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      • KCI등재

        전봉건『춘향연가』에 나타난 사랑의 윤리학

        손민달(Son, Min-Dal) 한국어문학회 2018 語文學 Vol.0 No.141

        Previous studies on Chunhyang’s Love Song by Jeon Bong-geon provide planar interpretations about the different setting of characters from the original Chunhyangjeon and the reason why Chunhyang loved and waited for Lee Mong-ryong so much, oversimplifying her inner side depicted in Chunhyang’s Love Song. This study set out to investigate these issues in Chunhyang’s Love Song by Jeon Bong-geon through “ethics of love” to represent pure desire in Lacan’s psychoanalysis. Chunhyang meets Lee Mong-ryong who is a big other after passing through the “mirror stage” safely. Lee is “idealized” for his gorgeous appearance. She refuses to denounce her love for him despite Byeon Hakdo’s cruel torture because of the absence of Lee as an idealized other. Lee stands in the position of “empty other,” which makes even her inside confirmed of his not coming. In this way she shows “sublimated" love instead of falling in "idealized” or “perversive” love. Both Lee and Byeon Hakdo are the same big other to force the image of feudal “woman” on her. While Lee is a “sublimated” character as an “empty other” through the process of “idealization” for her, Byeon Hakdo represents the violent desire of forcing only “father’s law” on her. Since Lee’s love is more ethical than Byeon Hakdo’s love, Chunhyang helps Lee to be reborn as a subject of enjoyment called “Object a.” Jeon Bong-geon’s poetic achievements hold huge significance in that Chunhyang’s inner side is three-dimensional in Chunhyang’s Love Song.

      • KCI등재

        이용악 시의 타자인식 방법과 의미

        손민달(Son, Min-dal) 국어국문학회 2013 국어국문학 Vol.- No.165

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the literary achievements of Lee Yong-ak with his poetry by applying the three aspects of being, which are the basis of Theory of The Other by Sartre, to his poetry and analyzing them. The findings identified the following characteristics of his perception of others: In his poetry, being-in-itself forms no relations at all in spite of the contradictions in reality. They have no otherness, thus expressing the suffering of reality more clearly. In his poetry, the subject alleviates sadness by combining with the other and delivers the sadness through the other. Lee"s perception of being-for-itself in his poetry contributed to the sorrowful sentiment through the identification between the other and subject, which shows that his poetic achievement becomes great when the sentiment of sorrow surfaces. In his poetry, the subject"s dual structure toward the other consists of the attitude of assimilating with the other and that of objectifying the other and thus turning it into being-in-itself. In his poems, the being-for-others-based perception of the other served as a way to embody "us" poetically, which has been left as an aesthetic achievement for the destitute reality of an individual to expand to the entire community. Lee"s personal history-based experiences result in the life of migrants driven by poverty and destitution. Such a perception of the other demonstrated by him can be a key to the illumination of his aesthetic achievements that had extended to the national dimension.

      • KCI등재

        정지용과 백석 시의 전통 생태의식 비교 연구

        손민달(Son Min-dal) 한국어문학회 2008 語文學 Vol.0 No.99

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the traditional ecological consciousness in the poems of Jeong Ji-yong and Baek Seok, who lived in the 1930s between pre-modern and modern times, through mythical views of the world. In his poems, Jeong Ji-yong depicts situations far from the mythical worlds as the traditional lifestyles, the community-oriented lifestyles, are destroyed and fragmented. By expressing the collective longing and nostalgia for the traditional spaces in indirect techniques, in particular, he clearly presents the contemporary individuals' perception of the modern, colonial civilization and effectively delivers the derived sad emotions. It’s also demonstrated that he describes an affluent and whole totality by granting life to natural beings or objects other than humans and making them assist humans or do certain activities with them. Such a perception proves that he wrote his poems based on animistic thinking, which is the foundation of ecological consciousness. In contrast to the indirect narration of Jeong who identified the problems with the modern civilization and chose nature as the alternative to it, Baek Seok describes the mythical worlds from the past in such beautiful ways and his current conditions in indirect methods of expression. He shows that all beings are equal or superior to humans by introducing such natural beings, animals and plants and even gods that have the same power as humans or sometimes are in a superior position to humans. His animistic imagination is based on the ecological consciousness of believing in one common loop for the order of nature instead of different areas for different orders of nature. In order for ecologism to serve as a complete artistic value, they should search for diverse aesthetic characteristics of ecologism in modern literature and prove them. Only when those tasks are done, ecologism will be able to function as a criterion for writing the entire history of poetic literature. Thus it’s required to minutely and thoroughly analyze the works of various modern poets and look for aesthetics of ecologistic imagination in them.

      • KCI등재

        사회생태학의 관점으로 본 신동엽의 시

        손민달(Son, Min-dal) 문학과환경학회 2016 문학과 환경 Vol.15 No.2

        이 연구는 지금까지 민중·민족 시인으로 인식되고 있는 신동엽의 시가 사회생태학의 관점으로 볼 때 더욱 명확하게 해석된다는 점을 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 기존 연구의 문제점을 비판적으로 분석하고 그의 시집 『금강』을 통해 사회생태학적 시해석의 가능성을 제시하였다. 신동엽의 시가 보여준 고대사회에 대한 복고적 경향은 북친 스스로 부족주의에 대해 긍정하고 있으며, 사회생태학 자체가 계층과 계급이 없는 원시 사회에 대한 긍정을 보여주는 크로포트킨의 ‘상호부조론’에 기대고 있다는 점에서 그의 시는 심층생태학적 특성보다 사회생태학적 특성을 반영하고 있다. 동양사상에 대한 비판 역시 인간에 대한 인간의 지배가 시작된 장로정치(長老政治)와 인간에 대한 자연의 지배가 시작된 엘리트집단의 사회적 위계질서에 비판을 보여주는 것이라는 점, 계급과 계층이라는 위계구조를 타파하려는 민족적 저항이 신동엽의 『금강』의 주제라는 점을 상기할 때 그의 시는 사회생태학적 관점으로 보는 것이 타당하다. 북친은 1990년대 중반 아나키즘과 결별한다. 아나키즘이 가지고 있는 니힐리즘적 성격과 반사회적 개인주의에 대해 그는 비판하게 된다. 신동엽의 시 『금강』 후화가 ‘도시’를 강조한 북친의 후기 사상과 상통하고 개인의 공동체에 대한 책임을 희망적으로 암시하는 것은 아나키스트 신동엽으로 포섭되지 않는다. 이는 북친이 제시한 사회생태학의 후기 주장과 상당부분 겹친다는 점에서 사회생태학적 특성으로 보는 것이 옳다. 전지구적 생태위기의 시대에 생태 문제의 원인 제공자인 인간이 이 문제를 수습하지 않으면 안 된다는 것은 자명하다. 북친의 사회생태학은 인간의 생태 윤리적 책무와 자본의 위협 앞에 개인의 가치가 말살되어 가는 신자유주의의 시대상을 곰곰이 돌아볼 때 여전히 유의미하다. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that the poetry of Shin Dong-yeop, who had been regarded as a poet of people and nation, would be interpreted more clearly from the perspective of social ecology. For that purpose, the study critically analyzed problems with previous studies and proposed the possibilities of poetry interpretation based on social ecology with his collection of poems The Geum River. Shin’s poetry reflects the characteristics of social ecology rather than those of deep ecology in that the retro trend to the ancient society in his poems is in line with Bookchin’s affirmation of tribalism and that social ecology itself depends on the “Mutual Aid Theory” of Kropotkin that was positive about the primitive society with no hierarchy and class. It is also valid to appreciate his works from the perspective of social ecology in that the criticism of Oriental ideology also blames gerontocracy, which signalled man’s rule over other men, and the social hierarchical order of elite group that initiated man’s rule over nature and that one of topics of his The Geum River is people’s resistance to break down the hierarchical structure of class and hierarchy. Bookchin parted with anarchism in the middle 1990s and started to criticize the nihilistic nature and antisocial individualism of anarchism. The fact that his Huhwa in his The Geum River is in line with the later ideology of Bookchin that emphasized “cities” and hopefully implies individuals’ responsibility for the group does not include the poet in the community of anarchists. It rather seems like a characteristic of social ecology since it overlaps the later argument of Bookchin’s social ecology in considerable parts. It is self-evident that human beings, who have provided the causes of ecological issues in the era of ecological crisis across the Earth, should deal with and solve the issues. Bookchin’s social ecology is still significant when people look back carefully on the periodic images of neo-liberalism in which the values of individuals are being erased before the ecological ethical accountability of man and the threat of capital.

      • KCI등재

        환경에세이집 『병든 바다 병든 지구』의 생태문학적 의의

        손민달(Son, Min-dal) 문학과환경학회 2020 문학과 환경 Vol.19 No.4

        수필에 대한 연구자와 비평계의 무관심 속에 생태수필에 대한 연구는 아직 부족한 실정이다. 이 논문은 2005년 발간된 환경에세이집 『병든 바다 병든 지구』에 담긴 29편의 작품을 분석하여 당대 생태수필의 유형을 확인하고 생태문학으로서의 가치를 정립하려는데 목적이 있다. 『병든 바다 병든 지구』는 다른 생태문학의 유형과 비슷하게 세 가지 유형을 보여주었다. 먼저 풍요롭던 과거와 대비되면서 개발로 인해 파괴된 자연의 모습을 묵시록적으로 그리고 있는 ‘훼손된 자연에 대한 경고와 고발’이 있다. 다음으로는 근대 물질문명의 한계를 인식하고 대량생산 대량소비 사회가 주는 쓰레기 문제에 천착하여 ‘생태학적 인식과 자각’을 보여준 유형이 있다. 마지막으로 인간도 생태계의 한 구성원이라는 유기체적 인식 위에 생명에 대한 자각을 일깨우는 ‘생태사회를 향한 희망의 메시지’로 유형화된다. 이 수필집은 ‘환경’이라는 표제를 달아 인간 중심주의적 사고를 반영하고 있고, 생태학적 자각 위에 생태사회를 향한 희망을 담고 있음에도 ‘환경보존’이라는 틀을 벗어나지 못한 한계가 있다. 그러나 우리나라 최초의 생태수필집이라는 수필사적 의의와 함께 성글지만 작품을 유형화하여 제시하였다는 점과 이를 통해 생태수필에 대한 관심이 제고된 것은 의미가 큰 작업이라 할 수 있다. 『병든 바다 병든 지구』는 생태수필 초창기의 모습은 잘 반영하고 있어서 문학사 집필의 하위 영역으로 생태수필사 집필에 큰 가치를 내포하고 있다. There is still a lack of research on ecological essays amidst disinterest in essays among researchers and critical circles. This study set out to analyze 29 works in Sick Oceans, Sick Earth , a collection of essays on the environment published in 2005, check the types of ecological essays those days, and establish their value as part of ecological literature based on the depth of their ecological consciousness. Sick Oceans, Sick Earth shows three types of essays similar to other works of ecological literature. The first type “reports on damaged nature,” depicting the aspects of nature destroyed by human development activities in apocalyptic ways in comparison with rich nature in the past. The next one recognizes the limitations of modern material civilization and conveys “ecological consciousness and realization” to examine the waste issues in today’s society of mass production and mass consumption. The last one delivers a message of “hope for an ecological society” to arouse the awareness of life based on the organic consciousness of human beings as members of the ecosystem, as well. This collection of essays has its share of limitations including its reflection of anthropocentric thinking with the addition of “environment” to its title and its failure in escaping from the framework of environmental preservation despite its hope for an ecological society based on ecological realization. It is, however, still meaningful in that it is the nation’s first collection of ecological essays in the history of essays, classifies its works through spare categories, and contributes to growing interest in ecological essays. Sick Oceans, Sick Earth provides a good reflection on the early days of ecological essays, thus holding huge value in the writing of history of ecological essays as a subarea of history of literature.

      • KCI등재

        소비욕망과 생태주의 문학의 상관성

        손민달(Son, Min-dal) 문학과환경학회 2017 문학과 환경 Vol.16 No.1

        한국 생태주의 문학 연구에서 소비욕망의 문제를 본격적으로 언급하고 있는 예는 많지 않다. 그것은 산업화와 자본주의 발달이 가져온 욕망의 비대화와 물신화가 생태 파괴의 주범이라는 인식이 상식적이라는 점에 기인한다. 그러나 이제 우리는 생태 파괴의 주요 원인인 소비욕망이 문학 속에 어떻게 형상화되었고 한국 생태주의 문학과 어떤 관련성을 가지는지 연구할 때가 되었다. 보드리야르와 부르디외는 현대 산업사회가 어떻게 소비사회로 규정되는가에 대해 명쾌하게 설명한다. 이들의 해석을 통해 본 연구는 1990년대 이후 한국 사회의 소비욕망이 어떻게 문학적으로 형상화되었는지 비판적으로 분석하였다. 장정일과 유하는 ‘아비투스’와 ‘기호’라는 소비욕망의 특성을 잘 보여주는 작품을 남겼다. 장정일이 계급과 취향에 의한 아비투스의 시라면, 유하는 거기에서 더 나아가 기호의 소비욕망을 작품화했다. 유하의 경우 본격적이지는 않지만 원시 생명과 여유로움에 대한 추구를 통해 소비욕망을 극복하고자 한 작품이 유의미하다. 이들의 시는 소비욕망이 후기자본주의의 부정적 산물이라는 점은 잘 형상화하였지만 이로부터 파생되는 문제와 이에 대한 극복 방안으로까지 구체화되지 못했다. 최승호의 시는 소비욕망의 비대화가 산업화와 자본주의의 발달에 기인한다는 점을 분명히 인식하고 소비욕망의 비대화를 문명의 관점에서 비판한다. 그의 시는 소비욕망에서 생태 파괴의 문제를 견인하고 이를 효과적인 방식으로 형상화하여 생태주의 문학으로서 미적성취를 보여주었다. 비대한 소비욕망은 한국 생태주의 문학을 통해 보다 구체적인 사회 문제로 표면화되었으며 한국 생태주의 문학은 소비욕망의 문제를 형상화하면서 깊이를 더하였다. There are not many cases of full-fledged mention about the issue of consumption desire in the study of ecologism literature in South Korea, which is because it is common sense that the enormous size of desire and reification brought about by the development of industrialization and capitalism are the main culprits of ecosystem destruction. It is time, however, to classify the types of desire in further details and conduct critical analysis of effects of consumption desire, which is regarded as the culprit of ecosystem destruction, on ecologism literature. Baudrillard and Bourdieu gave clear explanations about the ways that modern industrial society was defined as consumption society. Based on their interpretations, this study analyzed critically the way that consumption desire was embodied in the South Korean society since the 1990s. Jang Jeong-il and Yu Ha left Habitus and Signs, which exhibit the characteristics of consumption desire nicely, respectively. While the former wrote a poem of habitus according to the social classes and tastes, the latter went further from it and created a work out of consumption desire of signs. His works were significant in that they tried to overcome consumption desire by pursuing primitive life and leisure even though the pursuit was not full blown. Their poems were good at embodying consumption desire as the negative product of postcapitalism, but they failed to propose the resulting problems and specific plans to overcome them. Clearly recognizing that the enormous size of consumption desire derived from the development of industrialization and capitalism, Choi Seung-ho criticized it from the perspective of civilization in his poems. In fact, his poems pulled out the issue of ecosystem destruction from consumption desire and embodied it in an effective fashion, thus making aesthetic achievements as ecologism literature. The enormous consumption desire rose to the surface as a more specific social issue through the ecologism literature of South Korea. Given that the ecologism literature of South Korea embodied the issue of consumption desire and added theoretical depth to it, the issue of overcoming consumption desire holds its significance.

      • KCI등재

        한국 생태수필의 가능성과 그 양상

        손민달(Son, Min-dal) 문학과환경학회 2015 문학과 환경 Vol.14 No.3

        This study reviewed whether the contemporary Korean essays based on “ecological perceptions” could be termed as “ecological essays” and examined the patterns of ecological essays of Yun Gu-byeong, Song Myeong-gyu, and Choi Seong-gak, who had consistently showed such a perception. The term “ecological essays” is significant as a specific concept in “ecological literature and has been used in the titles of many collections of works until recently. As the terms of ecological poems and novels do not feel awkward, “ecological essays” can be accepted as a full-blown term for literary research in that it can be embraced as an academic term with no difficulties. Yun Gu-byeong has created an ecological community and done experiments with it in an actual farming village, thus practicing ecological education. His ecological essays manifest their values as essay literature based on his experiences. Song Myeong-gyu presents the ecology of animals and plants very specifically through detailed and precise observations. His ecological essays are based on his scientific observations and yet do not grant excessive meanings or promote rough slogans, thus moving the readers in bigger ways. Choi Seong-gak creates his works, actually engaging in an environmental movement and taking personal part in the pending political issues. He has written essays focused on relations between man and nature and among men. His ecological essays use clam and honest words, thus touching the readers with greater intensity.

      • KCI우수등재

        물화(物化)가 보여준 오장환 시의 근대성

        손민달(Son, Min-dal) 국어국문학회 2015 국어국문학 Vol.- No.171

        이 연구는 오장환의 시에 나타난 물화의 양상을 살펴 오장환 시가 보여준 근대성을 고찰하는데 목적이 있다. 오장환 시의 근대성에 대한 그간의 연구는 형식과 내용의 이분법을 그대로 적용하거나 모더니즘과 리얼리즘의 분화 혹은 결합의 양상으로 제시되었다. 물화 비판을 통해 오장환 시의 근대성을 확인하는 것은 한국문학의 세계문학적 보편성을 확보하는 일이 될 것이다. 오장환은 1930년대 확대되어 가는 근대 자본주의 도시 노동자의 삶을 비판적으로 보여주었다. 그의 눈에 비친 당대 자본주의 노동은 기계의 부속품처럼 사물화 되었으며 ‘교환가치’에 치중한 나머지 본래의 가치를 상실하였다. 나아가 그는 계급적 대립을 통해 자본가가 바라본 모든 객체가 물화화 되었다고 보았다. 여성의 물화는 오장환의 시에서 단순히 여성의 성을 상품화하는 것으로 끝나지 않는다. 상품화된 성을 통해 여성은 근대적 주체로 성장하지 못하고 주체적 남성에 기대어 살아가는 전근대적 여성으로 전락하고 만다. 오장환은 여성의 물화가 인간과 인간의 물화관계에서 확대되어 인간 자신을 상품화하여 결국 현실과 대결하지 못하는 ‘주변인’으로 남게 된다고 보았다. 공동체의 물화는 오장환의 시 해석에서 단순히 전통에 대한 부정으로 귀결되는 문제를 해결한다. 오장환의 시가 보여준 공동체의 물화는 그가 가문이나 가족, 혹은 민족에 대해 가지는 식민지 근대의 문화적 속성을 비판하는 기능을 한다. 그는 전통적 공동체가 가지고 있는 폭력성은 피하면서 상품화되어 가는 공동체를 통해 근대자본주의의 한계를 인식하고 ‘상상의 공동체’를 무화한다. 식민지적 근대의 단면을 ‘물화’라는 형식을 통해 가장 비극적으로 보여주고 있다는 점에서 오장환 시의 문학사적 가치는 재확인 된다. ‘물화’는 그의 시를 한국문학으로서의 특수성과 세계문학으로서의 보편성을 동시에 확보하는 하나의 기준이 될 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to investigate modernity revealed in the poetry of Oh Jang-hwan through reification in his poems. Previous studies on the modernity of his poetry either applied the dichotomy of form and content as it was or focused on the patterns of differentiation or combination between modernism and realism. The present study will claim its significance by securing the universality of modernity found in the poetic literature of Korea. Oh critically presented the life of urban workers in modern capitalism that was expanding in the 1930s. He observed the capitalist labor of the times becoming the object of reification like the parts of a machine and losing the values of labor that were heavily inclined toward the "exchange value." Furthermore, he well demonstrated the reification of capitalists" perceptions of objects through the confrontation of classes. In his poems, the reification of women does not end merely at the level of commercializing women. Through the commercialized gender, women fail to grow into modern subjects and degenerate into pre-modern women that depend on the subject perceptions of men. The poet criticized that the reification of women made women remain as a "marginal man" incapable of confronting the reality by commercializing themselves beyond human relationships. The reification of community displayed by the poet fills up the parts that require interpretations more than just a denial of tradition when it comes to the interpretations of his poems. His reification of community also criticized the cultural attributes of colonial modern times that he saw in the clan, family or people. He eliminated an "imaginary community" by avoiding the violence of the traditional community and recognizing the limitations of modern capitalism through a community that was being commercialized. His poetry attains its values in the history of literature by showing the aspects of colonial modern times in the most tragic fashion. His poems extend to the universality of world literature by checking the modernity of Korean literature in the 1930s and further delving into the problems of modern days.

      • KCI등재

        현대시에 나타난 ‘공동체’ 연구

        손민달(Son, Min-dal) 한국어문학회 2012 語文學 Vol.0 No.118

        This study set out to examine the patterns of community in the Korean poetry of the 1990s through the traditional community and the community concepts of Levinas and Blanchot and figure out their meanings. Both Park Noh-hae and Shin Hyeon-rim visualize the traditional community in poetry, dreaming of abolition of stratification and ideal community. Ahn Do-hyeon and Na Hee-deok visualize a community based on hospitality and pleasure for others argued by Levinas, depicting the recovery of ethics for others and egoistic pleasure in poetry. In the poetry of Yu Ha, the others and I in the community are connected to the community concept of Blanchot who tried to achieve the state of complete equality. The community is desire for the real Utopia that conducts experiments with man’s infinite possibilities and imagination. Various experiments with the community that began in the mythical world exhausted their power with the destruction of the Soviet. The poetry of the 1990s, however, attempted to visualize a new community with ontological significance along with the traditional community.

      • KCI등재

        김영랑 시에 나타난 비극성 연구

        손민달(Son, Min-dal) 국어국문학회 2011 국어국문학 Vol.- No.159

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the tragic characteristics of poetry of Kim Yeong-rang(1903~1950), who is known for his descriptions of the beauty of the mother tongue in utmost density in the 1930s. He succeeded in overcoming the limitations with the Pyeonnae-oriented works and sentimental works heavily inclined toward romanticism in the poetical circles in the 1920s. The tragedy found in his poetry first derives from his denial of notions and represents the efforts for the ego to perceive a new reality and change itself. In a transitional period between pre-modern and modern, he witnessed the more solidified suppression by the ruling Japanese than in the 1920s. Tragedy reaches its paramount in his poems when he is frustrated with the reality of violent suppression. Secondly, there is tragedy in the limitations of general being. The ego is separated from reality when it is overwhelmed by the anticipation that it will face reality and be defeated by it. Thus the anticipation expands to a sentiment that all beings are tragic. Finally, his tragedy originates in his pursuit of transcendental self-conquest. In his poetry, tragedy is maximized as he admits that the world is beyond change, yearns for a transcendental world, and realizes that it is hardly possible, either. The study finds its significance in that it has built a basic framework to show what realistic coping strategies he took in his confrontations with the reality of the 1930s, which was not covered in the previous studies on his poetry.

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