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      • KCI등재

        한글 관련 내용에 대한 학생 인식 조사

        박형우 ( Park Hyeongwoo ) 한국문법교육학회 2020 문법 교육 Vol.40 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to confirm students' awareness of Hangeul and to make new contents of Hangul education in Korean language education. This paper intended to check the awareness of middle and high school students related to Hangeul through this survey. The summary results of this study is as follows. 1. Students' awareness of Hangul is influenced not only by the content of Hangeul education but also by informal social education. 2. There is a problem with the student's awareness of the contents of Hangeul education included in Korean language education. ex) the originality of Hangeul, some principles for making Hangeul, the prejudice of the excellence of Hangeul. 3. It is possible to confirm the new contents of Hangeul education included in Korean language education. ex) ‘Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon’, Hangeul characters using differently with 15<sup>th</sup> century, the history of Hangeul since the creation of Hangeul

      • KCI등재

        한국 청소년 엘리트 테니스 선수의 어깨 근골격계 통증에 대한 설문 및 초음파 평가: 파일럿 연구

        박형우 ( Hyeongwoo Park ),홍석준 ( Seokjoon Hong ),류병주 ( Byungju Ryu ) 대한스포츠의학회 2023 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.41 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study was to present basic data on shoulder musculoskeletal pain in junior elite tennis players, with data collected via a survey, physical examinations, and musculoskeletal ultrasound. Methods: The participants were eight healthy junior elite Korean tennis players, registered with the Korea Tennis Association. The participants’ characteristics were surveyed using a questionnaire, musculoskeletal pain was assessed, and physical examination and ultrasound examination of the shoulder were performed. Results: The average age of the participants was 13.1±0.8 years (range, 12-14 years), average duration of tennis experience was 3.5±1.5 years (range, 1-6 years), and average player career was 1.6±0.7 years (range, 1-3 years). Six players (75.0%) complained of shoulder pain during and after games. Tennis experience, career length, and training hours were not related to the during- or post-match musculoskeletal pain in the shoulder. Four players (50.0%) showed a 5° to 10° decrease (average, -7.5°±2.4°) in shoulder internal rotation. Acromioclavicular (AC) joint widening (average, 1.8±0.9 mm) was observed in the dominant shoulder in seven players (87.5%). Conclusion: Decreased shoulder internal rotation was observed in half of the participants. Ultrasonographic evaluation confirmed significant AC joint widening in the dominant arm. Further research on AC joint widening in junior tennis players is required.

      • KCI등재

        문법 교육에서의 학습자 연구

        박형우 ( Park Hyeongwoo ) 한국문법교육학회 2017 문법 교육 Vol.29 No.-

        This paper is a study on the research history of learners in Korean grammar education. This study reviewed the study on learners in Korean grammar education from 2011 to 2016. And in this study, we confirmed the papers in 5 journals and the doctoral thesis in Korean grammar education. Several problems and study orientations of the study on learners in Korean grammar education are as follows. The first, in Korean grammar education so far the study on learners has not been studied enough. Researchers is not enough and it has problems in research environment. It is needed to activate the study on this field. The second, the study on learners has been concentrated on the field of the curriculum and the method of instruction-learning. It is needed to study on teaching-learning goal, learning evaluation and the more field. The third, most of the study on learners has been conducted by confirming the present state of learners. Not only this study but also studies that verify a hypothesis, an alternative and an argument of researcher are needed. The forth, so far the study on this field has been conducted superficially and partially. The study on learners should work in earnest for example the field like relation development of learner`s grammar competence and grammar education.

      • High-Quality Depth Map Upsampling and Completion for RGB-D Cameras

        Jaesik Park,Hyeongwoo Kim,Yu-Wing Tai,Brown, Michael S.,In So Kweon IEEE 2014 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING - Vol.23 No.12

        <P>This paper describes an application framework to perform high-quality upsampling and completion on noisy depth maps. Our framework targets a complementary system setup, which consists of a depth camera coupled with an RGB camera. Inspired by a recent work that uses a nonlocal structure regularization, we regularize depth maps in order to maintain fine details and structures. We extend this regularization by combining the additional high-resolution RGB input when upsampling a low-resolution depth map together with a weighting scheme that favors structure details. Our technique is also able to repair large holes in a depth map with consideration of structures and discontinuities utilizing edge information from the RGB input. Quantitative and qualitative results show that our method outperforms existing approaches for depth map upsampling and completion. We describe the complete process for this system, including device calibration, scene warping for input alignment, and even how our framework can be extended for video depth-map completion with the consideration of temporal coherence.</P>

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        GOCI와 AHI 자료를 활용한 에어로졸 광학두께 합성장 산출 연구

        강형우 ( Hyeongwoo Kang ),최원이 ( Wonei Choi ),박정현 ( Jeonghyun Park ),김세린 ( Serin Kim ),이한림 ( Hanlim Lee ) 대한원격탐사학회 2021 대한원격탐사학회지 Vol.37 No.5

        In this study, fused Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data were produced using AOD products from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) onboard Communication, Oceanography and Meteorology Satellite (COMS) satellite and the Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) onboard Himawari-8. Since the spatial resolution and the coordinate system between the satellite sensors are different, a preprocessing was first preceded. After that, using the level 1.5 AOD dataset of AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET), which is ground-based observation, correlations and trends between each satellite AOD and AERONET AOD were utilized to produce more accurate satellite AOD data than the original satellite AODs. The fused AOD were found to be more accurate than the original satellite AODs. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and mean bias of the fused AODs were calculated to be 0.13 and 0.05, respectively. We also compared errors of the fused AODs against those of the original GOCI AOD (RMSE: 0.15, mean bias: 0.11) and the original AHI AOD (RMSE: 0.15, mean bias: 0.05). It was confirmed that the fused AODs have better spatial coverage than the original AODs in areas where there are no observations due to the presence of cloud from a single satellite.

      • 코로나19에 따른 사이버위협 및 대응기술 동향 (보안관제와 침해대응 서비스를 중심으로)

        이윤수(Younsu Lee),문형우(Hyeongwoo Moon),박건량(Gunyang Park),김태용(Taeyong Kim),송중석(Jungsuk Song) 한국정보보호학회 2021 情報保護學會誌 Vol.31 No.5

        코로나19 팬데믹은 현실뿐만 아니라 사이버 공간에도 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 재택근무와 비대면(온라인) 회의 뿐만 아니라 온라인 게임/쇼핑과 스트리밍 서비스 등과 같이 네트워크를 활용한 서비스의 이용자가 급증하였으며, 이로 인해 사이버 공간은 더욱 활성화되고 확장되었다. 그러나 사이버 공간의 확장은 이를 대상으로 하는 사이버 공격들도 함께 증가시켰으며, 그 피해규모 또한 증가하고 있어 대응방안 마련이 매우 시급한 상황이다. 본 논문에서는 코로나19 팬데믹 영향에 따른 사이버공격 동향을 살펴보고, 실제 사이버위협을 탐지 · 대응하는 보안관제, 침해대응 실무현장에서 발생하는 사이버위협을 분석해 사이버위협 동향 변화를 확인해 본다. 또한, 대응기술로서 인공지능과 설명가능 인공지능 기반 정보보호 연구 · 개발에 대해 소개한다.

      • KCI등재

        Digital operating tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

        Kim Hwanhee,Moon Taeyoung,Lee Hyeongwoo,Koo Yeonjeong,Kang Mingu,Park Kyoung-Duck,An Sangmin 한국물리학회 2022 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.81 No.6

        Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) can investigate structural and optical characteristics of a range of materials with high optical sensitivity. However, it is not widely deployable due to the complicated hardware confguration of atomic-force microscopy (AFM) part, which is required for TERS. Here, we present a digital operating TERS by replacing the conventional instruments, such as a function generator, a lock-in amplifer, and a PID controller, with the digital algorithms in computer to simplify the confguration. We verify the comparable performance of the digital AFM and the conventional analog AFM by performing control experiments, e.g., frequency response curves, approach curves, and topography measurements. In addition, we demonstrate the simple digital processes to decrease the AFM noise level by optimizing the time constant and the data sampling rate. Furthermore, we demonstrate the gap-dependent and time-dependent TERS spectra for brilliant cresyl blue molecules, which confrms the robust acquisition of nano-spectroscopic responses in ambient conditions. This work provides a facile way to easily build tip-enhanced nano-spectroscopy with a compact apparatus.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        위성자료를 이용한 주요 항구도시에서 가스상 대기오염물질의 칼럼농도 변화 특성 조사 및 이산화질소 혼합비 첫 산출 연구

        최원이(Wonei Choi),박준성(Junsung Park),김대원(Daewon Kim),양지원(Jiwon Yang),강형우(Hyeongwoo Kang),이한림(Hanlim Lee) 한국대기환경학회 2018 한국대기환경학회지 Vol.34 No.6

        In this present study, we investigated long term changes in trace gases (SO₂, NO₂, and O₃) from shipping emissions over major ports in each continent using Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) measurements from 2006 to 2015. Additionally, surface nitrogen dioxide volume mixing ratio (NO₂ VMR), which can be used to air quality regulation, is retrieved using tropospheric nitrogen dioxide column density and atmospheric measurement data from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) sensor. The long term variation of retrieved NO₂ VMRs are investigated. During tenyears, column densities of sulfur dioxide in planetary boundary layer (PBL SO₂) and tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (Trop. NO₂) decreased by -0.3 DU decade<SUP>−1</SUP> and <SUP>-1.8</SUP>×10<SUP>15</SUP> molecules cm<SUP>−2</SUP> decade<SUP>−1</SUP>, respectively. However, tropospheric ozone (Trop. O₃) tends to increase (2.9 DU decade<SUP>−1</SUP>). The decreasing trends of PBL SO₂ and Trop. NO₂ are thought be due to regulation of NO<SUB>X</SUB> and SO<SUB>X</SUB> from shipping emission of International Maritime Organization. The NO₂ VMRs averaged over Busan, Jebel Ali, Rotterdam, LA, and Melbourne are tends to decrease with 0.64 ppbv decade<SUP>−1</SUP>. Especially, the NO₂ VMR in Los Angles, which showed high decreasing trend of Trop. NO₂, are decreased 1.5 ppbv per decade. The amount of nitrogen dioxide, one of the ozone precursors, decreased due to the emission reduction policy, while the actual Trop. O₃ tends to increase. Additional research is needed, however, the increase in Trop. O₃ column density is thought to be due to changes in volatile organic compound emissions, one of the precursors of ozone.

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