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        유다서의 우주론

        강대훈 한국복음주의신약학회 2013 신약연구 Vol.15 No.4

        The Epistle of Jude is among the most neglected books of the New Testament. However, Jude is important to have an understanding of the nature of false teachers and the eschatological mission of the church. The purpose of this study is to investigate the overall function of cosmology presented in Jude in order to appreciate its literary and theological strategy. In terms of how cosmology functions in Jude, I attempt to read the epistle as a whole and consider the Old Testament and Jewish apocalyptic traditions of cosmology (e.g., the heavenly world, the heavenly courtroom, and the places of punishment and mercy). A close reading of Jude’s cosmological language and how it functions in his narrative reveals first of all the problem and fate of the false teachers whose ethical libertinism is expressed as transgressed their proper places or overstepping their bounds (v. 6; cf. 1 En. 10:4-6). These false teachers, as dreamers, justified their lifestyle, by boasting that they received the divine revelation in the heavenly realm (vv. 8, 16, 18). It means that they blasphemed the glorious ones (the angels) in heaven, who functioned as the guardians of God’s law and the created order (vv. 8-10). The problem of the false teachers is seen by the distinction between their behavior and Michael who kept his proper position in the heavenly courtroom and who did not bring the verdict, God’s prerogative (v. 9). Like the fallen angels who are imprisoned in the place of darkness, the false teachers will be sent to the place of punishment which is represented by the images of darkness and fire (vv. 6,13, 23). The author implies the heavenly courtroom at the last judgement when the Lord comes with a myriad of angels (vv. 14b-15; cf. 1 En. 1:9;Dan 7:9-14; Matt 16:27). In contrast to the destiny of the false teachers and those who are influenced by them, those who wait for the mercy of the Lord will stand before his glorious presence with great joy which will be experienced in the heavenly court or throne room (v. 24). The eschatological mission of the readers is to snatch some from the place of punishment to the realm of great joy (vv. 23-24). The author thus repeatedly highlights the problem and fate of the false teachers and the eschatological mission of the church by using the structure of the cosmos as the spatial setting for his narrative plot and theology (e.g.,eschatology and salvation history). Jude’s use of cosmology for eschatology and soteriology manifests his Jewish apocalyptic worldview.

      • 에베소의 교회에 보낸 편지(요한계시록 2:1-7 주해)

        강대훈 한국성서고고학회 2019 성경과 고고학 Vol.- No.100

        본 논문의 목적은 계시록 2:1-7을 문법적, 역사적, 신학적인 관점에서 주해하는 것이다. 요한은 소아시아의 일곱 교회(의 천사)에 예수의 명령에 따라 편지를 보낸다. 첫 번째로 편지를 받는 에베소의 교회는 당대 가장 유명하고 혼합주의적인 도시에서 굳건히 진리를 수호했다. 우리는 역사적인 접근을 통해 당시 에베소가 어떤 지위에 있었는지 살펴봄으로써 에베소 교회의 싸움이 얼마나 힘든 일이었는지 가늠 할 수 있다. 그러나 진리 싸움에 이긴 교회의 자긍심이 어떻게 책망받을 일이 되는지 문학적, 신학적 접근으로 살펴보고자 한다. 우리는 구체적으로 본 단락의 주제를 파악하기 위해 분문과 번역, 문학적 구조, 에베소의 역사적 배경, 본문 주해의 순서로 접근할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        전자근관장측정기 Root ZX의 정확도에 관한 실험적 연구

        강대훈,정관희,윤수한,배광식 大韓齒科保存學會 1998 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro accuracy of Root ZX(Torita Co., Japan) which is the ratio type electronic apex locator. The 86 extracted human palatal roots of maxillary molar with fully formed apices were used. File lengths with the file tip just visible at the foramen were compared to those measured with Root ZX. For length measuring with Root ZX, saline test model with which the apical 1/3 of each root was submerged into normal saline were designed. The root canal lengths were determined with Root ZX and the radiographs were taken with a file in the canal. The distances from file tips of Root ZX lengths to apecies in radiographs also were measured with Profile projector PJ311(Mitutoyo Co., Japan). The results were as follows : 1. The root canal length determined with electronic apex locator was 0.78±0.53 mm shorter than the length with visual measurement. 2. The file tip of Root ZX lengths was located at 0.85±0.49 mm away from the apex in radiograph. 3. The accuracy of the Root ZX was 79.1% within 0.5mm of visual working length and 96.5% within 1.0mm.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        내본문적-상호본문적 접근을 통한 베드로전서의 우상숭배 모티프에 대한 연구

        강대훈 한국복음주의신학회 2019 성경과신학 Vol.92 No.-

        This study sheds fresh light on aspects of the idolatry motif in 1 Peter through an intratextual and intertextual analysis. The motif of “idolatry” is explicitly and implicitly seen in the letter though the term appears only once in 4:3. The intertextual link between 1 Peter 1:15 and Leviticus 19:2 implies that the idolatrous behavior (Lev 19:4) is contrasted with the love commandment (19:17-18). In 1 Peter 1:18 the motif of idolatry is also found in the expressions like “perishable things like silver or gold” and “futile” (ma,taioj; Lev 17:7; Isa 44:9; Jer 10:14-15). The intertextual relationship between 1 Peter 1:24-25 and Isaiah 40:6b-8 (LXX) also shows that the readers are encouraged to rely on the word of God, not the idolatrous power of the Roman Empire which is like grass. Further, the literary structure of 4:1-11 indicates that the life of lawless idolatry (v. 3, “past”) is in opposi- tion to “constant love for one another” (vv. 7-11, “present”) and will result in the divine judgment (vv. 5-6, “future”). 본 논문은 베드로전서에 나타난 우상숭배 모티프를 탐구하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 베드로전서에 있는 우상숭배 관련 본문 간의 상호관계를 검토하고(내본문적 접근), 구약 본문과 베드로전서 간의 신학적 관련성을 분석한다(상호본분적 접근). 이 분석을 통해 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 째, 수신자들이 욕망을 따라 살던 이전의 삶은 우상숭배적이었다(1:13-21). 우상숭배적인 삶은 거룩하신 하나님의 속성을 닮아 거룩해지는 것과 대조 된다. 베드로가 우상숭배의 용어를 1:14-16에 사용하지 않을지라도 그가 인용한 레위기 19:2의 넓은 문맥은 우상숭배와 이웃사랑의 개념을 대조한 다. 둘째, 베드로전서 1:22-25과 이사야 40:6b-8의 관계는 수신자들에게 로 마 제국이 아니라 하나님의 말씀을 의존할 것을 강조하고 하나님의 영원 한 말씀을 의존할 때 서로의 사랑(벧전 1:22-23)도 영원히 지속될 수 있음 을 가르친다. 셋째, 신자들은 과거 육체의 욕망을 따라 살았으나 이제는 사랑과 봉사를 실천해야 하고(4:7-11), 우상을 숭배했는지 아니면 이웃을 사랑했는지 여부는 미래의 심판으로 평가를 받는다(4:5-6). 마지막으로, 4:15의 “알로트리에피스코포스”(avllotriepi,skopoj)는 권위를 남용해서 남의 돈을 탐내는 행위를 암시하고, 이는 실제로 우상숭배가 범죄의 행위로 귀 결되는 예가 된다.

      • KCI등재

        Recent Researches on Steam Generation Heat Pump System

        강대훈,나선익,김민수 대한설비공학회 2017 International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refr Vol.25 No.4

        This paper reviews the latest researches on steam generation heat pump (SGHP) to cover diverse technologies to enhance the performance depending on its applications. High temperature heat pump that can produce steam was reviewed first, and SGHP which recovers waste heat from low grade heat source (evaporator) was outlined. Conventional waste heat recovery from many industrial sites was reviewed, and SGHP to produce higher temperature steam by re-compression after heat sink (condenser) was discussed.

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