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      • KCI등재

        Multi-scale feature fusion attention of stereo vision depth recovery network based on Swin Transformer

        Changjun Zou 한국인터넷정보학회 2025 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.19 No.1

        Stereo vision can be applied to obtain the depth of the current image by taking left and right images through binocular cameras. The foundation of traditional depth recovery approaches is disparity matching, which necessitates intricate registration algorithms and a significant amount of computation. Moreover, effective disparity matching is hard to be established for images with weak or repeated textures. We therefore proposed a multi-scale U-shaped Swin transformer structure based binocular visual depth recovery backbone network. It has a larger receptive field, allowing it to extract both local and global feature more effectively. A new loss function takes into account the SSIM as well as the L1 loss was proposed and validated, which allows for more accurate depth restoration. By combining the correlation disparity cost volume and our new loss function, depth recovery can be accomplished efficiently. Our tests on the dataset such as Middlebury, ETH3D and Cityspace have achieved excellent results, demonstrating the advantages of our proposed approach, and its PSNR/SSIM/L1 performance improved significantly, especially on the bonn dataset, as compared to the second-place results, by 5.06%/3.00%/19.50%, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Cascaded Residual Densely Connected Network for Image Super-Resolution

        Changjun Zou,Lintao Ye 한국인터넷정보학회 2022 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.16 No.9

        Image super-resolution (SR) processing is of great value in the fields of digital image processing, intelligent security, film and television production and so on. This paper proposed a densely connected deep learning network based on cascade architecture, which can be used to solve the problem of super-resolution in the field of image quality enhancement. We proposed a more efficient residual scaling dense block (RSDB) and the multi-channel cascade architecture to realize more efficient feature reuse. Also we proposed a hybrid loss function based on L1 error and L∞ error to achieve better L∞ error performance. The experimental results show that the overall performance of the network is effectively improved on cascade architecture and residual scaling. Compared with the residual dense net (RDN), the PSNR / SSIM of the new method is improved by 2.24% / 1.44% respectively, and the L∞ performance is improved by 3.64%. It shows that the cascade connection and residual scaling method can effectively realize feature reuse, improving the residual convergence speed and learning efficiency of our network. The L∞ performance is improved by 11.09% with only a minimal loses of 1.14% / 0.60% on PSNR / SSIM performance after adopting the new loss function. That is to say, the L∞ performance can be improved greatly on the new loss function with a minor loss of PSNR / SSIM performance, which is of great value in L∞ error sensitive tasks.

      • KCI등재

        Invulnerability analysis of nuclear accidents emergency response organization network based on complex network

        Chen Wen,Zou Shuliang,Qiu Changjun,Dai Jianyong,Zhang Meirong 한국원자력학회 2024 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.56 No.8

        Modern risk management philosophy emphasizes the invulnerability of human beings to cope with all kinds of emergencies. The Nuclear Accidents Emergency Response Organization (NAERO) of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is the primary body responsible for nuclear accidents emergency response. The invulnerability of the organization to disturbance or attack from internal and external sources is crucial in the completion of its response missions, reduction of severity of accidents, and assurance of public and environmental safety. This paper focused on the NAERO of a certain NPP in China, and applied the complex network theory to construct the network model of the organization. The topological characteristics of the network were analyzed. Four importance evaluation indexes of network nodes including Degree Centrality (DC), Betweeness Centrality (BC), Closeness Centrality (CC) and Eigenvector Centrality (EC), along with Pearson coefficient correlation among the indexes were calculated and analyzed. Size of the Largest Connected Component (LCC) and Network Efficiency were used as measures regarding the invulnerability of the network. Simulation experiments were conducted to assess the invulnerability of network against various attack strategies. These experiments were conducted both in the absence of node protection measures and under protection measures with different node protection rates. This study evaluated the invulnerability of the NAERO network, and provided significant decision-making basis for the enhancement of the network’s invulnerability

      • KCI등재

        Strong adsorption of cationic dyes by cucurbit[7]uril modified magnetic carbon nanotubes: Investigation on adsorption performance, reusability, and adsorption mechanism

        Yujie Hu,Changjun Zou,Tingting Xiong,Huihui Wang 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.128 No.-

        In this work, a facile one-pot method was used to synthesize the co-modified carbon nanotube adsorbent(CB/MMCNT) of cucurbit[7]uril and Fe3O4. A series of characterizations were utilized to confirm the successfulsynthesis of the adsorbent. VSM and separation experiments demonstrated that the adsorbentexhibited excellent magnetic separation performance and could achieve rapid separation within 30 s. BET results show that the adsorbent has excellent specific surface area (67.438 m2/g). Subsequently, threecationic dyes, namely Methylene blue (MB), Malachite green (MG), and Gentian violet (GV), were utilizedin batch adsorption experiments. A strong adsorption effect on cations is exerted by the adsorbentthrough hydrogen bonds, electrostatic interactions, p-p conjugation effects and hydrophobic interactions. Under the optimal conditions (pH = 6, T = 300 min, C0 = 1000 mg/L), the maximum adsorptioncapacity of CB/MMCNT to MB, MG, and GV was 851.5 mg/g, 720.2 mg/g, and 563.4 mg/g. The adsorptiondata could be well fitted by both the pseudo-second-order kinetic model (R2 > 0.99) and Langmuir isothermmodel (R2 > 0.99). Thermodynamic data indicated that the adsorption process was spontaneousand endothermic. Moreover, the cyclic reuse performance of CB/MMCNT was evaluated through 7 cyclesof recycling experiments, which demonstrated that it maintained a high dye removal rate (MB 84%, MG78%, GV 81%), indicating its excellent reusability. Additionally, CB/MMCNT still maintained its impressivecationic dye removal performance (MB 95.8%, MG 92.7%, GV 92.2%) when tested in practical water environments. Overall, CB/MMCNT is a promising, environmentally friendly, efficient, and sustainable adsorbentfor removing cationic dyes.

      • KCI등재

        The experimental investigation of bisphenol A degradation by Fenton process with different types of cyclodextrins

        Wenjing Chen,Changjun Zou,Yuan Liu,Xiaoke Li 한국공업화학회 2017 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.56 No.-

        In this work, the degradation efficiencies of bisphenol A (BPA) by Fenton reaction were comparedsystematically with varying cyclodextrins. The results showed that the removal rate of BPA displays aconsiderable increase by Fenton reaction in presence of b-cyclodextrin (b-CD) and its derivatives. Specifically, 98 2% and 89 2% of BPA was removed with carboxymethyl-b-cyclodextrin (CMCD) andb-CD, respectively. Additionally, to understand the reaction mechanism, the structure activity ofcyclodextrins with substrate and the kinetic of Fenton reaction with cyclodextrins have beeninvestigated. Results showed that the structure activity was the major role for cyclodextrins in thissystem.


        Invulnerability analysis of nuclear accidents emergency response organization network based on complex network

        Wen Chen,Shuliang Zou,Changjun Qiu,Jianyong Dai,Meirong Zhang Korean Nuclear Society 2024 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.56 No.8

        Modern risk management philosophy emphasizes the invulnerability of human beings to cope with all kinds of emergencies. The Nuclear Accidents Emergency Response Organization (NAERO) of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is the primary body responsible for nuclear accidents emergency response. The invulnerability of the organization to disturbance or attack from internal and external sources is crucial in the completion of its response missions, reduction of severity of accidents, and assurance of public and environmental safety. This paper focused on the NAERO of a certain NPP in China, and applied the complex network theory to construct the network model of the organization. The topological characteristics of the network were analyzed. Four importance evaluation indexes of network nodes including Degree Centrality (DC), Betweeness Centrality (BC), Closeness Centrality (CC) and Eigenvector Centrality (EC), along with Pearson coefficient correlation among the indexes were calculated and analyzed. Size of the Largest Connected Component (LCC) and Network Efficiency were used as measures regarding the invulnerability of the network. Simulation experiments were conducted to assess the invulnerability of network against various attack strategies. These experiments were conducted both in the absence of node protection measures and under protection measures with different node protection rates. This study evaluated the invulnerability of the NAERO network, and provided significant decision-making basis for the enhancement of the network's invulnerability.

      • KCI등재

        MiR-340 regulates the growth and metabolism of renal cell carcinoma cells by targeting frizzled class receptor 3

        Mingfeng Xiang,Yanqun Huang,Changjun Dai,Gaode Zou 대한약학회 2021 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.44 No.2

        MicroRNA(miR)-340 is known as a multifunctionalmiRNA related to various types of cancer while itsrole in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) remains to be furtherinvestigated. In the present study, an apparent increase inmiR-340 expression was observed in both clear cell RCCtissues and RCC cell line 786-O and Caki-1. Functionally,the overexpression of miR-340 promoted cell proliferation,migration, invasion, extracellular alanine (Ala) level, andglycolysis level in 786-O cells. Then, frizzled class receptor3 (FZD3) was determined as the target gene of miR-340 andits expression level was negatively regulated by miR-340. The FZD3 silencing abrogated the inhibitory eff ect of miR-340 knockdown on cell proliferation, migration, invasion,Ala level, and glycolysis level in 786-O cells. In conclusion,miR-340 promotes proliferation, migration, and invasion ofRCC cells via suppressing FZD3 expression, and the promotioneff ect of miR-340 on RCC progression may be due to itsregulatory eff ect on glycolysis and Ala level.

      • KCI등재

        Smart and recyclable Fe3O4@APTES-β-CD nanoparticles with supramolecular host-guest synergistic enhancement effect for 2-chloro- 4-nitrophenol removal

        Jinrong Jiang,Xuze Hu,Meiying Huang,Guoxin Lan,Lian Ma,Jiahui Lin,Junsheng Qi,Changjun Zou 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.127 No.-

        A facile and efficient strategy was introduced to prepare p-tolylsulfonyl-b-cyclodextrin (TsO-b-CD). Subsequently, the smart and recyclable Fe3O4@APTES-b-CD nanoparticles were prepared via betweenFe3O4@APTES and TsO-b-CD. And then, the structures of TsO-b-CD and Fe3O4@APTES-b-CD were characterizedand analyzed. Finally, the Fe3O4@APTES-b-CD nanoparticles was utilized as a heterogeneousFenton-like catalyst. The catalytic performance of Fe3O4@APTES-b-CD for 2-chloro-4-nitrophenol (4-C-2-NP) were assessed and studied. Accordingly, the degradation process of 4-C-2-NP fitted the pseudofirst-order kinetics model. In the meantime, the catalytic activity of Fe3O4@APTES-b-CD was higher thanthat of Fe3O4@APTES-a-CD or Fe3O4@APTES-c-CD. More importantly, the Fe3O4@APTES-b-CD possessedgood regeneration and reuse ability. In addition, the possible reaction route and degradation mechanismwere proposed with synergistic effects. Consequently, the Fe3O4@APTES-b-CD can potentially serve as asmart and recyclable heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst.

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