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        崔康賢 弘益大學校 1974 弘大論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        1. The inherited verse in the literary in the history of Korean classics is in a unique style literature. 2. The inherited verse belongs to the category of poetic literature as literary janre. 3. The inherited verse can be classified into two kinds of verses such as lyrical emotional one and description didactical one. 4. Hwa-Yang Byeol-gog is a kind of sage worshipping verse. 5. The present inherited sage worshipping verse are Dog-Nag-Dang of Park In-Ro(1561~1642), Hwa-Yang Byeol-gog of Jeong Jae-Moon(1756~1819), Do-San Byeol-gog of Cho Shung-Shin(1765~1834). 6. Hwa-Yang Byeol-gog is a work with which Song Shi-Yeol(1607~1689), the head of KiHo(畿湖) scholars was worshipped. 7. The writer of Hwa-Yang Byeol-gog is Jeong Jae-Moon, Poet of king Soon Jo's era(1801~1834). 8. The written data of Hwa-Yang Byeol-gog is approximately between 1800~1819 A.D. 9. Hwa-Yang Byeol-gog can not beclassified an excellent work of poetic description but it in a kind of refined literary work of an appropriate style of verse.

      • KCI등재

        Bloom의 교육목표분류학에 대한 비판과 그 대안 탐구 : 일선 교사들의 인터뷰를 중심으로 On the Basis of the Teacher's Interview

        강현석,정재임,최윤경 경북대학교사범대학부속 중등교육연구소 2005 중등교육연구 Vol.53 No.1

        본 연구는 두 가지의 모티브로 시작되었다. 하나는 Bloom이 오래 전에 제안한 교육목표 분류학에 대한 현장 교사들의 반응에 대한 구체적 대안 찾기이며, 다른 하나는 교육목표분류학에 대한 최근의 일련의 개정 작업에서 발견되는 Bloom에 대한 대안의 모색이다. 교육목표분류학은 교육의 과정에서 중요한 도구로 기능을 해오고 있다. 도구는 항상 새롭게 만들어져야 한다. 학문적 논의와 현장의 실천적 노력에서 보다 정교하게 보완하고 그 대안을 모색 할 때가 되었다. 그것은 실제 수업이나 교사양성의 맥락에서 보다 구체화되어 적용되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 그 작업의 일환으로 교사의 인터뷰와 몇 가지 대안을 단서로 하여 하나의 가능한 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 학교교육의 중핵으로서 교육과정, 교수·학습, 평가의 문제는 교육목표분류학의 이론적 논의와 현장 실천의 문제가 연계되어야 하는 숙제를 안고 있다. This study starts with two kinds of motive. One is searching for practical alternatives of teachers' responses in service about Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Bloom suggested. The other is exploring alternatives of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives recently. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives has functioned as a crucial instrument on the process of education. This kind of instrument should be made as a newer one. It is time this instrument should be made as a newer one. It is time this instrument were made to be revised precisely and alternatives of that were explored through disciplinary discourse and practical efforts in service. It should be applied to be specified in the context of instruction and cultivating teachers. The study has tried to suggest possible alternatives on the basis of teachers' interview and some Taxonomy of Educational Objectives as a clue. A matter of curriculum, teaching · learning , and evaluation should be considered in connection with theoretical discussion on Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and a practical matter in service.

      • 四君子의 文學的 考察(Ⅰ) : 主로 梅花를 中心하여 / Mainly on the Plum-tree Blossom

        崔康賢 弘益大學校 1975 弘大論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        The Four Honourable Plants, in therms of Arts, are the four kinds of Plum-tree, Orchid, Chrysanthemum and Bamboo in the Far East. These plants are always appreciated highly from ancient time as symbols of grace and nobility by being drawn in black coloured brush drawing. People always have been enjoying the artistical atmosphere of the drawing hung on the wall of scholars' reading rooms. These are blossoms, except bamboo and therefore these became creative objects for literary writers. This study concerns on the differences appeared between the phase of being drewn and being written about plum-tree blossoms. As a result of my research, I came to conclude that the atmosphere of drawn plum-tree is sensory, whereas the description of literary works about plum-tree is symbolic. Also the great difference is that while the plum-tree in black coloured brush drawing is a kind of lonely plum-tree of genuinely graceful nobility, the plum-tree described in the literary works are the metaphors of the characters such King, an unworldly man, man of Principles, Lover, and people of sensual feeling in spring season.

      • 四君子의 文學的 考察(Ⅱ) : With Emphasis on the Orchid 主로 蘭을 中心하여

        崔康賢 弘益大學校 1976 弘大論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        It requires a high skill to cultivate the orchid of good quality, as it has a very particular nature as plant. The orchid is popular for its appearance. It is most difficult for artist to draw the picture of an orchid among the Four Honourable Plants. In ink painting, orchid is mainly concerned with the repersentation of natural appearnace of objects. Orchid has been not so much frequently described in literature, if compared with the other Honourable Plants. In literature, orchid is described as the symbols of spirit, justice, beauty, scholarship as well as race, and etc. It becomes a main reason of naiming orchid one of the four Honorable Plants in the Far East that orchid has such mentioned symbolic characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        DBME(Discipline-Based Music Education)에 의한 음악과 교육과정의 비판적 분석과 발전 방향 탐색

        최윤경,강현석 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교육과학연구소 2005 교육과학연구 Vol.36 No.2

        오늘날 음악 교육은 입시 위주의 교육 정책, 국가 경쟁력의 강화라는 표어 아래에서 학교 당국과 교사, 학생, 학부모에게 부담스러운 과목으로 외면당하고 있으며, 음악 교육의 가치와 당위성마저 흔들리는 위기에 직면해 있다. 이러한 위기는 현재까지의 음악 교육이 일반적으로 ‘음악 이론과 기능을 가르치고 음악 활동을 하는 교과’로 인식되어 왔고, 음악과 교육과정 역시 ‘이해해야 할 지식’과 ‘경험해야 할 행위와 활동’을 단순히 나열하고 있었기 때문이라고 할 수 있다. 우리나라와 비슷한 위기에 직면했던 미국은 예술 교육의 정상화를 위해 미술교육에서 DBAE(Discipline-Based Art Education) 이론을 개발하였고, DBAE의 연구 결과에 기초하여 음악 교육의 문제를 해결하고자 연구된 것이 DBME(Discipline-Based Music Education)이다. 이에 본 연구는 DBME의 역사적 배경, 목적과 내용, 특징을 살펴보고, 이를 통해 현행 음악과 교육과정을 비판적으로 분석하였으며, 향후 음악과 교육과정이 ‘사회적?역사적?문화적 맥락을 고려’하고, ‘사고와 탐구 활동을 강조’하고, ‘디지털 중심의 사회적 변화를 수용’하는 음악과 교육과정으로 발전하여야 함을 제안하였다. Today, music education is a burden to teachers, students and parents and music is recognized to difficult subject. The reason is why the purpose of education changes into the university entrance and the policy of economic growth has precedence. So, The value of music education have faced at risk. The reason is that music education was recognized by subject matter that teaches music theory and function and does music activity until now. And music curriculum lists knowledge to understand, and activity to experience. The United States of America that faced at risk similar our country developed DBAE(Discipline-Based Art Education) theory in art education to solve problem of art education. DBME(Discipline-Based Music Education) is based on DBAE and studied to solve problem of music education. DBME involves music-making, musical history, musical aesthetics and musical criticism. Each of these disciplines are related and integrated to provide students with a balance understanding of works of music. This study examines historical background, purpose, contents, characteristic of DBME for theoretical explanation. Through this, current music curriculum is analyzed critically. And the direction of music curriculum is presented as following. So Music curriculum that accommodates engineering, considers social, historical, cultural context, and emphasizes thinking ability is emphasized in the next music curriculum revision.

      • 기행가사의 유형적 고찰(類形的考察) : 주로 유배가사(類配歌辭)를 중심하여 With main reference to Yubae Kasa(verses of exile)

        최강현 弘益大學校 1980 弘大論叢 Vol.12 No.-

        It is the purpose of this article to review and compare twopieces of verses of exile which fall into similar category under Kihaeng Kasa. They are Man Eon Sa(萬言詞) and Bung Cheon Ga(北遷歌). Man Eon Sa was written in the early part of the 18th century and Bug Cheon Ga toward the close of the same century. In reviewing and comparing these two a number of observations may be made. In terms of backgrounds of the authors, the author of the former didn't pass the civil service examination and held the position of Dae-Jeon Byulgam (a ranking service man in the royal palace), which the writer of the latter was a statesman who had passed the civil service examination and had the authority to redress the King's abuses. As for the reasons for their exiles, the former had committed a crime of embezzling public funds, while the latter was a political offender who had displeased his soverign by involving himself in strifes of various rivalfactions. In respect to the place of exile, sent to an affluent region of the northernland. In terms of the life of exile, the former tosted the bitters of life, while the latter didn't sufferhardships at all and on the contrary enjoyed all shorts of discipating entertainments offered to him during his exile. The former repented his crime through hard life during the exile, while the latter inudulged in sarcasm based on his life experiences during the exile to be boastful especially to female.

      • 四君子의 文學的 考察(Ⅲ) : 主로 菊花를 中心으로 Mainly on the Chrysanthemums

        崔康賢 弘益大學校 1983 弘大論叢 Vol.15 No.1

        This study deals with the differences between the phases of being drawn and being written about chrysanthemums. As a result of my research, I came to conclude that the atmosphere of drawn chrysanthemums are realistic, whereas the description of literary works about chrysanthemums are symbolic. The chrysanthemums described in the literary works are the metaphors of the characters such as a fairy, an anchoret, a faithful retainer, a feast of poetry party and people of sensual feeling in autumn season.

      • KCI등재

        초등과학영재학급 학생의 학습양식과 과학탐구능력 간의 상관관계

        최선영,송현정,강호감 한국초등과학교육학회 2005 초등과학교육 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between the learning styles and science process skills of students of the gifted class in elementary school. Subjects were forty-eight students of the gifted class who are in the fifth grade studying at the gifted class of S elementary school in Bucheon, M and Y elementary school in Incheon on learning styles and science process skills of students. Learning Style Profile (LSP) was used as instrument to survey learning style of students of the gifted class which was developed by NASSP, and consists of four categories (cognitive skills, perceptual response, orientation and learning preferences) and twenty-four subscales. The results of this study were as follows: 1. In the learning styles test, students of the gifted class have higher scores of spatial skill, sequential processing skill, persistence orientation, manipulative preference, temperature preference and after-noon preference than general class students, but they have lower scores of discrimination skill and lighting preference, and there were statistically significant difference. 2. In science process skills test, there were statistically significant difference between students of the gifted class and general students. 3. In the correlation between the learning styles and science process skills, there was positive correlation of observing skill with spatial skill and manipulate skill of cognitive skill domain. For classifying skill, there was positive correlation with visual perceptual response, but was negative correlations with auditory and emotive perceptual response of perceptual response domain and with evening preference and verbal risk orientation of study preference domain. For measuring skill, there was positive correlation with sequential processing skill of cognitive skill domain. For formulating hypotheses, there was positive correlation with persistence orientation of study preference domain. For controlling variables, there was positive correlation with sequential processing skill and simultaneous processing skill of cognitive skill domain, and with verbal-spatial preference and early morning study preference of study preference domain. When planning and man-aging the gifted class, it will be beneficial and effective to consider the meaningful relations between the elements of learning style and science process skills in order to improve science process skills.

      • 賞春曲과 不憂軒集 硏究

        崔康賢 弘益大學校 1984 弘大論叢 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to confirm 'Sangchoonkog's writer. So far, the Sangchoonkog(Hymn of the spring) is considered one of the Masterpieces of the fifteenth century. But some expert in this particular field have recently denied it to be created in the fifteenth century. The Sangchoonkog is contained in the Boolwooheonjib(不憂軒集). The Boolwooheonjib is a collection of Boolwooheon Jeong, Keug-in's litterary works. The results of the study are as the follows. 1. Boolwooheonjib was published in collected form by his descendants 305 years after his decease. 2. There are many difference between Boolwooheon's personality in the Boolwooheonjib and author of Sangchoonkog. 3. Boolwooheon is not a habitual drinker but a Confucianist to the core. 4. The author of the Sangchoonkog is a habitual drinker and a classical scholar. 5. Therefore, The Sangchoonkog was not written by Boolwooheon Jeong, Keug-in.

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