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      • KCI우수등재

        어머니와의 조건약속에 대한 아동의 이해와 경험: 어머니에 대한 신뢰감 및 자기조절능력과의 관계를 중심으로

        한아름(Ah-Reum Han),한세영(Sae-Young Han) 한국아동학회 2021 아동학회지 Vol.42 No.1

        Objectives: The main purpose of the study was to examine children’s understanding of conditional promise fulfillment and violation, and emotional responses to the promise parties (study 1). In addition, this study investigated the indirect effect of children’s experience of mothers’ promise fulfillment and violation on self-regulation through their trust in their mothers (study 2). Methods: The participants of this study were 122 children (4-7 years of age) and their mothers. Children were interviewed individually and their mothers completed questionnaire about children’s self-regulation. The collected data were analyzed using frequency analysis, chi-square test (study 1), correlation analysis and regression analysis (study 2) with SPSS 21.0. Results: In Study 1, there was a significant difference in children’s understanding of promise fulfillment/violation and emotional response to promise parties depending on age and violation events. In Study 2, we observed an indirect effect of children’s perception of mothers’ promise fulfillment and violation on children’s self-regulation through trust in mothers were significant. Conclusion: This research suggested that it is necessary to consider developmental difference in children’s understanding of fulfillment and violation of conditional promise. Morevoer, the mothers’ promise–fulfillment behavior could be important to increase children’s trust in their mothers and their self-regulation. The results of the this study may be used as an effective resource in the educational field and in parent education programs.

      • KCI등재

        아동의 사회경제적 결핍, 학업성취와 행복감과의 관계 : 지역아동센터 서비스 도움정도의 조절된 매개효과

        한아름(Han, Ah-Reum) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.24

        본 연구의 목적은 아동의 사회경제적 결핍과 학업성취, 행복감 과의 관계에서 지역아동센터 서비스의 도움의 조절된 매개효과를 살펴보고자 하였다. 본 연구는 한국청소년정책연구원에서 보건복지부와 지역아동센터 중앙지원단의 위탁을 받아 수집된 지역아동센터 아동패널 조사 데이터를 활용하였으며, 분석대상은 3기 패널의 1차년도(2018)에 해당하는 초등학교 4학년 659명이다. 본 연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사회경제적 결핍이 아동의 행복감에 미치는 영향에서 학업성취수준이 부분 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 사회경제적 결핍이 아동의 학업성취수준에 미치는 영향을 지역아동센터 서비스 도움정도가 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 사회경제적 결핍이 학업성취를 매개로 행복감에 미치는 영향이 지역아동센터 서비스 도움정도에 따라 달라지고 있는 것으로 나타나 조절된 매개효과가 있음을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 논의 및 제한점, 후속연구를 위한 제한점을 기술하였다. The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among social socioeconomic deprivation, academic achievement, happiness, and the moderated mediating role of service usefulness of Community Children Center in the relationship. Using the first data of the Community Children Center Panel Survey, the study analyzed 659 forth-year of elementary school students. The major results of the study are presented as follows: children’s academic achievement partially medicated between socioeconomic deprivation and happiness. Second, service usefulness of Community Children Center moderated the effect of socioeconomic deprivation on happiness. Finally, the mediated effect of academic achievement was moderated by service usefulness of Community Children Center in the relation of socioeconomic deprivation and happiness. These findings suggest that service usefulness of Community Children Center act as a buffering variable in the path where children’s socioeconomic deprivation affects affect happiness through academic achievement. Based on these results, implications for future were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        토마토 중 Kresoxim-methyl 및 Pyridaben의 생산단계 잔류허용기준 설정

        한아름 ( Ah Reum Han ),윤미현 ( Mi Hyun Yoon ),김지윤 ( Ji Yoon Kim ),박홍열 ( Hong Ryeol Park ),허장현 ( Jang Hyun Hur ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원(구 농업과학연구소) 2010 강원 농업생명환경연구 Vol.22 No.-

        Pre-harvest Residue Limit (PHRL) of kresoxim-methyl and pyridaben in tomato was established by utilizing the dissipation curve and biological half-life of kresoxim-methyl and pyridaben, analyzing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15 days after treatment. Tomato sample were extracted and partitioned with acetonitrile and dichloromethane, respectively, and kresoxim-methyl and pyridaben were determined with GC/ECD. Limit of Dectection (LOD) of kresoxim-methyl and pyridaben were 0.01 mg kg-1, 0.02 mg kg-1, respectively. Recoveries at two fortification levels (0.1, 0.5 mg kg-1) and (0.2, 1.0 mg kg-1) were 110.88 ± 3.53, 97.49 ± 2.56 and 109.24 ± 0.93, 107.90 ± 1.70, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        아동학대 피해자의 방어기제 양상과 치유적 서술 방식 연구 -편혜영의 「맨홀」과 황정은의 「일곱시 삼십이분 코끼리열차」를 중심으로-

        한아름 ( Han Ah-reum ) 한국문학치료학회 2020 문학치료연구 Vol.57 No.-

        이 논문은 편혜영의 소설 「맨홀」과 황정은의 소설 「일곱시 삼십이분 코끼리열차」에 재현된 아동학대의 양상을 담론 층위와 스토리 층위로 세분화하여 서술 방식에서 보이는 피해아동의 심리적 반응을 문학치료학적 시각에서 검토하고 폭력의 양상과 현실세계의 비극을 구체적으로 진단하였다. 아동학대라는 사회적 문제를 형상화하면서 작가는 현실의 왜곡된 구조를 장소성과 서술상황의 역동성으로 풀어낸다. 두 작가의 작품을 형식미학적인 방법론과 문화사회학적 의미를 규정하는데 치중했던 기존의 접근을 벗어나 본고는 개별 텍스트의 서술하는 주체와 서술하는 대상의 거리변화와 내부 시점과 외부 시점의 위치 변화로 획득되는 서술 방식의 효과를 규명하려 시도한 의의가 있다. 작품서사에서 신뢰할 수 없는 서술이 반복적으로 부각되면서 타자화된 서사주체의 존재 방식이 담화 구성에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 아동학대 피해자가 자기서사를 구축해가는 방식으로 서술의 역동성을 끌어와 ‘방어기제’의 개념을 설명하였다. 또한 스토리 층위에서 주요한 서사 대상인 동물의 본성과 생태계의 구조를 실존적 외부성이라는 개념을 바탕으로 비판적으로 논의하였다. 작품 전반에 제시된 동물 세계의 공간적 재현 양상이 ‘아동학대’ 모티프로 형상화되는 인간의 영역과 어떻게 유비적으로 관련 맺는지 서사적 재현 양상을 분석하여 인간사회의 모순과 병리적 징후를 분석하였다. 이러한 문제의식에서 이 연구는 편혜영과 황정은의 작품에 동일하게 나타나는 아동학대의 서사적 재현 양상을 분석하고, 텍스트 내부에서 현실의 왜곡된 구조를 비트는 유의미한 서술 방식을 규명할 수 있을 것이다. 요즈음 중요한 사회적 문제로 주목받는 아동학대를 예방하고 피해아동에게 실질적인 도움과 해결 방안을 제공하기 위해서라도 다양한 분야의 학제 간 연구가 필요하다. 심층적이고 다각적인 접근이 필요한 이때에 아동학대를 다룬 소설의 서술 방식과 태도 연구는 문학 장에서의 논의의 가능성을 보여주는 출발점이 될 것이다. This study divided the aspects of child abuse reproduced in Hye-young Pyun's short story "Manhole" and Jung-eun Hwang's short story "The Elephant Train at 7:32" into the layers of discourse and story to examine victimized child' psychological responses appearing in narratives, from a literary therapy perspective and specifically diagnose some aspects of violence and the tragedy of the real world. In embodying the social problem of child abuse, the authors unravel a distorted structure of reality with the dynamics of placeability and narrative situations. This study is meaningful in that it attempted to identify the effect of some narratives, acquired by changes in distance between the subject describing individual texts and the object described and those in locations of internal and external perspectives, beyond the traditional approach of focusing on defining formal aesthetic methodologies and socio-cultural meanings in the works created by two authors. It investigated an impact of the existence of otherized narrative subjects on the composition of discourses, as unreliable descriptions were repeatedly highlighted in narratives of literary works. The concept of "defensive mechanism" was explained by drawing the dynamic of narrative in a way that victims of child abuse build their own narratives. It also critically discussed the nature of animals and the structures of ecosystems, which are the main narrative objects in the layer of story, based on the concept of existential externality. The spatial reproduction of the animal world presented throughout the work was analyzed by examining some narrative reproduction patterns and pathological signs in human society, which are figuratively related to the human realm embodied by the "child abuse" motif. From this critical mind, this study could analyze the narrative reproduction patterns of child abuse, appearing similarly in the works of Hye-young Pyun and Jung-eun Hwang, and identify significant narratives that twist the distorted structures of reality inside the texts. Interdisciplinary research across various fields is required to prevent child abuse, which draws attention as an important social problem in these days, and to provide practical help and solutions to affected children. At a time when an in-depth and multifaceted approach is needed, such a study on the narrative styles and attitudes of short stories dealing with child abuse will be the starting point for the possibility of discussion in the literary field.

      • KCI등재

        재난 및 안전관리에 관한 법적문제점과 개선방향에 관한 연구

        한아름(Ah Reum Han) 한국테러학회 2022 한국테러학회보 Vol.15 No.1

        현대를 살아가는 국민들은 경제적 발전과 과학기술의 비약적 발전에서 오는 반대급부로 세월호 여객선 침몰사고 및 강원도 대형산불과 광주 화정동 아파트 붕괴사건 등 대형재난으로 인한 인명 및 재산피해를 발생시켜 국가적으로 커다란 쟁점이 되고 있다. 인권과 행복추구권을 중요시하는 현대인의 삶에서 재난으로부터 생명·신체 및 재산을 국가로부터 보호받고자 하는 권리가 중요시되고 있어 국가는 각종 재난에 신속하게 대응하기 위해 국가와 지방자치단체 및 민관군 등 지원기관의 통합적인 협력과 공동대응을 통해 대형재난을 줄이고자 많은 노력을 하고 있다. 예고없이 찾아오는 재난에 대한 효과적인 대응방법은 제도화된 입법활동을 통해 대비를 하였음에도 끊임없이 재난이 발생한다는 것은 재난에 대한 입법 미비 및 대응방식의 미숙과 국민의 재난에 대한 안전의식의 결여에 있으므로 효과적인 대응방안을 마련하는 것이 필요하다. 본 논문은 재난과 안전관리를 규정한 헌법·재난 및 안전관리기본법·감염병 예방 및 관리에 관한법·소방기본법·중대재해처벌법 등을 중심으로 재난과 안전에 관한 문제점을 제기한 후 예고 없이 찾아오는 재난에 신속하고 효율적으로 대응하기 위한 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. Despite the rapid development of scientific technology and economic development, the people of modern times went through damages to human life and property by large disasters such as the sinking of Ferry Sewol, the large forest fire in Gangwon-do, and the collapse of an apartment in Hwajeong-dong, Gwangju, which is rising as a huge national issue. The modern people who put emphasis on human rights and a right to pursue their own happiness, regard a right to get protected for their lives, bodies, and properties from disasters by the state. In order to quickly respond to all sorts of disasters, the state is putting much effort to reduce large disasters through the integrated cooperation and joint response of support organizations such as the state, local government, and private/government/military organizations. Despite the preparation for such unexpected disasters through the systematized legislative activities, the disasters continuously occur, which directly means the insufficient legislation of disasters, inexperienced methods of response, and lack of national safety consciousness of disasters. Thus, it would be necessary to establish the effective response measures. This thesis aims to present the improvement measures for quickly and efficiently responding to such unexpected disasters after raising some problems about disasters and safety by focusing on the Constitution that prescribes disasters and safety management, the Framework Act on the Management of Disasters and Safety, the Infectious Case Control and Prevention Act, the Framework Act on Firefighting Services, and the Serious Accident Punishment Act.

      • KCI등재

        소방특별사법 경찰제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        한아름(Han Ah Reum) 한국법학회 2020 법학연구 Vol.80 No.-

        현대사회에서 소방기관의 역할은 화재진압 외에 구조활동까지 국민의 생명과 안전을 지키는 중요한 국가기관으로 인식되어 있다. 소방특별사법경찰은 화재, 재난, 재해로부터 국민의 생명· 신체 및 재산을 보호하기 위하여 소방사범에 대한 신속성과 전문성이 요구되어 2020년 2월 4일 수사권 조정 관련 형사소송법(제195조)개정에 사법경찰관리는 검사의 지휘 없이 독자적인 수사권을 인정하였으나 소방특별사법경찰(제245조의10)은 모든 사건에 관하여 검사의 지휘를 받아 수사하도록 함으로써 신속성과 전문성이 필요한 화재사건 수사에 대한 독자적인 수사권을 인정하지 않고 있다. 그동안 국가직과 지방직으로 이원화되어있던 소방공무원의 지위를 2020년 4월 1일부터 소방청으로 승격됨과 동시에 지위도 국가공무원으로 일원화하였으나 소방특사경의 수사범위 · 조직 · 지위 등은 변함없이 종전처럼 운영되고 있다. 본 논문은 국가공무원의 위상에 맞고 국민의 생명과 안전을 최일선에서 지킬 수 있도록 현행 소방특사경제도의 법제도상 및 운영상의 문제점을 지적한 후 개선방안을 구체적으로 제시함으로써 국민의 생명과 재산을 보호하는데 그 목적과 의미가 있다. In modern society, the fire agency is regarded as an important national organization that protects the lives and safety of people including fire suppression and even rescue activity. To protect the lives and safety of people from fire and disaster, it was required to apply the quickness and professionalism to fire criminals. Thus, the revision of the Criminal Procedure Act(Article 195) related to the coordination of investigation authority on February 4th 2020, recognized the independent investigation authority of judicial police officers without prosecutors’ command. However, the special judicial police for fire service(Clause 10 of Article 245) should investigate every incident under the prosecutors’ command, so that it does not recognize the independent investigation authority on the investigation of fire incidents in need of quickness and professionalism. The position of fire-fighting officers that used to be divided into national position and local position, was elevated to the National Fire Agency, and also unified as national public officials on April 1st 2020. However, the investigation range, organization, and position of special judicial police for fire service are operated as before with no changes. The objective of this thesis is to protect the lives and safety of people, by pointing out the judicial/operational problems with the current special judicial police system for fire service, and then concretely presenting the improvement measures, so that they could protect the lives and property of people at the first line based on the suitable status for national public officials.

      • KCI등재

        건축물 화재안전에 관한 관련법상 연구

        한아름(Ah Reum Han) 한국테러학회 2024 한국테러학회보 Vol.17 No.1

        2024년 1월 22일 충남 서천 특화시장 화재사건과 같이 대형화재사건이 발생할 때마다 화재안전관리 주체인 중앙정부(행정안전부소방청) 및 지방정부(지방자치단체소방서)는 새로운 조직과 기구 및 법령을 정비하고 재발방지를 약속하였으나 화재안전관리 부처간의 업무중복과 소방관련법령의 이중적 규정 및 현장지휘 체계의 미비와 국민의 재난안전에 대한 불감증 등으로 효과적인 화재안전관리를 하지 못하고 있다. 예고없는 각종 화재로부터 국민의 생명신체 및 재산을 보호하는 것이「헌법」,「소방기본법」,「소방관련법령」,「건축법 및 건축관련법령」등의 목적에도 부합한다. 본 논문은 건축물 화재안전관리에 관한 관련법령의 문제점과 개선방향을 제시한 후 사견(私見)과 국민의 화재안전 의식강화 및 교육실시 방법을 제시하고자 한다. Every time a major fire incident occurs, such as the Seocheon Specialized Market fire incident in South Chungcheong Province on January 22, 2024, the fire safety management authorities, including the central government (Ministry of Public Administration and Security, National Fire Agency) and local governments (local governments, fire stations), have revised organizations, mechanisms, and laws and promised to prevent recurrence. However, they are unable to effectively manage fire safety due to overlapping duties between fire safety management departments, dual regulations in fire-related laws, deficiencies in on-site command systems, and the public's insensitivity to disaster safety. Protecting the lives, bodies, and property of citizens from various unexpected fires aligns with the objectives of the「Constitution」,「Basic Fire Fighting Act」,「Fire-related Laws」, and「Building- related Laws」. This paper aims to present the problems and improvement directions of the laws related to fire safety management in buildings, followed by personal opinions and methods for enhancing public fire safety awareness and conducting education.

      • KCI등재후보

        <날개>에 나타난 식민지 근대의 이중성

        한아름 ( Ah Reum Han ) 전북대학교 인문학연구소 2014 건지인문학 Vol.11 No.-

        Lee sang`s Wing was written during the Japanese colonial period. Modernized by Japanese colonial rule, colonial space became the conflicting social structure. As development continuing in paralled with oppression, Kyungsung, coloial Seoul, seemed to be ambivalent features. The paper is approached, Lee sang, the writer, has perceptions toward the realities of life in his novel, Wing and reveal inconsistencies of colonial period. This means rereading wing considering it as modernization in colonial period` which is regarded as problematic era. In this paper, Kyungsung in the 1930`s, the set of this novel, is depicted as ambivalent features. The space of prostitution, called Yukwak, symbolizes these ambivalent features. In the house where wife becomes a prostitute, the role of husband is diminished and described in a childish way. ``I`` in the space of the modernization in colonial period ceaselessly having an identity confusion, the identity is torn apart. This aparted self-consciousness makes us see another side of modernization by managing on colonialism. In addition, the symbol of modernization is described ambivalent. The main character ``I`` avoids the capitalistic system. His way of thinking is in stark contrast to his wife. The wife takes an active part in capitalistic economy. Futhermore a symbol of civilization is depicted as a negative factor, which means it has characters tired. The symbol of the splendid modernization is described in a critical way, and this is a narrative device which represents that the writer has resistiveness on colonial discourse. ``I`` have a lust for getting wings to flu owing to incomplete relations with his wife like a ``cripple``. The wing can ve interpreted as a post-colonial desire to get out of grim realities. Typical symbols of Colonial space are described negative aspects. The Japanese imperialists put persons residing in the colony into principles founded on imperialism. However, the writer did not take imperialists` projects that way. In Wing, an author Lee Sang never submit to the colonial policy and authority of colonial dominator due to challenge to regulate their identity. Then again, it clearly shows that Lee Sang`s strategy worked as he maintained pace to be under colonial occupation by Japan.

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