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        자궁경부에 발생한 유암종 1 례

        한상원,차동수,정순희,박찬호,최교선 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.12

        저자들은 연세대학교 원주의과대학 산부인과학교실에서 수술후 병리학적으로 확진된 자궁경부의 유암종 1례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Carcinoid tumor of the uterine cervix is uncommon neoplasm and clinical behavior of this tumor was extremely aggressive. It`s diagnosis was based on histological and immunohistochemical findings. Because carcinoid tumor of the cervix is so uncommon, it`s natural history has not been well documented. Despite the early stage in these patients, systemic metastasises are common and the dismal outcome indicates the traditional modes of therapy for cervical carcinoid tumor are not effective. We report a case of carcinoid tumor of the uterine cervix with review of the literature of carcinoid tumor.

      • KCI등재

        강원지역에서의 질 Trichomonas Vaginalis 유병률

        권장연,차동수,김명철,최교선,구재석,어영 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.7

        Since Donne`s description of the Trichomonas vaginalis in 1836, the reports of numerous observers have emphasized its very frequent occurrence in women and its being a cause of purulent vaginal discharge of women with severe vaginitis. And it was well-known that trichomoniasis has been emerged as the most common sexually transmitted disease of parasitic origin. In the recent years, Trichomonas vaginalis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of preterm labor, premature rupture of the membranes, and upper reproductive tract postsurgical infections. So, to compare and evaluate distribution and prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis in kangwon area, we analyzed the papancolaou smear and direct wet smear results during the years 1988 to 1993. The results were as follows. 1) The prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis by papanicolaou smear and direct wet smear were 8.1% and 6.5%, respectively. 2) In geographic distribution of Trichomonas vaginalis in kangwon area by papanicolaou smear and direct wet smear, the prevalence of urban area were 14.3 and 24.1%, rural area were 6.2 and 4.0%, respectively. 3) The prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis showed increasing trend as the gravida and parity were increasing. 4) No close relation were found between gynecological diseases or surgical past history and the prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis. In Conclusion, we recommed that screening tests of T. vaginalis are performed to high risk women of trichomoniasis and think that studies on accurate and rapid diagnostic tests to find out women carrying Trichomonas vaginalis are required.

      • KCI등재

        경계성 난소종양의 임상적 고찰

        정인배,한상원,한혁동,차동수,이영진,최교선,정동원 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.3

        1985년 1월에서 1994년 12월까지 10년동안 원주 기독병원 산부인과에서 수술 후 경계성 난소종양 39예를 대상으로 하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 경계성 난소종양의 빈도는 전체 군의 27.3%였다. 2. 경계성 난소종양의 연령분포는 12세에서 77세로 평균연령이 39.1세였고, 40세에서 제일 많았다. 3. 경계성 난소종양은 미산부에서 가장 많았다. 4. 경계성 난소종양의 증상은 종괴촉지, 동통, 복부팽창, 질 출혈 순이었다. 5. 경계성 난소종양의 조직학적 분포는 점액성 48.7%, 장액성 43.6%, 미분화세포암 5.1%, 과립막 세포종 2.6%였다. 6. 경계성 난소종양의 암기별 분포는 I기가 36예(92.3%), III기가 3예(7.7%)였다. 7. 경계성 난소종양의 침범이 양측성인 경우가 3예(7.7%), 우측 난소인 경우가 22예(56.4%), 좌측난소인 경우가 14예(35.9%)였고, 종양의 크기는 최단지경 1 cm에서 최장직경 28 cm였고 평균 14.1 cm였다. 종양의 용적은 최소용적이 1.046 cm^3, 최대용적이 7322.000 cm^3였고, 평균 1242.20 cm^3였다. 8. 경계성 난소종양 중 18예(46.2%)에서 보존적 수술을 하였고, 21예(53.8%)에서 전자궁적출술과 양측난소 및 난관절제술을 하였으며 18예(46.2%)에서 수술 후 항암치료를 하였고 추적 중 사망한 예는 없었다. This study was planned to evaluate the clinical and histopathological status of the borderline malignant ovarian tumors, which were made on a series of 39 cases with borderline malignant ovarian tumor, who were admitted, operated and confirmed with postoperative histopathological study at department of obstetrics and gynecology, Yonsei Uviversity Wonju Christian Hospital, during the period of 1- years from 1985 Jan, to 1994 Dec. The result obtained were as follows: 1. The incidence of borderline malignant ovarian tumor among 143 cases of total group was 27.3%. 2. Age distribution revealed between 12 and 77 years old, mean age was 39.1 years old. 3. As for the parity distribution of borderline malignant ovarian tumor, nulliparity was most common(43.7%). 4. The most frequent chief complaint was palpable mass(71.7%), followed by abdominal pain(12.8%), abdominal distenstion(10.3%), vaginal bleeding(2.6%) and urinary frequency(2.6%). 5. Among the borderline malignant ovarian tumors by histopatholgical classfication, mucinous tumor was most frequently reveal in 19 cases(48.7%), serous tumor in 17 cases(43.6%), mixed tumor in 2 cases (5.1%), granulosa cell tumor in 1case(2.6%). 6. According to FIGO classification the patients were classified as: stage I a(71.8%), stage I b(2.6%), stage Ic(17.9%), stage III b(2.6%), stage III c(5.1%). 7. Right site was 56.4%, left site was 35.9%, and bilaterality was 7.7% in borderline malignant ovarian tumor. 8. Mean volume was 1242.20 cm^3 in borderline malignant ovarian tumor. 9. In the 39 cases of borderline malignant ovarian tumor, 18 cases were managed by conservative operation, the other 21 cases were managed by extripative operation and postperative chmotherapy was given in 19 cases.

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