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        포커스 집단을 통한 아동복지 욕구 조사

        송주미 ( Ju Mi Song ) 대한아동복지학회 2008 아동복지연구 Vol.6 No.2

        본 연구는 아동복지에 대한 어머니들의 욕구를 분석하기 위하여 포커스집단 연구방법을 활용한 질적 분석을 시도하였다. 8명의 어머니들을 대상으로 한 포커스 집단을 통해 일반 어머니들이 생각하고 경험한 아동복지에 관한 욕구를 조사하여 스트라우스(Strauss)와 코빈(Corbin)의 지속적 비교연구방법(개방코딩)을 통해 자료분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 연구주제 즉 연구문제는 요보호아동이 아닌 일반 어머니들의 아동복지에 관한 욕구는 무엇인가? 이며, 연구대상 선정 방법은 convenience sampling(snowball sampling 포함)을 택하였다. 자료 분석 결과 4개의 상위범주와 15개의 하위범주 그리고 35개의 개념이 도출되었다. 4개의 상위범주는 자녀에 관한 욕구, 부모에 관한 욕구, 가족에 관한 욕구, 환경에 관한 욕구로 분류되었으며, 자녀에 관한 욕구에는 자녀의 건강, 안전, 양육, 교육에 관한 하위범주로, 부모에 대한 욕구로는 임신과 출산, 보육과 교육, 직장, 아버지라는 하위개념이, 가족에 관한 욕구로는 조부모 양육, 경제적 지원, 가족 여가, 가족 건강으로, 환경에 대한 욕구로는 대중매체, 아동시설, 정부의 의지로 분류되었다. 본 연구의 결과를 통해, 일반 어머니들의 아동복지 욕구는 자녀는 물론 부모와 가족 그리고 사회환경에 이르기까지 매우 광범위하며, 이는 아동복지의 생태체계적인 맥락과도 연관되어 있어, 아동복지 정책이나 프로그램을 개발할 경우 보편주의적 시각에 입각하여 아동복지의 일반클라이언트(client)의 목소리에도 좀 더 관심을 가질 필요가 있음을 제안한다. The purpose of this research examines the current child welfare needs among general mothers. In this study, researcher used focus group method and analyzed the outcome with constant comparison method(open coding). This study classified 4 major categories of child welfare needs such as the needs on the children, parent, family, environment. And this study found out 15 minor categories and 35 concepts under the major categories. 15 minor categories included children health, children safety, educare, education, pregnancy and childbirth, educare and education(parent), work place, father, grandparents, economic supports, family leisure, family health, children institutions, government will. The results from the study revealed that 4 needs categories were associated with eco-systemic approach and environment(social) welfare as well as family welfare. Findings suggest the more researches about child welfare using qualitative method and welfare policy for the general clients such as mother, father(universalism). And this study suggested that the qualitative approach is an excellent method to evaluate needs.

      • 고령사회 노인 평생교육에 관한 연구

        송주미 ( Song Ju-mi ),백우석 ( Baek Woo-suk ) 창조교육학회 2020 창조교육논총 Vol.22 No.-

        The ratio of the old aged population out of all Korean showed 7% in 2000. Also, Korea is expected to be turned into aged society, making 14% in 2019. Our society is aging faster than other developed countries. However, at a time when the society changes to an aged society more quickly, education for the elderly is bound to be a very important form of education, and education for the elderly should be done in the big context of lifelong education. In this study, we wanted to look at the theoretical background on lifelong education for the elderly, the psychological characteristics and concepts of lifelong education for the elderly, the effectiveness and value of lifelong education for the elderly, and the direction of development and improvement of lifelong education for the elderly. In order to further develop the lifelong education of the elderly in Korea, we should cooperate so that the lifelong education of the elderly can be reborn as the education of the elderly in terms of lifelong education throughout their lives.

      • 노인여가 복지시설 이용실태와 여가활동의 개선 방안에 관한 연구

        송주미 ( Song Ju-mi ),백우석 ( Baek Woo-suk ) 창조교육학회 2021 창조교육논총 Vol.23 No.-

        Although the leisure time of the elderly is expanding and leisure culture programs are continuously being developed accordingly, it seems that the awareness of the leisure time of the elderly is still insufficient. In this study, education on the necessity of leisure activities and how to utilize them should be provided. Leisure welfare facilities for the elderly have been significantly expanded, but in the long run, not only quantitative expansion of facilities but also innovative policies for leisure culture for the elderly such as nurturing professional manpower should be prepared. Active involvement in leisure activities is important for older people to make their lives meaningful, valuable and satisfying. Therefore, it will be necessary to prepare social support measures and desirable alternatives for participation in leisure activities that can increase the efficiency of leisure activities for the elderly so that both can pursue a life that is mutually beneficial for both themselves and society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국아동복지정책의 유형분석에 관한 연구

        송주미 ( Ju Mi Song ) 대한아동복지학회 2004 아동복지연구 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 한국 아동복지의 정책의 유형을 분석하기 위해 선행연구를 토대로 7가지 분석차원에 따른 4가지 정책유형을 도출하였다. 본 연구에서 아동복지정책 분석을 위해 사용된분석차원은 아동복지의 대상, 표적집단, 정책의 성격, 수혜자의 조건, 아동 및 가족 이데올로기, 국가의 역할, 아동권리이며, 이를 근거로 자유방임주의형, 국가부권주의형(국가개입주의형), 가족중심주의형(친권보호형), 아동권리주의형이라는 4가지 정책의 유형이 지닌 특성을 기술하였다. 위와 같은 분석차원을 근거로 한국 아동복지정책을 분석한 결과 한국 아동복지정책은 국가부권주의형에 가장 가까운 것으로 분석되었으며, 그 주요 특성은 요보호 아동의 양육권보호 중심의 아동복지였다. 따라서 유형화를 통해 한국 아동복지의 과제를 제시해 보면, 궁극적으로는 아동권리주의형 정책이 되어야 하며, 이를 위해서는 모든 아동 중심의 제도적아동복지정책이 되어야 하며, 그 과도기적인 정책유형 혹은 아동권리형의 한 부분으로서의 가족중심주의형의 복지정책을 실현하여야 한다고 본다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the type of child welfare policy and it`s tasks in Korea. This study, therefore, aim to develop an analysis framework(model) of child welfare policy. In the process of developing this framework, this study identify 7 major criteria and 4 types of child welfare policy. 7 major criteria included ① object, ② target group, ③ characteristics of policy, ④ conditions of beneficiary, ⑤ ideology about child and family, ⑥ the role of state, ⑦children`s rights. 4 types of child welfare policy included ① laissez-faire, ② state paternalism, ③ pro-family, ④ children`s rights Based on the study findings, some policy implications are discussed, and suggestions are made for improving the current child welfare policy in Korea. Firstly, the results of this study showed that the type of child welfare policy was similar to state paternalism based on the rights being cared(rights of child rearing) and the residual welfare policy for children who needed a support. Secondly, this study suggested the child welfare policy for children`s rights including pro-family policy as a transitional stage. The child welfare policy must be universal services/benefits.

      • KCI등재

        아동복지학의 정체성 및 방향 정립에 관한 일 고찰

        송주미(Ju Mi Song) 한국청소년복지학회 2001 청소년복지연구 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the identity of child welfare. Identity of child welfare has never been introduced and applied to child welfare studies in Korea. First of all, this study attempted to identify the characteristics of social science and its relations with child welfare and illustrated the attributes of child welfare as empirical science, practical science, historical science and applied science. For performing the identity analysis, an academic system(scientific study system) which is referred as the subject or range of child welfare, the methodology of study and the theory system is used. This study showed that child welfare included five domains such as the basis of child welfare, practice method 1(macro approach), practice method 2(micro approach), service areas of child welfare and the rest(the broad fields of child welfare as education, housing, women`s study etc). As the five domains, this study investigated the methodology of study as well as theory system of child welfare. This analysis suggested that child welfare had the possibility of holding on position as an unique science in social science and development of academic system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        질적 접근을 통한 아동 및 청소년복지 연구

        송주미(Ju Mi Song) 한국청소년복지학회 1999 청소년복지연구 Vol.1 No.2

        The purpose of this research was to discuss the characteristics of child and youth welfare through the qualitative approach. First, the research discussed the origins, leading figures and core concepts of the qualitative approach. This study investigated several philosophical concepts such as social interaction, contextualism, understanding, the world of experience, language, intentionality, bracketing(epoche) and intersubjectivity. Also this study discussed and technical concepts such as data, analytic of interpretive procedure, linguistic reporting, informants and reducing and ordering. Process, flexibility and unstructured characteristic, theory and concept and four stages of the qualitative approach were also considered. Second this study illustrated the value, the qualitative approach in the study of child and youth welfare. This approach is an appropriate method in the understanding of child and youth and helps researchers as well as a supervisors, social workers, teachers, clinicians, counselors and policy-makers. The needs of children and adolescents are the basic data on which to establish a service program and policy. A qualitative approach is and excellent method to evaluate needs. In particular, this study includes generality, the integration of research methods. openness and flexibility, methods of data gathering and ethical issues in the characteristics of child and youth welfare using qualitative research.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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