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        The Analysis of the Formation Mechanism of Pakistan’s Strategic Culture

        Jiao Nie,Huazhong Tu,Ruijing Qin,Xiang Ma 한국정치사회연구소 2019 한국과 국제사회 Vol.3 No.2

        국가가 자주권을 행사하는 것은 전략문화와 강한 상관관계가 있지만 국가의 전략문화의 분류에 대해서는 학자마다 견해가 다르다. 중국 서부의 가장 중요한 인접국가 중 하나인 파키스탄은 중국의 든든한 파트너로서 파키스탄의 전략문화를 이해하는 것은 파키스탄의 국가 정책과 국가가 자주권을 행사하는 행위를 이해하는 데 도움이 될 뿐만 아니라 중국과 파키스탄 양국의 협력관계를 심화시키는 데도 도움이 된다. 저자는 지리, 사회, 경제, 문화, 역사, 군사 등의 관점에서 볼 때 파키스탄의 전략적 문화 형성의 메커니즘은 주로 지정학적 환경, 생산방식, 생활방식, 문화적 전통, 역사적 경험과 대외 관계 등 네 가지 요인의 영향을 받는다. 분석 결과로 파키스탄의 전략 문화는 이슬람에 의해 형성되어 왔고, 대외 지향적인 전략 문화로 분류될 수 있으며 국가가 자주권을 행사하는 거도 이슬람적인 색채가 강하다. The state behavior has a strong consequence with the national strategic culture. However, different scholars hold different views on the classification of the national strategic culture. As one of the most significant land neighbors in West China, Pakistan is China’s all-weather strategic cooperative partner. Understanding Pakistan’s strategic culture will not only help understand Pakistan’s national policies and state behavior, but also help deepen China-Pakistan cooperation. Cutting in from the perspectives of geography, social economy, culture, history and military, the author believes that the formation mechanism of Pakistan’s strategic culture is mainly affected by the following four factors: geopolitical environment, production mode and lifestyle, cultural tradition, historical experience and diplomatic relations. The analysis has found that Pakistan’s strategic culture has been shaped by Islam and can be classified as an outward-oriented strategic culture, the state behavior also shows a strong Islamic identity.

      • KCI등재

        The Analysis of the Formation Mechanism of Pakistan's Strategic Culture

        Nie, Jiao,Tu, Huazhong,Qin, Ruijing,Ma, Xiang Korea Institute of Politics and Society 2019 한국과 국제사회 Vol.3 No.2

        국가가 자주권을 행사하는 것은 전략문화와 강한 상관관계가 있지만 국가의 전략문화의 분류에 대해서는 학자마다 견해가 다르다. 중국 서부의 가장 중요한 인접국가 중 하나인 파키스탄은 중국의 든든한 파트너로서 파키스탄의 전략문화를 이해하는 것은 파키스탄의 국가정책과 국가가 자주권을 행사하는 행위를 이해하는 데 도움이 될 뿐만 아니라 중국과 파키스탄 양국의 협력관계를 심화시키는 데도 도움이 된다. 저자는 지리, 사회, 경제, 문화, 역사, 군사 등의 관점에서 볼 때 파키스탄의 전략적 문화 형성의 메커니즘은 주로 지정학적 환경, 생산방식, 생활방식, 문화적 전통, 역사적 경험과 대외 관계 등 네 가지 요인의 영향을 받는다. 분석 결과로 파키스탄의 전략 문화는 이슬람에 의해 형성되어 왔고, 대외 지향적인 전략 문화로 분류될 수 있으며 국가가 자주권을 행사하는 거도 이슬람적인 색채가 강하다. The state behavior has a strong consequence with the national strategic culture. However, different scholars hold different views on the classification of the national strategic culture. As one of the most significant land neighbors in West China, Pakistan is China's all-weather strategic cooperative partner. Understanding Pakistan's strategic culture will not only help understand Pakistan's national policies and state behavior, but also help deepen China-Pakistan cooperation. Cutting in from the perspectives of geography, social economy, culture, history and military, the author believes that the formation mechanism of Pakistan's strategic culture is mainly affected by the following four factors: geopolitical environment, production mode and lifestyle, cultural tradition, historical experience and diplomatic relations. The analysis has found that Pakistan's strategic culture has been shaped by Islam and can be classified as an outward-oriented strategic culture, the state behavior also shows a strong Islamic identity.

      • The Religious Studies in Pakistan: A Review

        Nie Jiao,Qin Ruijing,Tu Huazhong 아시아사회과학학회 2020 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.1 No.3

        Religious issues are an unavoidable theme in the study of Pakistan. Pakistan is an Islamic country lacking a stable political order, which occupies an important position in its domestic politics due to its religious influence. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study and summarize the religious management mode and experience in Pakistan. At present, academic circles at home and abroad have conducted many studies on Pakistan’s religious issues, but there are relatively few specific studies on Pakistan’s religious management models and experience. Combing and analyzing the existing research results is conducive to grasping the current research trends as a whole, and digging out further problems and directions.


        Expression and Immunogenicity of SARSCoV-2 Virus-Like Particles based on Recombinant Truncated HEV-3 ORF2 Capsid Protein

        ( Yong-fei Zhou ),( Jiao-jiao Nie ),( Chao Shi ),( Ke Ning ),( Yu-feng Cao ),( Yanbo Xie ),( Hongyu Xiang ),( Qiuhong Xie ) 한국미생물생명공학회 2022 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.32 No.10

        COVID-19 is an emerging disease that poses a severe threat to global public health. As such, there is an urgent demand for vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Here, we describe a virus-like nanoparticle candidate vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 produced by an E. coli expression system. The fusion protein of a truncated ORF2-encoded protein of aa 439~608 (p170) from hepatitis E virus CCJD-517 and the receptor-binding domain of the spike protein from SARSCoV-2 were expressed, purified and characterized. The antigenicity and immunogenicity of p170-RBD were evaluated in vitro and in Kunming mice. Our investigation revealed that p170-RBD selfassembled into approximately 24 nm virus-like particles, which could bind to serum from vaccinated people (p < 0.001) and receptors on cells. Immunization with p170-RBD induced the titer of IgG antibody vaccine increased from 14 days post-immunization and was significantly enhanced after a booster immunization at 28 dpi, ultimately reaching a peak level on 42 dpi with a titer of 4.97 log10. Pseudovirus neutralization tests showed that the candidate vaccine induced a strong neutralizing antibody response in mice. In this research, we demonstrated that p170-RBD possesses strong antigenicity and immunogenicity and could be a potential candidate for use in future SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development.

      • KCI등재

        Radon-induced demethylation of Cdk2 CpG island in the rat lung

        Cheng Wu,Qiu Chen,Jian Tong,Xin Xie,Fengmei Cui,Yang Jiao,Dandan Qi,Jihua Nie,Tom K. Hei,Qisheng Jiang 한국유전학회 2014 Genes & Genomics Vol.36 No.6

        Radon exposure has been linked to lung carcinogenesisin both human and animal studies. The identificationof sequential changes in DNA methylation duringtumour progression and the elucidation of their interplaywith genetic changes will broaden our molecular understandingof this disease. Rats were exposed to 120 or 400working level months (WLM) of radon, lung pathologicalchanges were examined by haematoxylin and eosin staining,lung single cell suspension cell cycles were detected byflow cytometry, lung cell cycle regulated gene (Cdkn2a,P53, Cdk4/2, Mdm4/2 and Rb1 genes) expression wasquantified by real-time PCR and methylation of CpG islandsin the promoters of cell cycle-regulated genes were detectedby bisulfite sequencing PCR. The alveolar walls of rat lungsafter exposured to radon exhibited papillae and the lungbronchial epithelial cells stained positively for proliferatingcell nuclear antigen. The bronchial epithelial cells displayedsome hyperplasia after challenged by 400 WLM of radon. Moreover, G1 arrest decreased; Rb1, Mdm2/4, and Cdk2/4expression decreased and Cdk2 was demethylated at thesecond and sixth CpG loci from base pairs 3092704 to3092953 of chromosome 7. Cdk2 demethylation may beapplicable as a biomarker of early lung damage that wasinduced by radon and other environmental carcinogens.

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