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        대리형사사법의 원칙에서의 형법적용 흠결 보완기능 연구

        조인현(Cho In Hyun) 한국형사법학회 2016 刑事法硏究 Vol.28 No.4

        오늘날 외국인 입국자가 해마다 늘고 국제테러 범죄가 세계적으로 확산하고 있다. 국제테러, 마약범죄나 조직범죄의 성격을 지니는 국제범죄는 정치범으로부터 제외된다. 또한, 외국인 범죄 전력자가 내국인에게 중한 범죄피해를 입히고 있다. 도피 범죄는 그것이 어디에서 누구에 의해 행하여졌더라도 반드시 처벌되어야 한다는 사고가 타당할 것이다. 외국인의 국외범에 대하여 영미법계에서는 범죄인 인도가 적극적으로 활용되지만, 자국의 입법이나 국제적 관행에 따라 범죄인 인도가 제한되고 있다. 범죄인 인도 거절로부터 발생하는 형법적용상 흠결은 인도거절 대상 범죄 처리에 대하여 아무런 형벌 법규가 마련되어 있지 않다는 점으로부터 발생한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 자국이 외국으로부터 범죄인을 인도받거나 외국에 범죄인을 인도하여 외국인의 국외범 문제를 해결하는 것 뿐만 아니라 범죄인 인도법상 인도거절 범죄인을 처벌하는 것은 형사사법적 정의와 합치하는 것이라고 생각된다. 전통적으로 대리형사사법의 원칙은 국제연대성에 따른 국제범죄 퇴치의 필요성에 기인한다. 이러한 대리형사사법의 원칙은 “범죄인 인도의 난점”을 해소함으로써 도피 범죄인을 방지할 수 있다. 또한, 북한에서 행하여진 북한인 범죄는 외국인의 국외범처럼 우리형법의 실무적 적용 범위를 벗어난 지 오래이다. 독일의 대리형사사법의 원칙은 국제관계에서 외국인의 국외범의 도피를 방지하였으며, 동서독 관계에서 나타났던 형법적용의 흠결을 해소하였다. 1953년 제정형법의 입법자가 미처 예상하지 못하였던 다국적 국제범죄가 계속 저질러지고 있고, 국외 도피범 문제가 우리의 현실로 등장하였다. 우리형법에 있어서도 이른바 국제형법 적용이론은 시대 변화에 상응할 수 있도록 발전적으로 개선되어야 할 것이다. 따라서 외국인의 국외범에 대한 형법적용의 간극을 방지할 수 있도록 대리형사사법의 원칙이 도입되어야 할 것이다. Thanks to the previous studies with the Principle of vicarious administration of criminal justice, it could be discussed with this article. Historically the Principle evolved from the 1794 ‘Preußische Allgemeine Landrecht’. After the Prussian model act, especially in the continental countries including Germany, Austria and Swiss the Principle of vicarious administration of criminal justice was legislated in their Penal Codes. This Principle is acknowledged as a part of the International Criminal Law(Internationales Strafrecht). Meanwhile our Korean Criminal Law was influenced by the German Criminal Law and the Japanese Draft for Revising Criminal Act. In European countries the cases of substituted administration of criminal justice had been eagerly discussed focusing in the nationality or passive personality principle. Specially the Principle was very importantly applied in the divided situation of East- and West Germany. The Principle is due to the theory of aut dedere aut punire (either extradite or punish). The incorporation of the Principle in modern codes is exemplified in Germany, Austria and Swiss. Germany, Project of Penal Code (1927) was as follows. The penal laws of the Imperial Germany apply to other acts committed abroad, if the act is incriminated by the law of the place of the act and if the actor … at the time of the act was an alien, has been arrested upon the territory, and has not been extradited, although extradition would be permissible according to the nature of the act. Austrian Penal Code was regulated as follows. Should the foreign state refuse to receive him, the foreign offender will generally be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the present penal code. While in Japan neither the Penal Code or the Japanese Draft for Revising Criminal Act knew the Principle. But in our Korean Peninsula the Principle would be very important for us to apply Korean Criminal Law in offences committed abroad, whoever committed them outside of the South Korea. Thus our legislator might no longer be lagging in providing for the Principle of vicarious administration of criminal justice.

      • KCI등재

        국민참여재판에서 배심원후보자 기피신청절차 개선방안 연구

        조인현(Cho In Hyun) 한국형사정책학회 2016 刑事政策 Vol.28 No.1

        Historically the evolution of the English jury from the middle ages to the french revolution caused the jury trial right to become the antimonarchist movements on the world. In Europe the jury trial was replaced by other models of lay adjudication. Especially Germany utilized a mixed court comprising a panel of one professional judge and two lay assessors collegially deciding all matters of law. In America the current jury selection procedures are guaranted by the amendments to the constitution and producing jury panels by the vior dire process. The prospective jurors without impartiality may be challenged for the cause or peremptory. The use of peremptory challenges is scrutinized to result in decreased legitimacy for the criminal justice system. From ancient times the court has been involved in the Jury Selection Procedure. It is quite right for the judge to controll the process of the jury selection. However it happens frequently that the judge would erroneously decide the use of challenge for cause or a peremptory challenge. Nevertheless during the Korean National Participation in Criminal Judicial Process it is insufficient or lack of appeal procedures in the challenging system. Therefore in Korea's Jury Trial System it might be proper to strengthen the appeal procedure for the litigants. Thus the procedure should be reformed if the judge's erroneous decision about the use of a challenge for cause or a defendant fails to cure a cause error with an available peremptory challenge. As a result it is important to increase the effectiveness of questioning in exposing prejudiced jurors. Then that kinds of reformation ways would serve for securing the impartiality of the Korean jury selection system and acquiring a more credibility of the Korean lay participation system.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 부패범죄에 대한 형사처벌 제도 개선 방안 - 국제 반부패 규범상 뇌물거래 금지와 관련하여 -

        조인현 ( Cho In-hyun ) 한국경찰법학회 2017 경찰법연구 Vol.15 No.1

        There are international conventions to combat corruption. And the United Nations Convention against Corruption is more comprehensive than the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Anti-Bribery Convention or any of the regional anticorruption instruments that preceded it. That is, such as the US Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act 1977(FCPA). The FCPA was due to the Tanaka-Lockheed scandal, involving the giant US defence contractor, which was uncovered in the Watergate case. The FCPA is composed of two main provisions, the antibribery provisions and books and record provision. In General. The crime of corporate corruption is one of many regulatory challenges posed by globalisation. Thus the Germany has decided to accept the general international anti-corruption norms, revising German Criminal Acts without violating the fundamental principles of the German Legal Systems. Moreover, every companies might have various incentives for implementation of the compliance programs. Incentives for corporations are to shield themselves against criminal liability and to deter criminal activity of corporate corruption. The consequences of corruption are very severe. The corporate corruption undermines the legitimacy of government resulting in distrust within a rule of law society. But it is difficult to remove the corporate crimes with the traditional Korean Criminal Acts. Therefore in a retrospective of comparative studies for corporate corruption crime the Korean Criminal Punishment System must be improved to deter corporate bribery crimes covering every sphere of official corruptions. It might be more reasonable to introduce some penal sanctions including the implementation of international norms especially referring Revised German Criminal System. Then our korean punishment structure would contribute to prevent the corporate corruption crimes.

      • KCI등재

        기업 인수,합병 과정에서의 배임행위와 판례의 태도 -이른바 LBO 사안의 사법적(司法的) 대응론-

        조인현 ( In Hyun Cho ) 한국형사정책학회 2013 刑事政策 Vol.25 No.2

        Heutzutage gesagt es wird sehr haufig, dass strafrechtliche Verantwortung fur die Risikogeschafe schwer tragen musse. Das liegt daran, dass es sich um die Untreue in den § 355 ② kStGB der sehr großen Rolle handelt. Nach der sogenannten Treubruchstheorie kann die Untreue die Verletzung einer besonderen Treuepflicht darstellen. Statt der sogenannten ‘LBO’ generell zu beurteilen, muss man die Unrecht der ‘LBO’ konkret prufen. Da ist die Konkretisierung des Inhalts dieser Vermogensbetreuungspflicht wichtig. Angesichts dieser Zusammenhang muss man die zwar auf die fachspezifischen Gegebenheiten Spezialgesetze wie etwa das Handelsrecht oder Aktiengesetz Rucksicht nehmen. Danach musste es nicht erlaubt werden, dass durch die Vermogensverfugung eine konkrete und unmittelbare Existenzgefahrdung schadete und die Verfugung geeignet ist, das Stammkapital der Gesellschaft zu beeintrachtigen. Weiß der Tater um diese Umstande, so liegt direkter Vorsatz vor, auch wenn dem Tater die nachteiligen Auswirken seines Verhaltens nicht recht sein mogen. Die Entscheidung musse sich um eine Verletzung der außerstrafrechtlichen, d. h. insbesondere der gesellschaftsrechtlichen Pflicht und der strafrechtlichen Vermogenstreungspflicht handeln. Im Deutschland hat der Gesetzgeber schon den Streit und die Problematik der Untreue in die entsprechenden Form einer gesetzlichen Regelungen konstruiert. Darin wurde die Einbeziehung allgemeiner wirtschafts- und sozialpolitischer Interessen in den Vermogensschutzbereich der Untreue uber Glaubigerinteressen hinaus gesehen.

      • KCI등재

        국민참여재판 제도와 배심원의 법적 기능 -오판(誤判) 발생의 문제점, 그 원인과 대책을 중심으로-

        조인현 ( In Hyun Cho ) 한국비교형사법학회 2013 비교형사법연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Dem koreanischen Geschworenensystem(Jury System) wird hier Geltung gemacht. Heutzutage sind die Formen des ‘Jury System’ in der Welt verschieden. Naturlich liegt die Starke desSstem gerade in der auf die Handlung begrenten Wahrnehmung. Da die Geschworenen nur warend des Verfahren beteiligt sind. Naturlich liegt die Starke des ‘Jury Trial’ gerade in der auf der Hauptverhandlung begrenzten Wahrnehmung. Da die ‘Jury’ nur wahrend der Hauptverhandlung beteiligt ist. Auch kann es nicht genug betont werden, dass der Spruchkorper der ‘Juries’ tatsachliche Rechtskraft in der Entscheidung hat. Doch soll man daruber gewahrleisten, dass niemand seinem verfassungsrechtlich und gesetzlich bestimmten Richter entzogen werden darf. Gesetze, die im Rang unter dem Grundgesetz stehen, durfen nicht im Widerspruch zu den Bestimmungen der Verfassung stehen. Andernfalls sind sie verfassungswidrig. Indes im ‘Jury Trial’ konnten die fehlerhaften Endscheidungen, die auf unrichtigen Tatsachenfeststellungen beruhen, geschehen. Die ‘Jury’ ist Teil des Gerichts und als solcher kein Subjekt des Verfahrens, sondern sie ist Mitglied des uber die Sachlage befindenden Gerichts. Daher hat die ‘Jury’ nicht die gleiche Befugniss wie ein Berufsrichter. Anders als der Richter ist die ‘Jury’ sogar weder juristisch geschult noch ist sie im gleichem Maße an dem Umgang mit dem Strafverfahren gewohnt, weshalb die fur dem Richter geltende Rechtslage kaum jemals gegeben sein durfte. Dazu ist es wichtig, die von der kStPO erfassten Unmittelbarkeit des Verfahrens zu garantieren. Im Juryverfahren konnen der Richter und die ‘Jury’ zugunsten des Angeklagten entscheiden. Deshalb konnte das fehlerhafte ‘Jury Verdict’ besonders bei Verurteilungen ein lastiger Berufungsgrund sein.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 국제형법 규정 해석론

        조인현 ( In Hyun Cho ) 한국경찰법학회 2008 경찰법연구 Vol.6 No.2

        Das koreanische internationale Strafrecht dient dazu, den Geltungsbereich des koreanischen Strafgesetzes uber die raumlichen Staatsgrenzen hinaus zu erstrecken. Fur die Ausubung der Strafgewalt eines Staates im Hinblick auf Falle mit Auslandsbezug muß stets ein Anknupfungspunkt gegeben sein, der den Sachverhalt mit den Ordnungsaufgaben der eigenen Staatsgewalt verbindet. Man nennt diese Anknupfungspunkte herkommlich die Prinzipien des internationalen Strafrechts. Das internationale Strafrecht beruht auf einer Kombination verschiedener Anknupfungspunkte im kStGB. Das Territorialitatsprinzip ist der grundlegende Anknupfungspunkt des internationalen Strafrechts im Korea. Fur die anderen Anknupfungspunkte werden das Personalitatsprinzip, das Schutzprinzip und das Weltrechtsprinzip erortert. Aber wird das Weltrechtsprinzip nicht richtig gesetzlich festgelegt im kStGB. Auf das Territorialitatsprinzip grunden sich das §2 und 4 kStGB. Die Vorschrift des §3 liegt das Personalitatsprinzip zugrunde. Das Schutzprinzip wird von der Vorschrift der §5 und 6 zugrundegeliegt. Darunter kann §2 kStGB im Verhaltnis zwischen dem Sud- und Nord- Korea nicht luckenlos geregelt werden. Deshab ist es notig, dass §2 kStGB beschrankend ausgelegt werden muss. Naturlich ware es die Absicht des Gesetzgeber, dass das internationale Strafrecht auf dem Verhaltnis zwischen der Staaten angewendet werden soll.

      • KCI등재

        전이암으로 오인된 다원성(multifocal) 결핵 1예

        조인정 ( In Jeong Cho ),임소연 ( So Yeon Im ),천은미 ( Eun Mi Chun ),류연주 ( Yon Ju Ryu ),이진화 ( Jin Hwa Lee ),심윤수 ( Yun Su Sim ),장중 ( Jung Hyun Jang ),심성신 ( Sung Shin Shim ),배정호 ( Jung Ho Bae ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2007 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.63 No.2

        저자들은 FDG-PET과 전산화 단층 촬영에서 인두, 복부, 흉부에 악성 종양이 의심되는 소견이 보여 점막 표피모양 암종으로 오인된 복강내 결핵, 인두 결핵, 기관지 결핵이 동반된 환자를 조직 검사를 통하여 결핵으로 진단하였고, 이 환자에게 항 결핵제 투여의 치료를 통하여 추적 전산화 단층 촬영에서 호전 경과를 보인 1예를 경험하였기에 이를 보고하는 바이다. Tuberculosis remains as a major public health problem worldwide. In addition to classic pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis may sometimes present atypically. In the case of atypical tuberculosis, the unusual sites and properties that mimic other diseases can lead to a misdiagnosis and therapeutic delay. Abdominal and pharyngeal tuberculosis are uncommon extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis. To the best of our knowledge, a combination of abdominal and pharyngeal tuberculosis with endobronchial tuberculosis has not been reported. We report a case of concurrent abdominal and pharyngeal tuberculosis in a patient with chronic endobronchial tuberculosis mimicking a metastatic malignancy on computed tomography and FDG-PET. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2007; 63: 173-177)

      • KCI등재

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