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        사학부(史學部) : 20세기 전반기의 북경(北京) 도시사(都市史) 연구(硏究)

        임상범 ( Sang Bum Lim ) 한국중국학회 2016 중국학보 Vol.75 No.-

        The author is preparing for a research on Beijing in the first half of the 20th century. This article summarizes the research achievements so far in the field of the Urban History of Beijing by classifying them into Beijing``s urban space and ``Beijingren`` with their activities. While Urban History of Modern Beijing has many historical facts yet to be closely examined, the author``s focus in research of Beijing is to provide materials for a further study to the subject matter of ``resistance.`` The author predicts that, bystudying the efforts of ``Beijingren`` to preserve and restructuralize their identity amid the global waves of Capitalism and Imperialism in the first half of the 1900s shaking up Beijing, we can gain a different perspective for our own journey through the turmoil of the 21st century. For this, the author intends to first narrate a variety of incidents that occurred in the diversifying urban space of the early 20th century Beijing, then to close the article by looking at the life values of individual members of ``Beijingren``.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        역사교육을 위한 박물관교육의 내러티브적 접근

        임상범 ( Sang Bum Lim ) 역사교육학회 2015 역사교육논집 Vol.56 No.-

        The author became interested in a narrative approach to museum education as research methodology and education methodology. The author finds the attitude of “the teacher giving the answer to a question and students receive the answer” the most problematic in the environment of South Korean schools. The author`s interest in the narrative approach arises as it is one possible education methodology to setting up questions and searching for their answer on one`s own. The problem, however, is that with the limited school hours it is difficult to provide narrative education. The author thinks that the narrative approach to museum education where the students understand the exhibited objects as related to their everyday life. Therefore, the author took various elements required for narrative approach to museum education into consideration, such as curriculum, education methodology, training teachers, study materials and textbook, and teaching methods. More than anything, the author thinks that the most important element for this objective is to train teachers who firmly internalized the narrative approach, as they are not traditional teachers who provide ‘correct answers.’ The necessary traits for the narrative approach in teachers are; the patience where they can wait until students can adjust and respond to this approach and the capability to think different enough that the students find their presumptions upset.

      • KCI등재

        史學 : 國民革命時期中國共産黨的軍事運動論以及實踐事例

        임상범 ( Sang Bum Lim ) 한국중국학회 2004 國際中國學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        中國革命史硏究者同意武裝鬪爭論是對中國共産黨掌握國家權力起到決定性的作用. 因此本論文想通過對黃포軍官學校的硏究, 闡述中國共産黨對軍事運動論的認識過程和實踐事側. 中國國民黨陸軍軍官學校是1924年孫文在中國共産黨和蘇聯的幇助下所創辦的. 타是培養革命軍隊幹部的學校, 是中國國民革命時期國共合作的重要成果. 因校址始設于廣州黃포島, 又稱其爲黃포陸軍軍官學校(簡稱黃포軍校). 黃포軍校因首創了참新的革命軍校制度, 培養了許多活躍在北使戰爭和抗日戰爭的共産黨人而名揚中外. 타在中國近現代革命史和軍事敎育史上占有重要地位. 尤其是培育了衆多爲韓國獨立武裝鬪爭服務的獨立運動家. 從1924年5月至1927年7月, 黃포軍校共招了7期的學生, 由第1期的500名擴大到後來的數千人. 7期總共培養了15,000多名軍官, 前4期近5,000名是在蔣介石叛變革命前畢業的, 這些學生經過嚴格的軍事政治訓練和實際的戰鬪洗禮, 大都成了國民革命軍的骨幹. 後來, 其中的不少人成了中國共産黨著名的軍事家和政治家. 如何看待武裝鬪爭問題, 是共産黨在大革命時期面臨的一個十分重要的問題. 到1924年爲止, 中國共産黨把主要的力量都放在組織和發動工人運動以及其他勞動人民的鬪爭上, 對武裝鬪爭的認識不구充分. 1923年, 中國共産黨組織對軍事運動的無關心之中也有一些共産黨員開始對軍事運動産生了關心. 可是實際上到1924年前半期爲止, 活動在國民黨內部的共産黨員對國民黨軍的工作遠不如對軍閥軍隊的宣傳工作. 這種狀況到了1924年秋, 黃포軍校的正式組建和廣東國民革命根據地的出現時才有了改觀. 1925年的``五삽``運動以後, 中國共産黨的軍事運動論起了決定性的變化. 1926年3月, 段祺瑞在北京制造``3·18``慘案以後, 흔多共産黨員開始積極要求武裝鬪爭了.北伐戰爭順利進行的1926年後半期, 軍事運動論得到了更大的發展. 在這種情況之下經歷了``3.18``慘案的包括中國北方靑年的흔多靑年人喊出了``到黃포去``的口號. 中國共産黨則間接或直接的指示更多的革命靑年參加黃포軍校. 其結果是黃포軍校成了"國民革命運動的中心". 黃포軍校成立時, 中國共産黨派一部分黨員參加校務工作, 而령一部分黨員則作爲學生受訓. 共産黨的外圍組織有火星社和靑年軍人聯合會. 靑年軍人聯合會的工作是在黃포軍校政治部主任周恩來的直接領導下進行的. 因爲共産黨和外圍組織的活躍的活動, 1926年, 蔣介石在一次講話中說道"在一萬黃포師生中, 約有C.P.2,000人." 中國共産黨在黃포軍校展開的工作大致可以分爲强化自己的勢力和參與軍校的業務2個方面. 周恩來作爲軍隊政治工作的首創者, 領導政治部重訂了政治敎育計劃, 對革命政治工作的目的·範圍·內容·作風·方法以及政治機關的地位和作用, 都做了比較明確的規定. 1925年5月, 他爲了參加東征離開了黃포軍校, 其后有包惠僧·邵力子·魯易·熊雄等共産黨人主持了政治工作. 靑年軍人聯合會隊伍的迅速壯大及其政治影響的迅速提高, 引起國民黨右派的嫉視和恐구, 賀衷寒等居然對李之龍進行人身攻擊, 致使雙方由爭초而發展到互相鬪毆的嚴重事件. 兩次``調解``會議所通過的決定, 前者是對于共産黨人單方面的限制, 而后者雖然貌似公平, 不偏不倚, 但實際上仍然是在限制共産黨. 所以最初共産黨不愿意接受上面的決定, ``中山艦事件``發生后, 1926年4月10日, 共産黨的外圍組織靑年軍人聯合會便宣布了"自行解散". 到了1926年後半期, 北伐開始以後情況有了變化. 當時黃포軍校內部的情況是這樣的. "多數學生最近一個月來都聚集在國民黨左派和共産黨人的周圍. 隨著左派勢力日益加强, 共産黨內部主張國共合作解體的輿論達到了高潮. 在這種情況之下遇到蔣介石的``4.12``政變和李濟深的``淸黨``的時候, 黃포軍校內部的中國共産黨沒能進行有效的防御, 遭受了巨大的損失.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        덩정라이(鄧正來)와 사회과학논쟁 -중국(법학)은 어디로 가야 하는가?

        임상범 ( Sang Bum Lim ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 (구 역사학연구회) 2012 사총 Vol.76 No.-

        Deng Zhenglai, A Hayek specialist, had a significant role in the debate among Chinese social scientists in the 90s, and yet currently there is no research on him in South Korea. Nonetheless he made important arguments in the fields of social and political sciences in China. He asked three questions. The first was on how to guarantee independence in creation of social science knowledge. The second was on how to create China`s own academic tradition. The last was on how the Chinese intelligent can contribute to the humanity`s future amid the current transformation of laws and social structure in China. For these questions, he suggested ``an ideal picture of the China Law,`` emphasizing the role of the political science in China in the era of globalization. Of course, at a first glance, the research of Deng Zhenglai seems to be an amalgamation of various Chinese and Western ideas. Further, he exaggerates his role and achievement directly and indirectly. This may result in questioning the originality of his academic achievement. However, the author believes such characteristics of Deng Zhenglai can help understand the modern Chinese people, sometimes contradictory and yet full of ambitions, and certain contemporary Chinese scholars who seem to exaggerate themselves.

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