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      • KCI등재

        16~17세기 昌原地域 在地士族의 動向 - 『昌原鄕案』을 중심으로-

        백지,이수환 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2013 민족문화논총 Vol.54 No.-

        This paper looked into the trend of the emergence and growth of local noble families in the Changwon region and the trend of Hyanggwon during the 16th to 17th centuries as one of the case studies regarding the existent pattern of local noble families during the Joseon period. Local noble families of Changwon began from Toseong and Naeseong of this region. They were a ruling class who consecutively filled Hyangjik (position) and operated the Hyangchon society, and some of them still existed as the Toseongi clan while residing in their native land and others developed as noble families during the late Goryeo period to early Joseon period. The Toseong of Changwon who had become noble families no longer passed on Hyangjik, and instead they went into government service through the examination for selecting higher officials or were given a Cheomseol position. Also their right to marriage was extended; thus they began to move to Cheohyang and Euihyang while marrying into noble families in other regions and leaving their own clan region of Changwon. Meanwhile, some noble families who had migrated to Changwon through marriage with the Toseong of this region also appeared. Beginning from the Pungcheon No family, the Tongcheon Choi family before and after the 14th century, the representative families included the Gyoha No family, Changnyeong Jo family, Gimhae Geum family, and Geumihyeong・Bulbi clans during the mid to late 15th century; the Sangsan Gim family, Geum Eun-pil・Myungyun clans, and Yeonan Geum family during the early 16th century; and the Sunheung An family during the 17th century. Some of these clans again moved to other regions for the reason of marriage, etc., while others played a role in attracting local noble families from other regions to Changwon through marriage. Local noble families in other regions who had settled in Changwon through this process began to establish gradually a hyangchon order centering on themselves while organizing and operating a hyangchon organization. Based on the trend of enrollment according to family clan recorded in the “Changwon Hyangan” (1908), the major family clans who led the hygangun in the Changwon region included the following. For the early 17th century, they included the Gyoha No family, Changnyeong Jo family, Gimhae Gim family Gimihyeong clan, and Sangsan Gim family Gim Un-pil clan; the Gimhae Gim family Gim Ee-hyeong clan, Sangsan Gim family Gim Myeong-yun clan, Yeonan Gim family, and Sunheung An family during the mid-17th century; and the Gimhae Gim family Gim Ee-hyeong clan, Sangsan Gim family Gim Myeong-yun clan, and Sunheung An family clan during the mid-to-late 17th century. Although these clans did not produce scholars who were able to lead nearby regions, they registered children from both the father’s and mother’s sides in Hyangan consistently through overlapping marriage relationships. The fact that Confucian scholars of Changwon had consistent friendly relationships with people who represent the Yeongnam school beginning from Gim Jong-jik, Son Jung-don, Yi Eun-jeok, Yi Wu, Yi Hwang, and Jo Sik to Jeong Gu, Gim Wu-ong, and Heo Mok is thought to have been affected somehow also by marriage relationships. The fact that there were many meritorious subjects during the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 among the registered would not be irrelevant from the marriage and academic trends of local noble families in Changwon along with geographic factors.. 본 논문에서는 조선시대 在地士族의 존재양상에 대한 사례연구의 일환으로 창원지역 재지사족의 형성과 성장 및 16~17세기 鄕權의 推移에 대해 살펴보았다. 창원의 재지사족은 이 지역 土姓과 來姓에서 출발한다. 이들은 고려 이래 鄕職을 세습하며 실제 향촌 사회를 운영한 지배층으로 일부는 토착지에 거주하며 토성이족으로 존속하였고, 일부는 上京從仕하여 사족으로 성장하였다. 창원의 토성은 대체로 여말선초 사족으로 성장하였는데, 사족화 한 토성은 과거를 통해 출사를 하거나 添設職을 제수 받았다. 통혼권도 확대되어 다른 지역의 사족과 혼인을 맺어 본관지인 창원을 떠나 처향・외향으로 이거 해 갔다. 반면 이곳의 토성과 혼인을 통해 창원으로 이주해 오는 사족도 등장하였다. 이와 같은 일련의 과정 속에 형성된 재지사족에 의해 창원의 향촌사회는 운영되었으며, 향촌질서는 점차 기존의 토성집단을 대신하여 이주해 온 사족 중심으로 재편되었다. 이러한 창원 지역 향권의 추이는 1908년 작성된 『昌原鄕案』에 반영되어 있다. 『창원향안』에 수록된 가문별 입록 추이를 바탕으로 창원 향권을 주도했던 주요가문을 살펴보면 17세기 초반의 경우 교하노씨・창녕조씨・김해김씨 김이형 계・상산김씨 김언필 계, 17세기 중반의 경우 김해김씨 김이형 계・상산김씨 김명윤 계・연안김씨・순흥안씨, 17세기 중후반의 경우 김해김씨 김이형 계・상산김씨 김명윤 계・순흥안씨 가문으로 나타난다. 이 가문들은 비록 주변지역을 영도할 만한 학자는 배출하지 못하였지만, 중첩된 혼인관계를 통해 지속적으로 내외손들을 향안에 입록시켰다. 창원의 유림들이 김종직・손중돈・이언적・이우를 비롯하여 이황・조식, 후에는 정구・김우옹・허목까지 영남학파를 대표하는 사림들과 지속적인 교유관계를 맺은 것 역시 혼인관계에 일정한 영향을 받은 것으로 생각된다. 입록자 중 임란공신이 많은 것 또한 지리적 요인과 함께 이와 같은 창원 재지사족의 혼인 및 학문적 경향과 무관하지 않다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        반면교사로서의 유럽 - 량치차오(梁啓超)의 "구유심영록(歐游心影錄)"에 대한 일고찰

        백지 한국중국현대문학학회 2006 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.39

        Ouyouxinyinglu(歐游心影錄節錄) marks a turning point in Liang Qichao(梁啓超)'s life as a thinker. On the one hand, through the two times of political failures(Bianfa Weixin and Xinhai Geming), he needed a complete reconsideration of nation-building; on the other hand, the burst of World WarⅠ and the spread of social revolution made him reexamine modern civilization of West of which he had followed the pattern for modernization for China. In the concrete, Liang Qichao tried to figure out some important problems : first, he was to investigate the remote and immediate causes of World WarⅠ. In the course of this, he analysed the 'democracy' and 'science' which have stood for the modern western world. Second, he was interested in the future of newborn nation-states of the Balkan Peninsula. He expressed his sympathy for those new countries, but at the same time, he concerned that they could become the seed of discord of future world. Third, he needed to establish an angle of view of social revolution which was disseminated throughout the world directly after the war. Forth, he focused on where to find out a prospects of civilization, while all the conflicts between nations, races, classes go to extremes. In conclusion, his key concern in Ouyouxinyinglu was to find out a way of nation-building without statism. In order to avoid a precedent failure of west, racial conflict and class conflict, he had to not only think about building a modern nation, but also ponder upon an supernational principle which could control over the brutality of modern nation. It was in the The Grand Unity Thought that he searched for this supernational principle. And to form out this principle, he excavated and reconstruct a "collective leadership system of feudal lords(方伯集團的政治)" in Chunqiuzhanguo Shidai(春秋戰國時代). Thus, he suggested "Cosmopolitan Nation", an antinomic coexistence of both nation and cosmopolitanism as a course China should take.

      • KCI등재

        문명의 전환과 세계의 개조 * : 1차대전 직후 카이조오(改造)의 문명론

        백지운(Baik, Jiwoon) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2016 동방학지 Vol.173 No.-

        This thesis covers Kaizō (改造), one of the most influential magazines of the early 20 th century in Japan, focusing on its discourses of reconstruction and civilization. Against the rapid development of capitalism after World War I, Japan began to have a newly rising educated middle class, which developed into huge reader groups of intellectual magazines. Kaizō had great success from the early stage by meeting the intellectual and cultural desire of the new reader groups, particularly on labor and socialism issues. After World War I, reconstruction became a popular topic not just in Japan, but in all of East Asia. With the advent of the tide of Russian revolution and national self-determinationism, the discussion on how the world should be transformed and what kind of new civilization would come to mankind spread over all levels of society. Kaizō was both the frontier of the new idea and the transnational platform to circulate it in the East Asian region. Bertrand Russell was the key agent who contributed to the development of the reconstruction discussion by publishing 15 essays in Kaizō from 1921 to 1923. However, Kaizō’s discussion on reconstruction was not deep enough to sufficiently embrace the idea of transformation in civilization. Many essays in the discussion reveal a schizophrenic symptom where they condone the radical stream such as laborism and egalitarianism, while legitimizing Japanese capitalism and colonialism at the same time. This failure stands out when it is compared to the Discussion on East-West Culture (東西文化論) among Chinese intellectuals in the early 1920s. 이 논문은 20세기 초 일본의 종합교양지 카 이조오에 나타난 ‘개조’와 ‘문명’담론을 검토한 다. 1차대전 직후 자본주의의 급속한 발전을 배경으로 생겨난 신흥 중간계급은 카이조오와 같은 종합교양지의 전성시대를 가능케 했다. 창간 초기 카이조오의 성공비결은 당시 세계 적으로 확산되고 있던 사회주의와 노동문제에 대한 신층 중간계급의 지적 요구를 파악한 데있었다. 1차대전 이후, ‘개조’는 일본뿐 아니라 동아 시아 전체적으로 광범위한 화두였다. 러시아혁 명과 민족자결주의의 물결 속에서, 세계의 개조와 문명의 전환에 대한 기대와 불안은 사회 각 층에 침투되고 있었다. 카이조오는 이러한 새로운 사상의 전위이자 그것을 동아시아에 유통 시키는 지적 플랫폼이었다. 그 중에서도 1921년 에서 1923년 사이 카이조오에 15편의 에세이를 발표했던 버트런드 러셀은 ‘개조’론을 문명 비판으로 발전시키는 데 중요한 공헌을 했다. 그러나 아쉽게도 카이조오의 개조론은 러셀을 비롯한 당시 세계적 철학자들의 문명에 대한 반성을 온전히 받아들이지 못했다. 카이조 오의 필자들은 1차대전 직후 혁명과 민족해방등 세계적 변화의 흐름을 인지하면서도 일본의 자본주의와 식민주의를 정당화해야 하는 딜레 마를 안고 있었다. 카이조오의 이같은 한계는 1920년대 중국의 ‘동서문화론’과 비교할 때 한 층 도드라진다.

      • KCI등재

        조선 후기 모란도에 나타난 상징성과 회화성에 관한 조형 분석 - 형태와 색채를 중심으로

        백지회(Beak, JiHoi),이윤진(Lee, YounJin) 한국색채학회 2021 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.35 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to identify original form and colors for Korean aesthetics through conducting a formative analysis of peony paintings which were hugely popular and developed in the late Joseon period, and quantitatively measure colors in peony paintings which bear Korean image and turn them into data. The study covered peony paintings showing popular aesthetics from the 19th to the early 20th century, during which such paintings were produced and developed most actively. The form analysis as the study method was analyzed qualitatively. In limiting subjectivity, images in the literature were compared with the author’s appreciation of the artworks based on the picturesque formative theory depending on the peony style paintings in the late Joseon period. For color analysis, the author identified colors from common people’s views based on colors quantitatively measured from peony paintings, turned them into data, and suggested that it is necessary and possible to modernize peony paintings in today’s world. The results showed that there were the modification, abstraction, exaggeration, simplification, design, and popularization of form in peony paintings in the late Joseon period; symbolic colors from painted objects expressed common people’s aesthetics, highlighting the ideal(abstract) expression of colors. More notably, some artworks expressed soft and diverse colors, unlike other peony paintings in the late Joseon period. This study holds significance as it identified form in peony paintings-which used to be dominated by symbolism-from a picturesque perspective and quantitatively turned them into data colors in peony paintings, which have been studied mostly conceptually. Furthermore, this study is expected to expand and utilize other studies in related fields in the future.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 창원 유향소의 운영 실태

        백지 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2021 민족문화논총 Vol.79 No.-

        본 논문은 창원향교 소장 고문서 자료를 바탕으로 17세기 창원 유향소의 운영 실태를 살펴 본 것이다. 창원에 유향소가 설치된 시기는 늦어도 16세기 전후이다. 창원의 재지사족은 유향소 鄕員으로 활동하며, 지역 내에서 자신들의 사회・경제적 이해관계를 관철시켜 나갔다. 창원 유향소는 일정한 조건을 갖춘 인사를 鄕員으로 선발하였는데, 그 절차는 대체로 ‘추천→심사→鄕錄薦 작성→鄕案草 작성→鄕案 입록’으로 이루어져 있다. 鄕任으로는 常職인 座首 와 別監, 임시직인 行首와 座上 등이 확인된다. 향임은 당초 경재소에서 선발했지만, 임진왜란 이후 경재소가 혁파됨에 따라 수령이 그 권한을 행사하되, 유향소의 재지사족 세력에 의해 추천된 인사 가운데 선발이 이루어졌다. 유향소 구성원은 향촌사회 내에서 자신들의 이해관계를 반영한 규례를 제정하였으며, 削籍・損徒・苦任 등의 처벌 규정을 통해 유향소 내 질서를 확립해 나갔다. 한편, 창원 유향소는 부세 행정을 보조하면서도, 부세를 조정하며 향촌사회 내에서 자신들의 영향력을 실질적으로 행사하였다. 특히 관내 관속・인리 집단에게 부과되는 부세를 조정하고, 경저의 물력 제공을 주관함으로써, 향촌 내 중간 계층을 직・간접적으로 규제하는 모습을 보여주었다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘일대일로(一帶一路)’와 제국의 지정학

        백지운(Baik, Jiwoon) 역사비평사 2018 역사비평 Vol.- No.123

        The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a grand design proposed by China in 2013, aims at a fundamental geopolitical remapping. Coping with modern geopolitics in which China has been besieged by Western powers – especially the United States – BRI attempts to move the geopolitical center of gravity from the Pacific Rim to Eurasia. However, as a global project, BRI’s success is utterly dependent on whether it can create an alternative value system that can rival western values such as liberalism and democracy. It was the empire discourse which has been empowered with the rise of China in the late 2000s that took the role of creating said value system. By posing empire as an alternative to the modern capitalist world system based on the Westphalian norm, the empire discourse corresponds to BRI’s regional conceptualization which has attempted to map out a post-modern geopolitics, but has ultimately turned out to be autoregressive and self-closed. Overall, the new geopolitical map putting Eurasia in the center tells us that the question of overcoming modernity, raised by the East Asia discourse in the 1990s, is an unfinished but still significant intellectual task.

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