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      • 결혼피로연 음식에 대한 충북지역 주민의 인식 및 만족도

        김명숙(Myoung Sook Kim),김기남(Ki Nam Kim) 충북대학교 생활과학연구소 2007 생활과학연구논총 Vol.11 No.1

          The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and satisfaction of wedding reception foods among 320 residents in Cheongju and Chungju cities of Chungbuk Province, who have participated in wedding receptions and who had experiences in eating wedding reception foods. As for wedding reception food, 55.0% of the respondents said that the kinds of food were adequate, which showed general satisfaction. Sixty five point three percent replied that there were some differences in food items at every wedding reception. The different items were "food taste"(61.8%), "food hygiene"(11.4%) and "food freshness"(11.4%) in order. The reasons why they left food at wedding receptions were "no taste"(35.8%), "less freshness"(23.3%) and "too much food"(21.7%) in order. Fifty three point seven percent showed a preference on buffet. Among them 53.7% said that the reason why they like buffet was "not to leave food". In relation to satisfaction on wedding reception foods, seasonal menu and workers" kindness were the lowest. The items to be improved which the satisfaction degree was low but the importance degree was high were food hygiene, food freshness and tableware cleanliness in order. In conclusion, the strict inspection of hygiene for the wedding reception food and kindness education for employees should be required to improve customer"s satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        침묵의 E-『실종 La disparition』

        김명숙 ( Myoung Sook Kim ) 한국불어불문학회 2013 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.93

        Ce present article examine comment Perec contribue a apporter une diversite et une originalite dans la litterature francaise. La premiere partie est consacree a envisager une relation entre OuLiPo et Perec. OuLiPo (Ouvroir de Litterature Potentielle), cree en 1960 vise avant tout a la recherche de formes et de structures nouvelles. Le groupe compose des ecrivains, des mathematiciens et des peintres se distingue du surrealisme et de l`engagement sartrien en niant le hasard si cher aux surrealistes et en refusant toute activite ideologique. Rats qui ont a construire le labyrinthe dont ils se propsent de sortir defini par oulipiens eux-memes montre le caractere des contraintes de l`ecriture oulipienne. Perec, y adhere en 1967 est toujours fidele a l`OuLiPo et son ecriture temoigne d`un rat genial. La deuxieme partie est destinee a analyser La disparition, ecriture typique du lipogramme. Le roman policier de plus de 300 pages cree sans E appara↑t inapercu lors de sa publication. Ecrire sans E signifie une contrainte absolue, considerant l`omnipresence de cette voyelle dans la langue francaise. Perec reussit non seulement a realiser une ecriture lipogrammatique sans precedent mais aussi a mettre en relief une question existentielle: la deuxieme guerre mondiale, la disparition de sa mere. La troisieme partie concerne une parente litteraire. La disparition est impregne d`une intertextualite perecquienne ou se trouvent Melville, Rimbaud, Lowry, Joyce, Hugo, Mallarme etc. Cela temoigne de sa volonte de se situer dans la litterature du passe. Perec choisit ainsi une extension au lieu d`une rupture de la tradition litteraire. Perec, oulipien depasse OuLiPo en ne pas perdant l`axe existentielle. De fait, le roman policier prive d`E ne cesse d`evoquer sa place: signe de deuil pour Eux disparus pendant la deuxieme guerre mondiale.

      • KCI등재

        플로베르와 페렉

        김명숙 ( Myoung Sook Kim ) 한국불어불문학회 2011 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.87

        Perec comme lecteur devoue de Flaubert ne cache pas la grande influence que son maitre a eu sur lui. Ils partagent le meme desir de decrire le monde avec une passion impersonnelle. Ici nous mettons en lumiere Flaubert par Perec et reciproquement. Nous qualifions leur ecriture de ≪celle de la generation≫ et de ≪celle de la liste≫. Comme le dit Barthes, nous y decouvrons un exces de precision, une sorte d``exactitude maniaque du langage et une folie de la description. Ils ne cessent d`enumerer, de nommer, de compter et enfin de copier ce que leurs yeux saisissent. Ils ne peignent pas le monde mais le copient. D`ou vient une ≪langue pure≫ de Barthes. Les objets flaubertiens nous invitent a decrypter des connotations sociologiques ou psychologiques. Dans l`Education sentimentale, Flaubert consacre de belles pages a enumerer des objets quotidiens pour decrire son epoque. Il en va de meme des choses perecquiennes. Celles-ci fonctionnent comme un miroir qui reflete une generation comme le suggere le sous-titre de Les Choses, 《une histoire des annees soixante》. La description flaubertienne et le denombrement perecquien temoignent d`une ecriture eclatee. Bouvard et Pecuchet se lit comme le premier roman qui annonce l`eclatement du tout dans le monde romanesque: le temps, l`histoire, l`ordre, le personnage et le veridique. La vie mode d``empoi est aussi un ≪roman eclate≫. Une liste d`objets heteroclites dans Bouvard et Pecuchet qui se retrouve dans La vie mode d`emploi demontre l`antistructure de l`œuvre, son obscure et folle polygraphie. Le degre zero, ecriture ideale comme l`ultime reve de Flaubert est realise avec Perec.

      • KCI등재

        표절과 상호텍스트성의 경계 -미쉘 웰벡의 『지도와 영토』

        김명숙 ( Myoung Sook Kim ) 한국불어불문학회 2012 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.89

        La carte et le territoire, laureat du prix Goncourt 2010 a souleve une vive controverse apres ``Michel Houellebecq, la possibilite d`un plagiat`` de Vincent Glad. Celui-ci a demontre que plusieurs passages de Houellebecq plagiaient les versions de Wikipedia. La maison d`editions Flammarion s`est defendue de tout plagiat precisant que l`ecrivain utilisait effectivement les notices et sites officiels comme materiau litteraire brut pour parfois les integrer dans ses romans apres les avoir retravailles. Plagiat ou intertextualite? Nous reflechissons a nouveau sur une vieille question de l`Art. D`abord, nous comparons les phrases de La carte et le territoire avec les passages de Wikipedia. La definition de l`intertextualite donnee par Genette nuance entre citation, plagiat et allusion. Nous examinons le cas de Houellebecq en nous appuyant sur l`exemple de Perec. L`auteur de La vie mode d`emploi utilise discretement des ``collages litteraires` alors que Houellebecq reprend ``mot a mot`` des documents scientifiques. A partir de cette difference, nous analysons l`effet de style de l`auteur de La carte et le territoire du point de vue de la mimesis. Le ``name dropping`` et l`autofiction servent a debrouiller la frontiere entre reel et fiction chez l`auteur. Dans ce contexte, il est significatif de lire le titre de l`exposition de Jed : "LA CARTE EST PLUS INTERESSANTE QUE LE TERRITOIRE". Cela veut dire que la carte, autrement dit la mimesis (representation) procure une valeur esthetique dont le territoire, c`est-a-dire le reel, est depourvu. Si nous revenons a la possibilite d`un plagiat, nous devons estimer la metamorphose litteraire des documents scientifiques procedee par l`auteur de La carte et le territoire. Personne ne peut nier que son livre soit "plus interessant que Wikipedia".

      • KCI등재

        『잠자는 남자』, 숨은 "나"

        김명숙 ( Myoung Sook Kim ) 한국불어불문학회 2010 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.81

        2인칭 소설 형식으로 쓰인 『잠자는 남자』는 페렉이 시도한 새로운 형태의 자서전적 글쓰기이다. 작품의 처음부터 끝까지 배제된 `나`의 존재는 역설적이게도 `나`를 부각시키는 결과를 낳았다. `누가 이야기하는가?` `나는 어디 있는가?` 이에 대한 물음에 답하기 위해 필립 르죈느와 제라르 쥬네뜨의 자서전, 소설에 관한 형태론적 정의와 고찰을 살펴보았다. 『잠자는 남자』의 경우 이야기의 차원에 있어 화자와 주인공이 서로 다른 차원에 속함으로서 고전적인 장르 구분을 벗어나 있다. 이중의 독서가 가능한 이 작품에 대한 다각적인 이해를 위해 `페렉은 왜 이와 같은 글쓰기를 시도했는가?`라는 질문을 던지고 이를 위해 페렉이 완성하지 못한 자서전 계획과 이후 발표된 작품들을 아울러 고찰함으로써 이 작품이 페렉의 작품 세계 전체에서 차지하는 위치를 살펴보았다. 이차세계대전으로 부모를 잃은 페렉의 극복하지 못한 상처의 불완전한 초상인 `너`는 `나`를 쓰기까지의 작가의 고뇌를 반영한다. 페렉은 『잠자는 남자』를 마치면서 `너`로부터의 갈등에서 벗어나 『W 혹은 유년시절의 기억』의 `나`의 이야기를 찾아가게 된다.

      • KCI등재

        비만 여성의 영양교육과 운동 중재가 체중감량과 유지에 미치는 영향

        김명숙(Myoung Sook Kim),최미숙(Mee Sook Choi),김기남(Ki Nam Kim) 대한지역사회영양학회 2007 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        This study was performed to investigate the effectiveness of nutritional education and exercise intervention on reduction and maintenance of weight. The subjects were 24 obese women whose body mass index (BMI) was over 25 kg/m2. Nutritional education was performed once a week and swimming was done three times a week throughout this 12 week program. The subjects were recalled 1 month after the program was complete. Nutrient intakes were assessed by 24 hour recall method. Also food habits, dietary behaviors and nutritional knowledge were investigated by self-administered questionnaires before and after the weight control program and one month after completing the program. Height, weight, body composition and blood levels were measured before and after the weight control program and one month after completing the program. During the 12 weeks of the weight control program, body weight significantly decreased from an average of 69.7 kg to 65.8 kg and to 65.1kg after one month (p < 0.05). Body fat and BMI also significantly decreased (p < 0.01). Cholesterol and blood sugar levels decreased after 12 weeks and increased one month after completing the program. After taking nutritional education, the nutritional knowledge scores increased. Calcium intake significantly increased after completing the education and one month after completing the program (p < 0.01). Iron intake significantly decreased from an average of 12.1 g to 11.3 g after completing the program and increased to 15.5 g one month after completing the progrom (p < 0.001). We concluded that our nutritional education and exercise program was effective for reducing and maintaining weight. (Korean J Community Nutrition 12(1) : 80~89, 2007)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        문학의 위기에 관한 담론 -프랑스와 한국의 경우

        김명숙 ( Myoung Sook Kim ) 한국비교문학회 2012 比較文學 Vol.56 No.-

        Literature crisis is not limited to one nation but a worldwide phenomenon. This article analyzes french discourses and korean`s focusing on actual literary situation. French critics owe current problem to education reform and decline of “sacred monsters, monstres sacres”. From 1980`s, systematic standardization by french government in higher education institution has caused level downward of nation. Moreover, great artists who sacrifice their lives to art, so-called “sacred monsters” in 19, 20th century has disappeared. Besides, few big publishers which monopolize literary market compete into publishing best sellers which wouldn`t be so often great pieces. In Korea, first of all, literary situation is aggravating mostly because of digital culture which prevails in every domain. People are addicted easily to digital appendice rather than to books representing analogue culture. Under the circumstances, it is not strange that readers like to read “easy” books instead of difficult ones which are needed to think and reflect. Thinking and criticizing culture is replaced by “fast” culture, in other words, digital and “click” one. Secondly, it is gone that letters have power by themselves, Literary works are not any more created exclusively by few number of authors but by anybody, It makes inevitably hard in distinction between great works and disqualifying books, this article propose three directions in order to restore the power of literature. At first, publishers have to make an effort to give chances to different and unique voices which are independent to public taste. Secondly, critics must give right guidelines to readers. They must not be satisfied to actual abundant books but show their decisive choice by throwing away trash. Finally, readers have to stand by good authors even if their works are not attractive. These efforts could make potential sacred monsters great authors and give a hope to today`s literary situation.

      • KCI등재

        영양교육과 운동 중재가 일부 비만아동들의 신체활동과 식생활에 미치는 영향

        김명숙(Myoung Sook Kim),최미숙(Mee Sook Choi),김기남(Ki Nam Kim) 대한지역사회영양학회 2011 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        This study set out to investigate the effects of 16-week nutrition education and exercise intervention run by a public health center on the physical activities and dietary patterns of obese children at the before, after, and after one month point. After the program, the obese index of the obese children dropped by 5.9% from 38.4% to 32.5%. One month after the end of the program, their obese index increased by 1.4% to 33.9% (p < 0.001). The obese children``s hours of walking of physical activities increased to 2.6 hours from 1.2 hours after the program and remained at the 2.6 hours range one month after the end of the program (p < 0.01). The total scores of their food habits increased to 10.4 points from 9.1 points after the program and 10.3 points one month after the end of the program with significant differences (p < 0.01). The total scores of their eating behavior made a significant increase to 6.5 points from 5.3 points after the program and then dropped to 5.9 points one month after the end of the program (p < 0.05). As for changes to their dietary pattern scores according to the obese index, only the food habits scores showed significant main effects of term (p < 0.05). According to these results, there is still a need to develop proper programs to help them increase regular exercise, improve their physical activities by cutting down time with TV, computer, Internet, and video games, and enhance their nutritional knowledge and to provide them with ongoing management and guidance until the improved food habits and eating behavior become part of their habits. (Korean J Community Nutr 16(4) : 426~438, 2011)

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