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      • 特殊建康珍斷의 成果로 본 勤勞者 建康을 위한 새로운 接近策(Ⅰ)

        金斗熙 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1983 慶北醫大誌 Vol.25 No.1

        職業病 豫防을 위한 産業保健管理體系의 啓發을 위하여 大邱市와 隣近地方에 산재한 各 産業場을 대상으로 1976년부터 1983년까지 8년간 勤勞基準法과 産業安全保健法에 따른 特殊健康診斷의 結果와 이에 實際參與한 經驗을 토대로 많은 단점을 보완할 수 있는 方案을 생각하여 보았다. 첫째 학교보건기록부를 대학이나 직장으로 자동 송부하게 한다면 한 근로자의 건강문제를 보다 쉽게 이해할 뿐 아니라 적재적소에 배치할 수 있으며 현제도의 학교와 직장간 또는 직장과 직장간의 건강관리부의 단절을 막을 수 있을 것이다. 둘째 일반 및 특수 건강진단의 비용을 의료보험조합에서 지불케한다면 100%의 근로자를 수진케할 수 있으며 기업주부담을 경감해 줄 수 있을 것이다. 셋째, 산업안전보건법상 건강관리자는 산업보건에 관한 지식을 충분히 습득한 자격자로하고 보건 및 안전담당자도 또한 자격자로 하여금 전담시켜야 하겠다. 넷째, 산업보건 전문기관은 산업보건전문가로 하여금 운영케해야 할 것이다. I considered that the program of the Korean Oceupational Health Association(KOHA) for promoting of proceeding periodic physical screening examination to the workers exposing to hazadous materials was consciously very delayed by employers with some complaints, such as too much expenditure for the health protection projects-Annual routine physical examination for workers exposed to hazardouses and or not to, insurance for accidents, counterpart of medical insurance, and allotments for frequent various education for health and safety-workers, also include of some indemnities. and as wasting time for the periodic examinations. This proceeding for by labor's law was begun from 1964 when KOHA was firstly organized. In Taegu area, from 1966 when organized the branch of KOHA, annual periodic routine physical examination was begun in this area. Specially, physical examination for workers exposed to harmful materials was begun from 1976 when I was engaged as director of The Branch of KOHA and The Kyungpook Institute of Industrial Health of KOHA. I experienced as director for the a period of eight years to 1983. Medical insurance was begun from 1978 for the governmental workers but from 1977, for industrial workers. The insurance for accidents, from 1964. The Governmental policies shifted toward social security from 1976 when begun fourth five year-plan for national economic development. For the protection of industrial worker's health, there are too much problems as if Dr. Kim and Kang(1979) described aleady in their report in English. Most of all workers, employers and employees were not educated to the cautions for handling of the harmful materials in spite of it was attached on the factory wall or side of the containers. The periodic annual screening physical examinations were inevitably proceeded by enforcing of supervisors in The Labor Office, particularly for special exam. And physical examination and or aptitude test for applicants into the companies were always neglected except some big companies. Then I consider that a new network for control of worker's health as figure two was established by myself. For the new net work, the law of school health and the law of industrial health and safety must be enoughly combinded by in procedures though it should not make a new constitution of the law for. It is available to recorded to reform the laws as well as possible. If the health charts recorded in each various levels of school were automatically transferred by any regulation to the their working companies. It may be pretended or substituted to do the entering physical exam. into the companies and there are not necessary to ask their past history of illness, of course easy for aptitude test in physically. It may also valuable for health economics preventing occupational diseases that have to be more expended for in the future. So-called, industrial physicians engaged in present time have not ability or a little for accurate integration of the results recorded from periodic examination physically and or environmentally, and of complaints from clients and patients by occupation except of some bodies. The experts for industrial health care to supervise and to serve in industries have to be trained with diploma course for about a year in a public health schools.

      • 勤勞者의 職場別健康指數

        金斗熙,金明漢 慶北大學校 産業開發硏究所 1980 硏究報告 Vol.8 No.-

        Occupational health indexes estimated by Todai Health Index (THI) questionair is firstly reported in Korea, and it was induced frm the laobr groups working in their industries located in or around Daegu city, during four months from June to Octover, 1979. It was compared with the index of control group, clerks of industrial administration, but not significant without considering their practical working periods except, especially, the values of the several neurological and a few physical indexes in the basic metal group and machinery-equipment groups (p<0.05). But the differences of sexual index-values were somewhat reliable significant (p<0.01∼0.05) among various index-items except textile group with polyester fiber: female workers are not reliable as executive clerk, chemical worker, basic metal worker and machinery-equipment worker. Most of the female index values according to the item were higher than those of male worker. We found a important fact that the working reguarity in their industries (item number 12 LIFE) is really concerned with this health index values. In an other word, in the groups having significantly lower index (p<0.01∼0.05) than that of control in the LIFE item, the index values in the other items are also lower than those of. Neverthless, it means that the decay of a cercardian rhythm of human-body ecologically expressed introduce health balance into destroying status.

      • 障碍兒童家庭의 母子保建

        金斗熙,金弘鎭,李圭植,朴泰龍 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1980 慶北醫大誌 Vol.21 No.1

        障碍兒家庭의 母子保健實態를 알아볼 目的으로 極히 制限된 標本이기는 하나 大邱, 釜山, 大田 等地의 特殊學校 學生들을 系統的 臨意抽出法으로 選擇하여 조사에 응해준 386名에 대하여 그 家庭과 가장 密接한 관련을 가진 각 담임교사를 통하여 設問紙를 利用하여 1979年 2月부터 9月까지 調査 分析하였다. 對照群으로서는 大邱市 郊外 3個 國民學校 1개교 69名씩 3~6學校生을 같은 方法으로 207名을 選擇하여 比較해 보았다. 一般社會學的 特性 : 聾兒 및 精薄兒의 平均家族數는 각각 6.5 및 6.4로서 對照群 5.8에 비하여 많았다. 그들의 母의 學歷은 肢體不自由兒, 聾兒, 精薄, 兒母가 平均 國卒로서 對照群의 平均學歷이 中卒인데 비해 낮았으며 역시 家長의 職業도 對照群은 63.8%가 精神勞動에 근무한다고 볼 수 있는 데 비하여 肢體不自由, 聾, 精薄群은 肉體勞動을 주로하는 직업에 종사하는 예가 많다고 하겠다. 다만 盲群은 對照群과 別差가 없었다. 母의 出生地나 宗敎에서는 對照群과 有意한 差를 볼 수 없었다. 母性保健의 側面:肢體不自由 兒母群에서 平均初經年齡이 15.8歲로서 他群에 比해 빠르다. 特히 聾兒母와 精薄兒 母群은 結婚을 他群보다 일찍 해서 첫 아이도 일찍 가졌졌으며 該當障碍兒 出生年齡은 보다 늦으며 따라서 그 出産順位도 늦어졌다. 兄弟姉妹와의 出産間隔은 兄과는 모든 群에서 大同小異하나 肢體不自由兒群에서는 그 동생을 他群보다 짧은 기간에 두었다. 流産經驗을 보면 自然流産率이나 死産率은 對照群과 大同小異하나 人工流産率은(1回이상 경험) 對照群 48.3%에 비해 낮은 경향이며 특히 精薄兒母에서는 9.2%로서 매우 낮았다. 該當障碍兒 姙娠時의 病歷과 姙娠中毒症狀을 보면 聾, 精薄群에서는 梅毒, 淋疾, 風疹을 앓은 例가 3~4% 있었으며 不肢浮腫은 肢體不自由群이 對照群과 함께 후반기에 뚜렷이 高率이었으나 他群에서는 前後半에 큰 차이가 없었다. 일반적으로 對照群에서는 後半으로 갈수록 증상이 적은 경우가 많았으나 他群에서는 別差가 없었다. 이는 對照群이 전문가와의 相談率이 보다 높게 나타난 것과 일치한다. 分娩環境의 側面:對照群에서는 專門家에 의해 衛生的으로 處理된 率이 분명히 높다. 育兒保健側面:肢體不自由兒는 他群보다 일찍 病院에서 발견되었으며 他群은 家庭에서 보다 늦게 발견되고 있다. 豫防注射 完全接種率도 對照群보다 낮았다. 離乳食을 보면 특히 聾, 精薄群에서는 正常群보다 일찍이 시작하는 경향이 있으며 粉乳를 많이 利用하고는 있으나 離乳食과 함께 營養劑는 正常群에서 보다 많이 使用하고 있다. 出生申告率도 法定期日을 보다 잘지키고 있는 것은 正常群이다. 지연시키는 理由도 역시 바쁘다거나 좋은 이름을 짓기 위한 예로 正常群에서 우세하다. 대답이 없거나 죽을가봐 늦은 이유는 障碍兒群에서 많다. 家族計劃 찬성율도 전반적으로 70%이상으로 높으나 正常兒群보다 障碍群에서 낮다. 이상을 종합하여 볼 때 대체적으로 障碍兒群은 그 家族의 크기가 보다 크며 社會的 地位도 비교적 낮은 경향이며 母의 結婚이 빠른 多産婦의 경우나 出産順位가 늦은 경우에 多發하고 專門家와의 母性相談을 소홀히 했으며 該當兒 分娩介助도 非專門家에게 많이 의뢰하는 경향이며 育兒에 等閑視하는 경향이 있음을 짐작할 수 있었다. The data on maternal and child health of normal children's families were reported frequently by many authors in Korea. But the data in handicapped children's families were reported quietly rare now, So a study was made to clarify the current status of maternal and child health in handicapped children's families during the 6 month period from February, 1979. The mean sizes of family of the hearing impaired group(6.5) and the mental retarded (6.4) were significantly larger than 5.8 of the control group. The mean educational level of mothers of the handicapped except the blind was primary school, while the control was middle school. Most fathers of the control group (63.8%) were engaged in professional, technical or the clerical work, while the small percentage of the handicapped except the blind were engaged in the above occupation. There were no statistically significant difference among groups with respect to the birth place and religion of mothers in this study. The mean age at menarche of mothers of the crippled (15.8) was significantly earlier than that of the other groups. The mean age at marriage of mothers of the hard of hearing and the mentally retarded was significantly earlier than that of the control. The birth order of subjects child was also later in the hard of hearing and the mentally retarded than in the control. The birth interval between the subject child and his elder brother was nearly same in tendency except the crippled and the interval between the subject child and his younger brother was shorter than that of the other. In the rate of spontaneous abortion and still birth there were no significant difference between the handicapped and the control. But the rate of induced abortion in the handicapped was significantly lower than the control. During the pregnancy of the subject child, 3-4% of the hard of hearing and the mentally retarded had syphilis, gonorrhea or rubella, which were absent in the control. Regarding the delivery conditions the rate of consultation to specialist was significantly higher in the control group than in the handicapped. For cutting equipment of the umbilical cord the rate of using sterilized scissors was higher in the control group than the handicapped. The rate of sterilized delivery kit supply was also higher in the control group than the handicapped. Regarding the time of abnormality found, the crippled were found earlier than the other handicapped. Most of the crippled children were diagnosed in hospital, while most of the other handicapped were identified at home. Regarding the rate of vaccination of small pox, B.C.G., D.P.T., poliomyelitis, and measles the handicapped groups were significantly lower than the control group.

      • 大邱地方 産業福祉施設 實態

        金斗熙 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1983 慶北醫大誌 Vol.24 No.2

        産業社會에 입각한 현대에 근로자들의 保健을 유지증진시키는 기본인 産業福祉施設 실태를 알기 위하여 大邱市와 그 인접지역의 각종 기업체를 대상으로 적절한 설문표를 만들어 우편을 통하여 설문하는 한편 産業體 特殊健康診斷을 할 때 관계자에게 직접 질문하는 方法으로 다소의 결과를 얻었다. 응답자의 특성(연령, 성, 직위, 교육정도) 중 성별 비율과 교육정도는 설문방법에 따라 큰 차이 없이 유사하였으며 대상기업체의 특성(기업체의 크기, 월봉급, 보건관리 관계요원 채용상태, 정기 건강진단 및 후생시설 등) 중 근로자(사원을 제외)의 월봉급수준은 설문방법에 따라 차이가 없었다. 다만 특수건강진단 시에 한 경우가 대체적으로 양질의 기업체에 해당되었으며 우편을 통하여 회답을 받은 경우도 약 37%에 불과하나 비교적 착실한 응답을 얻었다고 본다. 후생시설과 요원은 곧 기업체의 크기와 비례되며 아직도 기업발전을 위한 시설에 치중하고 있으며 진정한 복지에는 미흡하다고 하겠다. 즉 50% 이상에 해당되는 설치시설은 목욕탕73.7%(우편응답군에서 68.2%, 직접면담 82.2%), 운동장 56.5%(우편응답군에서 47.9%, 직접면담 70.0%), 식당 82.4%(우편응답군에서 80.8%, 직접면담 85.0%), 통근버스 61.3%(우편응답 군에서 62.2%, 직접면담 59.8%), 여자기숙사 66.0%(우편응답군에서 66.4%, 직접면담 65.4%)에 불과하며 설문내용(부표 설문지 참조)의 대부분이 50%에 미달되고 있다. 즉 보건관리자 고용상태도 법적으로 엄중 규제하고 있음에도 87.3%에서 전임 또는 겸직 의사를 고용하고 있으나 겸직은 형식만 갖추었는 경우가 대부분이며 12.7%에는 전연 생각도 하지 않고 있다. 전임보건요원은 12.8%에 불과하며 안전요원은 20.5%였다. 겸직자와 합하면 각각 78.1%, 93.3%로서 양호한 편이나 이것은 곧 직업병예방보다 재해예방에 치중하고 있음을 의미한다. 정기 건강진단은 약 95.8%에서 하고 있으나 그 진정한 의미를 모르고 분석해 볼 생각도 않고 있다 하겠다. 후생시설중 근로자의 생활과 관련된 사택(27.7%), 의무실(26.2%), 이발소(3.2%), 미용소(1.8%), 기혼여성 고용에 필요한 보육시설(0.3%), 수영장(1.0%), 예금제도(44.1%), 대부제도(33.5%), 매점(33.5%), 도서실(25.5%), 강당(27.0%), 오락시설(37.5%) 등이 또한 생산성과 관련이 있음을 알기에는 아직도 멀었다고 본다. 이상으로 보아 83년 7월부터 시행되는 산업안전보건법의 엄중 실천을 기대하는 바이다. The benefit for maintenance and improving industrial health is regarding to labor's operating environment and their amusement faciliies in their industries and social life, so that this paper present the status provided by two method: appropriate questionairs were sent to various industries through mail in a group, and in another, directly interviewed at the time of periodic physical examination. Of the characteristics of persons responed to the questionair, the sec ratio and educational background showed almost similar pattern in both methods but the age and the working position were somethong different. Also the pattern of monthly payment were similar in both methods obtaining of the characteristics of various industries but other statuses were more or less different; size of industry, employment of industrial physician and medicade for health and safety, periodic physical examinations, and amusement facility. Generally the interviewed cases were included of somewhat well developed industries for health and amusement facilities. The larger industries had the more attached facilities and the more employment of personnel for health and safety in rate. The cases overed 50 percent in providing rate of facilities are as follows. Bath room attached in 73.7%; 68.2% in the cases through mail and 82.2% in the interviewed. Playing ground, 56.5%: 47.9% and 70.0%, respectively. Dining room, 82.4%: 80.0% and 85%. Bus for go on duty and or out, 61.3%: 62.2% and 59.8%. And dormitory for women, 66.0%: 66.4% and 65.4%. The industrial physician was employed in 87% with full-or part-time, medical in 78% and auxiliary for safety, in 93.3%. It seems that they are more emphasising in preventing industrial injuries than occupational chronic diseases. But periodic physical examination was practiced on 95.8%. In othewise, the cases belowed in 50% are as follows. The company's housing for executive persons was built up in 27.7%; dispensary, 29.2%; barber shop, 3.2%; beauty shop, 1.8%; kinder-garden, 0.3%; nursing room, 2.1%; swimming pool, 1.0%; library, 25.5%; auditorium, 27.0%; shopping room. 33.5%; ad recreation room, 37.5%. Improving economic status for labors, depositing money system was instructed in 44.1% of all; loaning, 33.5%; and insurance, 17.1%. Conclusively I am prospectively expecting to induce of practice of the law of industrial health and safety that newly promulgated in December, 1982.

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