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      • 기능적 전기 자극의 임상 적용에 관한 고찰

        조미숙,이윤미,박래준 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2005 再活科學硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        Functional Electrical Stimulation(FES) is a useful apparatus to activate paralyzed muscle resulting from upper moter neuron disease such as hemiplegia, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, etc. The purpose of FES, which contracts muscles by stimulating motor neuron with electric excitation, is used to strengthen weakened muscles, to decrease spasticity, to enhance the scope of joint mobility, or to control motor regulation. Recently, FES has been comprehensively used to control of the cardiovascular system, regulation of urinary and cystitis function, and breathing assistance along with the purposes of gate, standing, locomotion, etc. This review focused on the literature reporting application of FES to control respiratory capabilities and internal organ function as well as increase muscular strength, hand grasp, standing and walking in patients with upper motor diseases. 1. Walking : By applying FES, lower limb muscles can be stimulated to compensate for the drop foot problem of to generate the gate sequence in both legs while the muscles that facilitate balancing and posture during walking have to be voluntarily controlled by the patient. 2. Grasping : In supporting the hand function, the FES system should not interfere with the patient's preserved upper limb function. Furthermore, FES induced movements should not oppose natural joint movement and they have to respect the anatomy of bone and soft tissue composition. 3. Muscle strength and endurance : FES, which contracts muscles by stimulating motor neuron with electric excitation, is used to strengthen weakened muscles and to improve muscle endurance. 4. Internal organ function : FES will be used increasingly to improve the biood circulation, to provide bladder and bowel control, and to improve sexual function in disease of after traumatic injury. 5. Breathing ability : FES of abdominal muscles by surface electrode with inserting electric stimulation is effective to ventilatory support of spinal cord injury patients, who do not have neurologic injury and who have breathing ability. Electrical stimulation to abdominal muscles increases pressure of the abdomen by contracting abdominal muscles and pushing abdominal walls to inside whose action moves diaphragm to thoracic cavity. As a result, translocation of the diaphragm increases pleura pressure, decreases pulmonary volume and increases expiration. 기능적 전기 자극은 상위 운동신경원의 조절기능은 상실되었으나 하위 운동신경원이 정상적인 환자에게 적용되는 치료법으로 적은 양의 전기흐름을 주어 신경 활성화를 조절하는 분야로서, 전기적 흥분을 일으켜 원하는 운동신경섬유를 자극하여 근육을 수축시키는 것으로 신경근 전기 자극(Neuro-Muscular electrical stimulation, NMES)으로부터 시작되어 보통 약화된 근력의 강화, 경직의 감소와 관절가동범위의 증진 또는 수의적 운동조절의 향상을 목적으로 사용되어 왔다. 최근에는 기능적 전기 자극이 근력 강화, 지구력 강화, 관절 구축 방지, 이동, 기립, 보행 등의 일차적인 목적과 함께 심혈관계운동, 비뇨와 방광 기능의 조절과 호흡보조를 목적으로 사용되는 등 그 활용도는 점점 더 광범위해지는 추세이다. 이러한 점을 염두에 두고 본 연구는 상위 운동신경원 손상 시 기능적 전기 자극의 임상적 적용 가운데 특히 근래에 활발하게 이루어지고 있는 호흡분야를 포함한 여러 연구 동향을 문헌을 통해 고찰하였다. 1. 보행 : 기능적 전기 자극은 신경에 전기적 자극을 가해 마비된 근육의 수축을 유발함으로서 하지 마비환자가 보조기를 착용하지 않고도 기립 및 보행을 가능하게 한다. 2. 상지 기능 향상 : 집기 방법에 관계없이 손의 기능을 보조하기 위한 기능적 전기 자극의 적용은 환자가 보존하고 있는 상지 기능을 방해하지 않아야 하며, 기능적 전기 자극에 의해 유도되는 동작들은 관절의 실제 동작에 일치해야한다. 3. 근력과 지구력 : 신경에 전기 자극을 가하면 마비된 근육의 수축을 일으켜 근력강화를 시킬 뿐만 아니라 지속적인 적용은 근 지구력을 향상시킨다. 근 지구력 향상을 위한 기능적 전기 자극은 2형 근섬유를 1형 근섬유로 변화시킬 만큼 충분히 긴 기간동안 지속적으로 10Hz의 저주파수로 적용해야 한다고 보고되었다. 4. 내장기능 : 질병이나 외상 후 혈액 순환을 증진시키고 방광과 배변조절을 가능하게 하며 성기능을 향상시킨다고 보고하였다. 기능적 전기 자극에 의한 배변, 배뇨기능의 조절은 요도 합병증을 감소 및 예방할 뿐만 아니라 척수 손상자의 삶의 질을 향상시킨다. 5. 호흡능력 : 삽입식 전기 자극과 함께 표면 전극식 복부근육의 기능적 전기 자극은 신경학적으로 손상을 입지 않았거나 호흡능력이 있는 척수손상 환자의 환기보조에 효과적이다. 복부근육의 전기자극은 복부근육을 수축시켜 복벽을 내측으로 밀어 복부내압을 증가시킨다. 이는 횡격막을 흉강으로 이동시킨다. 이러한 횡격막의 전위는 결과적으로 흉막압을 증가시키고 폐용적을 감소시켜 호기를 증가시킨다.

      • 60세 이상 농촌노인의 일반적 특성과 교육수준이 한국판 MMSE 점수에 미치는 영향

        이윤미,조미숙,박래준 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2005 再活科學硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        Back ground : The becoming older in age society which is caused by with increase of average length of life shows the continuous increase of the old person population. Reasoning with chronic retrogression characteristic disease or the dementia which is caused by also the same spirit nervous school register disease is increasing together. But still the research against the system function evaluation regarding an old person disease or epidemiology investigation insufficient from our country. The research which it sees led the old person probably is, evaluation and the what kind of should have given an effect, it examined and the research to begin it enforced. Methods : Duration to the object September from to October until 2005 the Young-Cheon city Sinlyung in village, Ha-Yang a town visited and sixty clients. All over 60 years of age, were the objects of tests for cognition function using the Mini Mental Status Examination-Korea (MMSE-K). Results: 1)Signify were closely correlated in MMSE-K scores accounted by the public characteristic the same educational level, age and sex. 2)Educational levels were closely correlated with MMSE-K scores. More over higher a confuncianism more all any other illiteracy. 3)Men received higher MMSE-K scores than women, especially in the noneducated group and the elementary school failure group. In conclusion, readjust ments of MMSE-K scores for demo graphic variables. 1. 배 경 평균수명의 증가로 인한 고령화 사회는 노인 인구의 계속족인 증가를 나타내고 이로 인한 만성퇴행성 질환이나 치매와 같은 정신 신경학적 질환도 함께 증가하고 있다. 그러나 우리나라에서는 아직 노인질환에 대한 체계적인 여러 기능 평가에 대한 연구나 역학 조사가 미흡하다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 노인 인지도 평가를 통해 어떤 점이 영향을 미치는지에 대해 알아보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 2. 방 법 2005년 9월 초에서 10월 말까지 영천시 신령면, 하양읍을 방문하여 60세 이상의 노인 각 60명을 대상으로 인지기능의 검사로서 MMSE-K를 측정하여 비교, 분석하였다. 3. 결 과 1) 연령, 성별, 교육 수준 등 일반적 특성인 변인들에 의해 MMSE-K 점수 변이는 밀접한 상관관계를 나타내었다. 2) 교육 수준은 MMSE-K 점수와 밀접한 상관관계를 갖고 있으며 유학이 무학보다 유의성이 높았다. 3) 남자는 여자에 비해 MMSE-K 점수가 의미있게 높았으나 이 차이는 주로 무학 등 저학력 남녀 노인 간의 차이에서 나타난 것이며. 이는 남, 녀 간의 인지기능 점수의 차이가 생물학적인 근거에 의해 생기는 것이 아니라는 것을 말한다.

      • Improved Quality of Life through an Integrated Health Care Service for Children with Atopic Dermatitis

        ( Mi Rae Cho ),( Sun Hang Kim ),( Jung Hwa Shim ),( Soo Hyoung Lee ),( Hyun Jung Kim ),( Eun Sil Ko ),( Hyun Jung Lee ),( Chae Bong Kim ),( Ho Jang Kwon ),( Hye Yung Yum ) 한국피부장벽학회 2012 한국피부장벽학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory skin disease characterized by dry skin with severe itching Children with AD and their caregivers report itching, scratching, associated sleep disruption, irritability, anxiety, behavior problems. Moreover, AD places a significant economic burden on the patient, family and society. So, an integrated health care service can be useful to comprehensively evaluate triggers and response to treatment, address confounding factors including psychological problems, and educate patients and family. This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of integrated health care service in children with AD according to quality of life and clinical symptoms scores. From July, 2011 to December, 2011 134 children were referred from local health care office to Seoul Medical Center for management of atopic dermatitis. The questionnaire developed by the ``Atopy Free Seoul`` research project in 2008 was used for quality of life (QOL) survey, and SCORing of Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) was done at each visit. The study targets were 134 child patients with the average age of 6.11 years who suffer from atopic dermatitis and visit the hospital 2.01 times on average. It was found that the QOL scores of patients participated in our integrated health care service was reduced by 10.43 after treatment compared before intervention (p<0.0001). In 46 children among them, SCORAD also averagely decreased by 5.78 after treatment (p<0.0001). Moreover there is positive correlation between changes in scores of QOL and SCORAD of 46 patients (r=0.46, P<0.001). This results support the need for and feasibility of integrated care for children with AD and their families.

      • Effectiveness of the Educational Program in Atopy Camp

        조미래 ( Mi Rae Cho ),( So Young Hong ),( Ho Jang Kwon ),( Hye Yung Yum ),( Hyun Jung Kim ),( Soo Hyung Lee ),( Sung Eun Cho ),( Ha Na Cho ),( Ji Eun Jeon ),( Dong Koog Son ) 한국피부장벽학회 2010 한국피부장벽학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Atopic Dermatitis is a complicate disease that accompanies other allergic sicknesses and requires long-term treatment. Therefore, development of an educational program that focuses on management of the disease is needed. This research attempted to enhance the educational effects on patients with atopic dermatitis. Also, as a systematic method to reduce the time and money spent for a through education about the sickness, a concentrated "Atopic Dermatitis Camp" is held at a restricted area to reveal the effectiveness of Atopic Dermatitis camps and the necessity to develop camp education is discussed. This camp provided education and recreational programs on Atopic Dermatitis to those elementary school students who live in Seoul and wants to participate. Over 4 sessions, 151 students participated in the overnight camp. As for the result of the research, a 15-point-scale survey on the Atopic Dermatitis patients` knowledge on the sickness has shown a 10.64 average points before the camp and an 11.87 average after the camp. A statistically significant 1.23 points have risen. It is expected that education about the sickness through the Atopic Dermatitis camp had a positive effect on the patients `knowledge and also that this camp has been an opportunity to recognize the patients` desires to participate in the Atopic Dermatitis camp.

      • 족저근막염 환자의 미세전류발생 신발 착용이 족부 근피로 및 통증 완화에 미치는 영향

        박래준,최상준,조정선,이윤미,조용호,박소현,조미숙,Park, Rae-Joon,Choi, Sang-Joon,Cheng, Goh Ah,Cho, Jeong-Sun,Lee, Yoon-Mi,Cho, Yong-Ho,Park, So-Hyun,Cho, Mi-Suk 대한물리치료학회 2006 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        Purpose: This study was to investigate how induced microcurrent shoes affect relief of feet pain, which often occurs to persons who are more than fifty years old and how they prevent fatigue of feet generated during everyday life. The subjects of this study were comprised af five males and five females, who agreed with this research and ate more than fifty years old. And they all have plantar faciitis and pain in their feet. Methods: Subjects ware the induced microcurrent shoes far more than 4 hours everyday during the test. When they wore those shoes, they also wore the specially produced shacks made of silver-mixed thread and they were asked to avoid serious exercise. Prior to starting test and after the test, assessments were carried out two times. In the examination before the test, general shoes were used and in examination after the test, induced microcurrent shoes used. Muscle fatigue was measured by electromyography(MP150, Biopac, USA). When the walking rate of subjects on a treadmill was increased from 2.Km/h to 3Km/h for 10 minutes, muscle activities of a lower leg were measured during the whale walking process by MP150 remote monitoring system(TEL 100C). And pain was measured by VAS. Results: The results are as follows. 1. Comparisons of VAS before and after experimentation showed that degree of pain was significantly decreased(p < .05). 2. Degree of fatigue of Tibialis anterior was significantly decreased after 6 weeks of treatment(p < .05). 3. Degree of fatigue of Soleus was slightly decreased after 6 weeks of treatment, but did not show significant difference (p > .05). Conclusion: The above results suggest that induced microcurrent shoes is helpful decreasing fatigue of feet and relief of feet pain.

      • 미세전류발생 신발 착용이 만성 족저근막염 환자의 혈류량 변화에 미치는 영향

        이윤미,최상준,조미숙,조정선,조용호,박소현,박래준,Lee, Yoon-Mi,Choi, Sang-Joon,Cheng, Goh Ah,Cho, Mi-Suk,Cho, Jeong-Sun,Cho, Yong-Ho,Park, So-Hyun,Park, Rae-Joon 대한물리치료학회 2006 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how induced microcurrent shoes influenced changes of the blood circulation in patients with Plantar Fasciitis. Methods: Initially, the subjects were comprised of 5 males and 5 females, who agreed with this research and are more than fifty years old, but 4 of those were dropped during the experiment. They all have plantar fasciitis and pain on their feet. Subjects wore the induced microcurrent shoes for more than 4 hours everyday during 4 weeks. When they wore those shoes, they also wore the specially produced shocks made of silver-mixed thread and they were asked to avoid intense exercise. Assessments were carried out before and after walking on a treadmill and we measured changes between the test before and after 4 weeks. In the examination of the before test, general shoes were used, and in the examination of the after test, induced microcurrent shoes were used. Temperature difference was measured by thermograpy DOREX spectrum 9000MB(USA). Subjects walked total 20 minutes and during gait, the walking rate on a treadmill was increased from 2Km/h to 3Km/h after 10 minutes. We measured plantar temperature by thermograpy especially both heel, 1st, and 5th metatarsal areas. Results: Firstly, in comparison of the blood circulation on the left and right foot at 0 week and 4 weeks, it tended toward increasing blood circulation but there was. no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). Secondly, in comparison of the blood circulation before and after treadmill with the induced microcurrent shoes, the blood circulation of the heel and the 5th area on the right foot was increased to all subjects(p<0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that subjects showed tendency to increase blood circulation in both right and left feet after wearing microcurrent shoes and specially after walking treadmill at 4 weeks. Therefore induced microcurrent shoes are useful to improve blood circulation for patients with plantar fasciitis.


        In Vitro Selection of Hammerhead Ribozymes with Optimized Stems Ⅰand Ⅲ

        Cho, Bong Rae,Lee, Young Hoon,Park, In Won,Kim, Ha Dong,Kim, Se Mi,AHN, JEONG KEUN,Sim, So Yeong 생화학분자생물학회 1999 BMB Reports Vol.31 No.2

        A pool of cis-acting hammerhead ribozymes randomized in their substrate recognition sequences was constructed. A variety of active cis-acting ribozymes which had various structures of stems Ⅰ and Ⅲ was selected from the pool by in vitro selection. The selected ribozymes were cloned and sequenced. The relationship between the cleavage efficiency and basepairing in stems Ⅰ and Ⅲ of the selected ribozymes was investigated. The ribozymes with the smaller difference in folding energies between the active conformation and the stable but inactive conformation showed a tendency to have the better cleavage efficiency. The optimum length of stem Ⅰ was 5 or 6 bases while the longer stem Ⅲ, in general, appeared to be required for efficient cleavage. The specificity of the ribozyme reaction is discussed in terms of the length of stems Ⅰ and Ⅲ.

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