fabriciana (Lyngbye) comb. nov. is proposed for them. Many collections of Membranoptera from the northeastern North Pacific (predominantly British Columbia), although representing the morphologies of several species that have been previously recognized, are genetically assignable to a single group for which the oldest name applicable is M. platyphylla.


        Perinatal Nutrition of the Calf and Its Consequences for Lifelong Productivity

        Wynn, P.C.,Warriach, H.M.,Morgan, A.,McGill, D.M.,Hanif, S.,Sarwar, M.,Iqbal, A.,Sheehy, P.A.,Bush, R.D. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2009 Animal Bioscience Vol.22 No.5

        Provision of an optimal environment for the calf is critical to establishing the patterns of growth and development essential to allow the heifer to express its genetic potential for milk output and reproductive capacity during its productive life. Maternal nutrition during gestation is now recognised as a key to genetic programming in utero and this influence is extended through the complexity of hormones, growth factors and immunostimulants incorporated into colostrum and milk consumed by the neonatal calf. This natural process is most often disrupted as calves are weaned abruptly to maximise milk output for commercial exploitation. The key then is to accelerate the rate of maturation of the ruminal epithelium through the provision of concentrate starter rations and high quality forage, which promote VFA production. Management systems to promote these processes in Holstein Friesian cattle are well developed, however, little is known of these processes with buffalo and Bos indicus dairy cattle such as the Sahiwal. The development of methods to program the neonate to grow faster to puberty in these species will be important to improving their productivity for the dairy industries in tropical and sub-tropical environments in the future.

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