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        수산제 일원 민속 전승의 문화 상징

        종목 東亞大學校 石堂傳統文化硏究院 2006 石堂論叢 Vol.36 No.-

        수산제의 문화는 물과 벼농사와 밀접하게 관련되어 있으며 이러한 양상은 당말리산 동제와 신호리 서낭제의 제의와 그 관계에서 확인할 수 있다. '용신 신앙'이 신호리 서낭제에서 마을신으로 되어 왔다는 것은 매우 특이한 현상이다. 이것은 수산제 일원의 전설도 마찬가지이다. 이곳이 신라와 가야의 접경 지역이었으므로 그와 관련되는 지명 전설이 다수 전승되고 있다는 특징 이외에 홍수(물) 관련 전설이 압도적으로 많다는 것이 또 하나의 특징이다. 문화 생산적 측면에서 볼 때 물과 벼농사와의 관계가 가장 잘 드러나 있는 것이 모심기 소리이다. 수산제(국농소)는 문화 형성의 동인으로 충분히 기능할 만한 공간이다. 그러므로 수산제(국농소) 공간에서 발생한 모심기소리, 즉 '궁노숲형 모심기소리'가 경남북 일대에서 회자되어 온 것은 너무나 당연하다. 수산제 문화의 특성은 물과 도작문화이다. 그리고 21세기는 문화 산업, 문화 경쟁의 시대이다. 만약 우리가 밀양에서 생명력이 있고 경쟁력이 있는 문화를 새롭게 가꾸어 가려면 그것을 어디에서 찾아야 할 것인가? 필자는 그것이 수산제 문화라는 것을 주저 없이 내세우고 싶다. 그러기 위해서는 우선 수산제의 발굴과 복원을 서둘러야 할 것이다. 그러나 여기서 그칠 일이 아니다. 이곳이 물과 도작문화와 관련되는 문화 발상지임을 널리 홍보하고 밀양 시민들 자신이 이에 대한 강한 자긍심을 지녀야 할 것이다. 문화가 생명력을 가지고 살아 숨 쉬게 하기 위해서는 그것을 생활 속에 끌어들여 함께 호흡해야 한다. 민중 일반이 아끼지 않고 즐겨하지 않는 문화가 생명력을 지니고 전승해 간다는 것은 불가능하다. 그런 의미에서 수산제 문화의 상징성, 즉 물과 도작문화적 특성을 살려 그것을 가꾸고, 가까이 하고, 더욱 심층적으로 연구해 갈 때 그것이 창조적으로 발전적으로 계승될 수 있으리라 믿는다. The function, aspect, and symbolism of the culture of the Susanje which was a bank that damped up a stream during Silla period and Joseon Dynasty can be searched through ceremonies, legends, folks songs as a cultural production place. 1. The culture of the Susanje is closely connected with water and rice crop. This aspect can be verified through the relations and ceremonies between Dangmalrison -Dongje and Shinhori-Seonangje. 'The faith of the dragon' is a tutelar deity of the farming village at Shinhori-Seonangje which is a very unique phenomenon. 2. It is the same as the legends throughout the Susanje area that is a border of Silla and Gaya, so the names of the places relating this area have come down to us by tradition. In addition, there are lots of legends about flood(water) overwhelmingly. Here are some examples. The legend of Namsujung which depicts flood as the object of the fear and conquest, the legend of Bangmitdeung that represents flood as an intermediation of the luck, and the legend of jangjamot which warns some slackened moral after acquiring forture. 3. In the aspect of the cultural production, the sound of the rice-planting can show the relations between water and rice crop well. The culture of the Susanje hans a specific character with water and rice crop. This culture can be created and transmitted as the cause of the cultural formation. The Susanje[Kuknongso] is a good enough place for the origin of the cultura formation. Therefore, it is natural for Mosimkisori generated from the Susanje[Kuknongso], that is, Mosimkisori of a same type of Kungnosoup to become the talk of all throughout the north and south of Kyoungsang province. 4. In view of the results so far achieved, the major character of the culture of the Susanje is water and rice crop. The 21st century is the era of the cultural industry and rival. If we want to cultivate the culture lively and competitively in Milyang, where can we find that? Without slightest hesitation, the culture of the Susanje can be the source for that. If so, we have to urge ourselves to excavate and restore the culture of the Susanje. 5. There remains to be done. We need to make public that this area is the cradle of civilization relating water and rice crop, and the citizens of Milyang should feel pride of that. 6. It is necessary for the culture of the Susanje to be readjusted. The was how to breathe life into culture is that we have to mix up with our own culture. It is impossible for the culture which people don't care for and enjoy to have a life and to be transmitted. When we take care of the symbol of the culture of the Susanje, which consists of the water and rice crop, and search more seriously, it can be handed down to our offspring creatively and expansively.

      • 韓國假面劇 臺詞의 表現法 考

        柳鐘穆 東亞大學校 文科大學 附設 韓國民俗文化硏究所 1981 民俗文化 Vol.3 No.1

        The study of Korean Folk Masque has emphasized folklore to excess until now. so it seems to neglect the literary characteristics of drama. as light literature, which are shown in the of words of the drama. By the reason in this stuff, I try to find the characteristics which are shown in the contents of the words in Korean Folk Masque Drama, by extracting the syntactical and expressional characteristics of the extant dramas which are left to us. The followings are these: 1. The kinds of Korean Folk Masque are Tel chum-Gun (Gun means group) Sandae-Nori-Gun, Yaryu-Gun. Ogwangdae-Gun, Byolshin gut-Gun, Kwanno-Tal-Nori Gun, Saja-Norum Gun etc. Among these dramas. I study tile drama of Bongsan-Talchum which belongs to Talchun-Gun (Collected by ImSukJae), the drama of Yangju- byol Sandae-Nori which bolongs to Sandae-Nori gun (by Lee du Hyen), the drama of Suyoung-Yaryu which belongs to Yaryu-Gun (by Gang-Gwon), and the drama of Kosung-Ogwangdae which belongs to Ogwangdae gun (by Jung Sang Bak) 2. It is rhetorical repetition that is used most frequently in the words written in Korean Folk Masque all through the dramas. 3. And rhetorical onomatopoeia, mimicry and simile are second to the rhetorical repetition. Besides, rhetorial irony, hyperbole, comparion, 4. It is unique in explosion of Korean Folk Masque tat many slang words and obscene words are written an that many chinese traditions and witty remarks are footed in the dramas. 5. Korean Folk Masque has not the plot which is composed in modern dramas. But it has fragmentary plot that forms Omnibus style by using various situations to express the same one theme. And I think the systematic expression of the rhetorical repetition makes up the fragmentary plot. 6. The reason why rhetorical onomolopoela and mimicry are used repeatedly is, I think, that they function as music effect and stage settings in modern drama to increase the dramatic effect or sense. 7. The reasons why simile is used mere frequently than metaphor are that only simile can express the strong resistance of people directly and effectively and tai the expression at that time is not much developed. 8. The reasons why many slang words are used in that dramas are that common people are eager to find their own "selves" more important thing among the people using slang words in contrast with the class using traditional terms of respect to give a good impression to others, and that they try to get away from traditional conservative spirit, authoritarianism and formalism so as to approach the new culture. 9 Many obscene words and slang words are used in the drama of Yang-ju-Sandae-Nori. On the other side, many chinese traditions and witty remarks are quoted in the drama of Bongsan-Talchum and Suyoung-Yar-yu. But Bongsan is situated far away from Suyoung and they have much different hestory of the development of masque. So. the Pact that there is something in common between Bougsan-Talc-hum and Suyoung-Yayu makes us to guess that they have had direct influence on each other since man years ago. The above is my study about characteristics of the words in Korean Folk Masque. To sum up, the words of Korean Folk Masque is the most excellent light literature (common peoples literature) which expresses "selves" of common people and resistance of people in opposition to traditional conservative spirit, authoritarianism and, formalism. And to express these features effectively, various expression and the free use of words are used in Korean Folk Masque. These characteristics makes the words of Korean Folk Masque much valuable in its creation.

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