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        근기실학(近畿實學)과 반계류형원(磻溪柳馨遠)

        정성희 ( Jeong Seonghee ) 온지학회 2017 溫知論叢 Vol.0 No.50

        본 논문은 반계 유형원과 성호 이익의 영향을 관계를 바탕으로 근기실학이 성립되는 문제를 살펴보는 데 주안점을 두었다. 반계 유형원은 서울에서 태어나 생애의 대부분을 비록 호남 부안에서 살았지만, 성호 이익를 비롯한 근기학파와 매우 인연이 깊은 인물이었다. 정치적으로 남인계였으며, 묘소 또한 부안이 아닌 경기도의 용인에 있고, 후손도 부안을 비롯하여 선영이 있는 경기도의 과천에 거주했다. 일찍이 위당 정인보가 조선후기 실학의 계보를 “반계가 일조(一祖)요, 성호가 二祖요, 다산이 三祖이다”라고 정리하면서 반계-성호-다산은 조선후기 실학 계보의 주축으로 인정되어왔다. 반계 유형원은 실학의 개창한 인물이고, 성호 이익은 실학을 체계화했으며, 다산 정약용은 실학을 집대성한 인물이라 할 수 있다. 이들 세 사람은 정치적으로 모두 남인 출신이었으며, 근기 지역과도 연고가 있는 인물이다. 때문에 조선후기 실학을 근기 남인 학인들을 중심으로 성립된 것으로 이해되어, 근기 남인 학인을 중심으로 성립한 근기실학이 조선후기 실학을 대표하기도 하였다. 근기실학은 근기 지역을 중심으로 성호학파가 주축을 이뤄 성립된 새로운 학문경향이다. 성호학파를 개창한 성호 이익은 퇴계학을 계승한 성리학자이지만, 미수(眉?) 허목(許穆)과 반계 유형원으로부터도 영향을 받아새로운 학문체계를 이루었다. 허목이 퇴계 이황과 한강(寒岡) 정구(鄭逑)의 학문을 이어 근기지역 학술의 발판을 개척했다면, 허목의 영향을 받아 실학이라는 학문의 토대를 마련했던 학자는 반계 유형원이었다. 다시 말해 허목과 연결되어 있던 반계 유형원의 실학사상이 성호 이익을 통해 이어졌고, 그것이 다시 성호 제자들을 통해 경기도 일대에 퍼져 근기학파를 형성한 것이다. 따라서 근기실학과 반계 유형원은 조선후기 실학의 성립사를 살펴보는데 배우 중요한 키워드라고 본다. Bangye Yoo Hyeong-Won was born in Seoul and lived in Buan, which was located in the Honam area. However, he was closely related to the practical school in the near-capital area including Seongho(星湖) Lee Ik(李瀷). He shared his political background with Nam-in, and he was not buried in Buan but Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. His descendants also lived in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, where the family burial ground was located as well as Buan. The tradition of the practical school of Joseon, which was established by Bangye and succeeded by Seongho and then Dasan (according to the description by Jeong In-Bo, was the tradition of the practical school of the near-capital area. It was not a direct teacher-pupil relation, but the scholastic mainstream of the practical study was formed through transmission of academic knowledge. Seongho Lee Ik who established the Songho school called himself a successor of the Toegye school in his lifetime, but his theory of governance was most affected by Bangye Yoo Hyeong-Won. His family, whose family name was Yeoju Lee, shared the political background of Buk-in, and emerged as the key force of Nam-in during the generation of his father, Lee Ha-Jin, He shared the scholastic idea of Nam-in instead of Buk-in since his family emerged as the mainstream of Nam-in, but he also supported the practical ideas under the influence of the Hwadam school with the ideas of Buk-in, influenced by his father. He was interested in the real-world issues and developed the theory of governance, while succeeding the philosophy of Toegye, affected by his family tradition. He established the philosophy of Seongho, which provided the foundation for the practical study of the near-capital area, by adding the ideas of the practical study of Yoo Hyeong-Won, who was academically and personally very close to him. Bangyesurok(磻溪隧錄) which summarized the theory of governance of Yoo Hyeong-Won was widely distributed by the practical scholars who were Nam-in in the near-capital area in the 18th century, and gained high recognition. Lee Ik recognized Bangye and Yulgok(栗谷) as the best administrators of Joseon, and wrote publications about Bangye, including Bangyesurokseo(磻溪隧錄序), Bangyeyooseonsaengyoojip(磻溪柳先生遺集) and Bangyeseonsaengjeon(磻溪先生 傳). His representative publication about the theory of governance, Gwagurok(藿 憂錄), succeeded the spirit of Bangyesurok. The theory of governance and utilitarianism of Bangye Yoo Hyeong-Won was inherited by Seongho Lee Ik and then the pupils of Seongho, including Ahn Jeong-Bok(安鼎福) and Jeong Yak-Yong(丁若鏞). Accordingly, the practical school of the near-capital area is considered to have fully succeeded the philosophy of Bangye.

      • Development of Painting Robot for Cage-shape Iron Pillar Supporting Train Track : Prototype Design and Basic Motion Verification

        Seonghee Jeong,Katsushi Ogawa,Tsuneo Jozen 제어로봇시스템학회 2022 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2022 No.11

        In this paper, a prototype painting robot that can paint a surface of steel material while climbing up and down an inside of a cage-type iron pillar supporting a train track is proposed. Target specifications are set based on the requirements of the painting robot, and then, the robot is designed so that each specification can be cleared. The robot consists a climbing device that climbing up and down the inside of the iron pillar, a painting arm that paints the surface of the steel material, and a paint suppling device that supplies paint to a brush. The climbing device has a leg-shaped structure, and climbs up and down inside the iron pillar while alternately gripping the steel material with an upper and lower legs. In addition, the painting arm has a 6-DOF serial link mechanism, and the brush can be appropriately posed on the surface of the target steel. The paint supply device is equipped with a uniaxial screw type mohno pump so that an appropriate amount of high-viscosity paint could be supplied to the brush. Through simple experiments, it was confirmed that each device could realize basic functions according to the design specifications.

      • Development of Wheeled Balancing Wheelchair for Lower Limb Disabled Person

        Seonghee Jeong,Kazuki Kozai 제어로봇시스템학회 2017 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.10

        An electrical wheelchair and a senior car are widely used as a mobility aid for a lower limb disabled person. However, since a conventional mobility aid generally focuses on assistance of mobility, it is difficult for the user to reach to a high position in a sitting posture and to travel a narrow aisle due to a large floor occupied area and turning radius. To cope with these issues , in this paper, a wheeled balancing wheelchair mounting several assisting devices was designed and its prototype was developed. It adopted a wheeled balancing mechanism to improve dynamic stability and driving performance in a complicated human living space. To overcome a drop of driving operability and safety due to the wheeled balancing mechanism, an automatic and a manual slider were introduced to improve acceleration/deceleration and emergency braking performance. In addition, a lifting device was implemented for a rider to reach to a high place. The prototype wheelchair was successfully developed implementing the above devices and a control system.

      • Driving Assist Control of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Wheelchair Using an Active Seat-Slider

        Seonghee Jeong,Naoki Maeda,Kazuki Kozai 제어로봇시스템학회 2019 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.10

        For wheeled inverted pendulum (WIP) wheelchairs, a rider operates it in a sitting posture and a weight-shifting motion is achieved by only rotating an upper-body around a waist. This causes a drop of acceleration and deceleration ability of the wheelchairs, as more, a rider feels anxious when the wheelchair inclines back and forth while accelerating and decelerating. To cope these issues, in this paper, a WIP wheelchair with an automatic CoG moving device and a braking system is proposed. The proposed WIP wheelchair has priority in reducing its tilt angle while accelerating and decelerating. This can be realized by automatically moving a rider with an implemented electric slider. The automatic-stop function is realized by controlling the slider so that the wheelchair can stop regardless of a joystick operation when a distance to an obstacle is closer than a predefined threshold distance. The effectiveness of the proposed driving assist functions were confirmed through accelerating experiments and an automatic-stop experiment.

      • Development of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Type Personal Mobility with Pedal

        Seonghee Jeong,Yuji Masuda,Yutaka Hiroi,Takayuki Takahashi,Osamu Matsumoto 제어로봇시스템학회 2012 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2012 No.10

        In this paper, the mechanism and basic driving function of a wheeled inverted pendulum-type personal mobility with a pedal (Wi-PMP) are described. The mobility consists of a wheeled inverted pendulum-type mobile platform and a leg rowing mechanism, and thus it can be driven by a rider’s leg rowing motion. Moreover, to retain the merits of pivot turning of a parallel two-wheeled mobility, a differential gear box and a one-way clutch are installed between the pedal and the wheel shafts. It is designed such that a rider can ground his feet while sitting on the saddle. In addition, the Wi-PMP is compact and light-weight, and thus it can be driven and parked in a narrow space. Through experiments using three types of driving mode(motor driving, pedal driving, and assist driving), it was confirmed that mobility can realize all driving modes and pivot turning while keeping the feet of the rider on the pedals.

      • KCI등재

        국내 치매노인 가족 부양자 중재에 대한 체계적 고찰

        정성희(Jeong, Seonghee),황정해(Hwang, Jeonghae),오두남(Oh, Doonam) 한국간호교육학회 2021 한국간호교육학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        Purpose: This study was a systematic review to assess the contents and effects of an intervention program for family caregivers of the elderly with dementia in Korea. Methods: A literature search was done using Medline, CINAHL, RISS, KISS, and DBpia to identify studies reported in English or Korean from 2000 to 2021. Results: A total of 1,162 articles were searched; finally, 23 articles were used in the analysis based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The most applied intervention contents were knowledge provision and emotional support. Fourteen articles (60.9%) reported on complex interventions, including emotional, social support, relaxation, and various activities. The most frequently measured outcome variable in the reviewed literature was “burden,” followed by “depression” and “coping strategy.” Conclusion: The review results can provide basic data for establishing evidence and suggesting directions of interventions for family caregivers of the elderly with dementia.

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