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        An Asian Airline Implementation of Smartphone Collaboration : From Training to Operations

        Dante Dionne,Douglas M. Schutz,Yong-Young Kim 한국융합학회 2018 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.9 No.10

        공항에서 품질 높은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 항공사 직원들은 신속하고 효과적으로 지식을 개발하여 공유하여야 한다. 본 연구는 항공사에서 스마트폰을 이용한 협업의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 적응적 구조화 이론과 미디어 일치성 이론 에 근거하여 사회적 상호작용, 미디어 일치성, 생산적 산출물로 이어지는 이론적 프레이워크를 개발하였다. 아시아에 거점 을 둔 항공사A를 대상으로 훈련 및 운영 기간 동안 33명 인력으로부터 S사에서 제작한 10대의 스마트폰을 이용해 대화한 내용이 담긴 6개월간의 음성 파일을 수집하였다. 근거이론 방법에 기초하여 이론적 프레임워크에 따라 훈련 기간과 운영 기간으로 나눠 이 음성 파일을 분류했다. 정성적・정량적 콘텐트 분석에 기반을 둔 훈련 기간과 운영 기간 간 차이 분석 결과, 사회적 상호작용 단계에서는 갈등 관리에서 업무 관리로, 미디어 일치성 단계에서는 품질에서 양으로, 생산적 산출물 단계에서는 효율에서 몰입으로 주요한 전환이 발생하였다는 점을 발견하였다. 이러한 결과는 항공사 현업 인력들이 훈련 기간 스마트폰 기능의 학습에 중점을 두는 반면, 운영 기간 스마트폰을 활용하여 지식 관리를 수행한다는 점을 시사한다. In order to provide quality services across international airports, airline personnel must rapidly and effectively develop and share knowledge. Combining components of adaptive structuration theory (AST) and media synchronicity theory (MST), a research framework was developed to convey three distinct stages of knowledge sharing. We use the grounded theory research method for the qualitative data collected from audio transcripts of employees learning how to use and work with company issued smartphones with push-to-talk functionalities. Data was collected from 33 operations personnel. The results of the content analysis are recorded for the elements of each of the three concepts of our research framework. During the social interaction stage, the content of the audio conversations shifts mainly from conflict management to task management; for media synchronicity, from quality to quantity; for productive outcomes, from efficiency to commitment. New insights are uncovered from our analysis of data from the field as users advance from learning how to use the mobile devices, to using the devices for managing knowledge for their work in the airline industry.

      • KCI등재

        Neonatal hypertension: concerns within and beyond the neonatal intensive care unit

        Altemose Kathleen,Dionne Janis M. 대한소아청소년과학회 2022 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.65 No.8

        Neonatal hypertension occurs in 1%–2% of neonates in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) although may be underdiagnosed. Blood pressure values in premature neonates change rapidly in the first days and weeks of life which may make it more difficult to recognize abnormal blood pressure values. In addition, the proper blood pressure measurement technique must be used to ensure the accuracy of the measured values as most blood pressure devices are not manufactured specifically for this population. In premature neonates, the cause of the hypertension is most commonly related to prematurity-associated complications or management while in term neonates is more likely to be due to an underlying condition. Both oral and intravenous antihypertensive medications can be used in neonates to treat high blood pressure although none are approved for use in this population by regulatory agencies. The natural history of most neonatal hypertension is that it resolves over the first year or two of life. Of concern are the various neonatal risk factors for later cardiovascular and kidney disease that are present in most NICU graduates. Prematurity increases the risk of adulthood hypertension while intrauterine growth restriction may even lead to hypertension during childhood. From neonates through to adulthood NICU graduates, this review will cover each of these topics in more detail and highlight the aspects of blood pressure management that are established while also highlighting where knowledge gaps exist.

      • KCI등재

        Design of a direct-cycle supercritical CO2 nuclear reactor with heavy water moderation

        Robert Petroski,Ethan Bates,Benoit Dionne,Brian Johnson,Alex Mieloszyk,Cheng Xu,Pavel Hejzlar 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.3

        A new reactor concept is described that directly couples a supercritical CO2 (sCO2) power cycle with aCO2-cooled, heavy water moderated pressure tube core. This configuration attains the simplification andeconomic potential of past direct-cycle sCO2 concepts, while also providing safety and power densitybenefits by using the moderator as a heat sink for decay heat removal. A 200 MWe design is describedthat heavily leverages existing commercial nuclear technologies, including reactor and moderator systemsfrom Canadian CANDU reactors and fuels and materials from UK Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors(AGRs). Descriptions are provided of the power cycle, nuclear island systems, reactor core, and safetysystems, and the results of safety analyses are shown illustrating the ability of the design to withstandlarge-break loss of coolant accidents. The resulting design attains high efficiency while employingconsiderably fewer systems than current light water reactors and advanced reactor technologies, illustratingits economic promise. Prospects for the design are discussed, including the ability to demonstrateits technologies in a small (~20 MWe) initial system, and avenues for further improvement of the designusing advanced technologies.


        Ferromagnetism in single crystal and nanocomposite Sr(Ti,Fe)O<sub>3</sub> epitaxial films

        Kim, Hyun-Suk,Bi, Lei,Kim, Dong Hun,Yang, Dae-Jin,Choi, Yoon Jeong,Lee, Jung Woo,Kang, Jeung Ku,Chang Park, Yun,Dionne, Gerald F.,Ross, Caroline A. Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Journal of materials chemistry Vol.21 No.28

        <P>The ferromagnetic properties and electrical leakage current of single-phase SrTi<SUB>1−<I>x</I></SUB>Fe<SUB><I>x</I></SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> (STF) perovskite films are compared for two different samples: a single-crystal film with a (100) orientation, and a ‘doubly oriented’ nanocomposite film consisting of (110)-oriented nanopillars embedded homoepitaxially in a (100)-oriented matrix. The STF films contain mixed valence Fe ions, with a lower average valence state present in the single crystal film. The films are under an in-plane compressive strain, and exhibit an out-of-plane magnetic easy axis due to magnetoelastic effects. The nanopillars in the double-epitaxial STF films act as single ferromagnetic domains, whereas the single-crystal films show a maze-like domain structure. Composition fluctuations seen in single-crystal films are suppressed in the double-epitaxial structure, which has a lower electrical leakage current. First-principles modeling supports a tendency for Fe ions to occupy adjacent sites. The correlations between the valence state and distribution of the Fe ions, the microstructure, and the magnetic and electrical properties provide a general method of tailoring the properties of perovskite films, which have immense technological value in a range of multiferroic, ferromagnetic, optical, spintronic and hybrid devices.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>The ferromagnetic and electrical properties of SrTi<SUB>1−<I>x</I></SUB>Fe<SUB><I>x</I></SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> films grown on buffered Si are characterized for both (100)-oriented single crystal films and double-epitaxial films consisting of (110)-oriented nanopillars embedded homoepitaxially in a (100)-oriented matrix. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c1jm11286d'> </P>

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