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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Injectate Volumes Needed to Reach Specific Landmarks and Contrast Pattern in Kambin’s Triangle Approach with Spinal Stenosis

        박기덕,Ji Hae Lee,박용범 대한재활의학회 2012 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol.36 No.4

        Objective To identify the volumes of contrast material needed to reach the specific landmarks and contrast pattern during Kambin’s triangle approach (KB-A) in lumbar spinal stenosis.Method Sixty patients undergoing KB-A were investigated. Fifty-six patients were included in this study. KB-A were performed with the use of contrast-enhanced fluoroscopic visualization. After confirming the appropriate spinal needle position, a slow injection of up to 5.0 ml of nonionic contrast material was carried out. Under intermittent fluoroscopic guidance, contrast volumes were recorded as flow reached specific anatomic landmarks: ipsilateral inferior or superior neural foramen.Results After 2.0 ml of contrast was injected, 93.2% of KB-A cases spread to the medial aspect of the inferior pedicle of the corresponding level of injection and 86.3% of KB-A spread to the medial aspect of the superior pedicle of the corresponding level of injection. After 3 ml of contrast was injected, 95.3% of KB-A spread to cover both the medial aspect of the inferior pedicle and the superior pedicle of the corresponding level of injection. A volume of 2 ml of injectate reaches the anterior epidural space 100% of the time.Conclusion This study demonstrates injectate volumes needed to reach the specific anatomic landmarks in KB-A. A volume of 3.0 ml of injectate reaches both the medial aspect of theinferior pedicle and the superior pedicle 94.6% of the time. Therefore, Interventionalists may consider a 1-level instead of a 2-level injection for patients with a bleeding risk or for 2 level central pathology.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 실험쥐에서의 비침습적 경추부체감각신경유발전위검사

        박기덕 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1992 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.15 No.2

        실험용 동물로 가장 많이 사용되는 흰쥐에서 쉽고 정확하게 시행할 수 있는 경추부 체감각신경유발 전위검사 방법에 대하여 자세히 기술하였으며 이방법으로 얻은 유발전위의 정상치에 대하여 기술하였다. Somatosensory Evoked Potential(SEP) is a useful study in animal experiments as well as in evaluation of human diseases. But in animal experiments most methods of obtaining the potential are difficult and usually require surgical or complex procedures. In this article easy and accurate methods of obtaining cervical SEPs is presented in addition to its normal data of 55 female Spraque-Dally rats. Another advantage of this methods is that serial studies are possible because of its relative noninvasiveness.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        지방신경판과 근신경판을 이용한 선가공 자가신경이식이 신경재생에 미치는 효과

        조홍규,이동진,차진한,김양우,박기덕 大韓成形外科學會誌 2000 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.27 No.1

        Most of the peripheral nerve injuries from crushing or compressive forces are accompanied by surrounding soft tissue injuries. As a result, poor vascularity due to fibrosis and sacr formation compromises regeneration of the grafted nerve. Vascularized nerve graft shows superior regeneration to that of a non-vascularized one. However, the human body provides few donor sites of vascularized nerve graft clinically. We presumed that the prefabricated myoneural or adiponeural flap, which include fabricated nerves wrapped with surrounding vascularized muscle or adipose tissue flap, influences superiorly on the regeneration of grafted nerve because that surrounding vasculatity indirectly enhances the vascularity of the grafted nerve itself. Thirty adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups: 1) conventional reversed autogenous graft of the femoral nerve alone(n=10); 2) nerve graft entubulated with abdominal adipose tissue flap with a pedicle of inferior epigastric artery(n=10); 3) nerve graft entubulated with adductor muscle flap with a pedicle of the first muscular branch of the femoral artery(n=10). At three months postoperatively, grafted nerves were examined by electrophysiologic study to check amplitudes and motor nerve conduction velocities, as well as histopathologic study for evaluation of regenerated nerve cells, fibrosis and neo-vascularization. Consquently, nerve regeneration was found in all three groups. Both the myoneural and adiponeural flap groups had better improved results of nerve regeneration compared to that of the conventional nerve graft group. The result of myoneural flap group was superior to that of the adiponeural flap group. The myoneural flap group showed minimal fibrosis and less prominent neovascularization around moderately regenerated nerves. The adiponeural flap group showed more severe perineural and endoneural fibrosis, as well as vascular proliferation around focal regenerated nerves. The results of myoneural flap group proved to be statistically significant. We concluded that it is possible to use nerve graft entubulated with a vascularized muscle flap (myoneural flap) as a substitute for vascularized nerve graft.

      • 흰쥐말초신경에서 반복검사가 가능한 운동 및 감각신경의 비침습 전기생리검사

        박기덕,최경규 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1995 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.18 No.1

        There has been a need for animal experimental models to study the peripheral nerves to evalute the peripheral neuropathy. However, electrophysiologic test methods to confirm peripheral neuropathy in small experimental animals has mot been properly addressed due to technical difficulties and also the limitation of numbers of examinations due to the invasive natures of previous techniques of peripheral nerve conduction studies in experimental animals. The purpose of this experiment is to find out easy, reliable and noninvasive repeatable technical of nerve conduction study of peripheral nerves of rat. The electrophysiologic tests including motor and sensory nerve conduction studies were performed in both hind limbs of 64 rats. And the results were reported with detailed description of techniques. The mean value(±SD) of motor nerve conduction velocity was 41.8±3.0m/sec and that of the sendory nerve conduction velocity was 29.7±1.7m/sec and they showed stable results. In addition to its accuracy, this technique is a relatively simple and nonivasive repeatable methods of nerve conduction study of rat. But the amplitudes of compound muscle action potential(CMAP) and compound nerve action potential(CNAP) revealed wide ranges of variability.

      • 한국어 구절구조 규칙

        박기덕 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2002 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.29

        Traditional grammar uses the terms '어절', '구' and '절' in sentence analysis. Instead of these terms this study uses the term 'phrase' from transformational grammar. A sentence is formed by NP and VP, NP can govern another sentence, which in turn can govern MP(a modifier phrase(or phrases)). VP can govern an AP(an adverb phrase(or phrases)) and NP. These processes can be repeated. 1. Rules for the structure of NP 1) NP is structured on the basis of noun + particle(s). 2) NP is structured on the basis of demonstrative pronoun + number + noun + particle(s). 3) NP is structured on the basis of adverb + noun + particle(s). 4) NP is structured on the basis of verb stem + (nonfinal suffix) + nominalizing suffix+ particle(s). 2. Rules for the structure of MP 1) MP is stuctured on the basis of noun + possessive particle, The possessive particle can be omitted but the resulting phrase is capable of multiple interpretations. 2) MP is structured on the basis of a stative verb stem or an identifier (이다) verb stem + modifierizing suffix {-ㄴ} meaning completion or modifierizing suffix {-ㄹ} meaning presumption. 3) MP is structured on the basis of an active verb stem or an existence (있다) verb stem+{-ㄴ} or {-ㄹ} or {-는} meaning progression. 3. Rules for the structure of VP 1) VP is structured on the basis of a verb stem + (nonfinal suffixes) + final suffixes. Nonfinal suffixes follow a definite order. Final suffixes govern sentence forms and speech styles. 2) VP is structured on the basis of a verb stem+ (nonfinal suffixes) + connective suffixes. 4. Rules for the structure of AP 1) AP is structured on the basis of adverb + adverb. 2) AP is structured on the basis of noun + particles indicating time or place. 3) AP is structured on the basis of noun + adverb functioning suffixes. 4) AP is structured on the basis of a verb stem + adverbializing suffixes. 5) AP is structured on the basis of a verb stem+ connective suffixes that function as a subordinate phrase.

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