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      • 都市中心의 工業化와 農村經濟

        申鉉佑 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 1985 새마을지역개발연구 Vol.6 No.-

        Korea has initiated Five-year Economic Development plans from 1962. Since then, Korea has experienced a sudden structural change of the traditional and agricultural society into the urbanized and industrialzied society. Colin Clark, who has classified industry into the primary industries, secondary industries and tertiary industries stated that in any nations, the relative importance of the primary industries such as agriculture in total national economy moves to those of the secondary and tertiary industries as economy of those nations develop, which he called "Fedder's Law". Because of the sudden industrialization for last 20 years, we can witness the stagnation of agriculture, which was the primary industries of our nation. Other countries have tried to find out means to get rid of the stagnation of economy through commercial farm management, market farming, mechanization of farm and we know that there are some successful cases. But we have not found any means to vitalize the rural economy. Our national policy of industrialization promoted with the emphasis on the urban are as because the effectiveness of investment in those community has been neglected. Because of the adaption of these unbalanced theory of growth, the unbalance between agricultural and industrial societies has been deepened. Therefore it brought about a large gap in income and cultural levels between urban and rural communities. Nevertheless, the lack of interest for the rural community make it's future depressing because the rural community is regarded as the remaining space for the urban community. From this point of view, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the phenomena of rural economy resulted from the urbancentered policy of industrialization, and to find out means to vitalize the rural economy. To sum up the activation plan of rural economy, first, the local autonomy should be realized, for it will play an important role in making the local administration to help and form a unique structure of productive economy in the rural areas. Secondly, the promotion of efficiency of agricultural management, the modification of farmland structure suitable t o regional peculiarity, the improvement of seed and the many-sided application of farm machines and implements are indipensable. Thirdly, the implements are indispensable. Thirdly, the improvement of marketing process of agricultural products and the activation of agricultural finance should be realized. Fourthly, the many-sided propulsive movement of rural community development should be carried out. Fifthly, various facilities for the convenient traffic and communications should be constructed for the elevation of income including agriculture. Finally, what is the most important is that government should establish a suitable price policy of the agricultural products to give farmer an incentive to improve it's production. The six suggestions mentioned above are considered to be the most desirable measures to give activation to the rural economy which has been sacrificed for industrial growth in the urban are as for last 20 years. Moreover, these are regarded as best methods to save the rural community from economic poverty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        건선 환자에서 횡복직근 유경 피판을 이용한 유방 재건: 증례보고

        신현우,이택종,장학,윤상엽 대한성형외과학회 2004 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.31 No.6

        Psoriasis is a common and unpredictable chronic immune mediated disease charcterised by skin lesions and associated with arthritis. Complete remission is very rare. Prevention of acute exacerbation is mainstay of the treatment. At present, risk of surgery in psoriasis patient is uncertain although some dermatologic literatures reported that well controlled psoriasis is usually not cause surgical complications. We experienced a case of wide necrosis of flap in chronic psoriasis patient after immediate breast reconstruction with pedicled transverse rectus abdominis flap. Psoriasis is well known to have chronic skin damage from characteristic histopathologic findings of Munro's micro abscess, dermal arteriolar tortursity and hyperplasia. Such pathologic feature may induce congestion of flap and wide necrosis of flap.

      • KCI등재

        예수는 과연 안식일 율법을 폐지했는가? - 마가복음 2:23-28 연구

        신현우 한국복음주의신약학회 2018 신약연구 Vol.17 No.1

        In Mark 2:23-28 Jesus argues against a Jewish way of keeping the Sabbath. For this, Jesus mentions the case of David’s breaking a Mosaic law (1 Sam 21:1-6) and compares it with the disciples’ breaking a Jewish tradition. As such Jesus introduces a qal wa-chomer argument: “David and his men were allowed to break a law of God. Thus Jesus (who is greater than David) and his disciples are much more allowed to break a human tradition (which is less important than the divine law).” This argument does not abolish the sabbath law but compares a Jewish sabbatical tradition with a Biblical law which was once broken by David. This rigorous comparative argument may have been needed since the sabbath law was not considered to have been abolished. Jesus also uses another qal wa-chomer argument on the basis of the original purpose of the sabbath. “The sabbath is made for the human being. (Accordingly the human being is greater than the sabbath. Thus Jesus [who is, as ‘the son of man’ in Dan 7:13, greater than the human being] is much greater than the sabbath.) Therefore, Jesus is (not only lord of David but) also lord of the sabbath. (Hence Jesus’ disciples do not need to keep the sabbath according to the Jewish application of the sabbath law.)” Since this argument presupposes the original purpose of the sabbath law, it does not abolish the sabbath. In Mark 2:23-28 one does not necessarily observe Jesus' abolishment of the sabbath but his meticulous legal defense of the breaking of a Jewish custom by his disciples. The necessity of this legal defense itself supposes that the sabbath is not abolished. 마가복음 2:23-28 본문은 안식일 율법을 유대인들의 방식에 따라 적용하는 것을 비판하는데, 이를 위하여 우선 사례를 통한 논증을 한다(25-26절). 예수는 사무엘상 21:1-6의 경우와 제자들의 경우를 비교하며 ‘칼 바-호메르’(rmwxw lq) 논증을 하신다. “다윗의 일행이 율법을 범하는 것이 허락되었다면, (다윗보다 위대한 메시아) 예수의 제자들이 (율법보다 사소한) 유대 전통을 범하는 것이 더더구나 허락된다.” 예수의 두 번째 논증은 안식일 율법의 근본정신으로부터의 추론이다(27-28절). 이를 전제로 하여 예수는 ‘그 인자’가 안식일의 주인이라는 결론을 추론한다(막 2:28). ‘그 인자’는 마가복음의 용례 속에서 예수를 가리키는 표현이다. 마가복음 2:23-28에서 예수는 안식일에 제자들이 곡식 이삭을 자르는 것이 허용됨을 논증한다. 하지만 만일 예수가 안식일법이 폐지된 것으로 간주하셨다면 다윗이 진설병을 먹음으로써 제사법을 위반한 경우를 언급하며 안식일 법과 제사법을 비교하는 법적 논증을 할 필요가 없었을 것이다. 또한 안식일 법의 본래의 목적에 근거한 논증도 불필요하였을 것이다. 다만, 안식일에 곡식 이삭을 자르는 것은 안식일 율법 자체가 금지한 사항이 아니었다. 그러므로 예수께서 제자들의 행위를 변호했다고 해서 안식일 율법을 폐지하였다고 볼 수는 없다.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등 도덕과 교육에서 공동체주의의 활용에 관한 연구

        신현우 한국윤리학회 2002 倫理硏究 Vol.49 No.1

        현대 우리 사회는 개개인의 자유와 권리를 중시하는 자유주의적 사상으로 인해 인간 삶의 근원이 되는 공동체의 중요성을 간과하고 있다. 일부 사람들은 공동체를 사회적 존재인 인간 삶의 전제 조건이 아니라 오히려 자신들의 자유와 권리를 제한하는 부담스러운 존재로 여기기도 한다. 우리 사회에는 공동체 정신 및 공동체적 유대가 거의 사라져가고 있다. 공동체와 유리된 개인은 원자화, 파편화 되어가고 있으며 그로 인해 개인의 삶은 점점 더 황폐화되는 심각한 문제 상황에 직면해 있다. 이에 본 논문은 문제 해결의 단초를 공동체주의적 사고에서 찾고자 하였다. 특히, 공동체주의적 사상의 회복 및 교육, 특히 도덕과 교육을 통해 문제 해결의 실마리를 찾고자 하였다. 그러므로 본 논문의 목적은 도덕과 교육 특히, 초등학교 도덕과 교육에서 공동체주의의 활용 가능성을 알아보는데 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본 논문은 공동체 및 공동체주의에 대한 이해와 공동체주의의 도덕 교육적 특성을 살펴본 후 공동체주의를 활용한 초등 도덕과 교육에 대해 알아보았다. 이를 위해 제 7차 초등학교 도덕과 교육과정의 특징과 제 7차 도덕과 교육과정에 나타난 공동체주의적 내용 요소를 밝혔다. 그리고 이러한 내용 요소들을 지도할 수 있는 실제적 지도 방안을 모색하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        초음파 및 진동형 지방흡입술과 부분 절제를 병용한 여성형 유방의 치료

        신현우,홍준표 대한미용성형외과학회 2005 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.11 No.2

        The authors present the treatment for gynecomastia that combines the use of ultra sound assisted liposuction with or without power assisted liposuction and periareolar partial excision. This method effectively removes the fibrous tissue and fat tissue of the male breast. From july of 2000 to october of 2004, total 17patients were treated in this fashion. Pressure vest was applied immediately after operation. It was performed as out patient desk based operation. The results from the operation demonstrated a smooth musculine chest contour with well concealed scar. The procedure is technically straightfoward and provide consistent results. It can be offered as an effective option for the treatment of gynecomastia.

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