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V-ing + Noun형 영어 합성명사와 우리말 대응형의 개념화 양상
이현근(Hyun-Keun Lee) 신영어영문학회 2005 신영어영문학 Vol.30 No.-
The purpose of this paper is to show the aspects of conceptualization process of English and Korean speakers with respect to English ‘V-ing + noun’ compounds and their Korean correspondents. More than two hundred compounds in English and Korean are analysed. The meaning of V-ing part has generally been maintained in English compounds as ‘N for V-ing’ and ‘V-ing describes N.’ And it still can be traced even in their Korean correspondents. However, the part of Korean compounds, which correspond to V-ing in English compounds, is changed into noun without its meaning of -ing when they are codified or lexicalized. This means that the two language speakers’ conceptualization process is limited and influenced by the grammatical category of a particular language.
이현근 ( Hyun-keun Lee ),김태균 ( Tae-kyun Kim ) 한국농식품정책학회 2018 농업경영정책연구 Vol.45 No.3
The purpose of this study is to analyse the productivity changes of grape by cultivation types. A Data Envelopment Analysis based Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) was adopted using Income Survey data of Agricultural Products (2001 to 2015) from the Korean Rural Development Administration. MPI was decomposed into technical efficiency change and technical change. Technical efficiency change was further decomposed into pure technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change. The analysis results are summarized as follows. First, the MPI of open-field grape shows an annual increase of 0.5%. Technical efficiency was decreased at a CAGR of 0.1%, while technical change increased at a CAGR of 0.5%. Second, the MPI of greenhouse grape shows an annual increase of 4.7%. Also, technical efficiency and technology level were increased at a CAGR of 0.3% and 4.4%, respectively. The results of this paper may provide useful information for the background and cause of grape farmers’ closing orchard.
이현근 ( Lee Hyun-keun ),석준호 ( Seok Joon-ho ),김상효 ( Kim Sang-hyo ),문한필 ( Moon Han-pil ),채상현 ( Chai Sang-hyen ) 한국식품유통학회 2020 食品流通硏究 Vol.37 No.1
This study investigates the casual relationship between kimchi imports from China, prices of napa cabbage, dried red pepper, garlic, and onion in Korea considering the increase trend of kimchi imports from China. To analyze the level of relative explanation power between kimchi imports and prices of raw materials for kimchi, this paper utilizes the Geweke(1982) method. Furthermore, we also adapt the Directed Acyclic Graph method to capture the contemporaneous causation. While kimchi imports granger cause napa cabbage price, napa cabbage price leads kimchi imports based on the contemporaneous causation concept. Kimchi imports also granger cause prices of dried red pepper and garlic. And this granger causations’ explanation levels on bivariate linear relationship are very high. Our results imply that kimchi imports from China have an impact on kimchi producers and consumers as well as producers for raw materials of kimchi in Korea. In turn, the government should develop the general policy to maintain stability of supply and demand for kimchi’s raw materials.
농업경영체 등록정보를 이용한 포도와 블루베리의 폐업지원에 따른 작목전환 실태 분석
이현근 ( Lee Hyun-keun ),문한필 ( Moon Han-pil ),명수환 ( Myeong Su-hwan ) 한국식품유통학회 2020 食品流通硏究 Vol.37 No.4
This study investigated the decision-making and crop conversion of beneficiary fruit farmers after applying for the Farm-Closure Assistance(FCA) program using agricultural management registration information. The proportion of converted areas among orchards was 69.4% for field grapes, 44.1% for facility grapes, and 76.4% for blueberries. It implies that the FCA program has played a role of providing restart-up funds to the vulnerable fruit farmers. Other fruits such as peach, plum, grape, and apple are mostly chosen as converting items by the closing farmers. As of 2016, the proportion of the area where items that Farm-Closure Assistance continued to be cultivated in 2019 were 14.4% for field grapes, 15.7% for facility grapes, and 15.6% for blueberries. The percentage of the area where grape cultivation was newly grown in 2019 was 7.2% for field grapes, 10.9% for facility grapes, and 12.7% for blueberries. This study is meaningful in providing implications for overall institutional improvement in order to prevent the balloon effect and moral hazard problem while promoting substantial restructuring of agriculture.
이현근(Hyun-Keun Lee),김태균(Tae-Kyun Kim) 한국농식품정책학회 2020 농업경영정책연구 Vol.47 No.1
This paper estimates grape farmers’ willingness to accept (WTA) to participate the compensation program for closing orchards using the contingent valuation method. One hundred and ninety nine farmers were sampled and surveyed under the double-bounded dichotomous choice and open-ended model. Interval regression model estimation results show that WTAs to participate the compensation program for closing orchards were 77.31 million won for open-field grape and 86.55 million won for greenhouse grape. The integrated model using dummy variable shows that WTAs were 77.59 million won and 90.30 million won, respectively. Likewise, Tobit model estimation results show that WTAs were 89.32 million won for open-field grape and 96.29 million won for greenhouse grape. The integrated model using dummy variable shows that WTAs were 89.57 million won and 96.77 million won, respectively. WTAs are higher than farmer’s average actual receipts during last two years. The result of this paper may provide useful information in order to reform the compensation program for closing orchards.
이현근(Hyun Keun Lee),김태균(Tae Kyun Kim) 한국농식품정책학회 2017 농업경영정책연구 Vol.44 No.3
The compensation program for closing orchards by the domestic measures due to FTA had been implemented. This paper analyzes the determinants of closing the farm. 315 blueberry farmers were sampled and surveyed to examine their decision under the program. Logit model estimation results show that factors influencing the decision to close down were management status, price forecast, age of 50s, age of 60s, career of 1~5 years and area of 5,000~9,999㎡. The more positive the current management status and price prospects, the lower the probability of closing. Age 50s and 60s showed a lower probability of closure than age 70s. Likewise, the first to fifth year of career is lower than the farmer who has higher than 11 years of career. The farming area of 5,000~9,999㎡ farms was higher than that of 0~4,999㎡ farms. The marginal effects are similar to those of the logit model. The result of this paper may provide useful information in order to reform the compensation program for closing orchards.
이현근 ( Hyun-keun Lee ),김종진 ( Jong-jin Kim ) 한국식품유통학회 2024 한국식품유통학회 학술대회 Vol.2024 No.0
쌀 소비량이 감소하는 가운데 쌀 생산량 과잉 상태가 매년 지속되며, 이는 쌀 가격을 하락시키는 요인으로 작용한다. 쌀 가격 안정을 위해 쌀 재배면적 또는 생산량을 줄이기 위한 세밀한 노력이 요구되는데, 이는 쌀 소비량이 어느 정도까지 감소할 것인지를 예측하는 것으로부터 시작할 수 있다. 따라서, 이 논문에서는 우리나라의 식품별 소비 동향을 고려해 쌀 소비량을 예측하였다. 쌀 소비량을 예측하기 위해 식품수급표 상의 25개 품목을 7개 품목으로 통합했으며, 기존에 시도하지 않았던 에너지공급량을 사용하였다. 시계열자료의 안정성과 공적분 검정 등을 시행하였고, 오차수정모형과 충격반응함수를 추정하였다. 특히 전체 식품 에너지 소비량의 구조변화를 고려하여 2000년 이후의 표본을 대상으로 오차수정모형을 추정하고 쌀 에너지 소비량을 예측하였다. 오차수정모형 추정 결과 전체 식품 에너지 소비량이 더는 증가하지 않는다면 쌀과잉 공급 구조의 근본 원인이었던 2%대의 쌀 연평균 소비량 감소는 향후 크게 완화된다는 것으로 나타났다. 2000년 이후 총소비량 증가를 제약한 상황에서 품목 간의 장기적인 대체 관계(공적분)를 반영하면 향후 10년간 쌀 소비량은 연평균 0.57%씩 감소하고 2000년 이후 빠른 성장세를 보이던 유지류, 축산물, 설탕류, 수산물의 연평균 성장률도 전보다 완화되거나 혹은 감소세로 전환될 것으로 예측되었다. 이 연구는 에너지소모량이 제한적인 상황에서 쌀 에너지공급량 변화를 예측했고, 미래 시점에 예측된 쌀 에너지공급량에 맞추어 쌀 재배면적이나 생산량 축소를 유도할 수 있는 기준점을 제공한다는 점에서 정책적인 기여도가 높다고 볼 수 있다.
이현근(Hyun-Keun Lee),장재혁(Jae Hyuk Jang),한관희(Kwan Hee Han) 한국콘텐츠학회 2016 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.16 No.4
한국에 기술지주회사가 도입된 시기는 2008년이며, 2014년 기준으로 대학의 기술지주회사는 39개가 설립되어 운영 중이고 연구소 기술지주회사로는 에트리홀딩스(주)가 유일하다. 기술지주회사는 대학이나 연구소의 기술을 이전하고 창업을 지원하기 위해 설립되었는데, 기술지주회사가 도입된 지 7년이 경과하고 있지만 아직 본격적인 수익을 거두고 있지 않은 실정이다. 지주회사는 기본적으로 투자 회사이고 투자한 기업을 통하여 수익을 거두는 기업이며, 창업투자회사도 창업기업에 투자하여 수익을 거두는 기업으로 기본적으로 지주회사 수익 모델과 유사하다. 본 연구는 국내 2개 창업투자회사에 대한 사례 연구를 통해 기술지주회사의 수익 모델에 대한 바람직한 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 즉, 재무제표 중심의 정량적 분석결과, 기술지주회사의 바람직한 사업 모델로는 순수지주회사 보다는 사업도 같이 병행하는 사업지주회사 성격이 보다 적절하다는 것을 제시하였으며, 구체적 사업모델로 인큐베이팅이나 경영자문 등을 추가할 것을 제안하였다. Technology-holding company was introduced in 2008 according to the Korean related law. In the end of 2014, technology holding company of university amounts to 39 companies, and ETRI Holdings is only the company belonging to the research institute among these companies. The technology holding company was launched to support a technology transfer from university or research institute to companies, and to boost up start-ups. Though 7 years has passed after the first technology-holding company was launched, there is no success model until now. Holding company is basically an investment company, which earns a profit from subsidiary company. The business model of a holding company is similar to venture capital that invests in start-ups. A direction of desirable business model of technology-holding company was suggested in this paper based on the case study on 2 Korean venture capital company. Holding company is generally categorized into two types. One is a pure holding company that only get a profit from subsidiary company, and the second is a operating holding company that creates an extra business revenue in addition to the role of pure holding company. In this paper, it is suggested that a technology holding company is recommended to be a operating holding company rather than a pure holding company.
FTA 직접피해보전제도와 미국 농업인 무역조정지원제도의 법・제도적 비교 연구
이현근(Hyun-Keun Lee),문한필(Han-Pil Moon),채상현(Sang-Hyen Chai) 한국농식품정책학회 2019 농업경영정책연구 Vol.46 No.4
The purpose of this study is to provide more accurate information and to seek legal and institutional measures to reduce social controversy and stakeholder conflicts related to FTA Direct Damage Compensation System. For this purpose, the similarities and differences between the US TAAF and Korea s FTA Direct Damage Compensation System were compared and the following implications were drawn. First, it is necessary to alleviate three requirements: total imports, FTA imports, and domestic prices. At the same time, individual farmers eligibility(application conditions) need to impose not only production or sales facts but also conditions that demonstrate the impact of falling prices, so that farmers with substantial income losses can be supported. Second, the HSK code for the analysis of import volume requirements, which is one of the requirements for FTA direct damage compensation, is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the transparency of system operation by specifying the scope of HSK for each item in the law or the enforcement decree in detail. Third, in the case of compensation program for closing, the effect of the closing of a certain item has caused a ballooning effect, such as the increase in the cultivation area of another item of the same category, leading to a price drop. This is a simple aid, and it is impossible to control supply in the medium to long term. Therefore, rather than paying subsidies unconditionally, it is necessary to change the method to pay a certain amount of subsidies depending on whether or not to establish a conversion plan through education and consulting programs. This will free up the WTO regulations on domestic subsidies and effectively support farmers affected by FTA imports.