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체인코드와 기하학적 복잡도 지수에 기반한 가중치 형태 검색
박종안(Jongan Park),천종훈(Jonghun Chun),강성관(Sungkwan Kang),안영은(Youngeun An),이용은(Yongeun Lee) 한국정보기술학회 2022 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.20 No.10
Since the human visual structure primarily recognizes the objects based on the shape feature of objects, the shape retrieval is widely used in CBIR. The image retrieval algorithm proposed in this study first extracts the object contour of the query image, obtains the chaincode index by contour length versus chaincode change frequency, and obtains the geometric complexity by object area versus contour length. In addition, the chaincode index and the geometric complexity are adaptively weighted to have flexibility. In the simulation, the two retrieval weights were normalized and cyclically applied at intervals of ±0.02 to obtain the optimal weight for the object. For the retrieval results in complex image, when the complexity weight was increased, the recall rate and the accuracy were increased, and for the image retrieval results with low complexity, the recall rate and the accuracy were increased when the chaincode index weight was increased.
CDMA에서 OPEL-LOOP 전력제어 알고리즘 개선에 관한 연구
천종훈,박종안 조선대학교 동력자원연구소 1995 動力資源硏究所誌 Vol.17 No.2
A near-end and far-end problem in the CMS(CDMA Mobile System) is solved by the power control of the BSC and the BTS. In this paper, we have considered the enviroment of OPEEN-LOOP power control in CDMA reverse link, improved an access prove procedure by introducing odd and even process, and analyzed the time response and measured value of power control. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively use the frequency band by reducing the interference as well as the BSC can keep stable call quality and the reduction of power dissipation.
방향성 필터링을 이용한 질감영상의 영역분할에 관한 연구
허형석,장민혁,천종훈,박승진,박종안 조선대학교 동력자원연구소 1995 動力資源硏究所誌 Vol.17 No.1
The matrix method using the statistical property in analyzing a texture image requires large memory and a lot of operation time, but has the property data of the image. Many research results have announced in order to apply the property data to image analysis. In this paper, a orientational filtering method for analyzing texture image is considered. After texture image is filtered by the 4-orientational matrix data, the segmentation is executed by clustering the output image. The experiment result shows that the proposed technique clusters effectively synthetic texture image.