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김유래 미코스포린 유도체인 포피라334가 함유된 화장품 제형의 주름개선 효능 검증
장성주(Sung-Joo Jang),이삭(Sak Lee),백승혜(Seung-Hye Paek),신동선(Dong-Sun Shin),송지혁(Ji Hyeok Song),김재영(Jae-Young Kim),이상준(Sang-Jun Lee),모상현(Sang-Hyun Moh) 한국화장품미용학회 2021 한국화장품미용학회지 Vol.11 No.2
In this study, we focus on the Porphyra 334, one of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). Porphyra 334 was purified from Porphyra yezoensis and its validation method was established. Anti-wrinkle activity of Porphyra 334 on the procollagen synthesis in Human dermal fibroblast (HDF) was evaluated that Porphyra 334 significantly increased synthesis of procollagen in HDF. The clinical test in vivo demonstrated that constant application of Porphyra 334 improved periorbital wrinkles compared with the placebo. In conclusion, Porphyra 334 might be a novel biomaterial for anti-wrinkle according to in vitro in HDF and clinical test in vivo.
고삼뿌리 추출물 내 Kurarinone, Oxymatrine, Matrine 분석 방법 검증
장성주(Sung-Joo Jang),이삭(Sak Lee),이정훈(Jeong-Hun Lee),모상현(Sang-Hyun Moh) 한국화장품미용학회 2020 한국화장품미용학회지 Vol.10 No.1
The root of the Sophora flavescens with excellent pharmacological efficacy has been used as a herbal medicine. The test was carried out to verify the analysis of kurarinone, oxymatrine and matrine in the root extract of the Sophora flavescens using HPLC. As a result of confirming the MS/MS by fractionation, it was confirmed that the corresponding peaks were kurarinone, oxymatrine, and matrine, respectively, as the MS/MS spectrum was consistent. As a result of confirming the accuracy test and reproducibility, and the precision within and between batches, it was possible to confirm high accuracy and precision. As a result of confirming the stability of the pre-treated sample, all three materials were stable for 48 hours. In conclusion, it was evaluated and established that the method validation for kurarinone, oxymatrine and matrine in the range with the specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision, and stability.
직류전류 인가를 통한 김으로부터 포피라334의 대량 정제 고도화
장성주(Sung Joo Jang),이정훈(Jeong Hun Lee),서효현(Hyo Hyun Seo),이삭(Sak Lee),김지연(Jiyeon Kim),김도연(Doyoun Kim),모상현(Sang Hyun Moh) 한국해양바이오학회 2020 한국해양바이오학회지 Vol.12 No.1
Marine algae contain a variety of substances, such as mycosporine-like amino acids, which can defend against UV irradiation. Among them, Porphyra-334 derived from Porphyra yezoensis is attracting attention as a novel active ingredient for anti-aging cosmetics because of its excellent anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties through promoting skin cell migration. In this study, a process using direct current (DC) for increasing the yield of large-scale purification of Porphyra-334 was developed. When DC was applied to obtain Porphyra-334 efficiently, the purification time was shortened by approximately 1/4 compared with the process wherein DC was not applied; moreover, the yield of purification was improved.
김영재(Young-Jae Kim),장영일(Young-Ill Jang),지연상(Yeon-Sang Ji),한재복(Jae-Bok Han),최남길(Nam-Gil Choi),장성주(Seong-Joo Jang) 한국콘텐츠학회 2013 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.13 No.10
본 연구에서는 간암 치료시 Body fix를 이용하여 4DRT를 실시할 경우 종양의 체적, 위치의 변화정도, 종양 및 정상조직의 선량흡수정도를 파악하여 Body fix의 유용성을 평가하였다. 사전 연구에 동의한 23명의 환자를 대상으로 Body fix의 착용 유무에 따라 각기 다른 4차원 모의치료영상을 획득하여 영상을 바탕으로 종양조직 및 정상조직을 설정하고 분석하였다. 종양의 용적을 분석해본 결과 Body fix의 사용이 GTV는 0.17%, CTV와 PTV는 3.2% 정도 체적을 줄일 수 있었으며, 종양의 운동성은 AP방향에서 29.8%, UL방향에서 5.31%의 움직임을 감소시킬 수 있었다. 종양의 흡수선량 값은 Body fix를 사용한 경우가 다소(1.3%) 높았으며 정상조직(정상간, 위, 우측신장, 척수)의 흡수선량은 5% 정도 줄일 수 있었다. 따라서 간암의 4DRT시 Body fix는 유용하게 사용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. This study investigates the usefulness of body fix in 4DRT on Liver cancer trying to find tumor tissues volume and located variations, absorbed dose on tumor and normal tissues. Test subjects 23 patients were agreed these test. These patients have a 4 dimensional CT scan. We make an acquisition on patients CT image by two types -put on the body fix or not-. Average tumor volume reduced by 0.17% on GTV and 3.2% on CTV and PTV. Tumors variation reduces 29.8%(anterior and posterior, AP) and 5.31% (upper and lower, UL). The absorbed tumor doses under put on the body fix was a little higher(1.3%) than other. Normal tissues(normal liver, stomach, Rt. kidney, spinal cord) absorbed dose could be reduced approximately 5%. Therefore, using body fix on 4DRT for liver cancer patient is considered effectively.
의료용 Re-186 오염폐기물의 규제해제를 위한 방사능측정
김창범(Kim Chang-Bum),이상경(Lee Sang-Kyung),장성주(Jang Seong-Joo),김정민(Kim Jung-Min) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2017 방사선기술과학 Vol.40 No.4
방사선 진료기술의 발전에 따라 의료분야에서 발생하는 방사성폐기물이 급속히 증가하고 있다. 최근의 경향을 보면, 갑상선암 진료 목적의 I-131을 비롯하여 PET/CT 조영제로 사용하는 F-18, 핵의학검사에 폭 넓게 적용하는 Tc-99m 등의 방사성동위원소 사용이 일반화 되고 있다. 사용과정에서 이러한 핵종에 오염된 방사성폐기물이 발생하게 되는데, 일정기간 보관한 후에 방사능이 규제해제(Clearance) 수준으로 감쇠하면 소각 등의 방법으로 자체처분하게 된다. 국제원자력기구(IAEA)에서는 10μSv/y의 개인선량 및 1man-Sv/y의 집단선량과 함께 핵종별 농도에 근거하여 방사성폐기물의 규제해제기준을 제시하였다. 이 연구에서는 IAEA의 핵종별 방사능농도기준에 따른 규제해제 시점을 확인하기 위하여, Tc-99m과 방사화학상 유사한 성질을 가지고 있는 Re-186 관련 방사성폐기물을 수집하여 방사능을 측정하였다. Re-186은 반감기가 3.8일 로 방사성의약품으로는 비교적 길고, 베타선 및 감마선을 방출하여 방사성의약품 치료와 영상에 모두 사용된다. Re-186 사용과 관련하여 발생하는 오염된 일회용장갑(Poly Glove)의 방사능측정을 위하여 다중파고분석기(Multi Channel Analyzer; MCA)를 이용하였으며, 이를 위하여 표준물질을 제작하여 MCA를 교정한 이후 감마방사능 측정 절차에 따라 수행하였다. 측정결과를 근거로 방사능 감쇠 유도식을 산출하여 이론식과 대비하여 고찰하였는바, Re-186 핵종의 유도반감기(3.6일)는 이론적 반감기(3.8일)에 비해 다소 짧은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 측정결과에 근거한 유도반감기를 적용한다면, 다소 줄어든 기간 동안 Re-186 핵종 폐기물을 보관하였다가 자체처분을 할 수 있을 것으로 확인하였다. 이 연구 결과는 현재 추진하고 있는 국제표준화기구(International Organization for Standardization) 국제표준에 포함될 예정이다. The amount of radioactive waste has been rapidly increased with development of radiation treatment in medical field. Recently, it has been a common practice to use I-131 for thyroid cancer, F-18 for PET/CT and Tc-99m for diagnosis of nuclear medicine. All the wastes concerned have been disposed of by means of the self-disposal method, for example in-cineration, after storage enough to decay less than clearance level. IAEA proposed criteria for clearance level of waste which depends on the individual (10 μSv/y) and collective dose (1 man-Sv/y), and concen-tration of each nuclide (IAEA Safety Series No 111-P-1.1, 1992 and IAEA RS-G-1.7, 2004). In this study, specific radioactivity of radioactive waste contaminated with Re-186 was measured to con-firm whether it meets the clearance level. Re-186 has long half life of 3.8 days relatively and emits beta and gamma radiation, therefore it can be applied in treatment and imaging purposes. The specific radioactivity of contaminated gloves weared by radiation workers was measured by MCA(Multi-channel Analyzer) which was calibrated by reference materials in accordance with the measuring procedure. As a result, comparison evaluation of decay storage period between the half-life which was calculated by attenuation curve based on real measurement and physical half-life was considered, and it is showed that the physical half-life is longer than induced half-life. Therefore, the storage period of radioactive waste for self-disposal may be curtailed in case of application of induced half-life. The result of this study will be proposed as ISO standard.