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이윤동,고승곤,안병진,Lee, Y.D.,Koh, S.G.,Ahn, B.J. 한국통계학회 2006 응용통계연구 Vol.19 No.3
In this paper, we propose a method to summarize the monthly traffic amount for analyzing network load in mobile communication system. We used the traffic data obtained from a domestic telecommunication company. Based on the statistical properties of the traffic data, we devise an efficient method to summarize monthly traffic amount.
이윤동(Yoon-Dong Lee),이은경(Eun-kyung Lee) 한국경영과학회 2013 한국경영과학회지 Vol.38 No.1
Diffusion is a basic mathematical tool for modern financial engineering. The theory of the estimation methods for diffusion models is an important topic of the financial engineering. Many researches have been tiled to apply the likelihood estimation method for estimating diffusion models. However, the likelihood estimation method for diffusion is complicated and needs much amount of computing. In this paper we develop the estimation methods which are simple enough to be compared to the Euler approximation method, and efficient enough statistically to be compared to the likelihood estimation method. We devise pseudo-likelihood and propose the maximum pseudo-likelihood estimation methods. The pseudo-likelihoods are obtained by approximating the transition density with normal distributions. The means and the variances of the distributions are obtained from the delta expansion suggested by Lee, Song and Lee (2012). We compare the newly suggested estimators with other existing estimators by simulation study. From the simulation study we find the maximum pseudo-likelihood estimator has very similar properties with the maximum likelihood estimator. Also the maximum pseudo-likelihood estimator is easy to apply to general diffusion models, and can be obtained by simple numerical steps.
선거 개표방송에서 출구조사 자료를 활용한 중간 득표율 추정에 관한 연구
이윤동 ( Yoon Dong Lee ),박진우 ( Jin Woo Park ) 한국조사연구학회 2011 조사연구 Vol.12 No.1
During major elections, three terrestrial broadcasting stations in Korea have covered the progresses of election results by announcing the simple sum of ballot counts of all ballot counting stations. The current approach, however, does not properly reflect the actual ballot count differences by ballot counting location, leading to cause unnecessary but possible confusions. In addition, the current coverage approach restricts the broadcasters from using regional poll data gained through exit polls by letting them to use the significant information on a one-off purpose to announce the initial prediction of the poll results and to fully disregard the exit poll results during the ballot counting process. Based on the understanding, this paper is designed to suggest a Bayesian approach to consolidate the exit poll results with the progressive ballot counting results and announce them as such. The suggested consolidation approach is expected to mitigate or avoid the possible confusions that may arise in connection with the different ballot counting paces by ballot counting station.
약물독성시험에서 실험설계가 MTD의 결정에 미치는 영향
이윤동 ( Yoon Dong Lee ),이은경 ( Eun Kyung Lee ) 한국품질경영학회 2011 품질경영학회지 Vol.39 No.2
The purpose of Phase I clinical trial is to identify the maximum tolerated dose with specific toxicity rate. The standard TER design does not guarantee the pre-specified toxicity rate. It depends on the dose-toxicity curves. Therefore it is necessary to check the expected toxicity rate of various dose-toxicity curves before we conduct clinical trials. We developed TERAplusB library to help this situation, especially in cancer research. This package will help design the cancer clinical trial. We can compare the expected toxicity rates, the expected number of patients, and the expected times calculated with various dose-toxicity curves. This process will help find the best clinical trial design of the proposed drug.
이윤동(Yoon Dong Lee) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 2005 商經硏究 Vol.30 No.1
In this research, we review the penalized likelihood method, in the view of applying the method to spatial data analysis. We considered a few groups of specific topics. One is the topics of determining the weighting factor of penalty term. Determining the weighting factor is equivalent to determining the degree of freedom of the selected statistical model. In spatial statistics, infill asymptotic setting is a more reasonable framework than increasing domain asymptotic setting, but not a few research have considered the infill asymptotic setting of the weighting factor. We review the meaning of the topic. The other topic is to review the effects of method using data-adjusted bases. Differently with Kriging in spatial statistics and well known methods in time series models using data-adjusted bases for prediction, reproducing kernel Hilbert space method and fast Fourier transform method adopt the bases obtained independently from data. We considered the necessity of the comparative researches between the methods using data-adjusted bases and simple mathematical bases.