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        웹 기반 과학연재프로그램을 영어로 진행한 수업 사례 분석

        이향미(Lee, Hyang-mi),반은기(Ban, Eun-ki),손연아(Son, Yeon-a),최돈형(Choi, Don-hyung),강경희(Kang, Kyung-hee) 한국영재교육학회 2009 영재와 영재교육 Vol.8 No.3

        영재는 내적 동기 및 배우려는 의지와 능력이 일반 학생들과 다르므로 교육과정뿐만 아니라 수업내용면에도 차별화가 필요하며, 글로벌 국제 사회에서 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해서는 영어 활용 능력이 필수적이다. 이에 본 연구는 버클리대학교에서 제공하는 웹기반 프로그램(wise.berkeley.edu)을 활용하여 개발한 ‘영어로 진행하는 과학영재프로그램’을 실제 중학교 과학영재 수업에 적용하고 그 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 질적분석 결과, 다양한 연구방법, 구체적인 자료로 패턴과 원리를 발견하여 산출물을 생산, 토론하는 기회가 제공되었다. 학생들은 온라인상에서의 1차 토론으로 신중한 언어사용, 웹서치 병행으로 영어에 대한 부담감 감소, 전문적인 과학용어를 습득하였고 교사는 외국의 우수한 자료 수집, 수평적 분위기 조성에 효과적이라고 분석되었다. 사전․사후 검사를 통하여 학생들은 자료해석 능력과, 논리적 결론도출 능력이 향상되었다. 양적분석 결과, ‘교육내용’ 영역은 평균 3.40(SD=.65), ‘교수·학습방법’ 영역은 평균 3.45(SD=.65), ‘평가 및 학생 산출물’ 영역은 평균 3.66(SD=.64), ‘학습 환경’ 영역은 평균 3.16(SD=.61)으로 나타났다. 결론적으로, 영재 교수․학습 이론을 바탕으로 한 WSGEE 교수․학습 모형을 적용하여 학생들의 학습요구를 충족하는 학습자 중심의 프로그램을 운영하여야 하며 교사는 수업 전 수업에 필요한 과학용어 Key를 추출하여 준비하는 등 일반 수업과 차별화가 필요하고 과제 연구를 위한 팀 구성 시 일반수업과 달리 영어수준, 과학지식 수준, PPT 제작 능력 뿐 아니라 소신을 가지고 자신의 의견을 발표할 수 있는 자신감 등의 정의적 영역도 고려해야 한다. 마지막으로 지원체제 차원에서 학교와 교육청은 영어로 진행하는 과학영재수업에 필요한 제반 사항을 지원해야 한다. The gifted are different from ordinary students in terms of inner motives, skills, and the intention to learn, which requires them to have different study curriculums and contents. Furthermore, for competitiveness in the International global society, the use of English is necessary. There upon this reason, “WSGEE: Web-based Science gifted education in English” was applied to a real junior gifted class, to examine the effects of it. The class was performed on a web-based program provided by Berkeley University(wise.berkeley.edu). Class observations and analysis, teacher and student interviews and before and after class evaluation’s qualitative methods and understanding on quantitative methods were also performed all together to analyze the class. The qualitative research resulted that, students applied their research on class topics in diverse ways. Also, through specific data, students discovered patterns and principles by themselves which organized production and provided the opportunities to discuss it with it together. In addition, after interviewing with the students, we cautiously determined the online discussion and web search in English have increased the use of English vocabulary and decreased the burdens of English to students. Also by gathering files, it was analyzed that students became much more familiar with using professional scientific words. Moreover, after interviewing the teachers, it showed that when the web-based was proceeded in English, it was easier to collect data on foreign countries and assisting horizontal atmosphere, was more efficient due to student’s expressing their positive views in English. Lastly, the before and after class evaluation resulted, students ability to translate the after class subjects have improved. Students also could logically explain the reasons and importance of scientific concepts that were learned in class. Contents resulted in the average of 3.40(SD=.65). Instructions and learning methods averaged to be 3.45(SD=.65). Evaluation and production averages came out to be 3.66(SD=.64) and finally, the average for learning environment was shown to be 3.16(SD=.61). We concluded as follows. We need to apply the teachings of WSGEE to our teachings as models, and a main program should be operated for students that claim learning. and teachers need to point out Scientific Key words before class, to have distinction between the regular classes. Also, Teachers are required strategic ways to help students use English in a free and a natural way. In addition, different with the regular classes, when distributing into teams for class subject research, the usage of English, knowledge in science, the capability of dealing with PPT (power point) presentation and students presenting their opinions in a definite and confident way are required. We believe the school board should support needed items for the class. Furthermore, opportunities for a domestic training course as well as an abroad training course should be expanded for science teachers to improve their English. Teachers in college’s science department of education and the linguistics center should also be given an opportunity to a training course as well.

      • KCI등재

        고등학생의 과학철학적 관점에 대한 연구

        이선경,김우희,박현주,반은기 한국과학교육학회 2000 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구에서는 고등학생들의 과학철학적 관점이 어떤 철학(경험주의, 합리주의, 구성주의)에 근접해 있는지와 어느 구성주의 철학자(포퍼, 쿤, 라카토스 툴민)의 관점에 근접해 있는지를 알아보았다. 또한 정량적 방법을 통해서 성별, 문 · 이과별, 과학철학에 대하여 접해본 경험여부에 따라 유의미한 차이가 있는지 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 학생들은 전체적으로 특정한 철학적 관점에 치우쳐 있지 않았으나 과학철학을 접해 본 경험이 있는 학생들이 경험주의 관점을 가지고 있었다. 또한 구성주의 철학자적 관점에 있어서는 남학생들이 쿤의 관점에, 이과 학생들이 포퍼의 관점에 근접해 있는 것으로 나타났다. 학생들의 과학철학적 관점은 본 연구의 정량적인 방법 외에 정성적인 방법으로 차후의 연구가 요구된다. This study was to investigate high school students' philosophical views on science and positions of constructivists; Popper, Lakatos, Toulmin, and Kuhn. The results of this study were as follows: First, most students had the eclectic position(69%): similar percentages in sex(male 67%, female 75%), stream(liberal art 72%, science 74%), and of having experience on reading books or magazines related to the philosophy of science(ever 78%, never 64%). Second, in analysis of ANOVA of science philosphical perspectives by experience of reading books, magazines, and matters related to the philosophy of science, significant difference was revealed(p< .O1). Students who had ever heard of or read about the philosophy of science were tend to have Empiricism. Third, ANOVA analysis of constructivist philosphical perspectives showed that male students were nearer to Kuhn's position than female(p< .05) and students in science stream were closer to Popper than in liberal art(p< .05). And male students in science party showed a great tendency to consent Popper's perspective(p< .O1). This result seems to suggest that male students tended to think social aspects more deeply than female and held Kuhn's position.

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