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      • KCI등재

        공무집행 중 발생한 주한미군범죄와 「한・미 SOFA」에 따른 경합적 형사재판권에 관한 고찰

        김성진(Kim, Sung-Jin),최우선(Choi, U-Son) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2021 法學論文集 Vol.45 No.1

        미국은 해외 각국에 군대를 파견하면서 미군의 주둔을 접수하는 국가와 소위 주둔군지위협정(SOFA)을 체결한다. 이러한 주둔군지위협정에는 미군과 그 구성원들의 형사재판권에 관한 내용을 규정으로서 파견국과 접수국 간의 형사재판권에 대한 우선순위를 규정하고 있다. 예를 들어 주한미군지위협정(이하, 한·미 SOFA)에서는 미국 군대의 구성원이 공무집행 중 고의 또는 과실로 저지른 범죄에 대해서는 미군당국에게 1차적 현사재판권을 부여하고 있다. 이에 대한민국은 미군당국에게 공무 중 발생한 미군범죄에 대한 1차적 형사재판권을 양보할 것을 요구하고 있지만 이를 거부하고 있다. 그러나 한·미 SOFA는 대한민국의 사법권을 대체하는 협정이 아니라 대한민국의 사권법 내에 존재하는 것이다. 따라서 범죄혐의를 받고 있는 미군은 대한민국의 형사사법에 따라 수사와 재판을 받는 것이 타당하다. 다만 형사재판권이 경합하는 경우에는 해당 범죄가 공무 중 발생한 경우에 한하여 미군당국이 1차적 재판권을 행사할 수 있도록 하는 것이 바람직하다. 지금까지 미군당국은 대한민국과 형사재판권이 경합되는 미군범죄 사건에 대하여 대한민국 수사기관의 수사협조 요청에 매우 소극적인 태도를 보이고 있다. 하지만 미군당국은 한·미 SOFA 제22조 제6항에 명시되어 있는 대로 미군범죄에 대한 대한민국 수사기관의 수사에 보다 적극적으로 조력하여 할 것이다. 또한 한·미 SOFA에 따라 미군당국이 공무중 발생한 범죄에 대하여 1차적 형사재판권을 부여받고 있더라도, 대한민국 사법부가 해당 범죄를 중대한 범죄라고 판단하는 경우에는 대한민국은 미군당국의 ‘공무증명서’ 발급에 대하여 한·미 SOFA 제22조 제6항에 명시된 이의 제기권을 행사할 필요가 있다. One of the most controversial issues of SOFA that every countries concluded with the U.S. is the question of what constitutes an act or omission done in the performance of official duty. The ROK-U.S SOFA also includes the same provisions and hence, the same controversy: U.S military authorities have primary right to exercise jurisdiction over U.S armed forces members in relation to offenses arising out of any act or omission done in the performances of official duty. The ROK-U.S is based on two types of jurisdiction, exclusive and concurrent. An identical framework is found in the NATO SOFA. Article XXII of the Korea SOFA provides that the U.S. military authorities have the right to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over members of U.S. armed forces with respect of offenses, including offenses relating to its security, punishable by the law of the United States, but not by the law of the Republic of Korea. This exclusive jurisdiction applies to Korea authorities in the same way respect to offenses by the U.S service members that are punishable by Korean law but not by U.S. law. In cases where the right to exercise jurisdiction is concurrent, the authorities of Korea have primary jurisdiction, but an exception exists in relation to offenses committed solely against the property or security of the United States or solely against another U.S. armed forces member, and offenses arising out of any act or omission done in the performance of official duty. Generally, a country with is more interested in offenses committed than the other in an effort to have primary right to exercise. If the offenses committed solely against the property or security of the sending state, receiving state in fact wouldn t be interested in indicting those offenses. On the other hand in line with territorial principle, Korea will have the primary right to exercise the jurisdiction. This article will analyze the official duty that sending state always trying to have the primary right to exercise, causing inevitably friction with host nation in terms of the concurrent jurisdiction para 3, art 22 in ROK-U.S. SOFA rather than the inequality and fairness of SOFAs, which every host nations have concluded with the U.S. It will also recommend the resolution to minimize the friction between ROK and U.S. in satisfying both nations as they exercise the criminal jurisdiction in a way of clarifying the official duty certification and in standard, limit, analysis about an official duty.

      • KCI등재

        제 2 언어로서의 독일어 습득에 나타나는 어순의 특성 : 한국어화자(성인)의 예를 중심으로

        최명원,홍우평,남유선 한국독어독문학회 2000 獨逸文學 Vol.76 No.1

        Eine der zentralen Fragen, die seit 10-15 Jahren bei Untersuchungen zum L2-Erwerb des Deutschen kontrovers diskutiert werden, ist die des Wortstellungserwerbs. Aufgrund der Spontansprachdaten von R.omanischen Lernern (Daten aus dem ZISA-Projekt) stellt man sich einerseits vor, daß der L2-Erwerb - anders als der L1-Erwerb - generell nicht von der 'Universalgrammatik' (UG), einem sprachspezifischen Lernmechanismus, gesteuert wird. Der L2-Erwerb der deutschen Wortstellung wird dementsprechend als ein Prozeß der Regelbildung beschrieben, der mit Grundannahmen der UG nicht zu vereinbaren ist (Clahsen/ Muysken 1986, Clahsen/ Muysken 1989). Andererseits geht man davon aus, daß die UG sowohl beim Ll- als auch beim L2-Erwerb eine Rolle spielt. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt wird der Wortstellungserwerb als Folge der 'Parameterumbelegungeri aufgefaßt (Duplessis et al. 1987, Tomaselli/Schwartz 1990, Schwartz 1991, Schwartz/ Sprouse 1994 u.a.). Trotz der heftigen Auseinandersetzung ist die Frage, ob die Wortstellung des Deutschen mit Hilfe der UG erworben wird, noch offen. Derzeit gehen auch unter UG-Anha¨ngern die Meinungen u¨ber die Rolle der UG beim Zweitspracherwerb auseinander. So sind in neueren Untersuchungen zum L2-Erwerb des Deutschen durch koreanische and tu¨rkische Lerner zwei verschiedene Hypothesen zur Rolle der UG beim L2-Erwerb vertreten worden: Die schwache Kontinuita¨tshypothese (Vainikka/Young-Scholten 1994, 1998) and die starke Kontinuita¨tshypothese (Schwartz 1998, Epstein et al. 1998). Der schwachen Kontinuita¨tshypothese zufolge verfu¨gen die L2-Lerner in der fru¨hen Phase nicht u¨ber die funktionalen Kategorien sowie ihre Projektionen: die funktionalen Projektionen werden im Laufe des Erwerbs auf der (am Anfang vorhandenen) VP schrittweise aufgebaut. Nach der starken Kontinuita¨tshypothese steht dagegen die gesamte Phrasenstruktur einschließlich der funktionalen Projektionen entweder durch 'Transfer' (Schwartz) oder durch die Mechanismen der UG (Epstein et al.) von Anfang an den L2-Lernern zur Verfu¨gung. Die Erwerbsdaten von Koreanern in der fru¨hen Phase sind u. E. unter Annahme des Transfers - also den U¨berlegungen von Schwartz folgend - am besten zu analysieren. Diese Analyse ist der schwachen Kontinuita¨tshypothese, die zum Fehlen der funktionalen Kategorien in der Lernersprache keine prinzipielle Erkla¨rung anbieten kann, vorzuziehen. Die Frage, ob weitere Entwicklungen der Wortstellung als Prozeß der Parameterumbelegungen aufzufassen sind, kann jedoch erst durch zusa¨tzliche Evident (zum Entwickungszusammenhang) gekla¨rt werden. Aueh die Behauptung, daß der gesamte Vorgang des L2-Erwerbs von der UG strikt beschra¨nkt wird. ist u. E. ohne u¨berzeugende empirische Evident nicht aufrechtzuerhalten.

      • KCI등재후보

        영재담당 초임교사의 영재교육에 대한 신념과 수업 특성

        최병연(Choi Byung Yeon),이면우(Lee Myon U) 한국영재교육학회 2008 영재와 영재교육 Vol.7 No.1

          본 연구에서는 미국 P대학교 영재교육연구소에서 운영하는 토요일 영재교육 프로그램에 처음 참여한 3명의 교사를 대상으로 면접, 수업 관찰, 교수-학습과정안 및 수업 평가서 분석 등의 방법을 사용하여 영재담당 초임교사들의 영재교육에 대한 신념과 수업 특성을 분석하였다.<BR>  그 결과 첫째, 초임교사들은 영재교육이 영재의 성장과 발전, 그리고 잠재력 계발에 도움이 된다고 생각하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 초임교사들은 영재교사는 안내자, 촉진자, 도우미, 역할 모델, 멘토 등의 역할을 해야 한다고 생각하였다. 셋째, 초임교사들은 학습의 발생 여부를 판단하는데 가장 어려워하는 것으로 나타났다. 이들은 학생들의 수업 참여 정도나 학부형의 피드백으로 학습 여부를 판단할 뿐 특정한 준거를 사용하여 학생들의 학습 정도를 점검하지 않았다. 넷째, 초임교사들은 자신을 유능하고 성공적인 교사라고 지각하였다. 다섯째, 초임교사들은 자신의 전공과 학생들의 흥미를 고려해서 과목을 개설하고 수업 내용을 선정하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 초임교사들은 대부분의 자료를 인터넷, 도서관, 영재교육연구소의 자료실 등을 통해 얻는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 마지막으로, 초임교사들의 수업은 전문가에 의해 대체로 긍정적으로 평가되었지만 질문이나 피드백 제공, 학급관리 기술이 미흡한 것으로 나타났다.   The purpose of this study is to investigate novice teachers" beliefs about gifted education and classroom practices. The subjects of this study were three teachers who took part in Saturday Gifted and Talented Program in U.S.A. We conducted interviews with each subject and observed their classroom.<BR>  The results are as follows: First, novice teachers considered gifted education as a valuable tool for helping Gifted/Talented students develop to their full potential. Also, they believed that gifted education is an excellent learning opportunity for students with higher academic levels. Second, participants perceived the gifted teachers as a role model, a guider, and a facilitatior of students" learning. Third, teachers had difficulty in judging whether lesson was successful or not. They did not have concrete criteria to confirm their students" learning. Fourth, subjects considered them as a successful teacher and planed on staying the gifted area of teaching. Fifth, teachers obtained teaching ideas and materials from the internet, books, and other teachers. Finally, participants" teaching was evaluated positively by experts as a whole, but some of their teaching skills, such as classroom management and feedback skill, need to be developed.

      • KCI등재

        현행 남녀고용평등법의 간접차별 규정에 대한 비교법적 고찰

        최윤희(U-Ni Choi) 한국비교사법학회 2006 비교사법 Vol.13 No.1

          Article 2 of the Gender-Equal Employment Law of Korea, regulates that an employer discriminates against a man or woman if the employer applies a requirement or condition which is equally applied to each gender but (ⅰ) which is such that the proportion of any gender who can comply with it is considerably smaller than the proportion of the other gender who can comply with it, and (ⅱ) which the person cannot show to be justifiable irrespective of the gender of the person to whom it is applied, and (ⅲ) which is to detriment of the relevant gender because a person of the gender cannot comply with it.<BR>  The definition of indirect discrimination under the Gender-Equal Employment Law is almost similar to that of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 of the UK, and the 78th Council Directive 2000 of EC, And, this notion of indirect discrimination has its roots in the notion of “disparate impact”, which was enacted by the 1991 Civil Rights Act of the USA, and which enactment is the result of the established precedents of the U. S. supreme court.<BR>  In this thesis, I compared the indirect discrimination of the European Union and the disparate impact theory of the U.S.A. in terms of the definition, scope of application including the matter of causation, burden of proof, subjective employment criteria, statistical proof, affirmative action, and also their theoretical limits. I tried to compare both scholastic and court opinions of the U.S.A. and EU, while trying to find out some guidelines for the future interpretation and modification of our Gender-Equal Employment Law.

      • Effective transduction of osteogenic sarcoma cells by a baculovirus vector

        Song, Sun U.,Shin, Seok-Hwan,Kim, Soon-Ki,Choi, Gwang-Seong,Kim, Woo-Chul,Lee, Moon-Hee,Kim, Sei-Joong,Kim, In-Ho,Choi, Mi-Sook,Hong, Young-Jin,Lee, Kwan-Hee Microbiology Society 2003 The Journal of general virology Vol.84 No.3

        <P>Efficient gene delivery of a baculovirus-derived vector (BV-p53-lacZ) to a human osteogenic sarcoma cell line, Saos-2, was serendipitously found while evaluating the vector for gene delivery to human p53-null tumour cells in a previous study. Therefore, we investigated other human, rat and mouse osteogenic sarcoma and other types of tumour cell lines for transduction efficiency via baculovirus vectors containing a lacZ reporter gene under the control of either a cytomegalovirus or Rous sarcoma virus promoter. The expression of beta-galactosidase protein, assessed by X-Gal staining and beta-galactosidase ELISA, demonstrated an extremely high level of transduction efficiency in some osteogenic sarcoma cell lines, such as U-2OS, Saos-2 and Saos-LM2. These human osteogenic sarcoma cell lines showed levels of beta-galactosidase expression 5-40 times greater than HepG2 cells, which were previously thought to be the mammalian cells most susceptible to baculovirus-mediated gene delivery. The level of acetylated histone proteins in these tumour lines did not correlate well with the high level of reporter gene expression. These results strongly suggest that some osteogenic sarcoma cells are highly susceptible to baculovirus-mediated gene delivery and that a baculovirus-derived vector is an efficient gene delivery vehicle into human osteogenic sarcoma cells.</P>

      • 응급 의료 시스템의 자동 제어를 위한 CARDMI 프로세스 알제브라 기반 스케줄러에 관한 연구

        우수정(Sujeong U),온진호(Jinho On),최정란(Jung-Rhan Choi),이문근(Moonkun Lee) 한국정보과학회 2008 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.35 No.1

        현재 응급 의료 시스템에서는 환자의 소재를 파악하기 힘들 뿐만 아니라, 환자의 이송과정에서도 환자를 치료할 수 없는 병원에 이송하는 등의 문제점을 지닌다. 또한 이송을 위한 대기중인 구급차가 없거나, 환자의 병명에 따른 시한을 지키지 못함으로써 환자를 위급한 상태까지 이르게 하는 경우도 존재한다. 본 논문은 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 자동화된 중앙 관리 체계를 기반으로 한 u-EMS의 시공간 환경과 행위를 명세 및 분석하기 위한 CARDMI기반의 HAP 스케줄러를 제안한다. 이를 통해 응급 의료 시스템에서 발생할 수 있는 문제점을 u-EMS를 통해 환자를 적시적소에 EMS서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 스케줄링 하였다.

      • Clinical evaluation of DFN3 patients with deletions in the POU3F4 locus and detection of carrier female using MLPA

        Song, MH,Lee, HK,Choi, JY,Kim, S,Bok, J,Kim, U-K Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010 Clinical genetics Vol.78 No.6

        <P>Song MH, Lee HK, Choi JY, Kim S, Bok J, Kim U-K. Clinical evaluation of DFN3 patients with deletions in the POU3F4 locus and detection of carrier female using MLPA.</P><P>X-linked deafness type 3 (DFN3), the most prevalent X-linked form of hereditary deafness, is caused by mutations of the POU3F4 locus in the Xq21 region. We evaluated two Korean families showing typical characteristics of DFN3, such as congenital hearing loss and pathognomonic inner ear anomalies. Genetic analysis of these families did not reveal any mutations in the POU3F4 coding sequence. Instead, one family carried a genomic deletion upstream of POU3F4 gene, where the regulatory element is predicted to reside, and the other family possessed a deletion of almost the entire Xq21 region. The lack of mutation in the POU3F4 coding sequence makes the detection of carrier females using conventional sequencing methods difficult. By applying the multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) method, we successfully determined the carrier status of female members in these families, demonstrating that MLPA is a rapid and accurate way to detect POU3F4 deletions in sporadic undiagnosed carriers of DNF3.</P>


        Downregulation of GFAP, TSP-1, and p53 in human glioblastoma cell line, U373MG, by IE1 protein from human cytomegalovirus

        Lee, Karim,Jeon, Kipyoung,Kim, Jong-Mook,Kim, Vic Narry,Choi, Dong Hee,Kim, Seung U.,Kim, Sunyoung John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2005 Glia Vol.51 No.1

        <P>Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a member of the β-herpesvirus family, which has tropism for glial cells. It was recently reported that HCMV might play important roles in the pathogenesis of malignant glioma. In this study, we investigated the effects of the HCMV IE1 protein on the gene expression profile in the human glioblastoma cell line, U373MG by employing cDNA microarray technology. Using DNA chips containing approximately 1,000 human cDNAs, RNA samples from U373MG cells stably expressing IE1 were compared with those from the control cells lacking IE1 cDNA. Fluorescence intensities of 13 genes were significantly decreased in IE1-expressing cells, while one gene was found to be upregulated. Among these 14 genes, we chose to work further on glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), and p53, because of their previously known involvement in tumorigenesis. The mRNA levels of all these genes were found to be decreased in IE1-expressing glioblastoma cells by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) as well as Northern blot analysis. The decreased expression of these genes was also observed at protein levels as measured by immunocytochemistry or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis. Our data strongly suggested that HCMV IE1 could modulate the expression of cellular genes that might play important roles in the pathogenesis of glial tumors. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

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