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        日本腦炎에 關한 疫學的 調査 (1976)

        신학(申鶴均),이한일(李漢一),김경호(金慶浩) 대한바이러스학회 1976 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.6 No.1

        A serological and an entomological sureys of Japanese encephalitis(J.E.) have been carried out from the pre-epidemic to the duration of epidemic season in 1976. Specially, emphasis were given to the seasonal prevalence of Culex tritaeniorhynchus, and the evidence for swine infection rate with J. E. virus and concerning the meteorological data of 1975 and 1976. The study areas were selected such as Busan-City, the most southeastern area, Gwangju-City, the most south-western area, and Goyang-Gun where it located at the central area of the Republic, and those were virtually covered nation-wide in terms of latitudinal and longitudinal degrees. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) It was found that more than 50% of hemagglutination inhibition (H-I) antibody converted among the less than 1-year old pigs in most of the study areas in the middle of September. 2) The population density of Culex tritaeniorhynchus was little lower, and seasonal duration was much shorter than those of previous years. 3) The first J.E. human laboratory confirmed case was occurred on 10th September when the H-I antibody conversion rate of swine was still remaining steadily at 30% in the study areas. In view of three important facts, the authours could predict that Japanese encephalitis cases wiil be broken out sporadicaly rather than epidemic form, and the seasonal duration of an epidemic be shorter than the previous year.

      • 사과 炭疽病菌의 培養的 性質 및 殺균 效果에 關한 硏究

        申鶴均 안성산업대학교 1968 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        (1) 사과 炭疽病菌은 培養基의 生理的 性質로 몇가지 Graup으로 나눌 수 있는데 大體로 菌中菌絲의 發育이 抑制되는 것은 胞子의 形성이 많았으며 色이 紛紅色이었고 反對로 氣中ㅇ絲의 發育이 良好한 것은 胞子의 形成이 적고 色도 灰一灰綠色이었다. (2) 고추, 포도, 사과 및 참빗살에서의 分離菌은 사과 炭疽病菌인 Glomerella Cingulate라고 할 수 있으며 감, 참외 및 복숭아 分離菌은 各各 다른 病原性을 나타내며 別種이 炭疽病菌이 아닌가 생각된다. (3) 사과 炭疽病에 대하여 가장 效果的인 殺菌劑는 Difolatan, Phaltan및 Ditane M-45 이였었다. Monoconidial cultures of causal organism of authracnose, isolated from cight susceptible plants obtained from various places have been studied in relation to variability in culture, and in pathogenicity and to determine the yalue, if any of certain fungicdes as control for bitter not disease of apple. 1. Several groups defined from each other on nutrient media in the following colony characters; Aerial mycelial development suppressed group which greatly produced spore formition and colouring was pink. But well developed group of aerial mycelia which greatly reduced spore formation and colouring was gray to grayish green. 2. It is conceuded that the causal organism of authracnose, isolated from red pepper, grapo, apple and Euonymus alatus were Glomerella cingulta resulted from cross inoculation. But the causal organisms of authracnose, isolated from persimmon, Japanese melon and peach were not same organism of apple bitter rot disease resulted from no pithogenicity appeared. 3. Among the tested fungicides the influence of Difolatan, Phaltan, and Dithane M-45 were appeared the most remarkable.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        日本腦炎바이러스의 生態學的硏究 (1972)

        신학(申鶴均),정의범(鄭義範),김부영(金溥榮),송영수(宋榮守),김경호(金慶浩),이성우(李晟雨) 대한바이러스학회 1972 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.2 No.1

        Through the epidemic season in 1972, studies on seasonal occurrence of Japanese Encephalitis(J. E) virus among the sentinel piglets, pigs in slaugbter houses and mosquitoes were carried out in three different localities by means of the virus isolation and antibody titration. The study was also carried out the epidemiological relationship among the human cases, mosquitoes and swine infection. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Results of Hemagglutination Inhibition (H-I) antibody titration of sentinel pigs from June to September, 1972 by areas. 1) Pusan City (Veterinary Diagnosis Labolatory in Sasang County) July, 14: Positive rate 30% (It was considered as maternal immunity) July, 21: Aug 18: Positive rate 0% Aug. 25: Positive rate 22% Sept.1: Positive rate 67% Sept. 8: Positive rate 88% 2) Kwangzu City (College of Agriculture, Univ. of Jeonnam) July, 1: Positive rate 20% July, 14: Positive rate 40% Aug. 1: Aug. 25: Positive rate 0% Sept. 1: Positive rate 60% ll. Human Cases Though the first clinicaly doubtful case of J. E was early in June but epidemic outbreak was began on Sept. 8 when sentimel pigs H-I antibody titer were risen above 90 per cent. It was 2 or 3 weeks later than that of previous year. Lll. Japanese Encephalitis virus isolation 1) Japancse Encephalitis virus isolation from sentinel pigs: J.E virus strain was isolated from on pigs blood out of ten sentinel pigs in Pusan on August 26, 1972 2) Japanese Encephalitis virus isolation from mosquitoes: One J.E virus strain was isolated from 15 pools of Culex tritaeniorkyehs(C. t) mosquitoes collected at Jeollanam-Do where the highly epidemic area of J. E, 1972. Two isolated J. E virus strains are under testing for final identification.

      • 포도(Delaware)에 對한 2·4·5·TP 處理가 熱期抑制에 미치는 影響

        申鶴均 안성산업대학교 1972 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        1. 葡萄(Delaware)果房에 對한 2,4,5,-TP의 약해는 試驗範圍內에서는 濃度가 높을수록 甚하게 나타났다. 2. 藥劑處理 時期에 있어서는 그 時期가 빠를수록 약해가 甚하게 나타났다. 3. 熱期抑制의 效果는 25 PPm 處理에선 標準區보다 約 15日間, 50 PPm , 100 PPm의 晩期處理에선 다시 7∼10間의 成熱이 抑制되는 結果를 얻었다. 4. 果皮의 두께와 脫粒性은 50 PPm 處理 以上에서는 거의 果皮가 두터워졌고 脫粒이 어렵다는점이 느껴졌다. In order to find out the applicabilityof 2.4.5 - T P on Grape Delaware this experiment was carried out and Following results were obtained. 1. Chemical damage was heavier at higher level of varying Concentration applicated for this experiment. 2. The earlier application bring about heavier damage 3. Reapending was retarded 15 days at 25 ppm And 22 - 25 days at 50 and 100ppm than control. 4. Above 50 ppm level pericalp became thicker and shattering was harder.

      • Stevia(Stevia rebaudiana BERTONI)의 栽植密度가生育및收量에 미치는影響

        申鶴均 안성산업대학교 1977 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        本試驗은 砂壤土에 栽植密度를 달리하여 Stevia 栽培에 있어서 生育및 收量에 미치는 影響을 究明 코저 實施한바 그結果를 다음과 같이 要約한다. 1.本試驗에서는 試驗團50㎝×15㎝및 60㎝×10㎝가 收量이 우수하였다. 2.草長및 分植數는 分植數가 增加됨에따라 增加하는 傾向이나 一定限度를 넘으면 오히려 減少 되었다. 3.主莖長및 乾葉重에 있어서 Stevia는 栽植密度가 넓은 것에서 좁은것 보다 작았으며 基他 栽培는 비슷하엿으나 그 以後 넓은區에서는 급격히 減少 하였다. 4.收量과 生育의 相關에서 主莖長,分枝長,生體重,乾葉重에서 收量과 높은 正의 相關이 있었으며 其他 形質의 相關은 거의 認定할수 없었으며 栽植密度에 따른 相關의 差異가 認定되었다. The expeniment was was carried out to control the effect of planting density on growth, fruiting and yield of stevia plant in sandy loam soil, the results are summarized as follows 1. In this experiment, the planting density 50㎝ × 15㎝ and 60㎝ × 10㎝, showed the most vigorous yield 2. Growing height and branch of the plantlet increased in accordance with the increase of stems, but decreased when exceeded suitable amount of stems 3. Length of main stem and dry leave weight of stevia were exceptionally decreased among the largely - planting - density groups when compared to narrow ones while the other varieties were tend to be same between the indicated planting groups, But, after - all, these two traits were rapidily decreased in largerly - planting - density - groups. 4. Highly significant positive correlations were showed between the yield and the growth components such as dry weight main stem and sub - ones. However, the other characters were almost not correlated between the above two, the differences of correlation coefficient could be found according to the planting density.

      • 生長調整劑 處理가 秋作馬鈴薯 收量에 미치는 影響 (三)

        申鶴均 안성산업대학교 1985 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        1) 早植에 따른 增收效果는 현저하나 무조건 早植할수록 增收되는 것은 아니고 그 種薯의 萌芽가 언제 始作되느냐에 따라 決定된다. 2) 4回植栽中 萌芽가 가장 빠른區는 8月9日과 7月20日 이다. 3) 秋作감자 栽培에서는 植栽當時의 氣溫과 降水量 關係가 크게 左右되며 生育後半의 氣溫低下의 速度가 收量增收에 크게 영향을 미친다. 4) 一般栽培 切斷種薯에서 收量차이는 없으나 高溫과 降雨가 수반되면 種薯腐敗의 피해를 면치 못하게 된다. 故로 全粒種薯Hormon劑 複合處理의 效果가 가장 크다. 5) 秋作감자 栽培時 種薯量을 줄이기 위하여는 小粒全粒種薯를 使用해서 1株當 薯重을 크게 하기 위해서는 可能한 密植경향으로 植栽하는 것이 有利하다.

      • 밤송이의 生態에 관한 硏究

        申鶴均 안성산업대학교 1973 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        (1) 이 試驗에 使用된 樹今, 水勢에 잇어 中, 側花 어느것 이나 그 柱頭에 受粉이 되면 結實한다. 柱頭抽出後 21∼24일 사이에 受粉하면 結實하므로 밤은 長期間에 걸쳐 受精能力이 있다. (2) 밤의 花柱數는 8個정도가 標準이나, 花柱를 制限하여 ⅓로 하여도 受粉만 되면 結實을 하며, 果實의 肥大, 生理的 落果에도 別 영향을 인정할 수 없었다. (3) 밤가시(刺毛)의 硬化는 結實과關係가 있어 側果가 不結實인 경우는 그 部分의 밤송이의 發育이 不良하며 8月中旬까지도 刺毛는 密生학고 가시는 부드러웠다. This study is the investigation on the bionomics of the chestnut burs. The results are these. 1. This experiment used in the three ago and three pauxr's middle or side flower were all bear fruit, if it was pollination on the stigma. 2, After pick out the stigma, it was to pollinate from 21th day till 24th day, the chestnut was bear fruit. So the chestnut have pollination capacity for a long time. The standard number of the pollen tube of chestnut are eight, but the pollen tube length was limitted. It was ability fruit bear by pollination. There were not find out fat of fruits and June drops. 3. The hardness of chestnut burs was relation to bearing. If it was not development chestnut burs. When the side flower was unfertilizer.

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